The Royal Princess Fox

Chapter 96: On the way


The coachman wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked carefully: "Girl, we can't wait any longer. Do we want to hurry up now?"

This strange phenomenon has never happened in the past. The residents in the village usually receive strangers very warmly. Not only that, they will also take out their precious rice and noodles for the guests to enjoy.

But the villagers here refuse strangers, let alone open their doors to welcome guests. Some of them just stay silent, pretending not to hear, and don't save you any face.

"Uncle, do you have to see the road clearly at night?" Ye Xingtong asked attentively.

"It was too dark and I couldn't see very clearly, but I could pass this section of the road with my eyes closed."

"Then... hurry up! No one here is willing to risk their lives to let us in." Ye Xingtong took a deep breath and looked at the dark night sky.

She wanted to see who was causing the trouble.

The enemy was in the dark, but she was in the open. When she didn't know what bad things the other side was going to do, for the sake of the lives of the innocent people in the village, it was better for her to stay put.

Driven by the driver, the carriage moved forward slowly, and soon left the small village with a population of less than 100 people.

After leaving the crowd, the surroundings became extremely quiet. Apart from the sounds of grass insects and the rustling of trees, there was almost no other sound.

There are tall trees on both sides of the road that cover the sky and the sun. Behind the big trees are sparse fields planted by villagers. As the cool breeze blows, they make a slight sound and sway here and there, like a giant tree. A child who strives to be liked.

The sound of the carriage passing by disturbed many birds perched on the big trees, and they screamed and flew away.

The coachman was so frightened by the screams of the birds that he broke into a cold sweat. He glanced back at the dark carriage. A gust of wind blew up the curtains and hit the coachman's back. It felt like Someone touched him, and coincidentally, a wailing roar of a wild beast came from the distance. It seemed like crying and laughing, and it was long and sad. The fear in my heart screamed, which seemed especially harsh and scary in the quiet night.

The cry didn't matter, countless birds were awakened and flew around, making chaotic calls, and the horses started running around as if they were out of their stiffness. The driver of the carriage did not hold the reins in fear, and due to the inertia of his body, he started to run around. Qing, was thrown down all of a sudden.

The coachman thought: He was going to die. If he had known it, he would not have taken this job. All strange things happened to him. Now he finally got his retribution.

He doesn't want to die yet. He still has a wife waiting for him at home and an underage child... Why is he so unlucky!

Ye Xingtong had a bad thought and waved Bai Ling. The coachman who was about to fall to the ground and was trampled by the horse's hooves pulled him into the carriage. At the critical moment, he opened the curtain and quickly got into the coachman's position to drive the horse, pulling the reins. .

After the horse neighed several times, it finally calmed down. Ye Xingtong breathed a sigh of relief. If the horse kept going crazy, she could escape with Qinggong, but the coachman would inevitably die together with the horse.

Walking smoothly, the driver did not know why he was crazy.

Block the horse's ears with strips of cloth to prevent it from going crazy again.

The driver fell into the carriage and did not feel the pain all over his body. He opened his eyes suspiciously and felt that he was in the carriage. His heart that was about to fall into hell finally recovered.

Remembering that he was flying like cotton just now, the coachman thought that the girl in the car should have saved him.

She shouted gratefully: "Girl, are you okay?"

"It's okay, what were you shouting just now? Did you know that you were almost going to meet the King of Hell?"

Thinking of the dangerous moment just now, Ye Xingtong became angry.

"Girl, I'm sorry. This is my first time walking at night, and no one talks to me. I'm scared and think everything I see is dark."

The coachman knew that it was his fault and did not dare to defend himself.

"Uncle, just sit peacefully in the carriage, I'll drive the carriage!"

"No... no... no, how can this be done? I'll do it..."

The coachman said as he opened the curtain and came out.

Ye Xingtong glanced at him and shouted: "Go back, if you don't go back, I will let you die without a burial place!"

The driver couldn't see Ye Xingtong looking at him, but he could feel Ye Xingtong's sharp, cannibalistic gaze. He trembled in fear and said in a trembling voice: "Okay, okay, I'll sit down and be honest." .”

When this girl is not talking, she is quiet, like an elegant lady. When she loses her temper, she is like a hedgehog that pricks you until you are bloody. It is still a question whether such a scary girl can be married in the future.

He is a kind-hearted villager who is not as knowledgeable as her.

The coachman suddenly shuddered, subconsciously hugged his body and huddled up.

It's summer! Why do you feel so cold all of a sudden

God, you must let me go back! I don't want to die in this deserted ghost place.

Ye Xingtong also felt the change in her senses, cold? Yes, cold! It's not like the cool cold in summer, but like the cold in late autumn, which penetrates into the bone marrow and makes people feel cold from the bones!

Speaking of traveling at night, this was her first time, her first time traveling far away, her first time traveling at night, and her first time encountering such a strange phenomenon.

While driving the horse forward seemingly casually, he listened to the sounds around him and raised his alertness to the highest level.

Even the remaining demon pill in her arms seemed to be moving faintly.

The carriage driver held the corner of the carriage and couldn't help but asked: "Girl, did you discover anything strange?"

This girl was talented and bold, and she might actually discover something. He believed from the bottom of his heart that she would be able to solve any difficulty.

"Don't think too much. If something strange happens, it's because you're overthinking it. Just stay in the car with peace of mind. It's best to plug your ears with something. If you can't hear, you won't think too much." Ye Xingtong had no time to talk to him and said briefly.

"Okay, I get it now!"

The driver moved a little bit, got two pieces of cotton from somewhere, and plugged his ears. Sure enough, he could no longer hear the strange sounds around him, and his heart became much quieter, and his fear was reduced a bit.

When the girl said it was okay, it was probably okay. He should sleep now and wait until tomorrow for him to drive. At worst, he would charge less for the girl's fare.

Within a short while, a terrifying sound of snoring could be heard in the carriage, and the sound was loud.

But mixed in with all kinds of strange screams, it doesn't seem too abrupt.

Ye Xingtong looked in all directions, listened in all directions, and carefully paid attention to the situation around him, fearing that a monster would pop out from somewhere.

Strangely enough, after a long journey, Ye Xingtong himself felt exhausted, his alertness was about to disappear, and all kinds of strange and terrifying screams were still heard.

I can't tell what it's calling. It's a bird, but it doesn't look like it. It's a tiger, but it's a little less powerful and domineering. It's a lion, but it sounds like it, but if you listen carefully, it doesn't sound like it. …

All kinds of mixed sounds, in the pitch-black night, seemed like the devilish sounds in hell, echoing over and over again...

But apart from the strange screams, there really weren't any other monsters that suddenly jumped out. The sound just came from a distance, which made people feel creepy when they heard it. They wanted to tremble all over and felt scared from the bottom of their hearts.

Ye Xingtong smiled, what on earth is this? She was sure that there must be something causing trouble in the distance, but her purpose could not be guessed.

As long as it's not man-made, sometimes people's evil is more powerful than evil things!

The moon hung high, shrouded in darkness, emitting a faint, dim light that slanted down through the dense forest, barely illuminating the road ahead.

What she was worried about was not that wild beasts would attack, but that she knew clearly that there was something lurking around, but you didn't know what it was, so she worried about it.

Suddenly, a cry of "Ouch" came from the distance. This sound was clearer than other strange screams. It was high-pitched and loud, shaking the heaven and earth.

The horse roared, raised its front hooves and was about to charge forward.

Ye Xingtong cut off the rope tied to the horse with quick eyes and hands. The horse neighed, ran, and disappeared into the moonlight.

The remaining carriage had no support and suddenly fell down, falling to the ground with a "plop".

Ye Xingtong turned over and landed firmly on the ground, and glanced at the direction where the horse disappeared with a clear heart.

If she hadn't reacted quickly and acted quickly, the coachman would have suffered.

If she guessed correctly, the howling in front of her was that of a wolf. At the beginning, all kinds of random barking sounds were mixed together. The sound was vague and not very clear. She did not hear what was howling. , but this time she heard the loud shout clearly.

This time, the coachman will be in trouble with her. The horse in the carriage is lost, and he will be worried with her.

The coachman was dreaming. Ye Xingtong gave him a lot of silver. He was sitting in a pile of white silver and was happy to count the money.

I couldn't help shouting: "Haha... I'm rich, I'm rich. I've never seen so much money in my more than thirty years of life. This time I made it, which made Lao Li at the east end of the village look down on me. This This time I can finally feel proud!"

Another old and disdainful voice sounded above the head: "You bastard, that's money, take a closer look!"

Is it Lao Li's voice? !

"You are jealous that I have so much money. Let me tell you, I will not lend you a penny..." Before he could finish speaking, the coachman saw that the piles of white silver had turned into hard pieces. Brick, where is the money from Baihuahua! He looked panic-stricken and shouted: "How is it possible? Why is my money missing? It was clearly here just money..."

(End of chapter)