The Royal’s Little Lady

Chapter 88


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At this time, I suddenly heard the horse's hooves stop beside the sedan, and a deep voice said: "Madam, if you feel unwell, please tell me and we can go slower."

Gu Sui'er shook her head. After shaking her head, she realized that the person couldn't hear her, so she said, "It's okay."

Jiang Zheng listened to the voice inside, which was very low and weak. He couldn't help but think of the scene in the inn that night again, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

My young master is not a bad person who bullies weak women, but due to some strange combination of circumstances, something like this happened. It was just a trick of fate.

He frowned and said respectfully: "We will arrive at the county soon. We will rest then, then change the carriage and continue on our way."

Gu Sui'er nodded slightly, but she was thinking in her heart that the Marquis' Mansion was so far away, and she didn't know when she would see her parents again.

When he arrived in the county that night, Jiang Zheng booked the only inn in the county and stayed with the group. In the meantime, Jiang Zheng ordered people to bring hot water and food. Gu Sui'er was very hungry now, so when she saw the food, she ate without caring about anything else.

Jiang Zheng was originally going to come in to tell her about tomorrow's itinerary, but when he saw her eating deliciously through the window, he withdrew.

On the second day, the carriage was indeed changed. The carriage was spacious and many times more comfortable than the ox-carts in the village. Gu Sui'er was afraid of catching the tadpoles in her belly, so she leaned on the pillow beside her and lay down.

On this day, they didn't rest and kept on the road. At noon, Jiang Zheng opened the curtain and handed in a pack of hot pancakes with meat and a cup of tea. He said, "I feel wronged, little madam."

Gu Sui'er was speechless, took over the pancake and ate the meat, and drank the tea.

After Gu Sui'er finished eating, Jiang Zheng ordered to continue on his way. This time the carriage moved faster than before noon.

In this way, the carriage traveled for four days before arriving at a place. Gu Sui'er heard that it was extremely lively outside, with cries and frolics, and knew that this was a lively street. However, she had no intention of looking at it at this time. She just held her belly and felt the tadpoles in her belly.

In fact, when she lay down, because her belly was so thin, she could feel that the tadpole was already the size of an egg, but she still liked to call it a tadpole.

The carriage drove for who knows how long before it came to a stop. The tall courtyard wall was higher than the house at home. There was a vermilion gate with a black plaque hanging on it. There were two big stones beside the gate. The lion looks a bit scary.

After entering the house, Gu Sui'er saw several nuns. The nuns asked Gu Sui'er to get off the carriage, get on a small green oilcloth sedan, and then carry her in from a long corridor.

The small sedan was not as stable as the carriage, so the curtains of the sedan flickered. Gu Sui'er looked out through the curtains of the sedan and saw that the house was huge, bigger than their village. It was full of houses with blue bricks and red tiles, and carved beams. The painting of the pillars was spectacular at the time, and there were also flowers and plants in bloom, and bursts of fragrance filled the air.

This was something Gu Sui'er had never seen before. To her, it was like entering another world.

Gu Sui'er touched her belly blankly, and suddenly remembered the person who bullied her that night at the inn. In fact, I didn't even see what he looked like. I only remembered his eyes. It was deeper than the water in the Black Dragon Pond in their mountains. I couldn't see the bottom at all. People in the village say that the Black Dragon Pond has no bottom and leads all the way to hell. No matter how good your water quality is, if you fall in, you will never get out.

That person must be the third young master of Mr. Hou’s family.

Gu Sui'er couldn't help but shudder.

She touched the sedan window and suddenly thought of Jiang Zhenglai, who had been riding beside the carriage for the past two days. During the past three or four days, he had been taking great care of her, always riding silently beside the carriage during the day.

She was afraid of this kind of strange man in her heart, but she was far away from the familiar village and family, and came to a strange place alone. She was used to seeing the figure guarding the carriage, but she felt that that figure was missing, and she felt completely helpless. .

Gu Sui'er smiled bitterly in her heart, knowing that this was all wrong. It was just like a little rabbit coming into a strange world and thinking that the first person it saw was its relative.

Gu Sui'er calmed down and continued to look at the house. As he was looking, the sedan turned around and entered a moon-shaped arch, then passed through the corridor beside it and continued to move forward. The scenery here is different from the previous one. There are mountains, water, and many trees, and for a while, the cry of cicadas can be heard.

When the sedan finally stopped, it turned out to be a house with two buildings. There were bananas in front of the door and some other flowers and plants.

Gu Sui'er was helped down by a nun: "The young lady has finally arrived. Come with me to see the old lady."

That grandma was wearing gold and silver, and her style was much better than the ones Gu Sui'er had seen before.

Gu Sui'er naturally lowered her head in response.

Mammy helped Gu Sui'er into the house. Once inside, the atmosphere was completely different from before.

In the large main room, there were a group of wives with buns and some girls without buns, and an old lady sitting in the middle.

Gu Sui'er glanced at the old lady and felt that the old lady was like the Queen Mother from heaven descending to earth. She was so shining and golden that she lowered her head without even daring to take a closer look.

Sitting in the room is the old lady of Ruiding Hou Mansion, who is also the direct aunt of the current emperor, the direct sister of the late emperor, and the eldest daughter of Emperor Gaozu - Princess Shengping.

This eldest princess of Shengping was favored by Emperor Gaozu and Queen Gaozu. Later, she married the old Ruiding Hou who had made great achievements in the war, and gave birth to Xiao Bingzhang, the current Ruiding Hou. Although the late emperor is no longer here, the current emperor still respects this aunt very much.

The eldest princess of Shengping is now old. She is half leaning on the pillow and looking at the girl who is walking over.

At first glance, it was a bit surprising.

I had only heard that Aheng had a girl outside, and she had a dark knot, so they said they would take her into the house quickly and take good care of her, but they didn't expect that the girl turned out to be so beautiful.

The eldest princess of Shengping was born noble and pampered. She usually likes girls who are generous and decent. She wants to be on the stage. She is the most timid, timid, ignorant, shy and can't talk. She feels that she can't be on stage.

But now, looking at the girl in front of me, she is obviously a little timid with her head lowered, but she feels cute, gentle and lovable.

She smiled and waved, indicating that she should come forward and take a closer look.

Gu Sui'er hurriedly stepped forward and stood in front of the "Queen Mother" with her head bowed.

The eldest princess of Shengping asked Gu Sui'er to raise her head and look at it carefully. Although this girl couldn't escape the rural atmosphere and her eyes were filled with fear and uneasiness, she still had a clear aura. Looking closely at her eyebrows, she was pretty. , that’s called a good-looking person, every part of this face is not exquisite.

I looked at Gu Sui'er's belly again. It was so big that she was probably five months old.

The eldest princess of Shengping suddenly smiled, took Gu Sui'er's hand, and asked about the child in her belly.

Gu Sui'er came to this fairy's mansion and listened with trepidation to the questions asked by this extremely noble old lady, and answered them one by one.

"Excellent. Now that you've come to our house, you can take care of your baby with peace of mind. This is the eldest lady of the house, Ah Heng's mother. If you need anything, just ask her."

Gu Sui'er looked over and saw a lady beside the eldest princess Shengping. She looked very noble. Her hair was combed in a bright bun and she wore a lot of gold and silver on her head. She had a long face, was a little thin, and looked serious. Don't like to laugh.

She thought, Ah Heng looked like the Third Young Master, and the Third Young Master's mother. Should she be called mother too

So she called out in a low voice: "Sui'er has met her mother."

When she said this, everyone else present laughed, but no one said anything.

Mrs. Ruidinghou said with a serious smile, nodded and said: "This time it is the old lady who takes the decision to bring you into the house. Aheng lives in Tingzhuyuan. You can live there first. We will worry about everything after Aheng comes back."

The eldest princess of Shengping asked Gu Sui'er a few more questions. They were all about her family life. When she talked about her pregnancy, she couldn't help but ask how she was living these days. In the meantime, she asked an old doctor to come over and ask Gu Sui'er some questions. Diagnose the child's pulse.

After diagnosing the pulse, the old doctor came to ask: "Has this young lady ever eaten anything bad?"

When Princess Shengping heard this, she looked at Sui'er.

Sui'er was silent for a moment, then understood, and whispered: "My family bought abortion pills and I took them. But I vomited some of them later."

When she said this, everyone looked at each other, a little surprised.

This is the flesh and blood of Young Master Ah Heng. It was hard-won. Did you never expect that he was almost killed in the countryside

Princess Shengping hurriedly asked: "What happened next?"

Sui'er thought for a while: "There was some blood, but not much, and then there was no movement."

I quickly asked the old doctor, who replied: "I think the fetus in the belly is weak after all, and the little lady is also weak and needs to be nourished. I will prescribe another prescription and take the medicine according to this, three times a day." "

The eldest princess Shengping breathed a sigh of relief, recited Amitabha, and told Sui'er: "This is finally a close call, and the little fetus was saved. It can be considered that he is very lucky and has a great future." Remember, you can’t do such stupid things.”

Gu Sui'er nodded and responded in a low voice.

Here, the eldest princess Shengping gave Gu Sui'er some more instructions, and finally told Mrs. Ruidinghou: "You must remember to take good care of this child. She has Aheng's blood in her belly, so you can't be careless."

Mrs. Ruiding Hou said respectfully: "Mom, please feel free to say that everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared."

Although eggs are a good thing, Sui'er is not greedy and insists on eating them. She thinks about it, her peers only remember to give them to young mistresses and eldest girls, but forget about this second girl. It is really inappropriate.