The Road to Kill the Gods

Chapter 99: Schizophrenia is about to transform!


"Sister Yan..."

Zhang Yang suddenly became anxious. This girl is overly spoiled and has a weird temper. If she really gets angry, the consequences will definitely be serious. Zhang Yang has invested nearly 100 million yuan in this luxury store since he was just a birthday gift for the girl. Reaching tens of millions, this already shows that the girl's family is not simple. Zhang Yang can be sure that the wealth of the girl's family is definitely not comparable to that of a fat man. WwW.QuAnBen-XIaoShuo.CoM

A girl's family can invest hundreds of millions of dollars for her to do whatever she wants. She doesn't seem to feel the slightest loss of more than 10 million yuan a year. A family with a little bit of money would never do this. It can even be said that money is not important to her. This family is already just a statistic.

"Shut up!" The girl immediately interrupted Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang opened his mouth and fell silent. Obviously, the girl was furious.

"Forget it, little brother, I'm just talking casually. After get off work, help me go to the president's place to sign the payment." Seeing that Zhang Yang was wronged, the fat man sighed.

"Mr. Mao Renguo, do you think our affairs are over like this? You come to the door to recruit people, and then forget it with one sentence. You are awesome! Well, I am not free now. I hope you can give me an explanation tomorrow. As a human being, no matter what Whether it’s right or wrong, there will be rewards or a price to pay!”

The girl smiled coldly, took out a business card from the small wallet in her hand, handed it to the fat man, and turned around to leave.

Zhang Yang only thought of the temper of a willful girl. When he saw the girl turn around and leave, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. "Brother, you..."

When Zhang Yang looked at the fat man, he was immediately shocked. I saw the fat man staring at the business card, trembling all over, covering his chest with one hand, his face was horribly pale, beads of sweat as big as beans fell from his forehead, and he was about to fall to the ground.

Having a heart attack!

Almost without thinking, Zhang Yang immediately protected the fat man with both hands. Almost instinctively, Zhang Yang felt a stream of air flowing in his body, slowly entering the fat man's body.

"Hurry, chase her back... Hurry..." The fat man gasped, squatting on the ground and pointing at the girl leaving in the distance, with an anxious look on his face.

At this time, the girl had already walked fifty meters away.

"Brother. You wait for me in the store first, and I will explain to her."

Without waiting for the fat man to answer, Zhang Yang rushed after the girl.

"What are you doing?" The girl stared and looked up at Zhang Yang who was blocking the way.

"He is an old man." Zhang Yang stared at the girl closely.

"Can an old man be unreasonable? Am I afraid of an old man? What a joke!" The girl turned sideways and was about to leave.

"Listen to me..." Zhang Yang grabbed the girl's arm.

"Let go!" the girl snapped.

"Don't let go!" Zhang Yang's bullish temper also came.

"You are very courageous." The girl sneered, revealing a heart-stopping evil aura.

"You don't have a gun now. Why should I be afraid of you..."

As Zhang Yang spoke, he wrapped an arm around the girl's soft body and dragged her towards the leisure chair on the edge of the pedestrian street.

"Let go, will you let go? If you don't let go, I will yell..."

"You shout, as long as you dare to shout, I will dare to kiss you in front of people on this street. Others will just think that we are lovers quarreling!"

"You..." The girl's face turned green with anger, but there was nothing she could do. Zhang Yang was forced to half hug and half drag him to the chair.

"Yan... I'm sorry, I don't know your last name yet..."

"My father's surname is Wang, what do you think my surname is?" the girl said angrily.

"Well, Miss Wang. I don't know what kind of family you are from. I don't know what kind of father you have. I don't want to know. It has nothing to do with me. I just know. You scared the old man just now. If not Where I was just now, the old man had died of a heart attack."

"No way..." The girl couldn't help turning her head towards the direction of Noble City with a suspicious look on her face.

"I don't need to lie." Zhang Yang stared at the girl with a serious face and said, "Ms. Wang. You were born with a golden key in your mouth. You don't know the hardships of starting a business. You also saw that you lose tens of thousands every day just for fun. , but people like us are running around for three meals. When I didn’t work here, I would sleep in the park every day and eat a few steamed buns at one meal... "

"Oh..." The girl's originally stiff body softened a little, and she looked at Zhang Yang sympathetically. It was obvious that she was someone who was soft-spoken but not tough.

"As you can see, that fat man, he also started his own business. He has billions of dollars in wealth but he wears simple clothes and has to go to the workshop for inspections. I can be sure that it is not easy for him to build a foundation. And just now, he saw He had a heart attack immediately after you gave him the business card. I think you must have threatened his career development. In fact, people like him are also very pitiful. He has raised several prodigal sons and is now dozens of years old. He cannot relax at all. Hey..." Zhang Yang felt this and couldn't help but sigh deeply. Fatty's anxious expression yesterday was still vivid in his mind.

"Then are you still leaving?" The girl seemed to be moved by Zhang Yang's tone and asked in a low voice.

"Am I that important?" Zhang Yang asked.

"This..." The girl hesitated and said, "Mommy gave me this shop, and I still want to start it myself. I want to be self-reliant... However, the shop has been suffering serious losses, so I hope you... you... "After speaking, the girl looked ashamed.

"Ms. Wang, I'm sorry. It's not because of Fatty, because I have something very important to do. I can only stay here for a few days. In other words, I will leave after I pay back the money I owe you!" Zhang Yang sighed! He took a breath, and suddenly he didn't want to lie to this girl. Although the girl had a bad temper, she actually had a good heart, and her ears softened after saying a few nice words.

"What! Are you leaving?" The girl stood up suddenly, looking surprised.

"Yes, I have to go. I have something very important to do. Very important."

"Then... then... what should I do?" The girl said anxiously, "What do you have to do? How about I help you?"

"No, haha, I'm a man. Women won't let women interfere in men's affairs. I will handle it myself." Zhang Yang said proudly.

The girl suddenly looked fascinated when she saw Zhang Yang's heroic expression.

"Zhang Yang. Sometimes you really seem like the person my mommy said you were." The girl looked at Zhang Yang's face blankly,


"My father, my mother often mentioned it to me, saying that my father is a very domineering person, and he is a male chauvinist. He is really similar, and your words are also very similar..." The girl had an unreal expression on her face. . As if looking for something in common between Zhang Yang and his father.

"Have you not seen your father for a long time?"

"It's not a long time, but I've never seen it before. One month before I was born, my father left for something very important. The image of my father in my mind was all instilled by my mother." The girl smiled bitterly: "You know what I just said Why do you feel this? Just because, my mother said. My father also said the same thing when he left, I am a man, and women will not interfere in men's affairs."

"That... I'm so sorry, I can't help you."

"No need to be sorry, my store was not open when you didn't come. Haha, after you came, I became more confident. At least, my idea of opening the store was on the right track, it was just a management issue, I am confident! "

"Well. Come on, Noble City still has great potential to be tapped. You need to let the wealthy people in the entire provincial capital know that coming to Noble City for consumption is a status symbol. Then, you will succeed! I will pay close attention in the next few days. I’ll train the employees of Noble City for you. It’s very easy!”

"Then you have to worry about it." The girl suddenly said with a happy face.

"It should be, hehe. By the way, where is your father?"

"It's very complicated not to talk about him, but I know that my father is still alive. I have a hunch that he will come back soon. There are thousands of people in this world waiting for my father to return!" The girl said He said with a proud face.

"He congratulates you first!"


"By the way, let me ask."


"Is your father as handsome as me?"

"Hmph... Damn Zhang Yang, if you had one tenth of what my father had, I would fall in love with you. Unfortunately, you don't even have one percent of what I have. Also, I don't like your lustful expression. I hate it to death." La..." The girl stood up and poked Zhang Yang, smiled softly, and left with a gust of fragrant wind.

"Where is the fat man?" Zhang Yang took a deep breath of the fragrance in the air and shouted at the graceful back.

"It's okay, I said I would put in a few nice words for him and see if I can solve those problems. The girls turned around and smiled, which made Zhang Yang's head dizzy. He suddenly understood the mood of looking back and smiling charmingly.

If it didn't have that colorful head, if it could be more gentle, if it didn't play with guns, it would be the best. Looking at the undulating, slender back, Zhang Yang smacked his mouth with a pity expression on his face.

A quarter

Is he that handsome

Zhang Yang felt a little angry when he thought that he was not even one percent as good as others.

After comforting the fat man and making an appointment to go to the president's house after get off work, the fat man left uneasily.

Knowing that long after Fatty left, Zhang Yang was still thinking about what kind of business card the girl gave Fatty, which actually frightened Fatty with billions of assets to the point of having a heart attack.

Unfortunately, Zhang Yang didn't pay attention because the fat man had a heart attack.

On this day, Zhang Yang and Liu An agreed that except when there were many busy guests, Zhang Yang would receive almost all the guests personally, while Liu An and the others stood in the distance and carefully studied Zhang Yang's words and deeds.

This is a teaching course designed by Zhang Yang himself. It is necessary to train the employees in Noble City into real marketers in a very short time.

On this day, Zhang Yang was very busy. His sales caused the total turnover in the store to rise sharply. From 9:20 in the morning to lunch at 12:30 noon, Zhang Yang's turnover had reached as high as three More than 100,000, which made the beauties in Noble City look at Zhang Yang with expressions full of admiration.

In just half a day, Zhang Yang has become the spiritual leader of the noble city, vaguely. He has established a kind of authority among his employees, a kind of authority at the level of a marketing master. Zhang Yang's focused expression when doing business fascinates all the girls. However, when Zhang Yang is free, his eyes are rolling. I want every girl to escape, it’s so sexy...

"We like to eat strawberries, but fish like to eat earthworms. So, when fishing, we don't use strawberries but earthworms! Who knows the meaning of this sentence?" After sending away a female customer, Zhang Yang called the employees together and asked, He asked with a serious face.

"Because people eat strawberries, but fish only eat earthworms." Xiao Qing, the cashier, said weakly.

"Yes, people eat strawberries and fish eat earthworms. But, today I discovered that many of you want fish to eat strawberries!"

Everyone looked at each other, not understanding what Zhang Yang meant.

"Well, let's talk about Liu An first. Liu An, I know that you like that pink winter skirt, those white leather shoes, and that brown scarf. Well, I know that you like it very much. From you I can see it in your eyes, but this does not mean that your customers also like it. You always hope that others like the products you like. You eat strawberries, how rare is it for fish to eat them? "

"Today, you received three guests. The first one wanted to buy a scarf. However, the first guest was in her fifties. Judging from the temperament of her clothes, she should be the kind of official wife. She definitely wants to wear it. She must be decent and show off, but unfortunately, her age and skin are no longer suitable for brown. An old lady is already old, and her skin is not good. You recommend a brown scarf to her. Do you think it will be successful? Well, Even if she succeeds, she will buy it home and find problems after using it for a few days. Then, the scarf that cost thousands of dollars will be placed in the closet forever, and then Noble City will become a sad thing for her. This place will never come again..."

"I..." Liu An suddenly turned red.

"For a woman of that age and temperament, you should introduce a light green scarf to her, which matches her skin, is decent and generous, conspicuous but not dazzling. This means that your second guest is about twenty years old. It should be the daughter of a wealthy woman, who has no concept of money. You introduced her to a pair of white high-heeled leather shoes because you also like those leather shoes. However, you ignored the vigor and liveliness of the girl. You think a lively person A girl will wear a pair of high heels properly? What’s more, she also wears high-heeled leather shoes from time to time!"

"The third guest is a middle-aged man with a serious expression. You actually introduced him to a white suit. I'm really speechless. Did you see that I look good in that suit?"

"For a serious man, it is almost impossible for him to wear a white suit. What does white represent? Clean, chic, handsome... I think these are not what the middle-aged man pursues. That man yearns more for power. What color represents power? ? Black is definitely the color, and even dark blue, brown and other deep colors can represent power, because it has a sense of weight... Of course, for people who have reached the peak of power, color is not important. What they care about is taste. They always Every move of his hand exudes authority without the need for clothes to set it off. Even the fat man who left just now does not need clothes to set off his authority, because he has billions of family assets as the backing... "

"Each of you has made some stupid mistakes to one degree or another. I won't list them one by one. I hope that you can become a real marketing master in a short time instead of just a vase standing in the hall! "

"I don't have much time here. I took most of the sales alone. Soon, I will pay off my debts. I hope that when I pay off my debts, you will have some ideas for your own marketing." A change is that when we sell goods, we need to consider that we are not just selling the goods, but also thinking about how to retain customers and hope that they will come and buy again... "

"Haha, don't be discouraged. In fact, marketing looks very profound, but it is actually very simple. You just need to learn more other knowledge and accumulate some experience, and you will be able to master it soon. For example, read more books on color matching. , pay more attention to the guests' walking movements and expressions. Of course, it is also important to pay attention to the guests' skin. You must make good suggestions, and you must let the guests know the reasons and basis for your suggestions. First, you must think of, here This is a luxury store, and the products here can cost tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands. If you want customers to spend money without regrets, then you will succeed! In addition, don’t deceive customers because of your performance... "

"Haha... It's time to eat... Eat, eat..." Zhang Yang, who was talking endlessly, suddenly heard a noise from behind. He looked back and saw several chefs pushing the dining cart in.

A group of girls looked at each other. Zhang Yang, who had been serious just now, suddenly changed. This change was too fast. How far is the distance between a marketing master and an ordinary person

The girls were a little dumbfounded, looking at Zhang Yang eagerly watching the chef place the dishes and chopsticks.

"Hehe... It's really time to eat. I'm starving to death. I almost died from exhaustion at Mommy's gym..." Zhang Yang was just about to sit down with a bowl of rice when he saw a girl hurried in, touching her small nose. .

Tough luck!

Zhang Yang sighed, put down the bowl and chopsticks and stood up. Forget it, let's go eat the box lunch. Ten yuan will pay for it.

"How much business have you done today?" The girl glanced at Zhang Yang who was about to leave and asked.

"More than three hundred thousand, most of which were completed by Zhang Yang..." Xiao Qing said softly.

"Well, Zhang Yang, you are the hero now, let me take this seat!" The girl carelessly pulled up the chair and sat down. She was sitting under Zhang Yang.

"Oh... thank you, hehe, I'm hungry, I'm hungry..." Zhang Yang was overjoyed and sat down quickly. By this time, the chef had left.

"Everyone, let's sit down and eat... By the way, Zhang Yang, I feel like you're a little weird."

"Um... Really?" Zhang Yang said perfunctorily while eating.

"Yes, yes, miss, I also found that brother Zhangyang is acting strangely, and he changes into a different person after a while." Xiao Qing said quickly.

"You feel that way too?"

"I also feel that Zhang Yang is weird. I thought I was the only one who felt this way, hehe..." Liu An said with a smile.

"Is it true?" Zhang Yang suddenly put down his bowl and said, "Tell me, how am I different?"

"It's very complicated. Sometimes he is domineering like a big man, sometimes he is cautious, sometimes he is very focused, sometimes he is like a graceful young man, and sometimes he is very lustful... In short, it is very complicated, but I like it. That focused expression of yours..." Liu An chuckled.

"Yes, I strongly agree!" The girl nodded repeatedly.

"Really? Really... I'm a little uncomfortable. You guys eat, I'll rest in the VIP room for a while... "

Zhang Yang suddenly stood up with a pale face, sweat dripping from his forehead, and felt a stinging pain in his head. All kinds of memory information were being refreshed crazily in his mind, as if it would explode...

The moment Liu An and the others were talking, Zhang Yang discovered a very serious and terrifying problem. He has now developed symptoms of schizophrenia. It is impossible for a person to have so many personalities at the same time. The only possibility is that in the brain The memories have begun to split his personality and control his words and deeds.

"!" The door of the VIP room slammed shut, and a group of girls stared at each other.

Zhang Yang rushed into the VIP room and curled up on the sand with his head that looked like it was exploding. What should he do? what to do… ? (Quanben Novel Network