The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 6: Count desires


"I'm back, I'm back... What are you doing?" Zhang Yang's face burned for a while, and every time he heard this nickname, his face felt like a knife. This roommate is still polite and is not in front of "Prince" Add the word "**". W ww)QuAnBen-XIaoShuo(c om

"Brother, you are still dreaming, you are going to do morning exercises soon." The guy sleeping on Zhang Yang's upper bunk jumped down and said with a weird smile.

"Morning exercises? Aren't we seniors now! Do we still need morning exercises?" Zhang Yang asked in surprise.


Suddenly, there was an extreme silence in the dormitory. Those who washed their faces stopped, brushed their teeth, and made their beds... Everyone looked at each other. After returning to school for a few days, no one thought about this problem. Yes, still. What morning exercises do you do? Now they are seniors. What does seniors mean? Seniors are synonymous with eating and waiting to die and being able to do nothing.

The pause was only for a moment, and everyone seemed to have made an appointment at the same time. They threw down the things in their hands. The person who washed his face wiped it randomly without washing away the foam in his mouth. The person who made the bed simply lay down on the bed...

The dormitory that was so busy just now suddenly became quiet. Everyone was lying quietly on the bed. Zhang Yang opened his mouth but didn't say anything. Isn't this action too exaggerated

Zhang Yang also closed his eyes, but less than a minute after he fell asleep, Zhang Yang sighed softly and got up. Now, although his body wants to rest and sleep, his mind seems to be blocked by a magical force. His strength control is average, but his urge to go out for activities is particularly strong. Apparently, there is a guy in his body who likes to get up in the morning and exercise...

"What are you doing?" The guy who was lying quietly on the bed pretending to be dead asked in unison.

"Do morning exercises."

"cut… !"


When he was about to go out, Zhang Yang glanced at the open window, controlled his strong sexual thoughts, and walked out with a look of regret on his face. What a pity for such a wonderful summer morning, hey!

Zhang Yang was depressed and alone among the crowd, waving his arms and doing chest-expanding movements. However, it was good to get up early. There was a cool breeze in the early morning of September. When he washed his face and gargled, the sky was already bright. , which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

There were many new faces added to the playground and many old faces were missing. Zhang Yang couldn't help but take a long breath: "It's good to be a senior. I no longer have to be bullied by people who are one grade above him..." Zhang Yang couldn't help but secretly rejoice. The timing of his discovery was very good. It was the summer vacation and the graduation of his senior year. Otherwise, his campus life would be even gloomier.

"Hoo Chi, Hoo Chi... Mom... so tired..."

He followed the crowd and played around for a few times, then ran two laps on the playground. His flamboyant tongue almost dropped to the ground. He was not very active. After lying in the hospital for a month, his health got worse. He moved a little. He couldn't breathe.

In fact, Zhang Yang came out to do morning exercises to confirm whether he had inherited the physical strength of those memories. However, it was obvious that his body was still extremely weak, without any sign of strength. On the contrary, he was even weaker than before he was injured.

"Go to sleep." Zhang Yang felt very bored. He lowered his head and ran slowly towards the dormitory. He had been yearning for the life of his senior year, but he knew that he was bored in his senior year. He didn't know what to do in the morning. Zhang Yang sighed deeply. .

xx College of Arts and Sciences is an extremely strange third-rate school. When the fourth-year students in other universities are desperately looking for jobs, the students in this school are still living and breathing. Of course, there is a reason. The students in this garbage school are looking for jobs. It’s all in vain, and if you can’t find it anyway, you might as well just hang out in school and wait to die. Maybe you’ll be picked up by some failed companies when you’re about to graduate...

Of course, don’t get me wrong. Although this school is third-rate, it is always full of students. Although this school is not ranked high in the country, it has an elegant environment, pleasant scenery, and a long history. The school is not worried about the source of students. , many idle prodigal sons ran here with their sharp heads, that is, they came here for the clouds of beauties and elegant environment.

"Zhang Yang?" While Zhang Yang was thinking wildly, a voice shouted.

"ah… "

Zhang Yang was surprised to find that due to his instinctive reaction, at least forty pairs of eyes in the campus looked at him, and most of them were girls. Of course, those eyes were not full of tenderness and love. But naked hatred.

Run... If you don't run, you will be torn into pieces!

Zhang Yang has watched many movies, and his experience tells him that women, especially beautiful women, are very scary when they lose their minds.

At this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered a proverb in his mind: When a rat crosses the street, everyone shouts to beat it!

Zhang Yang didn't even care to see who was calling him, he hugged his head and ran away. Before a group of sisters who were brewing emotions and preparing for a fight could react, Zhang Yang had already disappeared without a trace. His speed was definitely better than that of the Asian flying star Liu Xiang. Look at it. A group of girls were stunned for a moment.

"Peng, clatter..."

Zhang Yang ran to the bottom of the boys' dormitory building like a tornado and bumped into a girl holding a book in her arms. The girl's books were also scattered on the floor.

"sorry Sorry… "

Zhang Yang hurriedly squatted on the ground to help the girl pick up the books. He didn't dare to look at the girl's face, for fear that the other party would recognize him and say that he was deliberately taking advantage of him. Now Zhang Yang, except for the freshmen who are freshmen, do not know him, and are sophomores and juniors. Everyone in the class knew him. A photo he took in his freshman year with the beginning of "37" was published in newspapers and on the Internet. This is also the reason why the girl on the train knew Zhang Yang but Zhang Yang did not know her.

The girl had long, elegant hair and a slender figure. She almost fell down when Zhang Yang bumped into her. Her face was red with anger and she was about to curse. Seeing that the boy who bumped into her kept saying sorry, he helped her pick up the books. He was silent because he was wearing a short skirt and it was inconvenient to squat down. He just waited for Zhang Yang to pick up the book.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang's outstretched hand suddenly froze in the air, staring blankly at a book on the ground.

"Basic Research on Ideas and Methods" is a world-famous mathematics popular science book. It collects many classic mathematical treasures and provides a profound and vivid explanation of the basic concepts and methods in the entire field of mathematics. Anyone who is a mathematics professional or is willing to think mathematically can read this book. It is an excellent reference book especially for middle school mathematics teachers, college students and high school students.

Zhang Yang looked at the book on the floor, as if he had been electrocuted. He knew this book very early, but he had never liked mathematics. Even though he was a senior, he couldn't understand even high school mathematics. But now, he suddenly There was a strong desire to read this book, so strong that he could not control it, as if there was a powerful force controlling his thinking and nerves...

Zhang Yang put down the book in his hand and gently held the mathematics book in his hands. He felt like there was something calling to him deep in his heart, which was so strong that his fingers even trembled. (Quanben Novel Network