The Royal Princess Fox

Chapter 106: Nosy


Isn't it because she is like her that she is able to sit where she is today? Otherwise, how could she have the opportunity to sit on this high throne and enjoy the respect of thousands of people.

In fact, she didn't want much. That time, she saw the emperor for the first time. With just one glance, she put him in her heart. At that moment, her heart collapsed. She had always been calm. My heart began to surge and beat non-stop.

She always remembers her identity. She is just a singing girl who looks like the late queen. One is an emperor with a noble status and holds the world in his hands. The other is a humble little singing girl. The two are as different as the sky. The white clouds in the sky were as different as the soil on the ground, so disparate, so difficult to meet, so impossible, what could she ask for? Will the emperor like her

She was originally just a singing girl, but because she sang well and danced well, she was chosen and entered the palace. She also met the man she loved most in her life but who never had her in his heart.

At first, she didn't think about how much she wanted to live, as long as she could stay with the emperor.

But the emperor made a huge decision, overcoming all objections, and resolutely made her his queen.

She sat on the queen's throne that all women in the world dreamed of, and enjoyed the emperor's kindness to her. She was almost intoxicated until the emperor called out the name of the former queen in her dream, and she woke up from the dream. How could she naively think that the emperor was treating her badly? She was sincere, how could she forget that she had gone through layers of screening and many obstacles to come to the palace. The purest emotion she wanted could never be given to her by the emperor.

She didn't want much. Even without the noble status of the queen, she would be satisfied with the emperor's sincerity for her, but no, no.

Even the emperor was unwilling to give her any sincerity.

"What the emperor says is what it is. I am stupid and still care about these trivial things. It is really inappropriate. The emperor works hard for the sake of the people of the world. You should pay more attention to your health. As long as the emperor is good to my heart, I feel comfortable and at ease." The queen lowered her head and said with concern, her face slightly red.

Taking a steaming bowl from the hand of the maid next to her, the queen said with a smile: "This is a medicinal porridge that I personally cooked for the emperor to nourish the body. After drinking it, it has the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing the body." , it can also relieve fatigue and is very good for the body.”

"My dear, thank you for your trouble. From now on, you can just let the imperial chefs do these things. You, just enjoy yourself in your palace. If you get hurt, I won't worry to death." Emperor Xuande held his hand. The queen's hand was like a deep pool, and her eyes flashed with very faint ripples so fast that no one had time to think about it. She sighed softly and said with a slight pity.

"Your Majesty, there is still someone here." The queen blushed and pointed to Emperor Xuande with her eyes in embarrassment. Wen Xi stood next to him.

Wen Xi sneaked out of the hall before the queen finished speaking.

Emperor Xuande saw that no one was there anymore, turned his gaze back, and said meaningfully: "There is no one now."

The queen's face turned even redder, and she avoided looking at Emperor Xuande, saying, "The emperor is making fun of my concubine again. The emperor still has many memorials to read." Emperor Xuande was very happy when he saw the queen's appearance and laughed. He said: "My queen is still so shy. I will go to your place tonight."

Hearing Emperor Xuande's promise, the queen was overjoyed. She raised her eyes and looked at him affectionately: "I thought I had to wait for many more days, but I... I will be well prepared."

He shifted his gaze to the steaming medicinal porridge in his hand: "Your Majesty, you'd better drink this porridge while it's hot. It won't taste good after a while when it cools down."

Emperor Xuande placed the bowl in the queen's hand on the table and said affectionately: "I don't want to drink now, I just want to look at you!"

"Your Majesty, business is important!" the Queen said with a bit of solemnity: "I don't want to be said to be the kind of bad woman whose beauty is a disaster but only knows how to invite favors."

He hesitated for a moment and turned his head, as if he wanted to say something else.

Looking at the queen's expression, Emperor Xuande knew that she had something to say and asked him at the right time: "The queen, what do you want to tell me? Or is there something difficult?"

"I don't know whether I should say it or not." The Queen's hand holding the bowl froze, and there was a trace of hesitation on her face: "If I say it, Your Majesty, please don't blame me for being nosy."

"It's like this. Even if the emperor's second prince did something wrong, he couldn't help it. After all, who has never made a mistake? Even the sage Confucius made mistakes sometimes. Knowing his mistakes can make a lot of improvements. The second prince also learned a lesson for this. , Now he is seriously injured and lying in bed to recuperate and cannot see the imperial doctor. The second prince's biological mother passed away early. Although he is not very close to the concubine, the concubine is the queen and the second prince's current mother. The concubine cannot watch the second prince. He is seriously injured and suffering in bed, please the emperor, please be patient and let the second prince go this time!"

The queen "plopped" and knelt down at the feet of Emperor Xuande with a firm look on her face, as if she was really sad because she felt sorry for Ye Xingyu.

Emperor Xuande did not ask the queen to get up immediately. His eyes were so heavy that no one could guess or tell what he was thinking.

The queen knelt on the ground, not being mentioned by Emperor Xuande personally, and not daring to get up rashly. She was murmuring in her heart. Could it be that she had miscalculated this move

Not only was the emperor not happy because of her tolerance and kindness, he believed in her even more, but he was not satisfied with her being a good and conscientious queen

After a while, Emperor Xuande seemed to notice the queen kneeling on the ground, and then he personally helped her up and said in surprise: "I was thinking about something just now, why are you still kneeling on the ground?"

The queen couldn't bring her pain to the table, so she had to swallow her bitterness. For the sake of the world, the emperor was distracted when talking to her, thinking, can she complain? Can you tell that she is unwilling

Of course not, not only could she not, but she also acted like she didn't care, reflecting her magnanimity as an emperor.

He stood up, shook his head gently and said, "It's okay. I know that the emperor is concerned about the situation in the world. I also understand that the emperor is distracted because he is worried about state affairs."

Emperor Xuande coughed lightly and said, "The queen is really a virtuous and kind person. Having you is truly a blessing to me in my future life!"

"What did you ask me just now?" Emperor Xuande then mentioned his old words again.

"I just said that I want the emperor to forgive the second prince this time. It is true that the second prince made mistakes, but as long as he corrects himself, he is still a good boy worthy of education. The emperor might as well give him a chance. I believe that he will not do the same thing again. It's a mistake." The queen patiently said what she just said again.

I added a sentence in my mind: I will not make the same mistake again, I will only make different mistakes. It is best to make a big mistake and be kicked out of the palace by the emperor.

Face must be given, but whether the emperor will agree is another question. Anyway, she has done what she should do as a queen.

"The second prince is not close to you, but you can still think about him. This is Xingyu's blessing. The queen is interested." Emperor Xuande said, gently holding the queen in his arms and stroking her black and smooth hair.

A sneer appeared on the corner of the Queen's mouth, and her soft voice was exactly the opposite of her facial expression: "This is what I should do. Even if I and the emperor still make mistakes, the second prince has already received the punishment he deserves. If it is delayed any longer, Go down, I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it!"

"For the sake of the queen's intercession for Xingyu, I will give you this thin noodles. However, Jun Wu joked that no imperial doctor could be invited, so he could only have the medicine delivered to Xingyu's palace." Emperor Xuande said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty is wise. After learning this lesson, I hope that the second prince will no longer be willful and do anything wrong!"

It would be best to do a few more earth-shattering events to touch the emperor's bottom line and get out of the palace completely.

Then, the world of Nanjiang Kingdom will become her and her son's!

After lunch, Ye Chengxin lay on the table and tapped on the table in boredom. He was so bored that no one wanted to play with him.

Why is everyone afraid of him? They ran away as soon as they saw him, and he didn't do anything harmful.

Suddenly I heard the conversation between two palace maids outside, and my ears pricked up!

One palace maid pulled another palace maid to the wall and whispered in her ear: "Do you know what happened to the second prince recently?"

"I heard it. It is said that he did something bad and made the emperor very angry. When he was angry, he slapped twenty big sticks. Can the slap in the palace be a simple slap? I heard that some mistakes were made. Many of the palace maids and eunuchs died within twenty strokes just because they could not withstand the torture of the board. How pitiful!"

Another palace maid said she was pitiful, but there was no trace of pity on her face, but she looked a little gloating.

"Yes, our second prince is very lucky. Seriously, why did the emperor suddenly become so cruel? He even personally ordered that no imperial doctor should be allowed to treat him. In case something happens..."

Before the previous maid finished speaking, another maid covered her mouth. The other maid looked around and saw that no one was passing by before she put her hand down and said worriedly: "Don't say such treacherous words in the future. There is a price to pay for gossiping, if the emperor finds out, even ten lives for us slaves will not be enough!"

The palace maid nodded anxiously: "I understand. I won't talk nonsense in the future. I'm just curious. Although the second prince is a dandy, he only targets people with bad intentions. He has never done anything to us. The second prince is now Being seriously ill in bed can no longer be as high-spirited as before, and I feel bad."

The second prince had helped her once, but that time her brother was seriously ill, and the family could not afford to pay for medical treatment even though the family was selling iron and steel. Unfortunately, they refused to treat his brother, and she was helpless in the palace and suffered alone.

(End of chapter)