The Sabbath

Chapter 1: gate of destiny


The sky that used to be eternal suddenly turned dark.

In that boundless night, there is only the single ray of light in the center.

Soft yet brilliant, it is almost what can be called radiance.

That is a singer.

It seemed that he was the only one in the darkness. At this moment, he was the center of the night. All the audience seats that were hidden in the night were quietly suspended in the air, like planets.

And he is the only star.

Gorgeous, chant-like music sang from his mouth, and the top-level audio equipment faithfully conveyed his voice to the ears of every listener, as if whispering.

When the whole song reached its climax, a pair of huge white wings suddenly broke out from behind the singer's shoulders. What a beautiful sight - the audience held their breath almost at the same time, many people were so excited that they cried, and they I don't even realize it at all.

It was not until the white wings suddenly shattered into white spots in the air and disappeared, and thunderous applause came from all directions in the darkness. With loud shouts and whistles, the singer in the center smiled and waved to the audience.

There is still darkness around, and the singer is still the only light in the darkness.

In the darkness, a man sitting in a seat directly in front of the singer suddenly stood up.

That's the best spot for this concert. Like a real planet, it can be moved around the singer according to the owner's wishes, so that the best viewing angle can be maintained throughout the concert.

A position that is hard to find, but his master has now abandoned it. Finally, he glanced at the singer who was about to sing the next song. He stretched out his long legs and walked down the dark steps without turning his head. During the movement, a pair of wings almost exactly the same as the singer just now suddenly bloomed from behind him. , During the bloom, the crisp sound of metal friction was faintly emitted between the snow-white feathers.

No matter how soft it looks, those wings are clearly made of metal!

The owner of Gang Yu is about to walk out of the concert scene shrouded in darkness. A bright light has appeared in front of him. The white sky, the white floor, and the white walls are the usual eternal day in this world.

At the moment when the light finally shone on his face, the man who had been hiding in the dark finally revealed his true face.

It was a very neat face, almost perfect.

Platinum hair color, slightly darker pupils than hair color, straight nose bridge high and straight, two thin lips below.

Almost everyone who saw him would suddenly be stunned, but it was not his face that was so perfect that it was almost indescribable, but his face. At least three-quarters of his body was slightly shining with metallic luster. Like the wings behind him, most of his body is actually made of metal!

The moment he stepped out of the darkness, he suddenly turned his head, the singer's voice still echoed in his ears, but in that dark night, from his current angle, he could see nothing.

Then he raised his foot and resolutely left.

"Your Majesty, the final preparations have been completed. If we start now, we will arrive at our destination in five minutes, and then, after one day and one night, you will be immortalized." Several men in gorgeous white robes quickly respected Surrounded by them, they carefully kept a distance from the man, their eyes full of enthusiasm and respect.

"Let's go." At this point, the man finally said a word.

His voice was cold and clear, like metal.

On February 12, the ninety-ninth year of the Messertal calendar, His Majesty Messertal was granted "eternal life". His rule was able to continue. After hearing the news, many of the subjects living in "Eternal Day" even shed tears. They rushed out of their homes and worshiped in the direction of the far white tower, expressing their expressions in various ways. With his inner enthusiasm and excitement.

This day was later identified as the birthday of His Majesty Messertal, who did not know his birthday, and was celebrated as a holiday.

A certain day in the 349 year of the Chaos Calendar

Still in the dark.

Unlike the artificial darkness of that concert, this is true darkness.

There is a faint odor in the air. Even if you can't see it, you can tell by smell that the surrounding environment is not good.

He was standing in front of the door.

In the sun and the moon where the brain and the intellectual brain merged to achieve immortality, in addition to the tedious work, he has deduced the various situations of the year countless times, just like a mathematical problem. The ending is the same.

As if chosen by fate, in either case, he will ascend to the highest throne of power, and finally obtain the so-called immortality, bound in the boring years.

Various deductions became his only game.

But now, just like countless deductions in the past, when he really stood in front of the door, at first, he would think it was just a dream, a model, a deduction that was too real.

Until this time, he suddenly remembered, yes, every time in the past, he has pushed open this door.

The simulation of changes in various other variables is after opening the door, and he has never chosen the idea of "not pushing the door".

Because he hates the dark.

He instinctively felt that "not opening the door" meant "dead end".


Quietly looking at the door panel in front of him for a moment, the outstretched hand finally slowly drooped down.

Turning his back, he resolutely walked towards the opposite direction of the door.

All kinds of fates after opening the door are in his hands. This time, he decided to choose the option of "not opening the door".

What about the dead end

He had experienced something worse than death.

In the dark night, he gently left the door.

Before, he started his new destiny in front of this door, and today, he ended his destiny in front of this door.

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