The Royal Princess Fox

Chapter 107: Don't dare


I happened to see the second prince passing by.

It was precisely this that allowed their family to survive a crisis.

The palace maid's brother was ill and could not be cured. No doctor was willing to treat him without money, and no relatives or friends were willing to lend them a little money.

Her family was already in dire straits, and it was only when her family was in poverty that she was sold into the palace as a servant by her parents.

She knew that her family didn't even have enough food and clothing, so she didn't feel resentful about what her parents did to her. Instead, she thought about her family all the time. When she saved a lot of money, she would have people send it to her family.

This time, the younger brother's condition has not been cured. Apart from his two young sisters, there is only one man in the family, his younger brother. His parents still rely on him to carry on the family line. If something happens to him... what will happen to the family

The more she thought about it, the sadder she became. She was just a little palace maid alone in the palace and could not help at all. She walked to the lotus pond in the palace unknowingly.

My brother is obedient and sensible.

"Sister, when I grow up, I will take the top exam and let my sister and parents eat delicious food and live in a good place. Do you think it's okay?"

"Okay, I'm so good, little brother! You have to study hard, I believe you will be able to get the top prize."

There was also a younger brother who was crying and holding her back so that no one else could take her away.

"Sister, don't leave, don't leave, don't follow others, I want my sister, I want my sister!"

"Brother, be good and obedient at home. Sister, you will be missed when you are away."

As he was thinking about it, his feet slipped, he screamed, and fell headlong into the lotus pond.

Just when she thought she was certain to die, she suddenly felt a tightening in her waist and stopped her fall.

Ye Xingyu gently pulled Bai Ling in his hand, and the palace maid was instantly pulled to the ground. She said in a very unhappy voice: "No matter how hard you think about it, you can't escape by committing suicide! What can't you do to get through it? People come up with it themselves. Suicide when you encounter a slight setback is disrespectful to your own life, disrespectful to the parents who gave birth to you and raised you, and disrespectful to relatives and friends who care about you. Think carefully before making a decision!"

"Two... two... Second prince, I didn't know that the second prince would be here. I'll meet you here. The second prince is a thousand years old!" The palace maid looked up and felt as if she had been struck by lightning. She hurriedly knelt down. Salute on the ground.

The second prince is the little bully in the palace. He does a lot of teasing. Everyone has something to do and they don't go to the second prince. They stay as far away as possible.

She did not want to commit suicide, but she was too focused on her brother's affairs and almost slipped into the lotus pond. The second prince must have thought that she was suicidal because of this.

This is terrible, will I be tortured to death by the second prince

Thinking of this, my whole body trembled, and my hands and feet trembled non-stop.

"Get up and don't do stupid things again. If you die, you will have nothing!"

If you die, you will have nothing, nothing, not her, not your brother, not her dilapidated home.

No, she can't die, and neither can her brother!

There must be a way, there must be a way!

The palace maid's eyes were sore and she couldn't help but shed tears: "The second prince is right. If I know this, I will never seek death in the future. It's just that my brother is seriously ill and is about to die. The family has no money to treat him. I'm sad for a moment. Please tell me." Prince, forgive me!"

"My lord, I have a lot of money. I don't blame you. Take it, this is the medical expenses for your brother. Let your brother go to see a doctor as soon as possible!"

Ye Xingyu said, taking out a money bag from his body and throwing it to the palace maid.

The palace maid reached out to take it, looked at Ye Xingyu in disbelief, and forgot to cry for a moment: " all for me?"

Why was the second prince different from what was said in the palace? If she hadn't known the second prince's face, she would have thought that this second prince was someone pretending to be someone else. But looking at the costume and the tone of his voice, she was sure that this was the domineering dude. The second prince.

She had dozens of taels of silver in her hands. Not only did the second prince not punish her for this, but he also gave her so much money to treat her brother.

Ye Xingyu turned around and strode away, leaving only faint words: "For the sake of one less wronged person in the palace, don't thank me too much."

Another palace maid said: "It's good to know. You have to be careful when doing things in the palace, otherwise you will die without knowing it."

After a pause, he leaned close to the palace maid's ear and whispered with a smile: "It's not that I can't say it anymore. Life in the palace is so boring. If there is nothing new to make us happy, we will have to hold it back to death! It's hard to say it. Say it secretly."

"what are you guys saying?"

A clear and childish child's voice came from the inner palace. The two palace maids trembled and knelt down quickly to beg for mercy: "Fourth Prince, please spare your life. I will never dare to do this again..."

Ye Chengxin walked out of the hall and waved his hands impatiently: "Get up, I want to ask you, what were you talking about just now?"

Talking about the master in the palace is a capital crime, and the two maids kowtowed in panic.

"Fourth Prince, this slave has nothing to discuss. Please, Fourth Prince, do not punish this slave!"

"Fourth Prince, please spare us, we will never dare again..."

"What are you doing? Those who don't know think I'm abusing the palace maid. Get up quickly. As long as you just tell me what you're talking about, I will forgive your sin this time." Ye Chengxin clasped his little hands behind his back with a look of displeasure on his face. Patience: "You were talking about what happened to my second emperor brother just now? What happened to him?"

The two palace maids put down their worries at this point. It turned out that the fourth prince questioned them because he was worried about the second prince.

"The second prince doesn't know because he offended the emperor, so the emperor slapped him twenty times, and he is still bedridden." The palace maid who spoke for Ye Xingyu lowered her head and said.

"Yes, Fourth Prince, we are also worried about the Second Prince and are saying this. We don't mean to offend. Please be merciful to the Fourth Prince and go around the slaves this time."

Another palace maid was more excited and took the opportunity to speak.

"What? The second emperor brother was beaten by his parents?" Ye Chengxin was shocked, with a look of worry on his face: "I'll go see the second emperor brother first."

"Fourth Prince..." The two maids heard the sound of urgent footsteps, and when they raised their heads again, their eyes disappeared.

"I don't like these decoctions, so I poured them all down!" Ye Xingyu, who was lying on his side on the bed and reading a book, said without raising his head when he heard the footsteps.

I dreamed that I was holding the soup, and it was neither possible to leave nor to stay.

Although the emperor ordered not to examine the second prince's injuries, he did not allow him to be given medicine!

The second prince was the most suitable candidate for the future heir apparent, and should shoulder the great responsibilities of the Southern Border Kingdom. It didn't take long for countless decoctions to be delivered to him one after another.

The two concubines Dong Mofen and Yin Hongying were even more attentive and sent tonics in person.

"This is a good medicine to nourish the body. If you are sick, it can be cured. If you are not sick, it can strengthen your body. Would you like the second prince to drink some of it yourself?" Meng Hui asked tentatively.

Especially, she did it herself.

Although Ye Xingyu was not seriously injured, he also suffered some minor flesh injuries. If he doesn't take medicine, he doesn't know when he will recover.

"Take it out and it will make you sick when you smell it. I hate drinking medicine."

Ye Xingyu put down his hand, frowned, and covered his nose.

The pungent medicinal smell is really unpleasant.

"Then how can you be willing to take medicine? So many people are staring at you. If they find out that you are pretending to be injured and the emperor finds out, they may beat you twenty times more. Otherwise, you should drink a little. Come on, don't let other people get the hang of it." Meng Hui tried to persuade Ye Xingyu.

"I'm going to be bored to death. If I had known that pretending to be sick would be so boring and I couldn't go out yet, I wouldn't have had to pretend to be sick. Go and pour it into the flower pot on the windowsill."

Even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn't take the medicine. It was so painful that he would die, but the good medicine was so bitter that it was good for his illness. In his opinion, it was just as painful as death.

Ever since he was given medicine once by Ye Xingtong when he was young, he would not take medicine no matter how serious his illness was.


Meng Hui knew that he was at the end of his rope. If he continued to talk, he might even drive her away, so he had to obediently walk to the window and pour her into the flower pot.

As soon as I poured it into the flower pot, I suddenly found a small purple figure sneaking around in front of the temple, looking left and right.

Menghui's eyes lit up.

Isn't that the Fourth Prince Ye Chengxin? How could he be there

Wasn't Ye Xingyu cruelly driving him away last time? This time I was bold enough to come alone.

Thinking of this, Ye Chengxin had already come to the window, secretly poked his little head out and looked up. When he saw Menghui, he shouted in surprise: "Menghui father-in-law, you are here. I have avoided all the people around me." Talent came here secretly to see the second emperor brother. I heard that the second emperor brother was beaten by his father and is still bedridden. How is the second emperor brother? Is he feeling better? "

Looking at Ye Chengxin's concerned eyes and worried expression, Meng Hui laughed. He had been rejected countless times, and yet he dared to go up to the tiger and pluck its hair. He really didn't give up until he reached the Yellow River.

How sad he would be if he knew how much his second emperor brother hated him because of his mother! poor child!

"It's okay, don't worry, your father loves your second emperor brother so much, how could he really hit your second emperor brother? It's just a joke, don't worry too much." Meng Hui said to Ye Chengxin with a smile.

"Really? Is the Second Emperor Brother really okay?" Ye Chengxin opened his eyes wide, and his eyes were as bright as black grapes, shining with excitement and joy.

"Then... can I go see the Second Emperor Brother? I..." Ye Chengxin bit his lower lip and looked at Menghui without blinking. His innocent eyes were undeniable.

"Well, it's best not to go and see it for now. Your second emperor brother is in a bad mood after being punished by your parents. He doesn't want to see anyone now..."

"Who doesn't want to see anyone? Menghui, why don't I know when my prince is in a bad mood? Let Ye Chengxin come in!" Before Menghui finished speaking, Ye Xingyu's voice suddenly sounded behind Menghui, making Meng Hui shuddered subconsciously. This Ye Xingyu's face really changed like heaven.

(End of chapter)