The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 90: big eater


It seems that only some incomplete memories in my head can be chosen!

Of course, Zhang Yang always believed that there were some martial arts secrets hidden in those ancient books, but he couldn't see the secrets yet. w ww.q ua nbe nc om

Zhang Yang was doing some inexplicable movements alone on the grass, and these movements were repeated hundreds or thousands of times. This was simply a kind of torture. However, Zhang Yang had no choice. The memory in his head had no clear guidance at all. , he now thinks of a monk who has become a monk on the way, and can only practice based on intuition.

What depresses Zhang Yang the most is that there is no reminder in his head how many times to do these moves, so he can only repeat the same martial arts moves he knows.

Time passed slowly, and Zhang Yang had entered a state of selflessness. It was not until the morning glow appeared in the east that he realized that he had practiced all night. What was incredible to him was that he did not feel tired at all, except for being a little hungry. There is a refreshing feeling.

Slowly, some homeless people in the park also left, some went to look for food and some to find jobs. These people were replaced by some nearby residents who got up in the morning to exercise.

Slowly, more and more people slept on the lawn where Zhang Yang slept, including those who danced Yangko, those who played Tai Chi and Bagua, and those who played the erhu...

Looking at Liu Biao sleeping soundly, Zhang Yang did not disturb him. He still admired Liu Biao. He slept so soundly in such an environment. He was really a stranger. Zhang Yang still repeated some things that seemed strange to others. Actions.

Zhang Yang didn't know that while he was practicing, there was a young woman in her thirties wearing a white sportswear not far away sitting on a long chair and observing Zhang Yang.

"Young man, what are you practicing for?" Finally, the charming young woman came over and asked.

"Ah... ahem... I don't know, practicing in a mess..." Zhang Yang's face suddenly turned red. He did some practice movements completely subconsciously, and it really can't be said what kind of skill he practiced. It seems that the incomplete memory in his head does not have a complete practice method at all. It is very complicated, let alone a specific noun. The secret book that the young monk gave him more or less had a name, but there was no martial arts term in the memory in his head, which made Zhang Yang feel incredible.

"Haha, then why do you repeat these actions?" the young woman asked curiously.


"..." The young woman was stunned. The young man's answer made her not know how to answer.

"Do you know martial arts?"

Zhang Yang's spirit was suddenly lifted, and he found that Zhang Yang was suffering from an acute illness and sought medical treatment. Ever since he found out that the owner of an unremarkable bookstore was actually a killer, Zhang Yang felt like an outsider to those who bought vegetables and butchered pigs. .

The so-called great concealment is hidden in the city!

The young woman suddenly came over and asked, maybe she had seen some clues.

"Martial arts?!" The young woman was stunned.

"Ahem..." Zhang Yang saw the young woman's expression and immediately realized that he was wrong, "Then what are you asking?"

"Haha, it's nothing. I opened a yoga studio. Some of your movements can only be done by practicing yoga. So out of curiosity, I saw you doing these simple movements for several hours in the morning. I I have run several laps in the park. You are still doing it, haha, you are very perseverant." The young woman said.


"Let's go. Seeing how obsessed you were just now, I started to think it was some new fitness exercise." The young woman waved her hand and left.

"Bye..." Zhang Yang waved his hand in disappointment.

"What's going on?" Liu Biao suddenly stood up from his chair. Maybe I felt someone talking next to me in my dream.

"It's nothing. Just keep sleeping." Zhang Yang said angrily.

"I'm hungry, it's time to eat. Hehe." Liu Biao touched his head sheepishly.

"Well..." In fact, Zhang Yang was already hungry. Qingsheng, just a breakfast, the two of them actually spent thirty yuan. Although Liu Biao was a wounded soldier, his appetite was surprisingly good. He ate five braised eggs, and also ate a bowl of rice noodles, some fried cakes, and so on. In Zhang Yang's words, he is simply a waste of food, a pig-headed pig who can waste food.

No, no, not even as good as a pig. Using pig to describe Liu Biao is an insult to pigs. Pigs can also kill meat, but Liu Biao is a excrement-making machine.

Of course, having said that, Zhang Yang himself didn’t eat less.

In fact, Zhang Yang and Liu Biao were both in their early twenties, which was the time when they were growing up. In addition, they were running around all night, so their bodies naturally needed more nutrients than ordinary people could match.

"what to do?"

After the two came out of the breakfast restaurant, Liu Biao sighed and glanced at the twenty yuan in Zhang Yang's hand.

"It seems that we have to find a way to make money quickly, otherwise, we will be on the front page of the newspaper in the next two days, saying that two college graduates have not found a job and are starving to death on the streets."

Zhang Yang frowned and looked at the twenty yuan in his hand. If he didn't make money now, life would be a problem, so why talk about escaping? You definitely can't stay in this provincial capital for a long time. The best way now is to stay in one place for a while, immediately. Keep changing places, even if you leave any clues, the other party can't catch up.

"How to make money?"

Liu Biao waved his arm in frustration. What he was best at was extortion. If you want him to use his brain to make money, it would be better to kill him. However, now his best skills have been strictly prohibited from being used by Zhang Yang. Of course, the most important thing is that his injury is not healed yet. As long as his brother Biao is healed, with his With the horse racing ability in his arm, it is not easy to make a few small bucks...

Thinking of how majestic and majestic he was in school. Liu Biao immediately forgot about the scandal of being beaten all over the floor by Lu Fei.

"I have to find a short-term job to earn some living expenses and travel expenses before leaving here."

"By the way, Zhang Yang, you never asked, where are we running to?"

"There is no goal now. We can't set a goal for ourselves for the time being. Because the men in Maimaiti must also be racking their brains to think about where we will run. Then, we must make sure that we ourselves have no goal. Of course , we should try to stay as far away from Province H as possible. I believe that their main strength is now in Province H!"

"Then why did you start talking about going to Guangzhou?"

"Well, somewhere must be one of our destinations, because Guangdong Province has the largest migrant population in the country. I think that in that kind of place, various forces must be intertwined. He has Maimaiti. It is not easy for Tongtiandi to find us. Of course, the most important thing is that wherever it is close to Hong Kong, if the power of Maimaiti has become large enough to hunt us down across the country, then our only way out is The only way is to smuggle into Hong Kong. Although Hong Kong is China's territory, the environment and system are different. Maimaiti is from mainland China, and it will definitely not be easy to infiltrate his underground forces into Hong Kong."

"Hey, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, it's a great place. I heard that there are so many beauties in Hong Kong that no one wants them..." Liu Biao said with a **** smile.

"Boss. Brother Biao, we haven't had enough to eat and wear warm clothes yet. Wait until we have enough to eat and wear warm clothes, then you can think about your sexual desires." Zhang Yang picked up twenty oceans and threw them hard on Liu Biao and said, "Wait here. I, I’m going to see if there’s any place to make money.”

"Ah... you don't bring any money?" Liu Biao said holding twenty dollars.

"Does it make any difference if you wear it or not?" Zhang Yang pursed his lips.

"That's that, that's..." Liu Biao put twenty oceans on himself without courtesy and said: "***, I'm thirsty, I have to buy an ice cream to eat..." Walk around, if we get separated, we will Use QQ to contact, remember Q? "

"Remember, remember, go ahead. My mother-in-law is more annoying than my mother... ah... my mother... it's so miserable. I haven't told my mother yet..." Liu Biao suddenly became anxious when he thought of his mother.

"Ahem... How long have you been away from home for the longest time?"

"More than a month..."

"Damn it, it's been more than a month and how many days have you been out? You're gone..." Zhang Yang was furious.

"Hey, I forgot. I've only been out for a few days. It's okay. You can go and do it." Liu Biao looked embarrassed.

One advantage of Zhang Yang and Liu Biao's escape is that no one will care about them. Zhang Yang's parents have been working outside for a long time. Apart from remitting money on Zhang Yang's card, they rarely contact them at all. Of course, they can't contact them even if they want to.

Although Liu Biao is from City C, he is the owner who never returns home for a long time. As time goes by, his parents get used to it. The longest time he has not been home is not more than a month, but three months. . I walked around trying to find a short-term part-time job, which lasted four hours. My waist and back ached. If it wasn't October and it wasn't too cold, I could describe my current situation as hungry and cold.

By 12 o'clock at noon, he was disappointed, completely disappointed. It could be said that it was impossible to find the kind of short-term job he imagined in the city that could earn living expenses and travel expenses.

At the same time, Zhang Yang thought of a key issue. He had no ID card or diploma. Without these two things, it was almost impossible to find a job, let alone a short-term and profitable job.


Zhang Yang was sitting on a leisure chair on the street and was so hungry that his eyes were flashing with hunger. The eggs and rice noodles he had eaten in the morning had long been digested and sent to the KFC toilet. When Zhang Yang came out of the KFC toilet, he saw the fragrant and yellow hamburgers. and French fries, I just wanted to run over and take a bite.

Looking at the endless flow of people on the street, Zhang Yang had never felt as helpless as he did now. Although he was financially strapped when he was studying, he had never worried about food and clothing. Suddenly, Zhang Yang understood his parents' difficulties.

At this moment, Zhang Yang finally understood why his parents had to leave their hometown and leave him to study alone at home.

Everything is for life! Isn’t a person’s life just for living

Zhang Yang sighed. There are so many people coming and going on this street, and who is not doing it for a living

Shockingly, Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly lit up as he looked at the rows of luxuriously decorated facades.

There is a way!

Isn't it a shortcut to help people buy clothes

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees, general clothing stores will have a certain percentage of commission. The higher the price of the clothes, the higher the commission. If you find a brand clothing store to negotiate terms, wouldn't it be easy to succeed

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly felt impatient. It seemed that there was an invisible force in his body pushing him to achieve this.

Feel the power and. Zhang Yang couldn't help but be stunned. He was very familiar with this feeling. He felt this way when he saw the mathematics book, and he also felt this way when he saw Li Bo's Desert Eagle. The strongest feeling was when I saw the "Lotus Treasure Mirror" and those ancient books.

Could it be that there is a marketing master in my incomplete knowledge memory

Zhang Yang has always been puzzled by the memories in his head. Up to now, Zhang Yang still doesn't know how many memories there are in his head, because there is almost no sign of how to recover those memories when they are not in use. It is just a mystery. Vague concept.

Zhang Yang guessed that the people who possess this knowledge and memory must have different identities, and the person who first appeared to be interested in mathematical calculations should be the one with the strongest thinking and mental power among these people, and the martial arts practice is the second. As for other people's memories, if Zhang Yang doesn't use them, they probably won't appear in his lifetime. It will always be buried in a corner of his head.

Of course, Zhang Yang has now confirmed one thing, that is, no matter what kind of memory and knowledge, you need to learn to adapt when needed, otherwise. It's simply impossible to grasp. Just like martial arts training, until now. Zhang Yang is still confused. Although he has a strong memory, he can't truly understand it. It's like he can see it but can't grasp it.

Zhang Yang endured his hunger and began to wander purposefully in some high-end specialty stores, paying attention to the tone, movements and details of the marketing staff.

Time flew by, and finally, Zhang Yang ran to the bookstore to read some marketing tips.

In the bookstore, Zhang Yang was like a powerful vacuum cleaner. He read everything related to marketing. To his surprise, when he came into contact with some marketing knowledge, he immediately awakened a person he had never known before. Thought knowledge.


This memory knowledge shocked him, because he had never felt so clearly that whether it was mathematics, martial arts or marketing knowledge, it was almost negligible compared with psychological knowledge. It was too clear.

He only needs five minutes to read a psychology book with less than 200,000 words. This is no longer reading, or directly turning the book. However, for Zhang Yang, this is indeed a way of reading, because the moment he turned the pages of the book, he already understood the knowledge above.

Zhang Yang was flipping through books crazily in the bookstore. The staff at the bookstore looked like they were crazy. Fortunately, the young man showed no signs of going crazy or damaging the books, and the staff didn't bother to care about him.

Zhang Yang couldn't care less about other people's opinions at this time. He was doing crazy calculations and thinking in his head.

Why does this happen


This is incredible. Could it be that this person's mental power can surpass all previous memories

When Zhang Yang came out of the bookstore, he was always thinking about this question. If this psychological memory is so powerful, why was there no sign at first

According to the rule that the more powerful the memory appears first, then in psychology, mathematical calculations should appear first to induce learning. If this memory cannot be compared with the previous memory knowledge, then why is there such a situation now? Clear memory

The only explanation is that psychology is a subject related to mental strength. Because marketing also contains knowledge about psychology, it attracts the memory of psychology. When the memory wakes up, it immediately surpasses other memories.

Now, Zhang Yang has inherited all the psychological knowledge after just a little refresher.

Of course, having one more piece of knowledge definitely did not cause him any trouble. An excellent psychologist is almost equivalent to the existence of a god in the minds of ordinary people. He can penetrate people's thoughts and hypnotize. Most importantly, he is an excellent psychologist. Learning to do marketing is like killing a chicken with a knife.

Hungry, hungry!

Zhang Yang didn't bother to think about it anymore. He had too many skills and didn't care about himself. He just wanted to find Liu Biao in the park as soon as possible. Liu Biao still had twenty yuan on him, so he would deal with today first.

Fortunately, Liu Biao was still there, lying on the chair and sleeping soundly, with his belly stretched out, revealing his thick chest hair, and the inside of his nose was like a bellows.

"Brother Biao, get up..."

"Ah... um... wake up... do you want to eat?" Liu Biao stood up with sleepy eyes and ran straight out of the park.

"I'm going to buy it. Where's the money?"

"Ah... ahem... you didn't make any money?" Liu Biao said with wide eyes.

"No..." Zhang Yang felt a little bad.

"It's all here."

Liu Biao took out his money with a sad face, four pieces of money.

"Brother Biao, you ate so much in the morning, you can't possibly eat another sixteen yuan at noon, right? With your figure, you should lose weight."

Zhang Yang took the six yuan dejectedly. According to his idea, Liu Biao was in a flash now and rarely moved around. He ate so much in the morning, so he should just eat something at noon and the other party passed by. Then he knew that there were only four yuan left. Yuan.

"I ate a box lunch, ten yuan..."

"What about the six yuan left?"

"I was so free that I shot a six-yuan toy gun in the park, the kind that shoots balloons..." Liu Biao's head almost dropped to his crotch.

Zhang Yang was speechless.

This dinner consisted of eight steamed buns. Even if they wanted to buy a bottle of mineral water, they had no money left. The two of them wolfed down the steamed buns and looked at each other with unsatisfied expressions.

"Is that gun fun?"

"Which is better, steamed buns or toy guns?"

"Hehe, I will make a lot of money tomorrow. Don't worry, I will make a lot of money tomorrow. Please shoot for a day, ***, don't stop, keep shooting for me!"

"No, I'm playing with a gun." Liu Biao looked serious.

"Then what are you doing?" Zhang Yang was stunned.

"I want to eat steamed buns. If I eat one, I will throw away another. If I eat another, I will throw away another..."

"Hahaha… "

The two of them didn't know that while they were having fun, a huge net had been spread across the country. Photos of Liu Biao had been widely circulated in the underground world, and the amount of money raised by Maimai had reached 20 million yuan. .

Of course, in Maimaiti's mind, the lives of Zhang Yang and Liu Biao were not worth 2,000 yuan, so the price of 20 million was entirely for their sons, for his most precious son.

At this time, Zhang Yang still naively believed that it would be almost safe if he left Province H... (Quanben Novel Network