The Royal Princess Fox

Chapter 62: Love beauty


"If you don't tell me, today will be the day you die."

Jun Yifan slowly took away Lin Daozhi's mahogany sword with his fingertips, a warm smile flashed in his eyes, and he said in a warm voice: "Don't scare people, let me ask."

Lin Daozhi's eyes flashed and he automatically stood aside quietly.

He is far less sophisticated than Jun Yifan about these people, and his eloquence is also very poor. Maybe Jun Yifan can ask some useful things.

Jun Yifan crossed his arms and looked at Leng Yi, who had a gloomy face: "Don't you want to say yes? Very good, that woman over there should be your important person. If you don't tell the person behind you, then Don’t blame me for doing anything to someone important to you.”

Leng Yi was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Okay, whatever you want, you can do whatever you want. That woman is not important to me. Even if you kill her, you don't care about me."

Ye Xingtong's hand stroking the little fox's fur froze and she frowned slightly.

Isn’t it said that demons are very affectionate and righteous? This snake demon can abandon his companions? Or is it that their master is the most important one in their hearts

Jun Yifan nodded: "Very good, not just her, but also you. I will put you in a dark prison without sunlight all day long. There, you will suffer the pain of being skinned and branded every day. Pain, the pain of castration... Aren’t you demons very capable of recovery? Then I will serve you comfortably every day and let you know what the real paradise on earth is.”

Leng Yi didn't wait for Jun Yifan to finish, his face changed drastically, from green to red, from red to purple, then from purple to green, and finally turned into black: "We demons will not become prisoners of humble humans like you. .”

Maybe he doesn't know that the master of the demon world has changed. Although it is still almost the same as before, the inside of the palace is very different.

Many demons in the demon world were ruthlessly killed because of their unyielding determination.

Even if he dies, he doesn't want to be a shame to the demon world. If he escapes, he might still have a chance to survive.

Thinking of this, Leng Yi stopped talking, concentrated his power and demon power, and used all his energy to try to pour out the inner elixir in his body.

When Lin Daozhi discovered that Leng Yi wanted to escape, it was already too late. The Taomu Sword had not yet moved, and the place where Leng Yi stood had turned into a void of air.

A crystal clear and sparkling demon pill floating in the air looked very beautiful and shining, as if it was going to illuminate the entire night, making it look like day.

It's hundreds of times brighter than the shining night pearl.

It was almost the size of an egg, and as delicate as a newborn chick. Lin Daozhi stretched out his hand, and the demon pill slowly fell into his hand.

No matter how far away the demon was, it also disappeared without knowing when.

Lin Daozhi stretched out his hand, and another demon pill automatically ran into his hand, but this one was slightly smaller than the one just now.

Ye Xingtong looked at the sparkling demon elixir and couldn't help but ask: "Master Lin, is this the inner elixir cultivated by demons?"

What a strange inner alchemy!

Lin Daozhi nodded, with a hint of excitement flashing in his eyes: "Yes, this is the first time I have seen a fairy's inner elixir in my life. I didn't expect it to look like this. It is three points brighter than the night pearl, which is not false. This trip is over.”

Ye Xingtong had doubts in his heart and asked again: "Then let them go like this? What if they come back to harm mankind?"

Jun Yifan couldn't help but laugh: "The way of doing things is to be measured, and you will chase those who can."

Lin Daozhi explained patiently: "A large part of the reason why fairies can do mischief in the world is because of the cultivation of their inner elixir. If a goblin does not have an inner elixir, it is not a demon. Without the inner elixir, they will be like a monster." The little fish suddenly lost the water, and the total loss of demonic power is still minor. If they don't step up their practice of other inner elixirs, they will quickly return to their original form, so they will no longer be a threat to us. But there are indeed others. On the one hand, the goblins escaped and their vitality was seriously injured and they could no longer maintain their human form. On the other hand, the speed at which they escaped came at the expense of their lives and cultivation, and I simply couldn’t catch up.”

Jun Yifan patted Lin Daozhi on the shoulder: "Okay, this matter has finally been solved, and I can give an explanation to the people tomorrow. It's already so late, so everyone should go to bed quickly!"

"Ye Xingtong, as long as you ask for my two demon pills for me, I will agree to your terms no matter what."

On the way back to the inn, the little fox whispered in Ye Xingtong's ear.

Ye Xingtong smiled: "I agree to any conditions. You are just a fox now, what can you give me?"

It is not impossible to want the demon pill, if this little fox is willing to follow her and be loyal to her for life.

The little fox snorted coldly, and his tone was so arrogant: "I am the king of the demon world. As long as I regain my previous demon power, I can give you whatever you want, even if you want the whole world."

Ye Xingtong blinked and thought seriously: "It seems like a very good deal, but I like them. I want to use them as night pearls."

"Master Lin, please stay. I have something to tell you."

Lin Daozhi and Jun Yifan in front stopped.

Lin Daozhi asked doubtfully: "Is there something wrong with Miss Xingtong?"

Ye Xingtong smiled brightly at Lin Daozhi: "Yes, I like those two inner elixirs very much. Everyone loves beauty, especially an unmarried woman like me who prefers to dress up and be beautiful. I can Can’t you have one as a decoration for your own room? It must be very beautiful at night.”

Lin Daozhi nodded, spread out his palms, and two demon pills shining like a rainbow appeared in front of his eyes, and said: "Of course, it's useless for me to ask for the demon pills, so just give them all to the girl!"

Ye Xingtong happily took it and held it gently in his hand: "Thank you very much, Tianshi Lin. Tianshi Lin, please rest early! Xingtong will come back tomorrow to say thank you."

She didn't expect that Lin Daozhi was so easy to talk to. She only wanted one, but both were given to her.

Just think that she owes him something, and if there is a chance in the future, she will pay him back together with the life-saving grace.

Well, there are two in total. She will keep the big one for herself, and the other small one will be used as a future wedding gift for Ye Xingyu's dead brother.

Thinking of Ye Xingyu, she thought of her father and the palace, and suddenly felt panic in her heart, as well as that heartless man Jin Qicai. He must be shamelessly still living in the princess mansion, right

It's been such a long time, and my father hasn't sent anyone to search aggressively. Ye Xingyu must have contributed to this. His father's anger should have subsided by now!

But she really doesn't want to go back now. Once she goes back, she will think of that heart-wrenching day - she was cruelly poisoned to death by Jin Qicai, and her heart will feel so painful that she can't help herself.

In order not to make her father too angry and to calm her heart, let her escape for a while.

"Okay, okay, you two don't be so polite. We are all on our own." Jun Yifan inserted himself between the two of them casually, hugged Lin Daozhi's shoulders affectionately, and yawned. : "Go back quickly! Daozhi, today you will stay in the room on my left. That is where Xiao Mo lives. Let him live with Jingchen first!"

(Book title: Shengshi Yijiao ISBN: 3164345 Dai Wei 01 Introduction: See how a time-traveling girl traveled to ancient times to be funny and cool)

(End of chapter)