The Royal Princess Fox

Chapter 9: interrupt


The second prince looked up at the azure blue sky, raised the corners of his lips and smiled: "You are right, I should be sad, but at this moment I can't feel sad at all. My twin sister Ye Xingtong is a peerless master. Except for this prince, no one else, including my father, knows about this matter."

The second prince raised his eyebrows and blinked at Menghui: "Even Jin Qicai, the most perfect man in her heart that my sister talks about every day, must not know about this, and there are not many people in the world who can be her opponent. Well, do you think she might disappear for no reason?"

When Meng Hui heard this, he smiled sweetly and asked with a smile: "Does that mean that this matter is basically a conspiracy?"

The second prince shook his head and sighed with a smile: "According to my wrong guess, this prince's sister will definitely not be kidnapped suddenly. Even if the ministers are not satisfied with the marriage and want to find someone to kidnap my sister. They definitely can’t take their sister away.”

"Then why did you suddenly disappear? Isn't your sister very happy to marry the consort Jin Qicai? She did not hesitate to get angry with the emperor for this matter, and even threatened the emperor with a hunger strike."

Meng was even more confused after thinking about this.

"It's because my sister disappeared on her own."

The words of the second prince completely confused Meng Hui: "What do you mean? How could she disappear on her own as a living person?"

The second prince gave Meng Hui a big shock, shook his head and sighed: "You stupid Meng Hui, why do you think you are so stupid? I have already explained it to you so clearly, but you still don't understand. "

Menghui covered her head and glared at the second prince angrily, saying angrily: "You still hit me, believe it or not, I will cry for you."

She knew that the second prince didn't like women crying. One of his concubines liked to cry every time she saw him, which made the second prince very anxious.

The second prince was at a loss when he saw a woman crying, which happened to be a good weapon for her to restrain him.

When the second prince heard this, he quickly covered his ears and compromised: "A little eunuch is made to look like a woman. Only those weak women like to cry. Well, I am afraid of you because you are so stupid." , I will give you a more detailed explanation."

"First of all, didn't I, the prince, tell you? My twin sister is a master of martial arts. There are few people in the world who can match her. And again, my sister suddenly disappeared in the sedan chair. There is no reason for this. , I have never been optimistic about Jin Qicai. I think he is very hypocritical and fake, but my sister likes him. What can I do as a younger brother? She can marry if she wants. I have tried to persuade her many times, but she has not listened. , and also said that I was biased against Jin Qicai, because we had been arguing about Jin Qicai for nearly a year, and we kept arguing and making peace. Later, I was too lazy to attend her wedding. The most important thing is... "

The second prince paused, and his eyes flashed with brilliance like stars: "I already knew that she was going to run away from the marriage."

"Escape from marriage?"

Menghui shouted in surprise.

The second prince immediately covered Menghui's mouth and looked around carefully to see that no one was passing by before pulling Menghui aside behind the big tree.

He said in a low voice: "Keep your voice down, do you want everyone in the palace to know?"

Meng Hui was covered by the second prince's mouth and could not speak. Feeling the warm palm of the second prince's hand, her earlobes and small face turned red for a moment.

She kept nodding her head and making a "woo woo" sound to show that she understood.

The second prince let go of his hand, with a calm face, and threatened in a low voice: "You are not allowed to tell anyone about this matter, do you understand? If you dare to tell it, I will not let you go."

This was the first time Menghui saw the serious expression on the second prince's face. He nodded and replied, "Yes, Menghui understands."

A big smile appeared on the second prince's face, he put his arm around Meng Hui's shoulders, and praised: "As expected of my prince's little follower, I did not find the wrong person."

Meng Hui was startled by the sudden movement of the second prince and trembled slightly.

The second prince then slowly explained the reason to Meng Hui: "Although my sister is very smart, she is an idiot emotionally. She is very sympathetic. She sees that because of the filth in the officialdom, the ministers and officials in the court protect each other and show favoritism. I sympathized with the passionate talented man Jin Qicai who was wronged and was harmed. In the end, he gradually lost his heart under Jin Qicai's multi-faceted offensive. Everything was focused on him, even my twin brother. Leave it alone and don’t care, hey…”

Thinking of this, the second prince sighed heavily.

"I am her dearest brother. Although she is only half an hour older than me, she has always put me first. She will give me everything. If she has delicious food, she will give it to me first. She will give me all the good things. Leave it to me, but since that Jin Qicai became an official now, she has changed. Sometimes I really feel that she has become less like myself. I will always put that Jin Qicai first. I will go find her. At that time, the palace maids and eunuchs all said that she went out with Jin Qicai."

"Are you jealous of Golden Wizard?"

Menghui suddenly raised his head and said this sentence for the first time.

"Don't interrupt."

The second prince glanced at her, and there seemed to be a glimmer of light in the depths of his eyes. He didn't know how he could tell this little eunuch what was in his heart.

After saying it, I felt much better.

Meng Hui felt chilled when he saw the second prince, and immediately kept silent.

Everything seemed to come so naturally.

Pulling her head to his body, the second prince said slowly: "It's jealousy, maybe a little bit! My sister who has been good to me since childhood suddenly becomes good to another person, I always feel uncomfortable, but later I’m slowly getting used to it, my sister will always get married, and I can’t rely on her all my life.”

Hearing this, Menghui lowered his eyes, feeling a little sad: "When I was a child, my brother was also very kind to me, but I was always angry with him, mischievous, and got into all the trouble I could get into. Every time He was always cleaning up the mess behind me, and he wanted to punish me, but every time he saw me crying, he couldn't bear it, and then he would try to persuade me with all his heart."

The second prince looked at Meng Hui with a strange look, and suddenly smiled: "I didn't expect you to have a brother who is so kind to you, but how could he let you enter the palace and become a eunuch if he loves you so much?"

In fact, what he wanted to say more was how could he, a boy who was better looking than women, choose such a dead-end way out.

Entering the palace as a eunuch will ruin a man's life.

This should make so many women in the world sad and sad!

(End of chapter)