The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 174: The strong man in the human world


Looking at the old man's hand holding the pen, Zhang Yang suddenly had the illusion that this kind of hand should be more suitable for holding a gun. www.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.coM


The old man's piece of work was finished, and Zhang Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Watching the old man write was a cruel punishment, especially for a person like Zhang Yang who had deep attainments in calligraphy. Looking at the old man's handwriting, It was so painful, almost abusive.

"How's it going?" The old man gently put the brush away and unfolded the rice paper for Zhang Yang to see, with a proud look on his face, not at all unhappy as the hostess said.

"Ahem... not bad..." Zhang Yang looked at the calligraphy work and could only say yes with his conscience.

"Haha... Haha... Young man, you are not good at flattering. You should say that although Mr. Liu's handwriting is not very good, it has a different flavor. There is a wildness between the lines..." The old man laughed and held rice paper in his hand. Crush it into a ball and throw it in the wastebasket.

"..." Zhang Yang sweated profusely. He was preparing to say this in his heart, but because the old man's calligraphy was so poor, he couldn't say it, so he gave up.

"I heard that your calligraphy is very good?" the old man asked, putting away his smile.

"It's okay, but I haven't written for a long time."

"Well, writing is like practicing boxing. If you leave it for a long time, you won't find the feeling anymore. If you have time, write more and it will be of great help to your mood." The old man nodded and tidied up the desk a little. Indicated to Zhang Yang to drink tea.

"Mr. Liu's hand is not suitable for holding a pen, but is better suited for holding a gun." Zhang Yang took a sip of tea. The tea was brewed by the hostess. Although it was only a little warm, it gave people a feeling of concentration and tranquility.

"..." The old man was stunned and silent for a while, "Haha, yes, these hands are more suitable for holding a gun than a pen, but I don't know if there is any hope of holding a gun again in this life."

The old man's face suddenly showed a trace of loneliness, a trace of loneliness, and a trace of nostalgia...

It seemed that Zhang Yang's words aroused his thoughts and aroused his military ambitions.

"Mr. Liu. I've let you down, I've given up." Finally, Zhang Yang faced his own problem.

"Are you sure?" Mr. Liu seemed to already know the result.

"Yes, sure." Zhang Yang nodded. He was full of strong curiosity about this old man named Liu Qingshan. He had carefully looked for clues about this person, but there was no sign that this old man had ever been an official. Instead, there was a lot of evidence that showed that this old man was also from the underworld. A few years ago, the old man was a member of a small mercenary group.

However, he was such an ordinary and extremely ordinary figure, and he was actually able to contain Maimaiti's power. Let Maimaiti not get involved in anything in the Z market.

It was such an ordinary person that he was able to have a general come to visit him and even invite him to have a drink with the current national leader.

Everything is full of incredible.

but. This is real. In Zh City, the influence of the elderly has reached an extent that cannot be increased. In recent days, Zhang Yang had a particularly deep feeling. A single phone call from the old man could change the fate of countless people. Even people like Brother Dao and Ma Pihu were manipulated by him without even realizing it.

"Well, it's surprising, but it's also expected. What surprised me most this time was Brother Dao. I didn't expect that Brother Dao was such a character. I had underestimated him before. Hey, it seems that I really I’m getting old…”

The old man put a laptop on the coffee table, opened it and started playing the video.

Looking at the camera on the monitor, Zhang Yang broke into a cold sweat. The scene here was actually a scene inside the warehouse. Every action and every detail could be seen clearly.

If this was evidence, it would be enough for Zhang Yangdao and the others to shoot him several times. Zhang Yang felt that his back was soaked. This old man's information had reached a level of pervasiveness.

"Don't worry, this video will not be leaked." The old man glanced at Zhang Yang and smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu."

"No, this is the beginning of my promise to you. However, I really want to know why you want to give up. Brother Dao has surrendered to you. It is said that ruffian Cai has reached an agreement with Brother Dao. In other words, in fact, you have already surrendered to you. The underground forces that control the entire city of Zh, why do you want to give up the power at your fingertips at this time?" The old man's eyes suddenly became bright.

"Zh city has never fallen into my hands, never before, and never will in the future. Brother Dao is the real underground king of Zh city. Brother Dao is just submissive because of Mao Yunhua. He has not surrendered to me. Brother Dao is a A person worthy of my admiration, so I chose to quit. I don’t want to have conflicts with Brother Dao, and I also cherish my friendship with Mao Renguo.”

"Haha, there should be more than this reason, continue!" the old man laughed.

"No more." Zhang Yang shook his head.

"Yes, tell me." The old man was very stubborn.

"..." Zhang Yang was speechless.

"If you think about it carefully, you will find that Brother Dao is only one of the reasons. However, it is definitely not because of Brother Dao that makes you decide to give up. Think about it carefully." The old man took a sip of tea and smiled, staring closely with his eyes. He looked at Zhang Yang, as if he wanted to see through Zhang Yang's internal organs.

"I..." Zhang Yang sighed, and he found that he actually felt like he had nothing to hide in front of this old man.

"If you don't say it, let me tell you, you are afraid of becoming the second Brother Dao, because Brother Dao's power is already very terrifying in Zz City, but he still cannot escape the fate arranged by others. You subconsciously reject this This kind of fate, do you think, even if Brother Dao surrenders to you, Zh City will never be your sphere of influence. There are too many hidden forces that can instantly change the power of Zh City. For example, I just need a phone call to immediately You can make influential figures like Ma Pihu, Dao Brother, and Ruffian Cai vanish into thin air. The strength they have worked hard to build all their lives is not as good as a phone call from me... You have seen through the essence of the matter, so you give up..." The old man talked eloquently. .

"So be it." Zhang Yang sighed. When he saw Brother Dao's loneliness, he felt inexplicably anxious. Will Brother Dao's present be his future? Zhang Yang has been thinking about this issue for a long time. long time.

Brother Dao has no background. And what about yourself? Nothing!

Brother Dao's rights and power are not what Zhang Yang wants.

If anyone is unhappy that day. Or if you encounter Brother Dao's current situation, then Brother Dao's exit will be his Zhang Yang's end.

This makes Zhang Yang very uncomfortable. He doesn't like the feeling of having his destiny controlled by others. This feeling is very bad. In Ma Pihu's warehouse, before Brother Dao arrived, Zhang Yang felt helpless. Zhang Yang didn't want this situation to happen to him again.

"Then what are your plans?" The old man did not continue to ask the question.

"I don't know. I don't have a target for the time being. All I need to do is avoid Maimaiti's pursuit, and then establish my own power, strong enough to compete with Maimaiti."

"Well, Maimaiti is nothing to mention. Although he is a bit powerful, it won't be so easy for him to kill you." The old man smiled.

"Why?" Zhang Yang couldn't help asking, for Zhang Yang. The more he gets to know Maimaiti, the more he realizes that Maimaiti's power is so terrifying that even ten sword brothers combined cannot compare with Maimaiti.

"Maimaiti has now encountered a very serious crisis. He has no time to worry about you. Moreover, the killer organization of the Mythical Age has clearly announced on the Internet that it refuses to hunt you, so... some Famous killers will also treat Maimaiti's rewards carefully. After all, there must be many secrets hidden in the business that was rejected in the mythical era. The average killer just wants money and does not want to be involved in the conspiracy of some forces. Of course, We don’t rule out the possibility that some little killers will come after you just for the sake of fame.”

"Why is the Age of Mythology announced publicly?" Zhang Yang asked in surprise.

"Haha, I also want to know the reason. This is the first time in the history of the Age of Mythology that such a notice has been issued to explicitly refuse hunting. It seems that you are not simple at all, and you actually let the boss of the Age of Mythology issue such an order."

Looking at the incredulous expression on the old man's face, Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel a little confused. They seemed to have nothing to do with the Mythical Age killer organization. He couldn't think of the reason why the boss of the Mythical Age would issue such an order.

You know, issuing this order has many meanings. The Mythical Age Killer Organization is almost at the pinnacle of the killer world. There is no need to announce whether they will accept any business. After some killers see this announcement, their first reaction is to An association that they have some kind of relationship with the mythical age.

Undoubtedly, this news is good news for Zhang Yang. The feeling of being targeted by a killer is very, very bad.

"By the way, I want you to forward this post to the general." Zhang Yang took out the war post from his body and handed it to the old man.

"You're not going to Beijing?" The old man was stunned and did not accept the invitation.

"If I don't go, there's no point in going."

"You accepted this war post and killed the person who sent it. You have to send this post." The old man said with a bitter smile.

"Ah... why?"

"The two countries are fighting without killing the envoys. You have already killed the messenger. The feud has been settled. Why do you want me, the old man, to get involved?"

"But...but...this has nothing to do with me, it's just a transfer..."

Zhang Yang immediately realized that something was wrong. A post that people like Mr. Liu didn't dare to accept was actually accepted by him. It seemed that the other party was definitely not a simple person.

"If the messenger doesn't die, of course there will be no problem. The key point is that the messenger is already dead. I want to live for a few more years, so don't worry about this kind of thing on my head." The old man pushed Zhang Yang's hand away with a wry smile. When I went back, I didn't even touch the war sticker.

"Then... what should we do?" Zhang Yang suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis when he saw the old man's expression. "There is no way. No one in this world will be willing to help you except for you to deliver the letter to the general. You have provoked a person who is thousands of times more powerful than Maimaiti. Now, only the general can There is a way to save you..." The old man sighed.

"Ten thousand times more powerful than Maimaiti..." Zhang Yang felt a chill running down his spine.

"Actually, there is no comparison. In that person's eyes, Maimaiti is not even an ant. Of course, that person, including me, will not take him seriously. People who can be taken seriously by him , there will not be more than twenty in this world, and the general is one of them!"

A burst of cold sweat broke out on Zhang Yang's forehead. He never thought that he would get into such big trouble just by handing over a war sticker.

"Mr. Liu, Brother Dao killed the man. Will that person find Brother Dao?" Zhang Yang was very worried about Brother Dao's safety.

"No, no one knows that Brother Dao killed him. He will only look for clues from this post, and now, the post is in your hands, so... eh... "

"Mr. Liu. What kind of person is Dahe?"

"A Japanese. Not much older than you. He is the only genius that has appeared in Japan for more than a hundred years. No! He is a genius among geniuses... Well, forget it, there are some things that I have to tell you sooner or later, why not tell you now, you It’s good to be mentally prepared.”

Mr. Liu took a sip of tea, his eyes filled with emptiness, as if he was reminiscing about the lost years. finally. After thinking for a while, Mr. Liu spoke.

"In human beings, there is a group of special geniuses who are proficient in calculations and proficient in various languages. They are good at discovering ancient martial arts clues from some classics. They have made their own progress through decades or even hundreds of years. The body has evolved to the pinnacle of the human body. Such people are very, very rare. After the Second World War, there are even fewer such people... "

Zhang Yang's brows twitched. He was a genius in calculation and language. He looked for clues from classics. Isn't this what he was talking about

"How much?" Zhang Yang asked impatiently.

"More than twenty, there are no specific statistics. Although it is difficult to produce a genius, such talents will still appear occasionally, and you are also showing this trend of development."

"How many such geniuses are there in China?" This is the question that Zhang Yang is most concerned about.

"In fact, geniuses should not be used to describe them. There is a very powerful word: strong! In China, the country with the most strong people, Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, India and other Asian countries more or less have one or two , China has the largest number of people, more than ten, and Japan has the least, based on the proportion of population, just one, Dahe... "

"One..." Zhang Yang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, one is not many, but if this person is a genius among geniuses, then one is enough. Eighteen years ago, there was a super strong man in Japan, but in the end, he was killed by a Chinese Someone was hunted in Mount Fuji, and that person was Taiga’s master. In fact, the name Taiga was just after his master’s name, and his master was also named Taiga!”

"Who can hunt the strong?" Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly lit up. He thought of the magical power of the man in the park, and he really couldn't think of anyone else who could defeat that kind of god-like existence.

"This person..." The old man suddenly paused and sighed: "If we are equivalent to the existence of ants in the eyes of those strong people, then those strong people are also the existence of ants in the eyes of that person..."

"Who is it?" Zhang Yang's body suddenly stood up, a kind of fanatical spark appeared in his eyes.

However, the old man's words were like a basin of cold water poured on Zhang Yang's head.

"It's getting late. You should rest early. I'll find a way to deliver the battle patch to the general myself. There's no rush anyway. There are still nearly three months. In addition, you have to remember why Maimaiti killed you. Immortality is not because of how powerful you are or how lucky you are, but because you are most likely to become the first strong person to appear in these twenty years. A strong person... haha... not one will emerge in a hundred years, so there are many Power protects you intentionally or unintentionally. I am afraid that you will die young. Think twice before doing things, just like this..." The old man closed his eyes gently and ended the conversation.

"Oh..." Zhang Yang looked disappointed.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you something." The old man suddenly called to Zhang Yang who had already walked out of the door.

"Ah... what's going on?" Zhang Yang was excited. Could it be that the old man had figured it out and wanted to tell him some secrets.

"Do you know why Dahe can become a strong man at such a young age?"

" would I know...?"

"Haha, Taiga's success is certainly due to his talent and intelligence, but a large part of the reason is because behind him, there is the Emperor's family and the Yamaguchi-gumi as a strong financial backing. A genius does not have strong human and material resources to back him up. , it is also difficult to become a strong person, so you are still far, far away from becoming a strong person... "

"Are financial and material resources necessarily related to becoming strong?" Zhang Yang was stunned.

"Haha, think about it for yourself, and you will gradually understand each other. According to the information I have, every powerful person left in the world has a rich and powerful background. Well, see you in Beijing!"

Zhang Yang was speechless. He didn't want to go to Beijing. It seemed that he really went to Beijing for this war post.

When Zhang Yang walked out of the villa, he was still in a trance.

He still couldn't understand that strong people and wealth were linked.

Zhang Yang had a feeling of worrying about gains and losses. He learned many secrets from the old man's mouth, and he also knew that he was likely to become a strong man who rarely appeared in a hundred years. At the same time, Zhang Yang also knew that he and a strong among the strong had no reason. Forged a hatred to kill the messenger.

Anyway, if there are too many fleas, they won’t be itchy. We already have the enemy Maimaiti, so it doesn’t matter if there is one more river. There is no way a master-level figure would come all the way to China to hunt down a small person like him!

Finally, I returned to the rental house in a daze and with random thoughts. It was already early in the morning, Liu Biao had already gone to bed, and Aze was still standing on the balcony.

"Aze, what's wrong?" Zhang Yang recently found that Aze was getting more and more worried.

"I want to go home." Aze sat on the sofa with a blank expression.

"Well, can you tell me?" Zhang Yang nodded.

"My brother's second anniversary." Aze's face was expressionless, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

There was a silence, an oppressive silence.

No wonder Aze has been out of his mind lately. It turns out that his brother's second anniversary is coming soon.

Through recent contacts, Zhang Yang has learned about Aze’s family. Aze lost his parents when he was very young, and he and his brother depended on each other. The two brothers had a good relationship. Aze’s brother worked for Alimu and lived a good life. Xiaokang, at that time, Aze was still studying. After Aze's brother died, everything changed...

Aze dropped out of school and embarked on a path to avenge his brother...

This is an extremely difficult journey for a teenager. In the past two years, apart from kebabs, Aze spent almost all his time on his waist knife.

There is no doubt that Aze is a child with a terrifyingly strong will. In the end, he succeeded. Although this success had an element of publicity, he still achieved his goal.

"Is there anything else tomorrow?" Aze suddenly asked.

"No… "

"Well, okay, I'll go find Brother Dao tomorrow morning!" Aze walked into his room after leaving a few words. (Quanben Novel Network