The Sabbath

Chapter 103: Sabbath


It's getting foggy.

The white fog slowly descended from the sky and silently occupied every corner of the city. When they were pushed to the windows of people's homes, the field of vision suddenly became white, and people could no longer see the outside world. Immortal.

It can't be said that it can't be seen at all. At least, the undead man who is clinging to the window and slapping it can still see it, but it's just a dark shadow.

Looking at it dimly, it was like an ordinary person knocking on the door.

As the white fog became bigger and thicker, their knocking sound gradually slowed down, slow and dull, one after another, as if knocking on the hearts of the people inside the door.

Until the sound slowly stopped.

No one spoke, and the whole city became quiet.

The silent city shrouded in thick fog seems to have turned into a dead city.

And in Mrs. Zorah's room, it was equally peaceful.

Ronggui, Xiaomei, and Hana are all in Mrs. Zorah's room now. With the help of the patrol, they finally got out of the house surrounded by zombies.

They still stayed in the living room on the first floor where the three of them usually met, and closed the doors and windows. Husson Lind didn't know why he still followed, but the doors and windows that Xiaomei repaired every day were very strong. He could only stand in front of the window and watch, but he couldn't get in anyway.

At the moment when the thick fog was about to come out, Xiaomei handed a gas mask to Hana. The little girl hadn't realized what was going on. Ronggui had clumsily helped her put the mask on her face.

"I remember that Mrs. Zola doesn't seem to have taken the elixir, so does she need to wear a mask?" Ronggui asked Xiang Xiaomei after confirming that the mask was firmly fixed on Hana's face.

"No, the antidote is very targeted, only for those who have taken the elixir." Xiaomei calmly said.

And those people... don't need to be immortal.

Immortality and immortality are not the ultimate existence of perfection—at this moment, Xiaomei, whose real name is Ashvi Messertal, suddenly thought of this.

He thought so, but he just thought, and didn't say these words.

Then, he remembered again the days when he would not grow old or die.

He was once again caught in a labyrinth of thoughts.

Xiaomei is thinking and manifesting in the outside world, he looks more like he is in a daze.

With her hands on her knees and her calves hanging in the air, petite Xiaomei sat on the sofa with a serious face. He was sitting with his back facing the window and door. From Ronggui's point of view, Xiaomei was surrounded by a thick white fog.

Unlike the others who were staring at the window nervously, Xiaomei had no intention of looking back.

He was not surprised by the outcome of the matter.

He knows what will happen in the future.

Whenever I look at Xiaomei like this, Ronggui's mood will calm down.

But Xiaomei was sitting alone on a large sofa that could hold seven or eight Xiaomei, and it seemed...

The sofa at Mrs. Zola's house is really too big~

Patting Hana's shoulder, Ronggui ran straight to the sofa where Xiaomei was sitting, and jumped onto the sofa lightly. Because the sofa was really soft and elastic, Ronggui didn't sit still and was pushed against Xiaomei by the elasticity of the sofa. around. Without moving, Ronggui and Xiaomei squeezed their shoulders and their thighs, and sat together on the big sofa with a hey smile.

The sofa is still big, but with two little robots sitting next to each other, it doesn't look lonely at all.

Glancing over Ronggui and Xiaomei, Hana's gaze crossed the heads of the two little robots and looked out the window behind them.

It was already pure white outside.

Horsen Lind was behind that window in pure white.

She knew that because the other party had been sticking one hand tightly to the glass, as if trying to hold onto something tightly, and had been standing there firmly.

Because of the fully enclosed gas mask and the one with her own oxygen tank, Hana can't actually hear anything outside.

She could only hear herself breathing in and out.

One after another, not too long, just like the sound quality heard through a stethoscope.

She stared outside blankly until a pair of warm palms fell on her shoulders. She looked up and saw that it was Mrs. Zora.

Staring at the resolute chin of the old woman, the last bit of daze in Hana's heart was gradually dispelled, and when she looked out the window again, her gaze was as firm as everyone else in the room.

She just kept watching until the palm of Husson Linde's hand on the window suddenly disappeared, her eyes still did not leave.

Like a small statue, the girl stood there with a tall and straight back. Looking closely, her posture was somewhat similar to the old woman behind her.

She stood, and stood, until all the fog cleared and the lighting system of the whole city was fully turned on again.

At that moment, the edge of the thick white fog seemed to be covered with a layer of gold, as if the sun was breaking through the clouds.

The antidote is complete!

When people carefully opened the doors and windows to look outside, the corpses of the undead were lying on the ground outside.

This time, they really died.

The people in the city first burst into cheers, and then, when they began to clean up the once undead corpses outside, everyone fell silent again.

The day was eventually named "Sabbath".

The corpses of the undead were safely placed in the cemetery group outside the city, and their bodies were not incinerated or abandoned to a special cemetery star. The Sicilian people finally chose to live side by side with the cemetery group.

The dense tombstones outside reminded them of what had happened here, and in the days that followed, they would act more cautiously in their minds every time they made medicine.

Ronggui Xiaomei and Hana buried the body of Horsen Lind.

Ronggui and Xiaomei are in charge of carrying the corpse ← Well, they are already skilled workers for this job, and then Hana is in charge of digging the pit.

Ronggui and Xiaomei were still skilled workers, but Hana refused his help and insisted on digging a deep hole by herself, with a large shovel almost as high as her, and then put Huo Sen. Linde's body was put inside.

After the tombstone was erected, his family would naturally come to maintain the cemetery for him in the days to come.

In addition to burying Horsen Lind, Hana also reburied her father.

It was buried next to her mother. During the burial, Hana found that the soil layer of her mother's cemetery was completely untouched, and she did not take the antidote, but the lady really did not intend to move again.

Big guys too.

Ronggui inserted another purple flower that bloomed this morning on the grave of the big man.

The reason why the elixir was released until it became a banned drug that almost wiped out the entire city... Since both parties involved have died, the so-called real truth will probably never be known.

Ronggui firmly believes that the truth is what Xiaomei speculated.

However, it is not easy for other people to know about this kind of thing. Besides, Ronggui can't do such a thing as people are dead and speak ill of others, so when the patrol captain came over to make a routine inquiry, he put Ha After Na's death, he still came back every day to study the antidote.

Ronggui can tell stories~

He made the patrol captain cry!

Then you don't have to worry about the next thing~

When they went to visit Hana's father's grave outside the city again, Hana was ready to see her father's grave smashed, but unexpectedly, many flowers were planted there!

Uh... Since there are basically no other plants in Cicero City besides herbs, all that are planted are herbs that can bloom, but herbs are okay, they are flowers!

The cemetery where Apothecary Hanarens died was overgrown with flowering plants.

The past few days have been spent by the pharmacist in Ciciro City busy digging holes and burying corpses.

The possible day of the city's demise recorded in his memory has finally passed, and Ronggui feels sensitively that Xiaomei finally breathes a sigh of relief, even if he asks him, Xiaomei is busy again.

The strong nutrient solution has been completely made, and he soaked Ronggui's body in it.

It is not as simple as simply soaking. In the middle, you must always observe the changes in various indexes of the body, and inject additional nutrients when necessary.

Xiaomei is very busy.

Ronggui is also very busy. During the process of making medicine, more than half of the herbs in Mrs. Zola's herbal garden were dug up! Don't think this is the end, the pharmacists who took the herbs from here before actually started to return the herbs one after another!

Of course, they got the materials from Mrs. Zora because of the lack of that kind of herbs. Naturally, they couldn't provide the herbs they took before, but they have their own specialty herbs~

Almost every pharmacist will open a small medicine garden in their yard to grow their most commonly used herbs, and now they bring these herbal plants back.

Ronggui and Hana have been busy planting these herbs on the previously hollowed-out land these days.

I have to go to Mrs. Zola's place first, and then I have to go to Hana's house to clean up the shop, the floor needs to be repaired, and the doors and windows need to be replaced. Now almost everyone in the whole city is busy with this kind of thing, and it is difficult to find maintenance workers~ But they are fine.

They have Xiaomei at home~

Xiaomei, who is carefully observing various data of Ronggui's body, has no idea at all, and she is missed by Ronggui again.


But Ronggui is not the only one who misses Xiaomei. When Xiaomei didn't know, he was missed by the whole city!

Although the president of the Pharmacist Association is dead, and a new one will not be selected for a while, but almost everyone in the city is thinking about registering the antidote of the elixir in the Pharmacopoeia~

The iron-clad pharmacopoeia, the president of the flowing pharmacist association~

For the people of Ciciro City, their foundation is the Pharmacopoeia in the library. The reconstruction of the city is not over yet. Early in the morning, some people began to propose that the new prescription should be listed in the Pharmacopoeia immediately.

In the process of the zombie siege, the prescription was decisively announced to the public. This kind of prescription that everyone can know is a feature of the pharmacopoeia prescription!

So one day, the remaining old pharmacists from the Pharmacist Association came to knock on the door tremblingly. They came to discuss with Xiaomei what to write in the pharmacopoeia.

The inventors of the drug are Mr. Hanalens and Xiaomei. As the only pharmacist in the history of Cicero City who has been listed in the pharmacopoeia twice, the name of Hanalens has completely become a landmark, and it has been erected high in all the pharmacies since then. In front of the pharmacist is like a high mountain for future generations to look up to and let future generations try to surpass it.

When it comes to the rationale for making a drug…

Xiaomei stopped writing, he couldn't write anymore.

The only reason for him to make medicine is to keep the city alive, they are sealed up, the city will be destroyed later, and he does not want to disappear with the city.

To put it bluntly, this is the reason why he participated in the antidote production.

But there is no reason for this!

Why is it so certain that the city will fall? There is no reason to say!

So Mei gave this part to Hana.

As the most critical person in the problem and the only surviving party, Hana, although small, is the most qualified person to write this part of the text besides Xiaomei.

Hana thought about it, and finally wrote about her illness.

"Dad invented the elixir to treat my illness. I don't know how the prescription was registered in the Pharmacopoeia and became a generic drug, but the original intention of my father's invention of the elixir was to treat me."

Lying on the table, Hana wrote seriously.

While deciding not to hide her condition, she cannot hide the fact that the germplasm used to make the antidote was extracted from Hana's cells. Ronggui was worried at first, but Xiaomei's words made him settle down again:

"It is actually feasible to announce it. If it is not announced, there will still be some people who will be lucky and continue to take the elixir."

"They're not worried because there's an antidote."

"Until they know that the necessary material for the antidote comes from the human body, and the only human body."

"After Hana's death, there's a good chance the world won't be able to make an antidote for the elixir again."

"After realizing this, most people should not take risks anymore."

"But Hana...will it be very unsafe?" Ronggui still had a little doubt.

"No, if there is no elixir, Hana is safe. People should not make elixir in the future." Xiaomei's voice was steady, which made people feel reliable and reassuring.

After Hana finished writing, Ronggui took Xiaomei to check for typos and grammar errors for the little girl. Of course, it was Xiaomei who checked. on paper.

The Pharmacopoeia will be written exactly according to the words they wrote on this piece of paper, there is only one piece and cannot be modified.

Xiaomei wrote the name of the pharmacist in Hanarens, and after his name, he signed his own.

"Yeah! Xiaomei, you signed the wrong sign!" Ronggui thought it was a great honor, and Ronggui cared about it! After Xiaomei finished writing, he immediately picked up the paper and blew it twice. At this moment, he checked out Xiaomei's writing error.

Xiaomei can also have spelling mistakes!

It's just so... unbelievable!

Hana immediately picked up her little head and looked at the paper in Ronggui's hand. Although she couldn't see it, Mrs. Zora also tilted her head.

"It's wrong! Xiaomei, you signed your name as Xiaomei Ronggui!" Hana immediately reported her observation aloud!

"Hey?! Did you go to the stone to write the commemorative words smoothly?" After all, he and Xiaomei came out of the country all the way, and Ronggui immediately thought of the cause of the problem.

Didn't they go all the way to engrave tombstones (wrong)~ In fact, Xiaomei is responsible for the engraving every time, and the final signature of each time is almost Xiaomei Ronggui, which is actually the meaning of Xiaomei and Ronggui. …

"Oops! Xiaomei, people will think that your surname is Ronggui!" Ronggui said worriedly.

Xiaomei squinted at him.

Seeing that Xiaomei didn't care at all, Ronggui became even more anxious: "In this way, people will call you Mr. Ronggui in the future!"

Turning around, Xiaomei faced him with her butt, and went back to her own business.

Seeing that Rong Gui wanted to call the Pharmacist Association, trying to find another person to grind a piece of paper, Xiaomei's voice came from the front.

"Anyway, you have to find a stone to carve your name in this city, don't you?"

Ronggui: ? ?

"The Pharmacopoeia is made of stone, I have touched it." Xiaomei said.

Ronggui:! ! !

Anyway, sooner or later, you will have to find a stone in this city to engrave your name to record that you have been there. It is better to take this opportunity to engrave together. Anyway, the pharmacopoeia is made of stone, and it is also a kind of stone.

Rong Gui understood Xiaomei's thoughts in seconds.

Think of it this way...

It seems to be good too!

And the pharmacopoeia is so safe, you don't have to worry about the wind and the sun blowing their names away~

It seems really good!

A few thoughts quickly turned over in his heart, the anxiety on his face slowly disappeared, and finally Ronggui continued to work in the medicine garden with a calm face.

Hana could only stare at the back of him and Xiaomei, and then...

I was even more at a loss.

"Hehe, don't worry, this is their unique way of getting along, and only the two of them understand." While sitting on the rocking chair and weaving a blanket, Mrs. Zora whispered to the little girl.

"When you grow up and find that person, you will understand." The old man's voice was obviously cold, but at this moment, it sounded very soft.

She secretly glanced at Xiaomei, who was working slowly and didn't seem to hear anything, and then looked at Ronggui, who was squatting on the ground and digging a hole to bury herbs...

With a slight bend in her mouth, the little girl smiled.

In this way, the names of Ronggui and Xiaomei were kept in the city of Ciciro in a way that was very upright and would never be removed and used for other purposes.