The Royal Princess Fox

Chapter 56: of labor


Meng Hui raised a gratified smile: "It's good that the second prince knows. Meng Hui was promoted by the second prince himself. He should do his best for the second prince."

Her stay in the palace for so many days was not in vain.

She learns things very quickly and has a relatively good memory.

I have learned a lot about the ways of the world a long time ago, and even my speech is becoming more and more humane.

She never thought that she, who had always been ignorant of people's affairs, could say such logical words.

If her brother knew about these changes in her, he would definitely be happy for her.

But her smile froze completely when Ye Xingyu said something else: "Menghui, I don't want you to do the hard work anymore. I heard that there is a dog hole in a slightly remote place in the palace. Where can I find it?" For God's sake, just show me how to drill a dog hole for my sake!"

Dreamback: “…”

She was about to cry but had no tears after the dream. What kind of master was she taking refuge in!

Thinking of the situation just now, Meng Hui still felt a little scared: "Second Prince, you are too reckless today. It would be best if the Emperor does not hold you accountable. What if he does the opposite and kills both of us?" If it’s our sin, then won’t we suffer?”

Ye Xingyu poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and said with a half-smile: "Are you afraid of being with this prince? If so, then you can leave. I will not keep you."

Menghui was dumbfounded: "Menghui didn't say he was leaving. What just happened was really dangerous."

Ye Xingyu didn't take it seriously, looked at the dumbfounded Menghui, and said with a smile: "I have broken in with my sister many times, and I have never seen him hit me once. This time, I remember, he hit me, This prince is a vengeful person."

Meng Hui was shocked: "You and Princess Qingyang have broken in many times?"

Oh my god, how powerful are the princesses and princes of Southern Xinjiang! so amazing.

Then how can the emperor endure it

If Ye Xingyu heard what she was saying, he would definitely beat her out without saying a word.

Ye Xingyu put down the tea cup and waved his hand towards Meng Hui: "This matter has nothing to do with you. Just treat it as a joke between me and you. You can go out first."

Menghui nodded: "Okay, Menghui excuses himself."

Just as Meng Hui walked to the threshold, Ye Xingyu said again: "Meng Hui, I may not know when I will watch your performance of drilling into a dog hole. It may be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow... You should always be prepared. Come on!"

Meng Hui stumbled and almost didn't trip over the threshold. Fortunately, she had strong flexibility in all aspects of her body.

Second Prince, can you finish your sentence at once? !

As soon as he stood up straight and before raising his feet, Ye Xingyu added: "The dog hole is too small. I'm afraid your body is a little too wide. It's better to eat less and eat less, so as not to be unable to get through."

Menghui hurriedly covered his ears and ran away.

Oh my gosh! Does this mean she is not allowed to live

Looking up at the starry sky, Jun Yifan asked, "Does Xingtong like this quiet night?"

Ye Xingtong finished the remaining wine and looked up. The stars were shining and looming, and the corner of his mouth curved: "I like it. Compared to the light of the day, I like the darkness of the night best."

Jun Yifan was startled by Ye Xingtong's unexpected statement, and quickly regained his composure: "Shouldn't girls like the light?"

Ye Xingtong looked at Jun Yifan and said sternly: "That's someone else and has nothing to do with me. I, Ye... only feel that I am a real person at night and can calm down my heart."

He sighed secretly in his heart and almost said that his surname was Ye. Jun Yifan was really difficult to deal with.

The memory of her previous life was so deep in her mind that she felt like an old girl. Even if she didn't think about it deliberately, it was still lingering in her mind. That's right, the whole story, right

Jun Yifan's eyes lit up when Ye Xingtong said "Ye". Was she going to tell him her true identity? How could he not be happy

But when Ye Xingtong turned to talking about night, his eyes dimmed instantly.

The joyful words suddenly changed on his lips: "You are a real person, so why bother yourself with unreasonable troubles. Some things are simple in the first place, but you make them too complicated."

Ye Xingtong was astonished and murmured: "Really? Some things are very simple, but it's just that I made them complicated?"

Jun Yifan frowned: "Could it be that you have some difficult knots in your mind? You can tell me about it. Maybe I can help you."

Ye Xingtong smiled faintly: "What can happen to me? I made the prince laugh just now, thinking of some sad things. After the prince explained it, it got better. The prince just thought that I was making simple things complicated. Bar!"

Jun Yifan also chuckled and said, "It's okay. Seeing Xing Tong feel uncomfortable makes me feel bad."

Ye Xingtong's face stiffened, and he said calmly: "Your Majesty, you are joking. I am a little girl and I don't have to worry about you. Your Majesty, you should think more about your future. After all, one person can carry water and have water to eat, and two people can't. If there are three people carrying water and no water to eat, it’s not a good thing if there are too many people.”

Jun Yifan smiled and said: "Xingtong is really a smart girl. Thank you for your tips, but at the same time, the people who should be cared about should also be concerned. Do you think so, Xingtong?"

Ye Xingtong lazily yawned: "I'm really tired, Your Majesty, can Xingtong say goodbye and go back to rest for a while?"

Although she had a crush on him, it was only a little bit.

The lessons from her previous life made her dare not trust others easily, nor could she love others easily.

Jun Yifan glanced at the distant sky thoughtfully and said, "Xingtong doesn't want to catch monsters today?"

Ye Xingtong was stunned and repeated: "Catch the demon?"

Seeing Jun Yifan's joking expression, Ye Xingtong suddenly understood: "It turns out that the prince asked me to come out because of this matter. How did the prince know that Xingtong would be interested in catching monsters?"

Is this battle of emotions here to catch monsters

Jun Yifan laughed loudly: "Didn't Xing Tong say he was interested in this kind of strange case? And to solve this case, we need to catch the two culprits and clear the innocent people's names."

Ye Xingtong nodded and fell into memories: "Those two monsters are too powerful. In comparison, we humans are too weak. Although we have not been practicing for a long time and our Taoism is shallow, we humans are not able to defeat them."

"Xingtong knows what kind of monsters they are?"

"A fox demon, a snake demon, especially that fox demon was too difficult to deal with. He defeated me very easily last time." Ye Xingtong replied almost subconsciously.

After she finished speaking, she realized what a big mistake she had made. Jun Yifan seemed to be doing it unintentionally, but in fact he was testing her intentionally. She was immersed in her own thinking and didn't realize it in time.

What a sinister master who never forgets to plot against her.

(End of chapter)