The Royal Princess Fox

Chapter 66: Disillusioned


Faced with the man's stubbornness, the woman said nothing more. She pulled the man to sit down and tried to persuade him softly: "Okay, let's finally meet once. Don't say that there is nothing wrong with you. Just don't do it in the future." If you rush in again, it will be good for you and me."

Ye Xingtong looked at the scene in front of him, something seemed to burst out of his mind, and he felt a severe headache.

She doesn't want to look anymore, she doesn't want to look anymore.


A loud shout frightened Jun Yifan, who was sitting elegantly drinking water on a soft cushion nearby. Jun Yifan hurriedly threw down the tea cup, half-picked up Ye Xingtong, and held up her head, with a worried look on his face. Look: "Xingtong, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Xingtong woke up faintly, where is this? Why is she here

She remembered that she and Jun Yifan were drinking together. It was said that the wine would not make people drunk, and then... Jun Yifan seemed to say that he was here to catch monsters, and then...

Nothing comes to mind.

Looking at Jun Yifan in front of him blankly, it took him a while to realize that he was in his warm arms, and he hurriedly pushed him away: "Why are you in my room?"

Damn it, why had her alertness gotten so low

Jun Yifan took back his failed hand without feeling embarrassed. He raised his eyebrows and said matter-of-factly: "This is my carriage."

There was some doubt in his heart. After drinking that wine, a normal person should sleep for at least three days and three nights, but Ye Xingtong only slept for one day and then woke up.


Ye Xingtong was shocked, why was she in the carriage

As a thought swirled in his mind, Ye Xingtong understood the entire incident. He clenched his fists and looked at Jun Yifan: "You kidnapped me?"

Looking at his still neat clothes, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The idea of drinking without getting drunk was just a trick to deceive children, but she believed it and drank a lot.

After thinking about it carefully, it turned out that this was just a trap by Jun Yifan.

He first took advantage of her goodwill and inexplicable trust in him to trick her into drinking. By the way, after drinking, he also deliberately aroused her interest in catching monsters and slaying thieves, causing her to take effect of the drug in advance, so that she had no chance to relieve it. The poison.

He clearly didn't need her, he had a helper like Lin Daozhi... but he still let her go.

Finally, when she was unconscious, he took the opportunity to kidnap her. Although she didn't know why Jun Yifan did this, she really hated the feeling of being deceived.

The beautiful illusion she had about her childhood was completely shattered.

Does he think he is that kind of superficial woman? He has a good appearance, a good background, and a good talent, so others fall in love with him

She may think that he is a person worth trusting, but she will not like someone who deceives her.

The bud in my heart must have been cut off long ago!

After experiencing the betrayal of Jin Qicai in her previous life, she should have woken up long ago. In this world, except for your closest relatives and loved ones, there is no one who is nice to you for no reason, either to take advantage of you or to take advantage of you.

They work hard to gain your trust, and then they give you the fatal blow.

Listening to Ye Xingtong's questioning words, Jun Yifan just smiled indifferently, still looking calm and calm: "I didn't kidnap you. Didn't Xingtong want to go to Li Country? It just so happened that I also had to go back for a business trip, let's go together It’s good to have someone to take care of you. Of course, I also have my own goals. I would like to invite Xingtong to visit my house for a while so that we can catch up on old times.”

Ye Xingtong's hand gradually loosened, and a faint smile of unknown meaning appeared on his face: "Really? We Mingren don't talk secretly. Your lord, Xingtong has a few questions to ask your lord. I want to listen to your seriousness." tell me."

Seeing that Ye Xingtong no longer resisted just now, Jun Yifan was very satisfied and said very easily: "Ask, as long as it is what Xingtong wants to hear, I, Jun Yifan, will definitely know everything I can say, but first Please Xingtong believe that I have no intention of harming Xingtong at all, and Xingtong can rest assured about my character."

Ye Xingtong nodded: "Okay, first, did the prince poison the wine?"

If she hadn't been poisoned, how could she have been unconscious and kidnapped by Jun Yifan.

Jun Yifan said without hesitation: "Of course not, how could I do such a despicable thing? What I told you about that wine is true, but I didn't tell you about its sequelae at the time. That wine After that, you can let people sleep for three days and three nights."

Ye Xingtong moved, and the hands under my sleeves turned blue and white. Why didn't you tell me earlier? This guy did it on purpose, absolutely on purpose, to lure her into the trap step by step.

He is worthy of being the future prince who stands out among the princes of the Li Kingdom. Oh, by the way, she almost forgot one thing. In her last life, it seemed that not long after she got married, about a month later, Jun Yifan was granted the title of Li. He was the crown prince of the country, and was forced to marry by the Emperor of Li Kingdom. Jun Yifan had no choice but to choose a dignified and elegant crown prince among the famous ministers and noble families who were highly respected, able to take on important tasks.

From then on, it was smooth sailing, he rose to prominence, and was loved by the people all over the world. However, since ancient times, emperors have been most taboo about having high achievements, even his own son is no exception. However, Jun Yifan also did a good job in this aspect. He hides when he can. When his statement is out, he makes small mistakes from time to time, and he controls the situation very well. This makes the people of Li Kingdom both love and reassure him.

Although in this life, with her participation, history will be slightly different, the general trend will not be disrupted.

Putting aside the overwhelming memories in his heart, he then asked: "Why did the prince kidnap me? May I ask how Xingtong offended the prince?"

Jun Yifan shook his head and looked at Ye Xingtong. There was a rare serious expression on his handsome and delicate face: "It is my own decision. As a woman, you will inevitably encounter more or less difficulties on the road. There is no How much savings, and since I have this ability, I can't just sit back and do nothing. I hope to take you with me so that I can take care of you on the road and avoid unnecessary trouble. Do you believe Xingtong?"

Ye Xingtong turned his head and stopped looking at Jun Yifan. The meaning of what he said was unclear: "If you let me believe it, I will believe it. If you don't let me believe it, I won't believe it. The third question is, do you know my true identity?" Yes, right?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Jun Yifan's mouth, and he no longer concealed it: "As expected, you know. I once sent someone to inquire about your affairs. Ye Xingtong, the eldest princess of Qingyang in Southern Xinjiang, is sixteen years old this year. Eleven years ago , once came to our Li Kingdom as a guest with the Emperor of Southern Xinjiang Kingdom, but before the banquet was over, he ran out for fun and later got lost. Under my leadership, you returned to the main hall where you lived, and That’s when our acquaintance started.”

Ye Xingtong nodded lightly and gave a faint smile: "Okay, I admit that you are very capable. I am very grateful that you did not expose me. I hope that the prince will not argue too much with Xingtong about things that happened when he was a child. Xingtong was young at that time. , I’m not sensible, please forgive me if I have offended you in any way, and you kidnapped me regardless of my wishes, I don’t blame you, we have written off this matter.”

(End of chapter)