The Royal Princess Fox

Chapter 64: peaceful


The corner of Jun Yifan's mouth slightly raised, and he poured his inner strength into his voice so that the crowds of people who were crowded around could hear: "We have been summoned here today because there is something important to say about the unprovoked killings that have plagued Huaiyin County. The case has been solved. This was not man-made. It was two little demons who ran away from the demon world and once again harmed the people and acted recklessly. Now the two demons have been subdued by Lin Daozhi, the descendant of the Tianshi. Don't worry, this kind of incident will not happen again. It will happen again. If I say this, you may not believe it, so I will let you see it with your own eyes."

His eyes fell on Wu Jianyuan: "Master Wu."

Lin Daoyi had bid farewell to him long ago. With him as a descendant of the Heavenly Master, the people would naturally believe him, otherwise they wouldn't use two dead chickens to make up for it.

Only in this way can the people believe that the monster has appeared, and they can feel completely relieved.

"Yes." Wu Jianyuan bowed and responded.

Then he sternly ordered the officers and soldiers behind him: "Come here and present the evidence for everyone to see."

When two officers and soldiers heard Wu Jianyuan's instructions, they lifted out a rough wooden plank about one meter long and wide from a small corner.

Everyone was stunned when they saw a rooster and a wooden chicken with their necks wiped on the wooden board above, as well as some blood stains on the wooden board.

A man in front couldn't help but shout: "What is this?"

Another big man shook his head: "You don't know what this is, but it's just two dead chicken characters."

A middle-aged woman glanced at the two people with disdain and said: "If the prince said they are monsters, then they are monsters. Could what the prince said be wrong? These should be the original forms of the two monsters. They turned out to be two beasts, but It has caused great harm to us, and now my child who has not yet grown up can finally be saved."

Another woman also said: "Yes! Our Huaiyin County can finally be at peace, all thanks to the prince's contribution."

"Yes! Without the prince, there would be no peace and tranquility in our Huaiyin County. We would like to thank the prince for helping me. The prince is a thousand years old!"

I don’t know who took the lead in kneeling down, but the other people also knelt down together: "Your Majesty, a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old!"

Jun Yifan enjoyed being in the spotlight. Looking at the people kneeling down, an incomprehensible smile appeared on his lips. His gentle and jade-like voice penetrated everyone's ears: "Everyone, get up. Today is just to reassure everyone. From now on, you will There is no need to worry about the intrusion of monsters anymore, Huaiyin County will soon be able to return to its former prosperity."

"Thank you for your kind words, Your Majesty!" Everyone bowed and stood up.

The expression of excitement and joy on his face could not be concealed.

They can finally return to their normal lives without having to worry and worry every day.

In order to thank Duojun Yifan for his kindness to them, a long line of people took his carriage all the way to the outside of the county seat. He still wanted to send it further, but unfortunately he could no longer see the carriage. No trace.

In a corner where no one could see, a little red fox looked at the disappearing carriage with complex eyes.

In the end, it rushed forward desperately. Strangely enough, it was short in stature and looked small and thin, as if it was just a few months old. However, its inner burst of power was unparalleled and it ran very fast. Like a flying arrow, although the distance from the carriage in front is far away, it is still shrinking little by little.

The wind roared all around, and the scenery everywhere was flying back bit by bit. The road ahead was long, as if there was no end.

Jun Yifan, who was on the carriage, opened the curtain and looked at the eerily red little fox that had been left behind. A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Xiao Mo, speed up the carriage."

Xiao Mo replied expressionlessly: "Yes, Master."

The little fox stared closely at the carriage ahead and kept running and running.

I don't know when, the afterglow of the setting sun has disappeared, and the dark night is gradually coming.

The sky is dotted with a few scattered stars, appearing and disappearing, and the sky is vast and lonely.

The little fox's thin body gradually pulled farther and farther away from the carriage.

But the firm light shining in his eyes was unwavering.

At this moment, he knew that he didn't have to fight hard, it was just one or two demon pills. He didn't care about it yet, but a certain call in his heart was calling him to go forward. If he didn't go, maybe he would I will regret it endlessly.

He didn't know what secrets Ye Xingtong hid, but he knew it must be related to him. As long as he followed Ye Xingtong, he would be able to find his beloved.

For Bing Ling, he had to go and stay with Ye Xingtong for the time being.

Now it seems that it is no longer a question of finding a place to stay, nor is it a question of two demon pills.

The feet became heavier and heavier, the hot sweat on the forehead kept flowing down, the hair on the whole body seemed to be soaked in water, and the carriage in front showed no tendency to stop.

Jun Yifan in the carriage lowered his head to look at Ye Xingtong who was lying quietly, with fair skin, delicate face, and quiet look. Jun Yifan's slender white hand slowly covered Ye Xingtong's face, and his lips A bright smile bloomed on the horn, as bright and beautiful as fireworks in the sky, so confusing and thrilling.

But Ye Xingtong, who was unconscious, couldn't feel it.

Jun Yifan's slender fingers gradually slid down from Ye Xingtong's forehead, and finally landed on her lips as red as cherries. He felt a tingling sensation in his heart: "Xiaoya, I finally found you. When you forced me You gave me a few glasses of strong alcohol and made me make a fool of myself in the palace, what do you think I should do to punish you?"

Ye Xingtong felt a little uncomfortable in his sleep, and frowned slightly, as if he wanted to brush away the unnecessary obstacles.

Jun Yifan felt Ye Xingtong's resistance and murmured: "Do you really have no impression of me? How can I return my previous shame?"

Then he smiled with relief: "But it doesn't matter. Don't you want to go to the Kingdom of Li? I will take you with me. My father asked me to marry a princess as soon as possible. Unfortunately, I have never been able to like one. It's not easy to find one. The one I like is the one who humiliated me in the past. What do you think I should do? Xiaoya, Xingtong, Ye Xingtong... How can I let you go?"

The voice is like the whisper of a lover, the profound Buddhist words, and the cool breeze...

Ye Xingtong's lips moved, and her cherry-red lips moved twice.

Jun Yifan chuckled lightly, a strange emotion flashed through his heart, and he placed a kiss like a dragonfly on her lips. Seeing Ye Xingtong twisting uneasily, his eyes darkened: " Xingtong, you are really naughty. You were such a playboy when you were young, and you still have the same temper when you grow up. How will you be able to get married in the future? But as long as I am here, you will not be able to get married. That golden wizard of yours The golden consort just stay aside. I haven't settled the accounts with you yet. How can you get married? If you want to marry, you can only marry me. After you become my princess, I will settle the accounts with you for making me look embarrassed. And pretending not to recognize my account, did you hear that?"

Looking at Ye Xingtong's calm face, Jun Yifan suddenly smiled: "Okay, I'll take it as your promise, but don't go back on it."

(End of chapter)