The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 85: Careful calculations


The two of them slowly approached the bookstore while wiping the wall of the alley. www.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.coM

The people who followed them looked relaxed. As long as they walked out of the alley, their mission was completed. After all, the terrain of the alley was simple, and their people were standing at both ends of the alley. They were not worried about anything happening. .


Zhang Yang suddenly squatted and let out a low roar, and the rolling shutter door was suddenly lifted half a meter high by him. This was an action he had practiced dozens of times in his head, and he could not make the slightest mistake.

Just as Zhang Yang said the word "three", Liu Biao suddenly rolled on the ground. When Liu Biao rolled in, Zhang Yang also jumped in from the half-meter-high space and pulled down the rolling shutter door with his backhand. , in the darkness, Zhang Yang relied on his memory to find the corner next to the rolling shutter door...


There was no problem with Zhang Yang's memory. He touched a lock in the corner. The lock was open. He only had to hook the padlock into the two steel rings connecting the rolling shutter door to the ground at the corner, and he succeeded.

All the movements flowed smoothly without any hindrance, as if they had been trained for hundreds or thousands of times.

Although he has never closed the rolling shutter door, he has been here for a long time. He is familiar with every place in this bookstore. There is a padlock on both sides of the rolling shutter door that can be locked from the inside. However, now Zhang Yang does not have time to lock it at the same time. Two locks, he has more important things to do.

In the darkness, Zhang Yang's body was wandering around like a ghost. Time was very fast. This was a race against time. In the darkness, Liu Biao didn't know what was happening. He just heard the "click, click" metal sound. The sound of crashing, of course, and the din outside the alley, obviously. They suddenly entered the closed rolling shutter, causing the people outside to panic for a moment...

In fact, when Zhang Yang and Liu Biao rushed into the rolling shutter, dozens of big bear men outside were stunned, at least, for three seconds. These three seconds. It was a very precious three seconds, and it was during these three seconds that Zhang Yang locked the rolling shutter door.

And after these three seconds, the people outside hesitated for at least three seconds to decide whether to shoot or not. After all, it was a clear day now, and there was still a certain risk in shooting in broad daylight. Among Chinese people, there are countless privately owned guns. Every time the public security department conducts a large-scale anti-gang campaign, hundreds or even thousands of firearms and ammunition will be confiscated. The variety of weapons is impressive, and many weapons are even more advanced than those of the police. However, although there are many guns, there are still not many people who dare to shoot in the street. No matter how good you are, shooting in the street will have a huge social impact. .

after all. They still didn't shoot. After all, the two young men just hid in a house. It's still within their control.

"Wow... Wow..."

The rolling shutter door made a harsh and unpleasant friction sound because it was only locked on one side. A few big men quickly raised one corner of the rolling shutter door, and the light shone into the dark bookstore...

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Zhang Yang's clothes are already soaked. Whether he can succeed or not is now. In the sound of "click" one after another. The old man's Desert Eagle has been transformed from spare parts into a murderous weapon.


The bullet in Zhang Yang's chest was loaded, and at this time. The rolling shutter door has opened a hole more than half a meter high, and a tall man in a suit is getting ready to climb in.


Zhang Yang fired, and the Desert Eagle made a loud sound. Zhang Yang, who fired for the first time, was caught off guard and pushed back half a step by the recoil of the Desert Eagle.

"ah… !"

There was a scream, and the bullet hit the big man who had already entered half of his body. The lethality of the Desert Eagle was huge. After a scream, the man stopped moving under the rolling shutter door...

"Peng!" Zhang Yang suddenly pushed the shelf in the middle of the bookstore to face outwards. This formed a barrier, and bullets could not easily penetrate the two thick layers of books.


Zhang Yang dragged Liu Biao who was still lying on the ground and ran towards the small bedroom behind the old man sleeping.

It was pitch dark inside the bedroom. Zhang Yang almost instinctively ran to the innermost wall, tearing at the wall crazily with his hands. As expected by Zhang Yang, there should be windows on this wall, but the old man used it. It was blocked by cardboard. After the cardboard was torn open, a faint light came in from outside.


There was crazy shooting outside, and the bullets hitting the rolling shutter door made a weird sound. The bullets that penetrated the rolling shutter door then shot into the books on the bookshelf, making another dull and heart-stopping "puffing" sound.

"Oops... Damn it, you can't be gentle, I'm a wounded person..." Liu Biao cursed as he was lifted out of the window by Zhang Yang.

When Zhang Yang jumped out of the window, he was stunned. Outside the window, there was an alleyway in the form of a small alley. In fact, it was a sewer channel that was vacated when two houses were built. The end leading to the street was blocked by a high wall. Dead, the other end is winding and deep and I don’t know where it leads. Of course, this is not important. What makes Zhang Yang stunned is that half of the entire alley entrance has been blocked by stacked red bricks, while the other space less than half a meter wide is There are densely packed thick wooden sticks supporting the red bricks and another wall. Obviously, the people who laid these red bricks were afraid that the bricks would collapse and block the waterway...

It is impossible to pass through these densely packed layers of wooden sticks.

Why is this happening



Zhang Yang was making crazy calculations in his head, and the sound of the rolling shutter door being pried open outside had already come in. If they still didn't think of a way, as long as the group of big men rushed in, they could be killed with only two shots.

Now, there is no way to escape!

"Zhang Yang, where's your gun? Shoot!" Liu Biao heard the sound of the rolling shutter being pried open, and immediately shouted anxiously, "Damn, what are you waiting for? Let's run..." Liu Biao was leaning on The body on the wall was jumping with urgency, forgetting the pain, and was about to rush into the wooden sticks.

"Slow down... Those wooden sticks cannot pass through the body, and if the wooden sticks move, the red bricks will fall... If the wooden sticks move, the red bricks will fall..."

"Boss. If you don't run away, you will be shot to death. If you had known that you would die, why bother working so hard... Wuwu... "

"I understand, I understand... haha..."

Suddenly, Zhang Yang laughed proudly, dragged Liu Biao's body and ran into the red brick. Liu Biao was surprised to find that these chaotic-looking wooden sticks could just pass through a human body. Although the speed was very slow, they could indeed pass through.

The two of them walked frantically among the wooden sticks, and Zhang Yang immediately removed the wooden sticks after passing through a place with wooden sticks. The stacked red bricks lost their support from the wooden sticks and immediately fell into the narrow alley.

When the two passed less than ten meters, there was a deafening sound of red bricks collapsing from behind. The alley was quickly blocked. The angles of these red bricks seemed to be specially designed. When they fell to the ground, they were mixed with the wooden sticks, making it impossible to walk through the alley anymore...

The gunfire from behind gradually became distant. After the two passed through the wooden sticks and red bricks, they didn't know where they turned because the sky was already dark. In addition, the light in the alleyway was not good, so the two of them couldn't tell the direction after running all the way.

In fact, the two of them didn't run very far at all. Just because the alley was winding and deep, the sticks and red bricks were in the way, and Liu Biao was lame, it felt like he had run a long way.

"I, I... Zhang Yang... I can't run anymore..." Liu Biao suddenly fell to the ground, and Zhang Yang couldn't even hold him back.

"Get up. We have to get out of here. Those red bricks and wooden sticks are not high enough and can only delay them. If you don't leave, you will really die!" Zhang Yang said while dragging Liu Biao's arm.

"Oh... Zhang Yang... you can run alone... I really can't run anymore..." Liu Biao hugged his arms with a painful expression on his face. Obviously, the violent activity just now caused his wounds, and his feet were covered with plaster. It was okay to wrap it, because the arm was slightly injured, and he strongly requested the doctor not to use a plaster. From a medical point of view, there was no plaster bandage when it was available or not. As a result, now there is trouble.

When a person has one leg and cannot walk and has hand problems, it is very serious and the body cannot maintain balance. And Liu Biao's arms and legs are all in the same direction. So, if Zhang Yang wants to help Liu Biao, he can Liu Biao’s injured hand must be pulled...

"No, get down!"

Zhang Yang squatted down.

"Zhang Yang, holy shit, you want us to die together? Get out of here, get out of here, I don't want to see you killed by you... Get out..." Liu Biao said angrily. "Since you don't want to run away, then I'm too lazy to run away." Zhang Yang sighed and sat on the ground.

"My day, let's go... I don't want to die with you..." Liu Biao cursed and lay on Zhang Yang's back.

"Hehe... hold on tight, don't fall. It won't be good if your butt breaks into two pieces." Zhang Yang hugged Liu Biao's legs tightly.

"Yeah, let's go, don't talk nonsense..."

Zhang Yang didn't know that Liu Biao was looking at him from behind and his head was moved. His eyes were moist. Zhang Yang's performance made Liu Biao feel that although Zhang Yang was no longer the same Zhang Yang, it was only just now that Liu Biao felt that Zhang Yang was still the same Zhang Yang. , no matter how cowardly or strong Zhang Yang is, Zhang Yang is still the same Zhang Yang as before, the one who will never abandon him.

The two ran less than a hundred meters and turned out of the alley. They were stunned. In front of them was a huge construction site. Obviously, this alley should lead to the old city reconstruction area behind the alley.

This broke Zhang Yang's expectation. According to his speculation, coming out of the alley should be a place with complex terrain. Knowing that it is an empty construction site now, the construction site is still under preparation and there are no buildings. If the two of them go out like this, it is estimated that Those people will get the news in less than ten minutes.

"What should I do?" Liu Biao now had no idea and relied entirely on Zhang Yang.

"We must leave City C today, otherwise, we will have no chance to leave. Is your wound healed?"

"It's already scabbed over."

"Okay, let's leave the water. It's already dark now, and no one can be found in the water."

"Where do you go in the water?"


Zhang Yang's eyes looked at a river next to the construction site. This is an inland river in City C. It flows through the entire City C and then flows into the Yuan River. It used to be polluted by domestic sewage. The river stinks to the sky. Later, because of the crazy skyrocketing real estate prices in City C, the riverside became a golden zone. The government spent huge sums of money to clean up the river and opened a green belt along the riverside. Now. Both sides of the entire inland river have become a place where every inch of land is at a premium, and the leisure green belt has also become a netbsp; The river water was already a bit biting in October. What made Zhang Yang and Liu Biao depressed was that it didn't matter if the water was colder, but there was something cold in the water. The pungent smell was unbearable, apparently. The dredging and management work of this river has not yet been completely completed.

As soon as the two got out of the water, there was a noise of people on the construction site with lights on in the distance. Obviously, the pursuers had found their whereabouts, and the two couldn't help but feel lucky that no one on the construction site had been disturbed just now, otherwise, they would not have been able to escape even if they entered the water.

The two of them had their heads above the water, enduring the pungent stench. Swim slowly along the current.

It was a painful ordeal, having to pay attention to what was happening on the shore at all times and enduring the itching caused by soaking in sewage. Their noses had lost their sensitivity due to sniffing this unpleasant smell for a long time, and their potential had been maximized.

Because of the dry season, the water level at the gate is very different, so they dare not follow the water into the Yuanjiang River. But it's just getting dark now. The two had no choice but to wait on a platform under the gate. In the dead of night, they climbed out of the flood control embankment. "How is the wound?"

Zhang Yang helped Liu Biao sit down on the platform. Liu Biao was immediately tied up to check the wound. The plaster had disintegrated due to being soaked in water for a long time, and the bandages on the plaster were still wrapped around his leg in a mess.

"It's okay. I'm almost healed already. I just can't use any force. Zhang Yang, can you tell me what happened?" Liu Biao stared at Zhang Yang closely under the slanting moonlight.

"Brother Xiao Yuanxing killed Maimaiti's son..."

"I know this. What I want to know is, why have you become so powerful? Also, how do you know that the door of Uncle Li's bookstore is open? And there is a gun and a bullet inside. You actually know Uncle Li's bedroom. There are also passages, don't say this is what Uncle Li told you, because I can see that you are not familiar with it at all..." Although Liu Biao is usually careless, it does not mean that he is a fool. Zhang Yang's performance is incredible. .

Zhang Yang was silent for a while and finally spoke.

"Uncle Li is a killer, a very good killer. He taught me many things." Zhang Yang still decided not to tell Liu Biao about his affairs because he couldn't explain it. It was too weird. Until now He still couldn't figure out why he could inherit the memories of so many people. This was contrary to physical phenomena and could not be explained scientifically.

"Killer! Is Uncle Li a killer?"

Liu Biao suddenly looked surprised. Even if he died, he would not believe that the skinny old man was actually the killer. In his mind, the killer should have a pair of cold eyes and a strong body. Of course, he should also look quite mysterious, and Li The image of Bodi completely subverted the image of a killer in his mind.

"Yes, Uncle Li has left City C, and before leaving, the bookstore was the last one I left, but I didn't lock the rolling shutter. I kept thinking in the casino..."

"What are you thinking about?" Liu Biao asked curiously.

"Thinking about how we can escape, I can tell from the conversation between Brother Qi and the old man that we have no hope of survival. If the old man doesn't deal with it, I guess Brother Qi will be in danger. Brother Xiao Yuanxing asked Maimaiti to see The surveillance video was actually used to absolve Brother Qi from responsibility, because after watching the surveillance video, Maimaiti would feel a little unjust. After all, it was his son who lost, and there is no justification for his son's gambling on Brother Seven's territory. , after watching the surveillance video, it actually created life for us. However, at this time, Maimaiti needed a step, a place to vent. Judging from the surveillance video, it was natural that he wanted to cause trouble for Seventh Brother. It makes sense, but there is a good reason to kill Brother Xiao and us. His son died in the casino... "

"I took advantage of Maimaiti's psychology after watching the surveillance video. Although he knew that I was using provocation, he couldn't avoid it. Where to put his identity? The most important thing is that I took advantage of the fact that his son owes a favor. The topic forced him to give us a chance! Of course, the main reason was that he didn't take us into his heart at all. He thought it was impossible for us to escape from that alley, and promised us that he could both kill us and return a favor to his son, and You can give the old man and Brother Seven some face."

"Then how do you know there is a way to Uncle Li's bookstore?"

"It's very simple. Uncle Li is a killer. Where a killer lives, there must be an escape passage. It is impossible to live in a Jedi. When I was in the casino, I kept thinking about where the passage in the bookstore would be, and finally came to a conclusion. , the only possibility was his small bedroom. When we entered the bookstore, I immediately assembled Uncle Li's Desert Eagle. The effect of that gun was not actually to kill people, but it could win us a precious At that time, no one dared to rush in blindly... "

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang couldn't help but admire Uncle Li's thoughtfulness. The bookstore was actually an excellent escape location. Zhang Yang also understood why the old man only prepared one bullet. The function of that bullet was to create a deterrent. , to delay time, the bookshelf in the middle was not fixed to the ground. Zhang Yang guessed that most of the reasons were caused by Uncle Li on purpose, in order to block bullets.

Similarly, Zhang Yang also understood why a killer would prepare a loud Desert Eagle. This gun was originally intended to act as a deterrent, so naturally the louder the sound, the better.

What impressed Zhang Yang the most was the red bricks and wooden sticks in the alley. The design was simply too wonderful. As long as he passed through the wooden sticks and removed the wooden sticks, the collapsed red bricks would form countless barriers...

Liu Biao looked at Zhang Yang blankly, as if looking at a monster.

Zhang Yang was a huge shock to Liu Biao. In such a short period of time, Zhang Yang could think of so much and see through all of Li Bo's plans. If Li Bo knew that his escape route was actually seen through by Zhang Yang so quickly, I don't know. What would you think

"Zhang Yang, my leg is injured, why don't you leave me? Without my drag, you can easily escape." Liu Biao looked at Zhang Yang, as if he wanted to see through Zhang Yang's thoughts.

"Do you need a reason?"

"Need it!" Liu Biao was stunned.

"Is it really necessary?" Zhang Yang smiled.

"That... actually... is not necessary..."

"No matter what, I will never leave you alone, never!" Zhang Yang looked serious and spoke firmly.

"Yeah, good brother! He is indeed a good brother. I remember it. Next time I go whoring to pick up girls, I will take you with me and I will never abandon you!"

"Hahahaha... ugh..."

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, and immediately, the two men with wretched faces burst into suppressed laughter. Liu Biao bared his teeth after laughing so hard that he touched the wound.

"Let's go, it's almost time!"

The two of them had fun and had fun for a while, then Zhang Yang stood up and helped Liu Biao up.

Now, they have to cross a road, which is the road next to the river embankment. Next to the highway is a flood control embankment built with cement. Outside is a long and narrow park. It is naturally safe to enter the park. The key is that the road they cross is too bright. , Zhang Yang hated netbsp; for the first time; ***, why are there so many street lights installed for nothing

Isn't this just a waste of electricity? (Quanben Novel Network