The Royal’s Little Lady

Chapter 14


After returning to her room, Gu Sui'er happily laid the three paintings of plum, orchid and bamboo on the bed. She took a pen and cloth and traced the pattern of the flowers with the three paintings. When she was ready to embroider, she With.

Just at this time, Nanny An came over and looked at the three paintings: "My dear madam, your paintings are really good. They are not worse than those three calligraphy and paintings."

Gu Sui'er naturally knew that she was overweight: "This can't be compared. I just helped people draw patterns when I was in the countryside, and I just became proficient in my hands. If I were asked to draw by myself, I wouldn't be able to draw at all."

However, Nanny An didn't listen to that. She looked at the drawing copied by Gu Sui'er with great interest.

Gu Sui'er looked at the drawings and began to select. Different flowers should be matched with different fabrics and textures. She matched the winter snow plum blossom picture with white silk, and the orchid with light-colored brocade, and then began to bring in various colored silk threads. Comes with wiring.

She had embroidered before in the countryside, and later helped people embroider at an inn in the town, but the silk thread used at that time was not as good as now, and the colors were not as complete as here. For example, red at that time was red, but here there are several kinds, such as Xiangfei red, peach blossom red, Begonia red, crimson red, carmine red, etc. After selecting and matching these reds, the color of the pattern can be more vivid, and the embroidered pattern can be more convenient. It will be much more refined.

Next time, when Gu Sui'er had nothing to do, she embroidered a few strokes, first embroidering shoe uppers, embroidering robes, and then embroidering handkerchiefs and pillows. Her hands were nimble and she was a good embroiderer. After about ten days, she finally It's all embroidered.

It happened that Xiao Jin didn't have to go to the girls' school that day, and there was a bit of autumn rain outside. The old lady came over to spread the word, saying that nothing happened, and they all went over to her place to play cards and have a lot of fun.

He also specifically told Nanny An to bring a few more girls to follow Sui'er, so as not to get wet.

When Nanny An heard this, she realized that the opportunity had come. She quickly asked the girl below to pack up the embroidery work made by Sui'er into categories. Then she found an umbrella and held it up for Gu Sui'er. She and Jingyue Yaoguang started from there together. He supported Gu Sui'er beside him and went to the old lady's residence.

When I came here, the house was already very lively. I saw the old lady surrounded by two granddaughters, Xiao Jin and Xiao Xu. The eldest mistress Li Xiurong and the second mistress Bai Yuqing were waiting at the bottom. The eldest lady was probably busy with the house. The incident was not there. In addition, there was Lu Qingyi, the daughter of the eldest lady's sister and the eldest daughter of the Taiping Hou family, sitting next to Xiao Jin.

When the old lady saw Gu Sui'er coming, she quickly asked her to sit next to her. Xiao Xu went back that day and mentioned what she had experienced in Tingzhuyuan to her biological mother, Aunt Sun. Aunt Sun managed to explain it to her, although she didn't understand. Why, but he also understands that he needs to please this third brother more.

So today I looked at Gu Sui'er and saw that the younger sister-in-law was taller than the younger sister-in-law, and she had to give up her seat to Gu Sui'er.

Gu Sui'er knew that this was the occasion, so naturally she couldn't take the place of Xiao Jin and Xiao Xu, so she stood aside and refused to sit down.

The nanny downstairs had already brought a handful of embroidery sticks to Sui'er, and Sui'er responded accordingly and sat on the embroidery sticks.

The old lady also said: "Be careful, you are heavy, don't fall."

Sui'er smiled and said: "Don't worry, old lady, this stick is very stable and will not fall down."

The old lady was relieved, but she looked at Sui'er again and saw that she was still wearing a thin summer shirt, and there were scattered and fine water drops on her black bangs, so she said: "It's raining outside, why don't you hold an umbrella? This is not what you wear." It’s a little thin.”

Grandma An hurriedly replied: "If you hold an umbrella, it's just that the wind may blow some, but it's raining lightly outside, so it doesn't matter."

There are four times of clothing making in the Hou Mansion throughout the year. This year, it was said that people would be measured and prepared to make clothes. It didn't matter to others, because they had clothes from previous years to wear first, but Gu Sui'er didn't. Besides, she has a big belly now, and she can't fit into just anyone's clothes.

The old lady was a little unhappy: "That's not possible. She will give birth in three months. She has a double body. What will happen if she catches a cold? Besides, this dress is too thin."

After saying that, she ordered the maid next to her Ruyi: "Go and look through it. Get the soft fur brocade cloak I made last year, and then get some brand-new jackets and trousers. Let Sui'er put them on first." , so as not to freeze.”

When she said this, Li Xiurong next to her said with a smile: "Old Madam, yesterday I went to Madam's to do some business, and I heard Madam mention that she had to get dressed quickly and make more clothes for Sui'er. Who would have thought that this sudden burst of rain came today, but it didn't catch up after all. She sent her maid over very early in the morning to tell me that she wanted me to send some of my clothes from Zhen'er to Sui'er in case of emergency. Blame me for forgetting this! Now your brocade cloak is just fine, but you still keep the jacket and trousers for yourself. I think Sui'er has a big belly and can't wear it at all. I'll give you my clothes when you get back. Sui'er sends it over."

The weather was originally very hot, but suddenly there was a burst of rain this morning, and the weather became cold. The eldest lady was in charge of the middle feed, and was too busy to think of it.

Seeing this, Li Xiurong was afraid that the old lady and Xiao Heng would have some ideas and come out to take the blame on herself and blame her mother-in-law.

When the old lady heard this, she understood in her heart, but she followed Li Xiurong's words and said, "Your mother-in-law has thought it through. It's hard for her to worry about this when she is busy with the whole family."

Seeing this, Bai Yuqing also said: "I also have some over there. I'll take the ones I picked out."

At this point, the old lady had nothing to blame and said with a smile: "That's okay, your clothes should fit you."

Seeing this, Gu Sui'er couldn't help but be moved.

In fact, the house has usually made a lot of clothes for her, and they all fit very well and are made of good materials. But this time it suddenly rained and the weather turned cold. She didn't feel it when she was in the house. She only felt cold when she came out. , but still gritted his teeth and came over.

Now seeing that everyone wanted to give me clothes, I was very grateful, thanked him with a smile, and then took out all the gifts I had made and distributed them to everyone.

"The handkerchief for my cousin hasn't been embroidered yet. I'll finish it tomorrow and send it over."

She pursed her lips and said with a smile.

I didn't expect that my cousin was here, and from what I just said, she wanted to stay longer, so I could only go back and quickly embroider a new one for her.

Lu Qingyi was kind-hearted. When she heard this, she smiled and said, "I don't need it. I'm just an uninvited guest!"

As soon as she said this, everyone started laughing. While they were laughing, the old lady had already taken out her pillow. When she took a look, she was surprised.

She touched the pattern of good fortune and longevity with her well-maintained hands, touched the watery big fairy peach and asked: "Suier, who embroidered this?"

Sui'er pursed her lips and smiled softly: "Old Madam, I embroidered this. Although it is not a good thing, it was embroidered by me stitch by stitch. It is also a thoughtful gift to the old Madam."

"Did you embroider it yourself?"

Now everyone was surprised: "You are pregnant now, and you can still embroider this? Can you embroider so well?"

With that said, everyone went to look at the gifts given to them. Some found that they were embroidered shoes for children, and some found that they were handkerchiefs, and the embroidered patterns on them were all lifelike.

"This is so beautiful!" Bai Yuqing got a bellyband for her sister. She is only eight months old, so a small bellyband like this is most suitable.

"Look at these tiger shoes, they are so rare!" Li Xiurong couldn't put down the shoes in her hands. This embroiderer's skills are much better than those of the embroiderer at home.

"My handkerchief is called wonderful!" Xiao Jin also saw her own handkerchief at this time. It was embroidered with Aoxue Hanmei, which is exactly what she likes. The red plum blossoms stand proudly in the white snow, defying the frost and snow. , full of artistic conception.

Xiao Xu held her handkerchief, but it was a deep valley with orchids, full of artistic conception. She felt that it looked more poetic and picturesque than her sister's proud snowy red plum, and she couldn't help but feel complacent.

All of a sudden, everyone was praising the performance, some were praising the formation, some were praising the embroidery work, and some were praising the painting.

The old lady called Sui'er to her side and asked specifically: "Good boy, did you embroider all this yourself? You are pregnant with the child now, so you are not so tired that your eyes will become troubled if you look carefully."

Only then did everyone remember this: "The embroidery skills of Sui'er can match those in the palace, but you really shouldn't be tired right now."

"It's really hard for you to embroider this for so many of us."

Sui'er saw that everyone was satisfied with the gifts she gave, and she liked them very much too.

No matter how hard it was to be a female celebrity these past few days, I felt it was worth it.

You must know that this is the first time since she came to this prince's mansion that everyone is full of praise for her. In the past, everyone's conversation centered around her belly.

Everyone liked the gifts after receiving them, and they started playing cards while joking. The old lady specially asked Sui'er to come over and play together.

Sui'er quickly refused; "I can't play cards."

She didn't even know how to read, so she had no idea what was written on the card.

The old lady insisted on her coming over: "Sit next to me and watch me play. This card is not difficult. You can get it after playing it a few times."

Sui'er had no choice but to sit next to the old lady and watch, but looking over and over, she still didn't quite understand what was going on.

After playing a few rounds, she became a little tired, so she held her waist and walked aside.

As they were walking, they saw the maid next to Xiao Jin coming in picking up beads and holding a porcelain vase. She smiled and said to Xiao Jin: "Girl, we have gathered everything."

Xiao Jin heard this and got busy to pick up the bottle.

Everyone was wondering: "I kept trying to pick up beads and brought them to me. What is this?"

Xiao Jin raised his eyebrows and said proudly: "You don't know this, right? I just asked Zhanzhu to pick up the rootless water for me. I use this to store it for two or three years and boil it to make tea. That's different from ordinary people." Well water is different.”

Li Xiurong was puzzled when she heard this; "It rains a lot in summer, but I don't see you going out of your way to catch it!"

Xiao Jin shook his head and said: "Sister-in-law, the rain actually changes with the time. The autumn rain with clear sky and clear air has a refreshing taste. It is the best rainwater. How can it be compared with the mere summer rain!"

Bai Yuqing beside him couldn't help but be happy: "Is it true that the rain is different at different times?"

Xiao Jin nodded: "That's natural. During the plum rain season, it rains continuously, and the water tastes sweet and smooth. During the summer rain season, there are thunderstorms, often accompanied by flying sand and rocks, so the water tastes impure and the water quality is unclean."

While talking, Xiao Jin also told everyone about the secrets of making tea from rainwater, such as how to store it, how long to store it, how to cook it, etc. It was really clear and logical.

After everyone heard this, they all smiled and sighed: "Our Xiao Jin is different from other girls. She was admitted to a women's school. She has read a lot and has a lot of knowledge. Those who don't know think she is a talented woman who has read many poems and books. !”

The old lady had always doted on Xiao Jin. After hearing this, she rubbed Xiao Jin's head lovingly: "Look at what you said, our Xiao Jin is a talented woman, not an ordinary woman who doesn't know how to read. How many people in this world are there?" One that can be compared!”

Everyone laughed at the words and praised Xiao Jin one after another.

But at this moment, Xiao Xu next to him felt uncomfortable.

She will take the exam for a women's school in September this year. She is not sure whether she can pass the exam.

I don't understand in my heart. They are both daughters of the Xiao family, but she came out of the aunt's belly. Why are they so different

Thinking about it carefully, it is inevitable that I have deep complaints. Thinking about Xiao Jin, he is one person in front of others, showing off his knowledge, but behind his back, he has another face. He doesn't know how much he has been bullied behind his back.

Gu Sui'er didn't understand this. When she listened to Xiao Jinda's talk about making tea with rainwater, she felt that the things done by the Hou family were different from those in the countryside.

The countryside also likes rain, but that's because it irrigates crops.

Only when the crops are nourished can there be more harvests.

As for the taste of rainwater, no one has ever tasted it.

For a while, I was confused and confused, and I felt tired from sitting on the stool. At this time, the old lady happened to be tired too. Seeing the tiredness on her face, I asked her to go back first.

After Gu Sui'er heard this, he said goodbye to the old lady and all the girls and young ladies, and went back with Nanny An and the maid.

When I went back, I walked through the corridors and saw the blurry autumn rain falling diagonally from the sky. All the sculpture galleries and paintings in the Hou Mansion seemed to be covered with a thin layer of smoke, making it difficult to see clearly, as if they were very close. , and it seems very far away.

She stepped on the corridor and looked at the old wooden floor with occasional fallen leaves floating from outside the corridor.

She struggled to squat down and pick up the dead leaves.

It's only August and the leaves are already falling.

She raised her head, looked through the eaves of the corridor high in the air, and looked at the hazy sky.

At this time of year, their village should be preparing for the autumn harvest.

I don’t know how my parents are doing. Do they know how their daughter is doing in a faraway place

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard a voice coming in, and his tone was as cool as autumn rain.

"Why are you standing here?"

Gu Sui'er turned around and saw Xiao Heng standing with his hands behind his back.

In the light mist, hazy mist and rain, on the promenade with intricate carvings and paintings, among the fallen leaves flying sideways, he is wearing a white cloak and an indigo robe. He is as tall and straight as a green pine, with sword-shaped eyebrows and cold eyes, and thin lips like pink silk threads being caressed under his hands.

When the autumn rain gently fluttered his expensive and exquisite cloak, Gu Sui'er felt that the man in front of her had turned into a painting, a painting so beautiful that she even forgot to breathe, and it was imprinted on the tip of her heart.

Everyone said that she was good at embroidery, but she knew that she would never be able to portray such a man in her entire life.