The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 187: Uncle Biao has a simple mind and well-developed limbs


Zhang Yang started to move his body in the ditch again. Now, he has become the shooting target of all the terrorists on the mountain. He can only keep moving to avoid it. Fortunately, although the ditch cannot completely cover his body, autumn's The weeds were still very protective, and soon, after continuous movement, there was no visible target on the mountain anymore. WWW.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.COM

Passing behind Maimaiti and the girl, Zhang Yang didn't pause.

Finally, Zhang Yang moved to the blind spot where he started, which was a safe place.

There was a sharp pain in my shoulder, as if it was being torn apart, with the bullet still inside.

Seeing Zhang Yang dripping with blood and clenching his teeth, the girl's neck shrank and her body trembled. Maimaiti patted the girl's shoulder comfortingly, and the girl relaxed a little. However, she was immediately shocked by the scene in front of her. Stunned, the young man with an indifferent face took out the dagger from his waist, took out a lighter and burned the dagger, then tore the clothes on his shoulders, and directly inserted the dagger into the shoulder, turning it inside the flesh. Searching, I found a bloody bullet...

Looking at the sweat on Zhang Yang's forehead, he felt his teeth sore even when he was shopping.

Maimaiti finally understood why this young man was able to escape from his eyes repeatedly. He was a terrifying opponent!

"Xuelian, go and bandage him." Maimaiti said to the girl next to her.

"Oh..." The girl was like a frightened rabbit, looking at Zhang Yang cleaning the wound with a dagger with a look of fear. She didn't want to look, but she couldn't help but look secretly.

The girl crawled to Zhang Yang's side with her trembling body dragging a medicine box.

"I, I... let me bandage it for you..." The girl was shaking all over. In her eyes, this young man was like a beast.

"Are you a nurse?" Zhang Yang asked, staring at the girl with glasses.

"No... no... I... I am... studying geology..." The girl looked at Zhang Yang's blood-stained hands and her body trembled again. This young man gave her a very dangerous feeling. This feeling is indescribable. . but. The body can feel it.

"Since you are not a nurse, I will do it myself."

Zhang Yang didn't want a girl who was not a nurse to waste his time. Hook the medicine box over with your foot, open it, and pour a bottle of alcohol onto your shoulder. I wiped it with gauze again, poured some Yunnan Baiyao and bandaged it randomly with gauze.

This is just a simple treatment to avoid wound infection.

At this time, there was no time to play with these things carefully. Zhang Yang was still a little worried about the safety of Aze and Liu Biao. After all, they did not have guns in their hands. The only way was to approach the enemy and assassinate them. Undoubtedly, that was a Very dangerous technical work.

Just at this time. The gunshots on the mountain gradually became sparse and stopped...

Zhang Yang felt that lives were constantly disappearing.

Those are Aze's knife, Wang Feng's dagger, and Liu Biao's watermelon.

"!" A gunshot rang out.

No, Aze is in danger!

Zhang Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly jumped up from the ditch. His body rushed towards the dragon head of the mountain like an arrow from the string, dragging countless afterimages behind him...

"Charge!" Looking at Zhang Yang's running body, Maimaiti was stunned for a moment, then immediately stood up and rushed up the mountain first.

The sound of gunfire had completely disappeared, and Maimaiti's men rushed up the mountain crazily with guns in hand. However, they found that there were no enemies on the mountain, and it became extremely strangely quiet...

An oppressive aura of killing permeated the rocks, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

Only after dozens of Maimaiti's men rushed up the mountain did they find out. The mountain has become a living hell. There were bodies everywhere, of course. It would be nothing if they were just corpses. Those who could follow Maimaiti were all people who had seen strong winds and waves. Naturally, they would not take the corpses seriously. What made them palpitate was that these corpses were all stabbed in the neck, and the neck and head were almost the same. The remaining third is connected...

No wonder there was no scream!

No one can make a sound with three-quarters of their neck broken.

Two people!

Two people fighting against each other.

One held a sharp dagger, the other held a waist that shone with cold light.

Aze, Wang Feng.

The two men's eyes were extremely sharp, staring at each other closely, as if the gunmen surrounding them didn't exist. In their eyes, only their opponents remained!

In the middle of them, there was a corpse. The neck was still cut off, but the cut was at the back of the neck. In the hand of the corpse, there was a Desert Eagle...

Everyone felt the burning fighting spirit in the air.

Looking at the boy opposite him who was younger than himself, Wang Feng felt a sense of depression. This boy's martial arts was not high, but the lightning-like sword light made him feel amazing.

Wang Feng was even worried that if he was caught off guard, would he be able to dodge the young man's sword

Aze's feeling was different. He was full of fighting spirit towards this eighteen or nineteen-year-old young man. This young man felt as heavy as a mountain to him, and he had a desire to break this pressure.

All guns are pointed at Aze.

"We're all friends!" Zhang Yang said to Wang Feng, pressing down the pistol in Maimaiti's hand.

"I know!" Aze and Wang Feng said in unison. In fact, the two had already met at the edge of the desert, but at that time Wang Feng didn't pay attention to the young man Aze at all.

Inexplicably, the fighting spirit in the air suddenly disappeared.

"Thank you!" Wang Feng walked up to Aze and slapped him on the shoulder.

"No need." Aze's words were always extremely concise.

Looking at the stab wounds on the back of the neck of the corpse on the ground, Zhang Yang thought about the process almost immediately. This must be the dead man who was about to shoot Wang Feng, but Aze got behind this man and killed him. Although he still fired, he missed Wang Feng.

"Wang Feng!"

"Uncle Maimaiti."

Maimaiti walked up to Wang Feng with an excited face, and gently touched Wang Feng's face with her hands. She actually shed turbid tears, and her white hair was scattered in the wind, looking extremely miserable.

"Uncle, my condolences, brother Redili also hopes you can be happy." After all, Wang Feng was still young and didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only let Maimaiti caress his cheek.

"If he doesn't die, he can be your friend." Maimaiti was bursting with tears. The girl had climbed up the mountain at this time. Seeing that Maimaiti was crying, she quickly took out a tissue and expressed her heartache for Maimaiti. Wipe away tears.

"Is this Sister Xuelian?" Wang Feng saw the girl and quickly changed the subject.

"That's right... Haha, seeing as my uncle is getting old, he actually forgot to introduce me. Haha, actually there is no need to introduce him. When you were young, you often played together. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, you have all grown up..."

"Wang Feng, are you okay, Auntie?" The girl looked shy.

"Okay, but I haven't seen my mother in almost a year, hehe," Wang Feng said with a silly smile. I got impatient and dared to tease Uncle Biao... "Pengpeng..." There was a roaring sound and fighting sounds from behind a stone.

Everyone ran over quickly and saw Liu Biao and Zhang Yun fighting in a ball on a flat ground less than ten square meters behind the stone. Zhang Yun relied on his flexibility to circle Liu Biao's body and made sneak attacks from time to time. Liu Biao punched and kicked him. Although the force was equivalent to itching for Liu Biao, it also drove Liu Biao crazy. A pair of huge fists hit Zhang Yun like windmills...

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? We're all our own!" Zhang Yang quickly ran over and hugged Liu Biao's huge body, using all his strength to feed him.

"Zhang Yang, are you my brother?" Liu Biao asked angrily.

"yes… "

"If it's my brother, get out of the way. If I don't beat him until he calls him Uncle Biao today, my surname will not be Liu..."

"Brother Biao, what happened?" Zhang Yang still didn't let go. He felt that Liu Biao was really angry. When Liu Biao was angry, the consequences would be very serious.

"Ask him!" Liu Biao's eyes were about to burst into flames.

"I didn't offend him. I just asked him if he was the big-limbed and simple-minded Liu Biao. As a result, he went crazy..." Zhang Yun spread his hands and said with an innocent expression.

"Ah... little bastard, I'm going to kill you..." Liu Biao became completely angry and struggled desperately.

Zhang Yang sighed and let go of Liu Biao. There was nothing he could do. Zhang Yun had violated Liu Biao's taboo. What Liu Biao hated most was that others said he was simple-minded and weak-limbed. If he didn't let him vent today, he would be in trouble in the future. No, the best way is for one party to admit defeat. (Quanben Novel Network