The Sabbath

Chapter 104: Nightmare and the Garden


On the day when the pharmacopoeia was engraved, Ronggui happily took Xiaomei to the library again. Although he did not invent the prescription, Xiaomei was the main force in inventing the prescription! He is called and honored~

On that day, they were wearing local clothes specially sewn by Mrs. Zora for the two of them. The colors were black and white. They were very formal little dresses. The colors were simple and the style was stylish and stylish.

For an old man who can barely see his eyes, it can be called a miracle to be able to do this!

But Mrs. Zola was still not satisfied.

"I can't see now, otherwise I can still embroider all over it. What I'm really good at is not cutting clothes but embroidering."

Ronggui quickly comforted the old man. Now this style is very fashionable.

Listening to Ronggui's voice, Xiaomei =-=.

Fortunately no embroidery.

Fortunately - before he knew it, he had another emotion.

The two little robots were dressed very formally and took Hana, who was also dressed formally, to the library to watch the pharmacopoeia.

In fact, only Ronggui and Mrs. Zola insisted on dressing decently (by Ronggui) and formally (by Mrs. Zola) to watch the pharmacopoeia~ Cisiro City is actually not a very particular city, and there is no ceremony or the like. Thing, in this way, this honor is dimmed a lot, but there are so many people queuing to go to the library to visit the pharmacopoeia, so many people have to queue up to enter the usually empty library!

Ronggui Xiaomei and Hana are no exception, they also have to line up~

But it's not nothing at all. The Apothecary Association awarded Xiaomei a Senior Apothecary Medal, which is made of an emerald. It looks like a grass, and there are small red gems on the branches. Look. It looks so pretty!

Relevant records are also recorded in his pass. From now on, Xiaomei is a senior pharmacist certified by the authority~

At first, Xiaomei threw the medal directly on Rhubarb, but Ronggui insisted that it was an honor, and it was so good-looking that she might as well wear it.

In short, in the "recommendation voice" of honor and honor, Xiaomei came here today wearing this medal.

Don't say it, it's really right!

After seeing Xiaomei's medal, many pharmacists in front actually gave them a place!

Not one or two people, but at least 200 people in front of them! ! !

Thanks to Xiaomei's medal, they quickly saw the pharmacopoeia.

The height of the trio is short and small. It turns out that the three are almost the same height, and Hana has been eating well during this time, and she has grown by two centimeters. In this way, the little girl has become the tallest in the trio!

A little sad and a little proud, Ronggui pushed Xiaomei between the two, he took Xiaomei's left hand, and at the same time, Hana took the initiative to hold Xiaomei's right hand.

"Xiaomei, look quickly~" Rong Gui urged Xiaomei.

Then Xiaomei opened the book (for the convenience of the people behind, everyone in front who has worshipped the prescription will re-close the pharmacopoeia);

Then... Ronggui saw the name of the medicine Xiaomei made.

At that moment, Ronggui's expression was like this → =-=

Peace, sleep, medicine.

This is Xiaomei's final name for the drug.

Xiaomei, your name is a waste! ! !

as well as-

I am indeed a sinner!

Ronggui almost wanted to hide his face—

For no other reason:

The name of the drug was not written by Xiaomei at first, and his original intention was not to name the drug. Later, the Pharmacists Association called and asked Xiaomei before he began to think of a name temporarily. She had no interest in naming her at all, so Xiaomei asked Ronggui, who was arranging flowers next to her.

He had limited knowledge of medicines, and Ronggui was in a very relaxed and happy mood at the time, so he casually said the name "sleeping pills".

He was wrong!

When did Xiaomei play with this situation

Such an important drug finally fell into the name of sleeping pills, what should people who really want to buy sleeping pills get a good night's sleep

The more Ronggui thought about it, the more anxious he felt, but at this moment—

Applause came from behind them.

Rong Gui turned his head and looked at it, stunned.

All the people in line behind them, from the closest person who was only a step away from them, to the furthest person in line at the library door they could see, were all applauding.

Not only applauding, but the end point of their eyes is all the positions of the three of them, with respect or gratitude in their eyes, these people applaud them.

Among these people, Ronggui even saw a few acquaintances:

Chiru, Dongchun and Yanni, these three friends are lined up together.

turn out to be…

These people have long known that Xiaomei is the main developer of the antidote, so is this giving them a place? And not because of the medal

Since everyone's reaction was so natural, Ronggui didn't think of the reason until this time.

No one spoke, but Ronggui could feel the kindness and gratitude in their hearts.

Gratitude is mainly for Mae, and kindness is for... Hana

Ronggui felt it carefully.

Then, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he raised his right hand.

Don't forget that his right hand is holding Xiaomei's left hand~

In doing this, he actually raised Xiaomei's left hand, so Xiaomei was "forced" to wave at the applauding person with a blank face.

Xiaomei: =-=

Then the applause was even louder!

They read every word in the pharmacopoeia in applause, and then gave the place to the next person, and the applause continued all around them until they left the library and returned to Rhubarb.

Ronggui felt that his mechanical body was still reverberating with excessive applause and recorded the slight tremor in his body.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Ronggui didn't speak for a long time. Just when Xiaomei turned to look at him, Ronggui sighed and spoke again:

"I'm finally relieved."

Hana: ? ?

Hana didn't understand, but Xiaomei understood immediately.

Last night, when the two little robots slept side by side on the big bed without Hana, Ronggui forced Xiaomei to wake up.

It was his concern at first.

He is still worried that Hana will publish her condition and will be used by others in the future. What if someone just wants to maintain her youth and beauty? Want to maintain youth but don't want to become undead after death, will they catch Hana, let her blood, save her cells is still simple, will they clone Hana ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !

Don't underestimate Ronggui, I read few sci-fi books, but I still watch a few movies!

What's more, he also played the villain! He's the kind of villain who kidnaps other people's little girls and tries to sell organs~

He acted really well.

But afterwards, when he got acquainted with the little girl who was abducted by him in the play, the little girl commented on him like this:

"I think you are more likely to be abducted than me."

Honor: =-=

Etc., etc-

He said off topic again~

After finally forcibly bringing the topic back, Ronggui pressed his worries down towards Xiaomei.

Xiaomei, whose head was full of Ronggui's worries, still had a calm face. After Ronggui had finished speaking, he said, "I have published the details of Hana's mutated genes in the prescription. This mutated gene is very It is complex, extracted, and new mutations will form in more than two days.”

Ronggui still had a question mark on his head.

Xiaomei explained it more simply: "That is, this kind of cell cannot exist without the environment in Hana's body."

Basically, he can't live without Hana - this time Ronggui understands, but he is worried about another situation: "What about someone else's clone of Hana?"

"This is not a problem anymore. Cloning is illegal, not to mention cloning a complete human body. Even the cloning of organs is not allowed at all. It is a first-degree felony, and no one dares to touch it." Mind a little more calm.

However, his heart is still not completely let go, Xiaomei knows.

Until that moment.

"I saw the very friendly eyes they looked at Hana, and at that moment, I was really relieved." Ronggui explained.

"Strange, Xiaomei clearly told me nothing, but I'm just... oops~" Rong Gui tapped his head.

Xiaomei straightened her head again and ordered Da Huang to start the return journey.

This is not surprising, because people's hearts are the biggest variable - without speaking, Xiaomei took a sentence in her heart.

"Don't worry, Agui, I'll be fine." Because Xiaomei didn't speak, Hana still wanted to sit with Ronggui in her arms, and put her little head next to Ronggui's head and comforted him in a low voice.

"I'm already very strong, I can do laundry, I can cook, I can make pesticides. I'm also strong, and I can use water guns... If they want to make bad ideas, they may not beat me! "The little girl made a strong pose.

Then he said solemnly: "Not to mention, my father saved money and bought me insurance. If someone hurts me, the insurance company will pay for the bankruptcy."

"So in fact, the insurance company will also send someone to protect me. You can see that I have lived a safe life by myself after my parents left."

Honor: =-=

Well, this reason is more reliable than the previous one, forget that this girl is a local tyrant.

Looking at Ronggui, Hana began to want to act coquettish again, and when she leaned over, she rubbed her little fluffy head on Ronggui's face.

The cold skin of the robot is actually nothing to rub against, but Hana firmly believes that Ronggui is very good!

Across the driver's seat, Hana hugged Ronggui's neck from behind, and after rubbing it for a long time, when they passed the alley where Horsen Lind lived again, she suddenly whispered:

"Actually, I had a dream last night."

As the little girl said, she buried her head in Ronggui's neck. Ronggui knew that this was the little girl who was afraid.

So he patted the little guy's head, and his voice became softer and lower, matching Hana's voice, as if he was about to whisper: "What's the matter? Is it a good dream or a nightmare? Look at you, it's a nightmare. ?"

The fluffy little head nodded lightly.

"I dreamed of Uncle Horsen Lynd."

"There is no Agui in the dream, there is no Xiaomei, and I don't know Mrs. Zora."

"No one is by my side. Mom comes back to cook every day, and Dad comes back to do research every day. I love them, but when I see them like that, I'm still terrified."

The little girl's voice trembled.

"In the dream, I also knew the big man, he attacked the pharmacy and took the heart medicine, but Mrs. Zola was... gone at that time...

I didn't know Mrs. Zora, but that time there was too much trouble, and I also knew Mrs. Zora's name.

And then, all the undead start to be different, they become very scary, attack people, the people who are attacked become like them, and then the city is blocked. "

"I heard their talk, they said Dad was executed for a crime, they said Mom was smashed to death to protect Dad, it wasn't a car accident at all but..."

Hana hugged Ronggui's neck tightly in fear, that is, Ronggui is now a robot, otherwise the little girl's strength is really great, if you hug like this, Ronggui's own neck may not be able to endure.

Ronggui covered the back of Hana's hand with a cold metal palm, comforting her silently.

Hana then went on:

"They didn't dare to say it in front of me, so they whispered that everyone looked at me and looked terrifying, even more terrifying than the undead. When the undead came around, no one thought of me, so I hid at home alone. , and later, I saw Uncle Husson."

"He's still undead, he's coming..."

Hana's shoulders began to shake.

"He came to eat me!"

It must have been a very terrifying dream, as if she could still feel the pain of being eaten by flesh and blood, Hana's body trembled violently.

"Then what? Are you awake?" It was a very scary dream, and the timid Ronggui was actually starting to be afraid, but his voice was still soft, encouraging Hana to continue.

Don't be afraid to say anything bad, otherwise it will stay in your heart, deeply, deeply, and become an indelible mark.

This is what the dean said.

Hana shook her head: "I didn't wake up."

"I was eaten by him, eating and eating... I also became undead and then ate him."

"I ate the whole city."

"Eat my parents too."

"I was the last person left in the whole city."

A dark city, a city that no one manages, no longer has lights, no more rain, silent, only a black Kate occasionally appears on the street, and then, that black Kate also disappeared.

This is Hana's last dream.

"In my dream, I kept calling Agui your name~ I also called Xiaomei, Mrs. Zola... However—"

"You're not here." The little girl's voice was full of grievances.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, because I was chatting with Xiaomei last night, and I didn't fall asleep! If I didn't fall asleep, you naturally couldn't find us in your dreams~"

Rong Gui comforted the little girl softly. Beside him, Xiaomei's eyes were blue, and the eyes made of top sapphire looked like vertical pupils when looking at it from a certain angle.

"Really? Really?" Hana whispered, and she received all of Ronggui's comfort. Today, she saw so many people with her own eyes. Like Ronggui, she also felt the kindness from others, nightmares. The shadows have slowly dissipated, but there is still a haze.

Especially after she found out that the real cause of death of her parents may really be consistent with the dream...

She should have been as angry and sad as she had dreamed, but now—

After going through so many things with Ronggui, Xiaomei and Mrs. Zorah, she suddenly wasn't so angry in her heart.

There will be sadness, but not anger.

Just like my father, after my father died, he was still obsessed with researching the antidote of the elixir, on the one hand for himself, on the other hand...

Or to make up for your own mistakes

And my mother has been coming back before, in addition to worrying about herself, another reason is that she has mother's obligations and responsibilities in her heart

Under the leadership of Rong Gui, she saw two aspects of one thing.

As a daughter, she should be sad for her parents, but also because she is a daughter, because it is the real origin of the whole incident, she must face it bravely.

After saying the last word to Ronggui, Hana felt that the last trace of darkness in her heart had disappeared.

Once the dark thoughts in the heart are spoken, they will be dried in the sun, and then they will no longer be dark thoughts - this is what Agui said.

Rubbing her little head against Agui's neck again, and then jumping back to her seat, Hana neatly completed the whole act of coquettishness.

Then, she began to point to the street scene on the side of the road and chat with Ronggui with great interest.

When the siege of the undead happened, all the lighting systems in the entire city of Cicero were turned on, and this one was not turned off. Today, the city of Cicero is full of lights, just like the daytime.

Even if she is a native of Cicero, the city of Cicero during the day is still novel to Hana, and she looks around curiously.

Rong Gui was delighted to see her lively appearance, and because he was also a child at first, he soon became even more energetic than Hana.

I have to say that the city of Cicero during the day is beautiful!

The unique wooden house is full of green, sometimes dotted with splendid flowers, although we know that those are actually medicinal herbs, but the flowers are beautiful.

Other places are beautiful enough, but not the most beautiful.

After the lighting system was repaired and bathed in sunlight comparable to sunlight, the dark alley where Mrs. Zola lived turned out to be the most beautiful place in the entire city of Cicero!

The vegetation is prosperous, and all kinds of plants are planted in batches. The big man is a good employee. Mrs. Zora gave him the work exactly as instructed. However, you can see the layers in the sun, Mrs. Zorah actually planted herbs according to the shades of leaves!

Layer by layer, dense and dense, Mrs. Zorah's "Haunted House" is actually a large garden that has been carefully designed! ! !

Because it is so beautiful, many people will come to visit now, they just regard it as a beautiful scenic spot~ There are many people who want to buy other houses in the dark alley, but unfortunately this one is doomed to fail: Zora, the house in the entire dark alley The wife has already bought it all. This is the private property of the old woman.

Yanni, who knew this in hindsight, was very entangled: at first, he was really worried that the old lady would not be able to make a living, so he tried his best to introduce guests to the accommodation, and as a result...

The old lady is the biggest landowner in the city!


Galloping on the streets sprinkled with golden "sunshine", Ronggui has already seen the most lush green front and dark alleys.

The most beautiful place in the whole city of Cicero has arrived, and Mrs. Zola's home has arrived.

They also arrived at their home in Sisilo.