The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 183: Idol!


In fact, there was a reason why Feng asked this question, because when Zhang Yang spoke softly to the woman, the woman was first surprised and then angry. w Ww\QuanBeN-XiaoShuo/c om

"Actually, I didn't say anything. I just told her that if she didn't get out of the way, I would crush her to death." Zhang Yang said calmly.

"I understand!" Zhang Yun said suddenly.

"Understand what?" Feng asked.

"Zhang Yang first told her that he was going to crush her to death. It was to give her a reaction. After all, the Hummer is too fast. If you are not mentally prepared, it is difficult to avoid it. Also, Zhang Yang's brother backed up the car more than a hundred meters. In fact, it is to attract the attention of those people and give them a buffer." Zhang Yun analyzed proudly.

"Haha, that's right. I'm actually not sure if they are prostitutes, so I can only give them a warning, because even if they are not prostitutes, they will usually get out of the way after receiving my warning. Few people can face threats to their lives calmly.”

"What if they are not pro-democracy elements, but ordinary herdsmen?" Feng's eyes were fixed on Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang, who was driving, couldn't see Feng's eyes in the rearview mirror, but he could feel Feng's eyes. It's a kind of mental pressure.

"My friend is in danger, so no matter who it is, as long as it blocks my way, either he will die or I will die."

Zhang Yang's light tone was full of suffocating pressure, and Feng and Zhang Yun couldn't help but feel a chill running down their spines. This was definitely a crazy person, and the murderous intent in his light tone made them all feel palpitations.

Both Feng and Zhang Yun have killed people, and it is a common thing for them to let a life disappear, but. They cannot achieve the level of Zhang Yang who treats ordinary people's lives like ants.

There is no comparison. Feng and Zhang Yun have strong backgrounds and have never been wronged. However, Zhang Yang is different. He was hunted down by Maimaiti and did not have a good night's sleep. Without a good meal, the mental pressure was already on the verge of collapse. Coupled with the killings along the way, Zhang Yang's murderous intention became more and more serious.

certainly. What Zhang Yang is most worried about now is the safety of Liu Biao and Azedi. Judging from the time, Liu Biao and the others had already passed before the woman blocked the traffic with the lamb. So, Liu Biao is now most likely to encounter the rebels.

"Feng, your surname is Wang?" Zhang Yang, who had been silent and driving like crazy, suddenly asked.

"Hmm. How do you know... Oh... Haha. I said it myself." Feng was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"Since Wang Yan is your sister, your surname must be Wang." Zhang Yang nodded.

"It's hard to say. I won't have a last name for the time being. As for what my last name is, I can't decide. However, many people call me Wang Feng now." Feng said.

"Why?" Zhang Yang couldn't help but be a little curious.

"This question can't be answered. Don't ask this question in the future. It's very complicated. No one will answer you. That's it. This topic ends here. Let's talk about these things. Sigh... Sometimes. I really don't understand. Obviously Xinjiang has been China's territory since ancient times, why do these separatist forces appear?" Wang Feng said a little depressed.

"You don't care about politics?" Zhang Yang asked.

"I don't care. I just care about my martial arts. Politics is not a passion." Wang Feng's face returned to indifference. It seemed that he was not interested in politics.

"There is nothing wrong with Xinjiang being our territory. However, because Xinjiang is a relatively large area inhabited by ethnic minorities in the country, the liberation of Xinjiang harmed the vested interest groups at the time. Therefore, after the liberation, some forces will clamor, and some countries will Containing China's development also adds fuel to the flames, providing funds, intelligence, and even training bases. As one of the five standing members of the world, China is the only country that still has territory that is divided outside. Although successive leaders are committed to regaining However, due to the intervention of various international forces, after the recovery of Hong Kong and Macau, Taiwan has not yet been recovered. Fortunately, the people of Taiwan have become more and more independent after experiencing several political storms. The clearer they realize that returning to the mainland may be their only choice... "

"***, I just don't understand. China's weapons are already very advanced and China is also very wealthy. However, it's very depressing that Taiwan, a small country, cannot be taken back." Zhang Yun gritted his teeth.

"Haha, this is not something we are considering. I think if China really wants to regain Taiwan, it is actually very simple. It just needs to drop a few nuclear bombs near the Taiwan island, eliminate Taiwan's military foreign aid, blockade Taiwan's economy, and Taiwan To fight a conventional war, Taiwan's weapons industry and resources have no war potential. If we support it for ten and a half days, the war will no longer be fought regardless of victory or defeat... Therefore, recovering Taiwan is no longer a matter of war and financial resources, but a matter of war and financial resources. It is courage and determination. First of all, those who order to drop nuclear bombs will take great political risks. Secondly, Taiwanese are also Chinese after all, and attacking Taiwan is completely fratricidal. Therefore, Chinese leaders have never been able to make a decision.

"Actually, the people on the Taiwan Island are not important. What is important is the island. The Taiwan Island blocks the mainland's outlet. If Taiwan is not taken back for one day, China cannot be called a powerful country. Unfortunately, the Taiwanese themselves do not understand. They regard the benevolence of the central government as weakness. If it were me, dozens of nuclear warheads would be thrown over and exploded into scorched earth. Since they want to be independent, let their thoughts and souls be independent of the Communist Party... "

"Dozens of nuclear bombs, then the international community..."

Wang Feng and Zhang Yun couldn't help but glance at each other, and a chill ran down their spines. They had always claimed to be iron-blooded men, but now, compared to Zhang Yang, their cold-bloodedness was like that of immature infants.

At least, they have never thought of bombing Taiwan into scorched earth. If it were really bombed, China would probably be isolated by all countries.

There is no doubt that the guy driving in front is a war maniac, a guy who really regards life as an ant. Compared with him, they are too childish...

"International society? What is the international community? The international community is the most useless society. Israel bombs Palestine and massacres ordinary people. The international community condemns it every day. They are not bombing without fail. Being kind to the enemy is cruel to oneself. What's more? , There are no permanent enemies or permanent friends in the international community. The United States and China did not fall out several times in history and then became friends again. As for Russia, let alone Those who come to Greater China will always be strong and worth it! Of course, the most important thing is that no country in the world is willing to completely fall out with China and start an all-out war over a small Taiwan...!" Zhang Yang had a stern look on his face, and the Hummer was like a The running wild beasts set off billowing smoke and dust behind them, as if thousands of troops were galloping.

Through conversations with Wang Feng and Zhang Yun, Zhang Yang discovered that these two teenagers seemed to have little education in this area. In addition to being great at martial arts, they were idiots when it came to sociology and politics. Zhang Yang was casual. I found a few arguments on the Internet and told them. They were dumbfounded and had admiration on their faces.

Seeing Zhang Yun's adoring look in the rearview mirror, Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. There were a lot of these arguments found on the Internet, but he didn't expect that he had fooled two powerful guys today.

Of course, Zhang Yang didn't know that Wang Feng had spent more than ten years almost completely immersed in some books, and the extra time was spent practicing martial arts and gaining experience in society.

However, Wang Feng's experience is different from that of ordinary people. His family background is too strong. No matter where he goes, there are people secretly watching him. It is said to be an experience. There is no need to worry about money, salt and money. He is basically exposed to the intrigues of society. Even if you come into contact with him occasionally, you will be immediately beaten to a pulp by him. Therefore, Wang Feng's life experience is basically a incomplete life experience. The best way to describe Wang Feng is as a martial arts idiot.

As for Zhang Yun, to put it bluntly, he is a rebellious child who ran away from home. His head is full of fantasies all day long. Now, his biggest goal is to win over Wang Feng's younger sisters.

Compared with Zhang Yang, who has dozens of elite ideas and has been honed by hunting down, the two of them are like green apples.

It can be said that these words changed Wang Feng and Zhang Yun's views on Zhang Yang. The two admired Zhang Yang's speech and social knowledge. Zhang Yun, in particular, immediately upgraded Zhang Yang's status to "Brother Yang."

"Brother Yang, my dad said that I don't understand anything. From now on, I will rely on Brother Yang for guidance. Hehe, when I go home, I must give my dad a surprise... By the way, Brother Yang, why did you think of that? The lamb wants to eat grass and poop? Why didn't I think of pinching it? Brother Yang, you are so awesome!"

Zhang Yang suddenly broke out in a sweat, this was awesome!

It is a normal thing for lambs to eat grass and poop, just like it is normal for humans to dress and eat every day. Zhang Yang found that the more he came into contact with these two guys, the more he realized that these two guys were frighteningly simple.

"Yes, Zhang Yang's observation skills are indeed very detailed. I was suspicious at first, but I didn't expect to find evidence from those places..." Wang Feng also sighed. (QuanBen Novel Network