The Sabbath

Chapter 100: Horsen Lind


According to the strict drug sales system in Cicero, all elixir sold through normal channels should be made according to the correct prescription recorded in the pharmacopoeia.

All people who take the elixir of life become immortal after death. This is one thing this medicine has in common, and the other thing is that during their lifetime: all people who take the medicine will maintain the physical state at the time of taking the medicine, they never get old.

So, except for Hana, all other people who take the "elixir" have two obvious characteristics: first, they are immortal, and then they are immortal.

Hana, however, bucked the rule.

She is growing up normally.

This is also the most obvious difference between her and other people who take elixir.

And what is the reason for this difference

It can only be the original "sickness" in Hana's body.

When the elixir combined with the original cells in Hana's body, her internal environment just changed to a normal state, and Hana recovered.

Therefore, the most direct way to find the antidote to the elixir is to investigate the environment in Hana's body, find out those distinctive cells, study their characteristics, and make targeted drugs, and this drug is the easiest Available "antidote".

The method that Xiaomei can think of, Hanarens pharmacist must have thought of it long ago. Perhaps it was because he wanted it that he changed the reason for inventing the Elixir in the Pharmacopoeia.

The prescription of the elixir was announced to the world. Perhaps this was not the original intention of the pharmacist in Hanarens. Perhaps it was that Horsen Lind sent him to review without authorization, or perhaps he himself took a bit of luck. It is impossible to know the matter, in short, the result of the matter is that the elixir prescription of the pharmacist Hanarens was finally successfully published in the pharmacopoeia.

However, when the announcement was made, the Hanarens pharmacist kept a mind: he did not write the real reason for his invention of the drug in the pharmacopoeia.

Concealing his daughter, he attributed the reason for inventing the elixir to his wife.

No one except Horsen Lind knew about Hana's illness, not even the shop clerk.

Hana grew up healthy and grew up like an ordinary child, and those who had taken the elixir also achieved the effect of "not getting old" as expected, and the city of Cicero regained its former prosperity again, and everyone got what they wanted. The desired result, everything looks wonderful...

until the side effects of the drug appear.

"What I can think of, Hanarens pharmacist can naturally think of, and—" Staring at the reddish blood droplets in the analyzer, Xiaomei spoke slowly: "The person who once treated Hana was treated. Sooner or later, Horsen Lind can think of it."

"Once he thinks that there may be clues to the antidote in Hana's body, he will come over sooner or later and find Hana."

"My guess is that the pharmacist Hanarens and his wife took the elixir before they died."

"The way they look now is different from the photo...a little bit older than in the photo, it's not like they took an elixir from the start."

"So, the reason why the pharmacist Hanalens keeps coming back is obvious."

"One, he is indeed researching the antidote to the elixir. This is a fundamental solution to the problem. As long as the antidote is researched, his daughter can be truly safe, and there is no need to worry about the coveting of those who are interested;"

"Secondly, he should be worried about Horsen Lind."

"Horson Lind will find him, he will find Hana."

"If my guesses just now are true."

In the brightly lit studio, everyone surrounded Xiaomei's studio, watching him methodically put all kinds of medicines into the analyzer one after another.

Before the zombie Hanarens exploded, Hana punctured her finger and bravely handed the finger with the big blood bead to Xiaomei.

"You know it yourself, this is actually the fastest way." Quietly and unexpectedly, Xiaomei said a word to Mr. Hanarens, who had become a zombie.


Then the undead, who had faint signs of falling into madness again because of the sight of his daughter's blood, suddenly became quiet.

Xiaomei took off the blood drop and put it into the analyzer. What happened next, Mr. Hanarens actually stiffened and started to prepare for the next step.

His brain may have indeed ceased to function, but his body instinctively remembers the correct steps for various drug trials, soaked in his profession for decades, and he is very professional in the operation of pharmacy experiments.

He became the best assistant.

So, in a very strange, huge studio, a small robot and a black zombie stood together in front of the workbench. The movements of the two people have different degrees of machinery, but the steps are very smooth, I don't know if it was before Because they are often busy at the same workbench together, their cooperation seems to be extremely harmonious.

He handed over a test tube, and the other person knew to transfer the medicine in this test tube into another petri dish without him saying it.

They work together flawlessly!

In the current city of Cicero, there are many pharmacists like them who work together to study the antidote of the undead medicine and stay up all night, but—

The two people in this room might be the two pharmacists who are closest to the real antidote!

Everyone didn't dare to speak, quietly, they quietly looked at the two people in front of the workbench.

Hana's fingers have been carefully bandaged by Mrs. Zora, and there is only a little tingling, which can basically be ignored. Raising her fingers, the little girl stared at the two people behind the workbench.

Mrs. Zorah knitted her yarn again. She was now knitting a skirt, and a closer look revealed that the skirt was exactly the size of Hana's now.

Only Rong Gui, An Jing watched Xiaomei work for a while, and he couldn't sit still.

Without disturbing others, he quietly stood up and walked towards the window habitually.

Hey? Why is it so bright outside the window

Suddenly noticing this, Ronggui walked towards the window and opened the heavy curtains. He was startled by the light outside, and then he quickly looked out the window.

Seeing this, the petite robot shuddered, its mouth opened and closed for a long time, and he shouted with a trembling voice: "Zombies! Oh my god! There are zombies outside!"

It was densely packed, and in front of the gates outside the yard were all slow-moving and stiff undead, and in the alley, more undead were approaching their yard!

OMG! This is-

Ronggui suddenly opened the window. Once the well-sealed window was opened, the sound from the outside came into the house: Ronggui heard the sound of zombies mopping the floor outside the yard, and heard the rustling sound of their bodies rubbing their bodies. ,as well as-

Farther away, the screams of people from other corners of the city!

With a good hearing system, Ronggui collected an explosive message from the screams of people from faraway places:

The city walls reinforced by the half-baked masons and the pharmacists in the city finally collapsed under the siege of countless zombies, and a large number of zombies from outside the city poured into the city. This time the zombies are no longer the quiet and well-behaved zombies. In groups, they poured into the streets and alleys of Cicero.

Zombie Siege!

"Xiaomei, you don't need to worry about this, you and Hana's father continue to do research." Under such circumstances, Ronggui actually forcibly endured his inner fear, first said something to Xiaomei, he immediately pulled down the window, Hana had already ran to the window when she realized something was wrong. Mrs. Zora couldn't see it, so Ronggui told her what she saw.

"Turn on the radio to listen. At this time, the patrols in the city should say something." Unlike Ronggui's pretended calmness, Mrs. Zora is really calm. After listening to Ronggui's narration, she immediately road.

"The radio in this room is in the third compartment above the cabinet on the left." Orderly, she instructed Ronggui to fetch things.

Ronggui quickly took out the radio, held the radio in the corner where the three of them had been, and unscrewed the radio.

"… Level 1 alert! For unknown reasons, undead outside the city have now poured into the city in large numbers! These undead are aggressive! Citizens please don't approach them! If there are undead hiding at home, please remove them as soon as possible. send!"

"The current situation is very serious, these undead are very dangerous, please close the doors and windows tightly, we have fully turned on the lighting system in the city, please turn on all lighting items in your home, some undead react to the light, they have instinct Please use the light to protect yourself!"

No longer full of unhealthy advertisements, all kinds of alerts on the radio!

Light protection? Maybe some undead do exist, but there are also many undead who don't~ For example, Hana's father, thinking to himself, Ronggui looked in the direction of Hana's father, the time he looked at was just right, Hana's father was How about holding an instrument that is emitting a strong beam of light to the reagent in front of it!

This, this... This is no sign of being afraid of light at all!

However, maybe other undead people may really be afraid. The proof is: more and more undead people are pouring into the alley in front of Mrs. Zora's house.

There is no other reason: the lighting system in the alley in front of Mrs. Zola's house is not in place, and it is almost completely dark!

When the whole city is brightly lit, there is only a dark corner here. Don't those zombies who are afraid of light instinctively run here

"This... this... I'll go outside and block the door first." The old man, the young man, and two other people in the room were doing big things. Ronggui gritted his teeth, feeling that he was the only one who had gone.

Anyway, he is not afraid of biting, he can block it for a while!

"Don't worry, there are powerful fluorescent lights on the roof. You turn on those lights. The wattage of those lights is much stronger than that of municipal lights." Mrs. Zorah grabbed the little robot who wanted to rush out.

The voice was as slow as Xiaomei, and she pointed Ronggui another way.

"Hey? Mrs. Zora, you actually have such a thing?" Ronggui asked while looking for the switch according to Mrs. Zora's prompt.

"I just ordered it by mail a while ago. The lighting here is not enough, and the wattage of the municipal lighting equipment is not large enough. I ordered a fluorescent lamp with a large wattage from outside, thinking that I can usually dry herbs, and sometimes radish strips and clothes. , quilt or something, I don't want to hang my privacy clothes outside like other people." Even at this time, Mrs. Zora's posture was still as elegant and calm as before.

She is a very particular person, which can be seen from her usual life.

Ronggui has never been more grateful to Mrs. Zora for her poor care than now!

With a "snap", Ronggui finally pulled the switch correctly, and the fluorescent lights on the roof turned on all of a sudden, just like a round of sun pressing on the roof, Ronggui's eyes were all gray, and the focus was readjusted for a long time before he managed to reluctantly See the shadow outside again.

This... Where is this powerful fluorescent lamp, this is clearly an artificial sun!

Mrs. Zola, are you really going to use this light to dry radish sticks? The radish sticks will be roasted!

Ronggui was feeling dizzy when Mrs. Zorah suddenly stretched out her hand and slammed the curtains shut. Not to mention, the curtains are really good. No wonder Ronggui didn't immediately notice when the lights were turned on outside: the shading properties of the curtains It's so good!

Even the super-strong light on the roof can block a part of it. Looking outside through the curtain, Ronggui only feels that it is daytime outside, but it is no longer as dazzling as before.

However, this powerful fluorescent lamp was really useful, and Ronggui watched the zombies outside slowly retreat.


A series of loud bangs.

Ronggui heard the sound of the glass breaking above his head. Almost at the same time, all the lights in the house went out, but the lights on the workbench were only dimmed, and they resumed normal operation later.

This... Obviously, the wattage of the bulb is too high, and the circuit can't bear the paralysis.

Due to the backup circuit on the workbench, it was only darkened during the switching of the circuit, and it returned to normal later.

"This light bulb... is not very strong... The website says it will last for ten years... "

All of a sudden, from the bright lights back to the dark environment with only one work light, while Ronggui was busy debugging the vision system, he heard Mrs. Zora speak again.

"This seller is not real, I have to give him a bad review later..." muttered Mrs. Zora.

Ronggui: 囧! ! !

Feeling Hana trembling slightly, Mrs. Zorah gently embraced her shoulders, then continued to face Ronggui and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid when there is no light, I also have self-defense tools from mail order here. ."

"It's on the first floor, let's go down and have a look."


Opening the box, Ronggui saw a box full of... shotguns.

"The website says that this is the latest powerful water gun, and its impact is comparable to that of a real shotgun. How about it? Agui, can you try it with the tap?"

Ronggui's mouth opened and closed, and he picked up a shotgun. No matter how he studied it, he felt that it was not a water gun. Besides, there were several large boxes of ammunition neatly packed under the box!

Picking up a box of ammunition, Ronggui saw a small note pressed there, which said: The water gun is out of stock, and a new type of shotgun has been temporarily replaced for you. The lethality is only higher than that of the water gun. Please don't give a bad review~ yah!

Ronggui... What else can Ronggui say

He could only be speechless.

"The current seller... It's really unreal..." Mrs. Zora sighed after hearing Rong Gui's trembling narration.

However, it is a good thing to have a weapon in your hand. After picking up the shotgun and loading the bullets according to the instructions, Ronggui instantly felt a lot safer.

Whenever a zombie tried to climb up, Ronggui and Hana shot in their direction.

Ronggui's shooting skills are really poor, but this is understandable. After all, he was just an ordinary citizen before, and he has never touched a few fake guns, let alone real guns!

On the other hand, Hana's shooting skills are surprisingly good, almost hitting one hit.

"I... my father gave me a small water gun..." Hana said to Ronggui aggrieved, obviously very frightened.

Honorable Mention: …

Except for Hana, who is very good at playing with water guns, Mrs. Zorah's shooting skills are actually very good. She... She clearly can't see it!

"Although my eyes can't see, my heart is not blind." Facing Ronggui's puzzlement, Mrs. Zora gave a very profound answer.

So Ronggui could only be silent.

In the face of zombies, Ronggui's shooting skills are not only inferior to the child's Hana, but now even Mrs. Zorah, who has almost no eyesight, Ronggui fell into depression again.

But it doesn't matter if his shooting skills are not good. He quickly found what he can do, which is to refill the bullets for his companions.

The three cooperated very well, and for a while, the footsteps of the zombies outside the door were obviously dragged by them.


However, no matter how good the shooting skills of Hana and Mrs. Zorah are, those who have died are obviously not afraid of shooting, and shooting can only barely delay their climbing speed, not to mention the number of bullets.

After a while, after the bullets were used up, a zombie finally managed to climb up from the wall.

Ronggui was stunned when he saw him for the first time.

There is no other reason, this person looks like a normal person!

The silver hair looks like an old man, but there are no wrinkles on his face. Looking closely, his face is still ruddy.

Could it be an ordinary person who escaped

This was Ronggui's first thought, and then he began to think about whether to open the door immediately so that the other party could come in. After all, he was a living person, and it was not something he did to die.

At this moment, when Ronggui put down his gun and was about to open the door, his hand was suddenly pulled by Hana next to him.

The little hand held his hand tightly, and Ronggui heard Hana speak to him in a very, very small voice.

"Hawson... that man... is Uncle Hoson..."

Ronggui's eyes suddenly widened.

His mind was blank, but what Xiaomei once said emerged from the blank in a particularly profound way:

"Horson Lind will find him, he will find Hana."

"If my guesses just now are true."


Is Xiaomei's guess really true? because…

Because Horsen Lind really found it!

He really found Hana!

If the body he is using now is his original human body, Ronggui must be sweating profusely by now, but he is not, so the state of the little robot is a little anxious.

Horsen Lind came over, crossed a large area of zombies, and managed to climb over the wall. Are they... save or not

If you save him, maybe he will attack Hana! After all, he has come to the door!

But if you don't save... that's a life anyway, and the other party... is not necessarily a bad person...

Ronggui was in a dilemma until Mrs. Zora suddenly fired a shot forward.

"Mrs. Zola, he... he..." Ronggui stood up in a hurry, not knowing what to say.

"I know what you're worrying about, but if you look closely, is that person really alive?" Interrupting Ronggui's words, Mrs. Zora raised her chin toward the window.

Rong Gui was stunned for a while, and when he turned his eyes to the silver-haired man outside the door again, he zoomed in and looked at the other person more carefully.

Granted, the man outside did look like a living person.

However, it only "looks".

If you look closely, you will find that the other party's pupils are already dilated, and his body is obviously hit by a bullet, but he seems to feel no pain at all, and continues to walk forward, and the blood flowing out of the bullet hole is also dark and sticky...


I see…

He is already dead.

It was true that Horsen Lind came over, but it was not the living Husson Lind who came, but the dead.

He was still wearing a brand new "rear garment" (clothing for the dead), the temperature of his body had not completely dissipated, and the rosy cheeks were still there, and he just... found him.