The Royal Princess Fox

Chapter 63: Confirm


Ye Xingtong carried the little fox back to the house. Before she even reached the door, she felt dizzy, as if she would faint and fall to the ground in the next moment.

Why do you feel dizzy

Inexplicable dizziness, there must be something wrong.

Shaking his head vigorously, trying to wake himself up, his heart was agitated. Could it be that there was something wrong with the wine Jun Yifan got

Probably not! Jun Yifan didn't know her true identity. To Jun Yifan, she was of little use to him as a little girl alone. Why would he plot against her? She has no power or influence (for Jun Yifan, who doesn't know her identity), and has no capital that he can use.

It is absolutely impossible to say that she is just after her beauty. Although she doesn't know much about Li Guo, it is said that Jun Yifan is not a businessman who is greedy for leisure, but everyone admires him. , even the eighty-year-old old woman and the three-year-old little girl in their southern Xinjiang country will never forget him.

Not only because he is the most beautiful man in the Li Kingdom, but also because of his peerless talent and gentle gentleman's manners. He knows astronomy and geography. His talents are comparable to Confucius.

He is clean and self-loving, does not like women, is gentle, elegant, and graceful. He is the best marriage partner in the hearts of many unmarried women. Of course, with his status, he will inevitably have seventy-two concubines in the three palaces, six courtyards, and so on.

He poured a glass of water and put it on the bedside. Before he put it down, his hand shook and the tea cup automatically fell to the ground. Ye Xingtong's eyesight went dark and he fell down on the bed.

The little fox crawled out from under Ye Xingtong with difficulty, and gently scratched her with his furry little paws: "Hey, damn woman, are you a damn pig? Get up, get up quickly."

A strange color flashed in the little fox's eyes. After smelling Ye Xingtong's scent, his eyes suddenly turned cold and pierced around like a sharp sword.

A gloomy murderous aura spread, and the air in the room suddenly solidified.

Not long after Jun Yifan returned to the room, Xiao Mo and Jing Chen came back one after another.

The two men bowed to Jun Yifan and said, "Master."

Jun Yifan took a small sip of the crystal tea and nodded: "Tell me, how is the thing I asked you to do? Xiao Mo will tell you first."

Xiao Mo respectfully replied: "Master, this Xingtong girl did come all the way from the capital of Southern Xinjiang Kingdom, but she walked on rugged mountain roads, probably to avoid being hunted by the emperor of Southern Xinjiang Kingdom."

Jun Yifan put down his tea cup, a flash of interest flashed in his eyes: "Continue talking."

Xiao Mo nodded and continued: "Judging from a large amount of evidence and the testimonies provided by witnesses, Miss Xingtong is indeed the eldest princess of Southern Xinjiang Kingdom, Ye Xingtong. She escaped from the sedan chair and then gave Jin Zhuangyuan a try. Maliciously humiliated, I finally collected some wearable clothes from a clothing store and left my bright red clothes and crown there."

Then he handed a package of things to Jun Yifan.

Jun Yifan took it, glanced at it, put it on the table, raised his eyebrows and said: "Very good, you can go down first!"

After receiving the confirmation, he felt relieved about the next thing.

Haha... Xingtong, Ye Xingtong, Xiaoya, we finally meet again.

He had been looking for her for so many years, and he almost recognized the wrong person. If she hadn't escaped from the marriage, they might have missed her.

No matter what the reason was for her to escape from the marriage, he would use all means to tie her to him.

He, Jun Yifan, still couldn't get what he wanted.

The Southern Xinjiang Kingdom and the Li Kingdom coexist peacefully. The best way is to marry!

My father must have approved of this marriage.

As soon as Xiao Mo walked out and closed the door, Jing Chen knelt down with a plop and said guiltily: "Master, my subordinates are incompetent. They failed to stop the man in black and allowed that innocent woman to be killed." "

If he hadn't escaped quickly, he himself would have been almost killed by that man.

That man was so powerful. He had been practicing martial arts for more than ten years and he had never seen anyone so fast. It only took a blink of an eye to arrive at his side, like a ghost.

Even though he narrowly escaped, he was seriously injured, and his whole body felt as if he had been run over by a carriage.

The master has strict requirements on people and never keeps useless people. No matter how the master punishes him, he will accept it.

Jun Yifan casually picked up the tea cup and took a sip. With a flick of his fingers, a delicate small porcelain bottle flicked into Jing Chen's hand. He said lightly: "Go on, if you don't do this next time, heal your wounds when you go back." Please bandage it, you have suffered serious internal injuries and must take special healing elixirs."

Jingchen was his capable subordinate, and he shouldn't have let Jingchen take such a risk. The death of an ordinary citizen would only cause a small disturbance, but it was not easy to cultivate a capable subordinate.

A flash of surprise flashed in Jingchen's eyes, and he immediately covered it up: "Yes, I'm resigning."

Almost everyone in Huaiyin County ran to the same place as if they were crazy, and their faces were all red and happy, as if they had encountered something good that was rare in a thousand years.

"Auntie, what happened before was so lively that everyone ran away? Our county has never been so lively even during the holidays!" A woman in her twenties wearing a woman's bun came out of the house just now, wondering what day it was today. What day and why are there so many people? Then he grabbed an extremely excited woman who was about to go and asked.

The woman looked happy and said cheerfully: "It's not that the monster in Huaiyin County has been caught, it's all thanks to Prince Xuan. If it weren't for Prince Xuan, we in Huaiyin County would be in fear every day. Even if If you are not sick, you are not afraid of getting sick. Prince Xuan also wants to inform everyone before he leaves. Go quickly! I will leave first!"

The young woman was stunned for a moment, pinched her arm and felt the pain, then she realized and shouted regardless of her image: "The monster has been caught? Is everything okay in Huaiyin County? Great! Great..."

He also followed the woman in front.

He almost ran away, not caring about how unladylike he was running, nor the two or three months of pregnancy he was already carrying.

Jun Yifan stood on the side of the carriage, with expressionless Xiao Mo and Jing Chen standing on the left, and Wu Jianyuan and some officers and soldiers behind him standing on the right.

In front of the carriage was a dense crowd of people, all whispering and noisy, with smiles on their faces, really laughing.

When Wu Jianyuan saw that everyone had almost arrived, he raised his hands and shouted: "Don't make any noise now. Your Majesty will return to Beijing to report to the Emperor today. Please listen to what His Majesty has to say to everyone."

It's not that Wu Jianyuan is so majestic in the hearts of the people, but that Jun Yifan is like a god in the hearts of the people. Now that he has personally solved this case and caught the murderer, they are even more worshipful.

After hearing what Wu Jianyuan said, he immediately looked at Jun Yifan silently. The surroundings were suddenly so quiet that you could hear the sound of a tiny needle falling.

(Recommend a book to a friend, titled "Old Love Is Hard to Replace", synopsis: The wedding was unexpected, and he was the hijacker. Uncle Wen was affectionate, but his niece was unstoppable.)

(End of chapter)