The Royal’s Little Lady

Chapter 2


After some time, Gu Sui'er finally regained her energy and started working in the fields.

Everyone in the village knew that something like this had happened to her, and knew that she felt uncomfortable, so they all agreed not to mention it again. The long-tongued women also urged each other to hold back and stop talking.

But when Gu Sui'er worked, she became more and more clumsy. When it was time to pull weeds, she hoeed the ground, and when it was time to water, she seemed to step into the river with one step.

In addition to this, she has been unable to eat and is very thin.

Gu Sui'er's parents did not allow her to work in the fields and only allowed her to be raised at home. When she did not go to the fields, she chopped wild vegetables to feed the pigs, tidied the front and back of the house, and mended clothes for the family members.

But on this day, Gu Sui'er, who was chopping vegetables, suddenly fainted.

By the time Gu Suier's parents got home, she had been lying next to the cutting board for who knows how long.

Gu Sui'er's parents were so frightened that they hurried to the town to invite a doctor. When the doctor came, he felt Gu Sui'er's pulse for a long time, but was stunned for a moment, and finally said: "This is pregnancy." On."

The doctor frowned when he saw that Gu Sui'er was not wearing the usual woman's bun. But he didn't say anything.

After sending the doctor away, Gu Sui'er's father sat on the stone pillar in front of the house without saying a word. Mother Gu Sui'er shed tears again. She has shed all her tears these days: "What should I do now! Why is Sui'er's life so miserable!"

Gu Suier's brother stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do. He is five years younger than Gu Sui'er and is only ten years old now.

Gu Sui'er's father was silent for a long time, and finally made up his mind and said: "We can't have this child. After this child is gone and the news has passed, let's find another family for Sui'er. There are many bachelors in the nearby villages. Someone who can find the right family.”

Gu Sui'er listened and knew in her heart that this was the only way to go, but after all, she thought about the originally excellent marriage, which was envied by many people in the village, but now it is gone, and Sui'er's current reputation will never spread again. , who can I still marry in the future

Even if it's the daughter of He Li's second marriage, or the widow who lost her husband, that's a serious matter, and there's no shame in telling it. But Gu Sui'er was hard to talk about.

At this time, Gu Sui'er woke up in a daze, not knowing what had happened.

Gu Sui'er's mother quickly went to get a bowl of rice soup, fed it to Gu Sui'er, and said softly: "Good girl, you are sick, drink this rice quickly, and mother will go to the kitchen to cook something delicious for you right away." of."

Gu Sui'er was indeed hungry, which she hadn't been for a long time, so she took it and drank it.

After finishing the rice soup, Gu Sui'er's mother did not go to the kitchen to cook. Instead, she just told Gu Bao'er to cook some food, while she hurried to Aunt Wang's house next door.

Second Aunt Wang's family had four sons and three daughters. She gave birth to one child a year, and she was so worried that she would not be able to feed them. Later, she did not know what method she found, and she never had any more children.

Gu Suier thought that the doctor had already left, so why not ask Aunt Wang first.

Aunt Wang was shocked when she heard Gu Suier's explanation of her purpose: "Oh, this is an evil act! How could such a thing happen to a girl's family?"

Mrs. Gu Sui'er wiped her tears and said, "You can't tell others about this matter. Her second aunt, I have no choice but to ask you now."

Second Aunt Wang lowered her head and thought for a moment, then said: "I have a recipe here. My husband's aunt asked for it from a nunnery on the mountain. I spent a lot of money on sesame oil for it. Now that I've given it to you, you can't Side story."

After hearing this, Mrs. Gu Sui'er was naturally very grateful. At that moment, Aunt Wang lifted up the bedding on the kang, and saw only a mat underneath, with a yellow square under the mat.

She handed it to Madam Gu Sui'er with great care, and warned: "You can't let outsiders know, but you must remember it and return it after you use it."

Gu Suier felt grateful in her heart and nodded repeatedly.

After returning home, Gu Sui'er's mother gave this prescription to Gu Sui'er's father and secretly said from the side: "Hurry up and go to the town again and ask the doctor to take the medicine according to this. Now we don't use his prescription." Son, it saves money."

Gu Sui'er's father took it and looked down, but he couldn't understand it. Their family was illiterate.

Gu Sui'er's father immediately put on his clothes, folded the yellowed paper and put it in his arms, and then went out on the road.

Gu Sui'er's mother went over to talk to Gu Sui'er for a while and comforted her casually. At this time, Gu Sui'er's brother had already cooked the rice. He just heated up the old thick flour cake and put it in the pot again. I put some rice in it and made a pot of soup. Gu Sui'er couldn't eat anything after drinking the bowl of rice soup just now. Gu Sui'er's mother had no appetite.

The whole family didn't eat either, and they all sat there in a daze. After a while, Gu Sui'er finally said, "Where's my dad?"

Gu Sui'er's mother smiled quickly and said, "Your father is in town to do something."

Gu Sui'er felt a little strange, but she didn't say anything.

She was lazy and had no strength. In the end she could only close her eyes and lean on the bed to rest.

After noon, Gu Sui'er's father finally came back, holding a yellow paper bag tied with a thin hemp rope. Gu Sui'er knew it was medicine.

Gu Sui'er's mother took the yellow paper bag and said to Gu Sui'er: "You are weak now. I asked your father to go to the town to get you some medicine. You can just take it and you will be fine."

Gu Sui'er glanced at the yellow paper bag and whispered: "I will be able to work in the fields in a few days. Don't spend money to buy me medicine."

Madam Gu Sui'er said hurriedly: "Didn't you faint? The doctor prescribed it, so naturally I won't buy it for you in the future."

Saying this, Gu Suier's mother hurriedly went out to make medicine.

Brother Gu Sui'er bit his lip and said nothing. After standing there like a pillar for a long time, he finally went out.

When the sun set, the medicine was ready. Gu Sui'er's mother brought it over and handed it to Gu Sui'er: "Here, drink the medicine, Sui'er."

Brother Gu Sui'er heard it from the steps outside and couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

At this moment, Gu Sui'er only felt uncomfortable in her stomach and had nausea in her throat. However, the medicine her mother worked so hard for was bought with money, so she took it and drank it while enduring the nausea.

Gu Sui'er's mother stared at Gu Sui'er without blinking, but after drinking the medicine for a long time, Gu Sui'er remained motionless.

Madam Gu Sui'er couldn't help but wonder, does this work

At this moment, Gu Sui'er suddenly felt nauseated, stood up suddenly, and lay on the bed. With a sound of "ah", a lot of black concoction came out of her mouth.

Gu Sui'er's mother hurried over to support her and help Gu Sui'er beat her back.

Gu Sui'er's brother also ran in quickly.

Gu Sui'er vomited to the point of tears. She lay on the bed and looked up at herself with clear, confused and helpless eyes: "Mom, I'm so useless. I spit out the medicine you worked so hard for."

Gu Suier's wife looked at her daughter blankly, wondering if she had spit out all the medicine? Did you leave some in your stomach

Or should we ask Gu Sui'er's father to go to the town to grab some medicine

Just as she was thinking about it, Gu Sui'er suddenly turned pale. She held her stomach in pain: "Mom, my stomach hurts!"

Gu Suier's wife was startled, exclaimed, and rushed forward to hug her daughter.

But Gu Sui'er was rolling around on the bed in pain, sweat dripping from her forehead.

Gu Sui'er's brother saw his sister was in so much pain that he was so anxious that he asked his mother, "Mom, what kind of medicine is this? Why does my sister hurt so much?"

Gu Suier's mother wiped her tears, thinking that there was a piece of meat in her belly. If the meat fell off, it would naturally hurt!

Gu Sui'er's father heard the commotion inside, but this was his daughter's family matter after all, and he couldn't go in, so he could only sit outside on the stone pillar and worry.

Gu Sui'er struggled on the bed for a long time, and finally her stomach pain stopped. Some mucus flowed out from her lower body, and the panties inside were soaked.

Gu Sui'er's mother hurriedly drove Gu Sui'er's brother out and helped Gu Sui'er clean up.

There is some redness in the underpants, but not much.

Gu Sui'er's mother was a little confused. She helped Gu Sui'er lie down first and asked Gu Sui'er's brother to feed Gu Sui'er something to eat. She took the obscene pants and didn't wash them first. I went to Aunt Wang’s house next door.

When Aunt Wang saw the obscene pants, she knew it was done, but when she looked at the blood on them, she was confused: "With such an idea of blood, I'm afraid it won't be done, right?"

Madam Gu Sui'er became anxious when she heard this: "Why didn't it happen? Then where did this blood come from?"

Second Aunt Wang thought for a while and finally said: "Maybe I beat the wrongdoer, but only half of it. I'm afraid it's still in her stomach now."

After hearing this, Madam Gu Suier's eyes immediately widened.

There's still half of it in the stomach, what's going on

After Gu Sui'er's mother returned, she told Gu Sui'er's father about the matter.

Gu Sui'er's father's face turned dark with anxiety. As he spoke, he was about to get dressed and go to the town to find a doctor.

Gu Sui'er's mother hurriedly grabbed Gu Sui'er's father and said, "It's already dark today, so you should take a rest. Besides, I don't know what my daughter is doing. I'm afraid she won't be able to bear it if I give her another dose of medicine." We’ll live there. We’ll see how many days it takes.”

Gu Sui'er's father looked at Gu Sui'er lying silently in the room, sighed, and finally stopped.

Gu Sui'er's brother was guarding Gu Sui'er. At this time, Gu Sui'er's face was as pale as a white paper, there was sweat on her forehead, and her hair was stuck to her forehead. Even in her sleep, she still seemed to be in pain and frowning.

Gu Sui'er's brother raised his hand and wiped Gu Sui'er's sweat.

Gu Sui'er's mother entered the room and looked at Gu Sui'er lying in front of her. She suddenly remembered Gu Sui'er's dewy appearance in the past and burst into tears.

What evil has been done!

The next day, Gu Sui'er woke up, but as if nothing happened yesterday, she struggled to get up and was about to feed the pigs for cooking.

Madam Gu Sui'er quickly stopped her.

Gu Sui'er didn't ask what happened to the medicine that day. She just worked hard to stay healthy and struggled to get up to work.

But after a few days, Gu Sui'er's belly gradually bulged.

At first, everyone thought Gu Sui'er was fat, but later, everyone felt something was wrong. Gu Sui'er's arms were thin and her face was not as clear as before. She was very haggard, but only her belly was bulging.

It just so happens that summer is here now, my clothes are thin, and my belly is particularly obvious.

Finally, it was unavoidable to start talking. They just felt sorry for Gu Sui'er's miserable life, so they talked secretly while hiding from Gu Sui'er.

On this day, Gu Sui'er's little sister, A Liu from next door, came to Gu Sui'er to do some work. After looking at Gu Sui'er for a long time, she finally couldn't help but said: "You, you have it, right?"

Gu Sui'er was stunned.

A Liu hurriedly said: "That's what everyone in the village said, saying you have a baby in your belly."

Gu Sui'er lowered her head in confusion and touched her swollen belly.

A Liu sighed: "Why don't you get rid of it? Why keep it? Isn't this an evil act?"

Although A Liu comes from a girl's family, she is the eldest in the family. There are so many sisters in the family, and her second aunt, the queen, often has such things. A Liu gradually understands.

From that moment on, Gu Sui'er kept clutching her stomach, looking outside blankly, and never said a word again.

In the evening again, Gu Baoer suddenly came back. His clothes were torn and there was a bruise on his face.

Gu Sui'er turned her head with great effort and whispered: "Bao'er, are you fighting with someone again?"

Gu Baoer walked over and looked at his sister: "Sister."

He was a child after all, with stubborn tears shining in his eyes.

Gu Sui'er raised her hand and stroked Gu Bao'er's bruises: "Did someone bully you?"

Gu Baoer felt her sister's gentle touch, and suddenly she felt aggrieved and burst into tears. While crying, she said, "Sister, I won't let others talk about you! They all bully you, they look down on you!"

With that said, he had already thrown himself into Gu Sui'er's arms.

Gu Sui'er's belly was bulging now, and she felt a little uncomfortable when such a powerful head rushed in.

She stroked Gu Baoer's hair and smiled bitterly.

In the evening, Gu Sui'er disappeared.

Gu Sui'er's parents were anxious and were about to look for someone, but at this time, Gu Sui'er's brother found Gu Sui'er in the kitchen.

Gu Sui'er was holding a kitchen knife in her hand, looking at her blankly.

Gu Sui'er's mother cried out loudly, rushed over, and hugged Gu Sui'er tightly: "Gu Sui'er, my silly child, if you have any shortcomings, how can my mother live!"

Brother Gu Sui'er ran over and snatched the kitchen knife away!

Gu Sui'er's eyes seemed to be filled with fog, and she looked at all this hazily, as if she was dreaming.

In fact, all this is really like a dream.