The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 86: Local dogs encircled and suppressed


To Zhang Yang's relief, the Maimaiti guys were not powerful enough to arrange manpower surveillance on every street. Zhang Yang was panting from exhaustion while carrying Liu Biao on his back. Liu Biao was much bigger than Zhang Yang, although he was slightly shorter than Zhang Yang. A little bit, but the limbs are as thick as an orangutan, the chest is thick, and it weighs at least 170 pounds. In Zhang Yang's words, it is a typical characteristic of being simple-minded and having big limbs. For this reason, the two of them talked a lot.

From the flood control embankment to the park lawn outside the river, Zhang Yang collapsed on the ground after putting down Liu Biao. He had been running away for several hours. The intense calculations and intense physical exertion had left him mentally and physically exhausted. . W ww/QUAbEn-XIAoShUo\c Om

"Zhang Yang, how are you doing? Can you still hold on?" Liu Biao asked with concern.

"It's okay, we have to prepare. Are you hungry?" In the darkness, Zhang Yang felt like his stomach was churning, and the exertion of physical and mental energy gave him a strong sense of hunger.

"that… "


Liu Biao originally wanted to say that he was not hungry, but before he could say anything, his stomach growled first, and he laughed a few times.

"Wait for me here. We have to make some preparations. I don't want someone to find two corpses in the river tomorrow." Zhang Yang said after carrying Liu Biao into the gaps between some big rocks by the river.

"Zhang Yang..." Liu Biao looked at the back of the man who stood up and was about to leave.


"Be careful."

"Hehe, don't worry, none of us will die, because we are bad guys!" Zhang Yang chuckled.

"Hmm, we still have to live to harm the beauties in the school..."

Watching Zhang Yang leave in the night, Liu Biao felt a warmth in his heart. He knew Zhang Yang very well, and there was kindness in his wretchedness. He doesn't interact with people easily, however. Once you let him accept you, he will treat you as a true brother.

It is precisely because Liu Biao understands Zhang Yang that Liu Biao will stand up for Zhang Yang whenever Zhang Yang is in trouble. The last incident with Lu Fei is a typical example.

After leaving Liu Biao, Zhang Yang found a place with dim light to sort out his money. He was so depressed that he vomited blood. He didn't know when he had only 500 yuan from more than 1,000 yuan. He was obviously in a panic when he was fleeing the famine. It was dropped, probably while we were in the river. Of course, it didn't matter where it fell. What mattered was that he only had five hundred yuan left.

He took off his torn clothes and threw them into the trash can in the park. He put on his upper body and a pair of boxers. Zhang Yang tried his best to pretend to be swimming at night and walked to a small shop by the river. This kind of shop is very small, just like a phone booth on the street. It mainly provides some drinks and non-staple food to citizens and tourists in leisure areas. There will be one at a certain distance in this park.

"Sister, help me buy a few bottles of Nutritional Express and biscuits. I'm starving..." Zhang Yang had a very natural expression. "Ah... I said, little brother, being like this in the middle of the night will scare people to death..." A young woman in the store was staring at He was watching a small TV, and when he looked up and saw Zhang Zhang’s upper body, he was startled.

"Ahem... Sister. The thieves by the river are so powerful. Our brothers were swimming by the river, and all their clothes were stolen. I'm pretty good, and I still have a pair of shorts, and those guys still have Hiding naked by the river and not daring to show your face, sister, what kind of world is this..."

"Ah... Hahaha..." The young woman suddenly burst into laughter, laughing so hard that tears fell from her eyes. "Brother, I can't help you. In addition to food, I also eat land... Hee hee..." The young woman managed to control her laughter. , covering his mouth and said.

"Hmm, I'll find a way to go by myself. I'll give them something to drink first, six bottles of Nutritional Express, and some cookies and milk. Yes, that..."

The young woman looked at Zhang Yang's embarrassed look and snickered as she put it in a plastic bag.

"Brother, this is a good place to hide your money..." The young woman's eyebrows were silky, she took the wet money and glanced at Zhang Yang's shorts.

"Ah... ahem... be careful, be careful..."

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, then his face turned red and he said awkwardly. This young woman must have thought that he hid the money in his anti-theft shorts, so she looked at him so ambiguously. However, this also saved a lot of trouble. Obviously, all the clothes were stolen, and she still had money on her, so she could only do this. I explained that I probably wouldn’t be able to buy any clothes, so I might as well give each of them a lifebuoy to cover their bodies and go home... "

"Hahaha... Brother, you are so talented... Haha... Where are you going from here? I really want to see a few grown men wearing life preservers as shorts, hee hee..." The young woman is obviously a cheerful and lively woman, Hearing Zhang Yang, he burst into laughter.

"Ahem... I have to disappoint you. We will find a place with fewer people to leave later. We are afraid of being arrested by the urban management. It seems a bit immoral. Now C City is a national civilized and hygienic city." Zhang Yang took the plastic bag and said.

"That's right, the urban management just killed a few people when they had nothing to do. Don't tell tomorrow's newspaper that the urban management killed a group of lunatics who used lifebuoys as shorts. That would be terrible. Brother, I have lifebuoys for rent here, but the weather is cold now. There aren’t many people swimming anymore, they’ve all been put behind the pavilion, please wait...”

The young woman seemed to be in a good mood and walked out of the pavilion very enthusiastically. She ran to the back of the pavilion and opened a colorful cloth. There were a lot of lifebuoys covered inside, including colorful foam lifebuoys and large black lifebuoys. Car inner tube.

In the end, Zhang Yang asked for three black tires. In fact, Zhang Yang only needed one, but in order to avoid the young woman's suspicion, he had to buy two more. After all, he started to buy six bottles of Nutritional Express and so much food. , if there is only one tire, it is obviously doubtful.

"Sister, let's go."

Zhang Yang picked up the plastic bag and left with a few inner tubes on his back. The young woman looked at Zhang Yang and laughed so hard that she rolled over. Apparently, she was still imagining several naked men walking down the street each wearing a life preserver.

Soon, Zhang Yang returned to the gap in the stone where Liu Biao was stunned.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang broke into a cold sweat because... No shadow of Liu Biao was seen in the darkness.

Could something have happened

Zhang Yang didn't dare to shout, and groped gently in the gaps between the stones...

"Wow..." There was a slight sound of water. A head popped out of the water, "I'm here."

"Why are you hiding in the water?"

"Just now, there was a patrol boat in the river shining its lights on the riverside. I hid in the water, ****, I almost suffocated to death." Liu Biao climbed up and said, cursing.

"patrol boat!"

Zhang Yang's heart palpitated suddenly. The other party actually thought that they might escape through the waterway. Obviously, he wanted to sit on the tire openly and leave netbsp; "Come, eat something first. Replenish some nutrition and physical strength!"

The two of them devoured most of the bag of food and then lay down comfortably on the rocks to rest.

"Zhang Yang, do you think we will die?" Liu Biao asked as he lay on the stone and looked at the few stars in the sky. "Death is something that everyone must experience. Everyone is afraid of death. No one in this world is not afraid of death, otherwise. In ancient times, there would not be so many emperors and generals pursuing the art of immortality. Therefore, death is Everyone is afraid. You will not be fearless just because of your high or low status. However, death is scary, but it is inescapable. Birth, old age, illness and death are actually natural phenomena. Many people know it, and many people understand it. However, Not many people can see through it... If you want my specific answer, then, I think, since death cannot be avoided, then why should we be afraid? If there is life, everyone will cherish it, and few people in this world will. We are willing to give up our lives, and when life is really about to leave, we must face it bravely... "

Zhang Yang slowly repeated Xiao Yiran's words, word for word, and his head was filled with Xiao Yiran's sweet smile and the passionate kiss. After finishing speaking, he let out a long sigh and said goodbye. I don’t know what year or month we met.

What makes Zhang Yang happy is that the old man has promised Xiao Yuanxing to protect Xiao Yiran's safety. Presumably, there should be no problem with the promise made by a person of that status.

"Zhang Yang, if I want to die, I will kill that old thief before I die. It was the old thief who forced my brother to death!" Liu Biao sat up suddenly and said with a fierce look on his face.

"Kill him? Let's first think about how to leave City C alive." Zhang Yang sighed again. He knew that Liu Biao had always admired Xiao Yuanxing, and Xiao Yuanxing's death was a huge blow to him.

"Zhang Yang, why didn't Brother Xiao resist? He is very powerful!" Seeing that Zhang Yang didn't seem to be interested in killing Maimaiti, Liu Biao lay down again with a depressed look on his face.

"Brother Xiao didn't resist because he didn't have the capital to resist. Moreover, he also had to consider the safety of his sister and Brother Qi. He had too many scruples. You heard it too. Even Brother Qi seemed to be very worried about Namaimaiti. , it can be seen that his power is too great to imagine, I just don’t understand their relationship a little bit, they seem to be enemies, but more often they are like friends, have you noticed? "

"Yes, yes, that Maimaiti still hugged the old man and cried after entering the hall. It seems that they are very familiar with each other."

"Yes, you see they have brought many people to the casino, but they don't seem to be worried about uncontrollable situations. After all, it is very dangerous in that environment. If that party suddenly becomes difficult, it will be very difficult. It can easily lead to disastrous consequences, and they don't seem to consider the issue of safety. In other words, they are hostile to each other, but they trust each other... "

Zhang Yang frowned. The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't figure out the relationship between Seventh Brother, Maimaiti, and the old man.

"Da da da… "

Just when Liu Biao was about to speak, there was a deafening roar of a motor in the distance. In the distance, the waves set off by the speedboat were like layers of tumbling fish. It's a speedboat!

"Hide behind the rock, it's too late, don't move!"

Zhang Yang suddenly fell under the stone and followed closely. Liu Biao also rolled down. The two of them were so nervous that they were covered in sweat. The stone was too short to completely cover their bodies. Fortunately. The snow-white light just passed over the stone, although it illuminated their bodies. But he didn't stop at all. Obviously, the people on the boat didn't look carefully.

"Damn it, why don't we let people live!" Looking at the speedboat going away, Liu Biao climbed onto the stone, limping and cursing.

"They don't give us a way to survive." Zhang Yang said with a bitter smile: "Let's go, if we don't leave, people will probably search by the river. We left too many clues when we came here.

"Should we take the water route?" Liu Biao was stunned.

"Are there any other ways for us to go besides the waterway? Speedboats are constantly patrolling this waterway. If we want to take a car and leave City C in a leisurely way, we probably don't have to think about it. I can be sure that all the roads leaving City C now are Being blocked, they have the ability and the financial resources. So, we have no choice, actually. If we have clean clothes and shoes and you are not a cripple, we can go out openly. After all, they are not as familiar as us. City, it’s a pity. We are like this now. Going out is tantamount to death... "

"But, these inner tubes are too big a target in the river. As long as the speedboat comes, there is no way to avoid it. What should we do?" Zhang Yang said with a sad face as he looked at the several tires.

"I've thought of a way. Bring me your bandages and take off all your clothes."

Zhang Yang took Liu Biao's bandages and clothes, tied the tattered pants tightly with the bandages, started looking for some small stones around and put them in the pants tube that had turned into two bags, and then threw the ones that he started to throw into the trash can. I found all my belt and clothes.

Watching Zhang Yang weighing the stone with concentration and carefully tightening his trousers, Liu Biao looked baffled. He couldn't figure out what this had to do with their escape.

"Liu Biao, your weight is 170 kilograms, and I weigh 1345 kilograms. This bag of stones is yours, and this bag is mine. Each of us has a tire. The tires can be deflated to control the height. We have to control it so that when the tires hit the rocks, our heads will be submerged in the water."

"Ah... then... then how do we breathe?" Liu Biao was stunned.

"This." Zhang Yang took out two cartons of paper-wrapped milk from the plastic bag, pulled off the straws and handed them to Liu Biao.

"Hahaha... Then we have become an underwater submarine!" Liu Biao suddenly said with excitement.

"Haha, this is only a temporary solution, because the straw is too short and will be submerged by the slightest wind and waves. Now as long as we leave the scope of City C, we don't have to be under the water. We have three tires, and we can also exchange and rest , after leaving City C, you can lie on the tires and sleep..."

"What a good idea, what a good idea. Zhang Yang, when did you become so smart? I remember that your test scores have always been in the 53rd place." Liu Biao was overjoyed.

Zhang Yang's face suddenly turned red. There were only fifty-three people in his class. He felt ashamed when he thought about his previous results. It seemed that he spent all his time on **. He remembered that he was still ranked fiftieth in his freshman year...

After deciding on the escape route plan, the two immediately went into the water to adjust the tire pressure. Fortunately, Liu Biao still had a bunch of keys with a small fruit knife hanging on the key. Of course, the fruit knife in Liu Biao's mouth was smaller than a dagger. Not much. This was Liu Biao's tool for extorting money and scaring students. Unexpectedly, it has come in handy now.

After everything was prepared and some traces and clues were eliminated, the food was tightly tied to the body. The remaining four hundred yuan was carefully put away. Now, this is the only property of the two of them. Zhang Yang has already After confirming that Liu Biao didn't have a penny on him, Zhang Yang wanted to beat Liu Biao up while he was injured when he thought of the ten thousand. However, this rafting took more than eight hours. Because it was the dry season, the water flow was slow, and the two people hung stones on their tires, so the speed became much slower. If they hadn't slid by hand, Don't know how long it will take yet.

At seven o'clock the next day, they were only more than 60 kilometers away from City C. It was already dawn and the two of them did not dare to be in the river. If they were discovered at this time, they would really die without a burial place. , as long as someone fires a few shots on the shore, they will be finished, because Liu Biao cannot swim without the tire, and his bones have not fully recovered...

"***, I guess we are the fairest among Chinese people."

Zhang Yang looked at the soft, pale skin that had been soaked for eight hours, as ugly as a drowned corpse. At this time, he had no choice but to go ashore. Being soaked in water for a long time would cause problems even if he was not ill.

The two of them ate some food to replenish their strength. After resting for a while, they went to several families living by the river embankment and stole some summer clothes. The clothes were still wet. The owner must have washed the clothes and then washed them. He went out, but Zhang Yang and Liu Biao couldn't control much. Even though they were wet clothes, they still looked much better than wearing a pair of underpants.

"What's wrong?" Liu Biao put on his clothes and saw Zhang Yang covering his mouth to hold back laughter.

"Ahem... It's okay, it's okay..." Zhang Yang glanced at the pants Liu Biao was wearing. They were short on the feet, which looked extremely funny.

"My day, you still laugh at me, am I just a wounded person? ***, I left those pants of yours for you on purpose. Come up with a solution quickly. What should we do now? We can't really walk on our legs!" Liu Biao saw Zhang Yang's eyes glancing at his pants and said angrily.

"Hmm, I definitely can't walk. Although I have left City C now, in fact, it takes less than two hours to drive from City C to here. It is very dangerous. I have calculated the speed of the water flow. If there is no guess, I can walk two kilometers. It should be County H, let’s change our clothes and shoes there first, we are attracting too much attention now.”

The two of them walked with support for more than an hour before reaching the county town. They were chased by dogs all the way. The so-called dogs look down on people. Two guys dressed in nondescript clothes, including a lame man. For this group of local dogs, they encountered It's not easy to find people like this, so you have to seize the opportunity to bully them.

"***, after I get rich, I want to buy all the local dogs in this village!"

Liu Biao looked depressed as he looked at the rabid native dog following him. If it weren't for the injury on his leg, he would have picked up the bricks and chased him. He, Biao, is also the boss of his party. When did he end up being bullied by a group of native dogs? !

"What are you doing?" Zhang Yang couldn't help but asked curiously.

"What are you talking about? Isn't it just a dog meat feast with braised and spicy stew!" Liu Biao stared at the local dogs around him.


Zhang Yang was speechless. Of course, Zhang Yang could never have imagined that not long after, Liu Biao really came back and killed all the native dogs nearby at a high price, and held a grand dog meat feast to avenge today's unfair experience.

Zhang Yang could not imagine that the group of local dogs barking happily could not imagine that it was because they looked down upon others that they brought a fatal disaster to himself.


The two of them saw the dense flow of people and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. Being entangled by a group of local dogs was definitely not a pleasant thing.

"There are a lot of cars on this road. You wait here while I go to the store to buy some clothes!" Zhang Yang helped Liu Biao sit down on a chair at a bus stop and said.

"Well, go quickly, I'll take a look at the beauties here." Liu Biao's eyes gleamed as he looked at several girls waiting for the bus and said. (Quanben Novel Website