The Sabbath

Chapter 106: Star City or Paroscen


Rhubarb gallops in the dark night.

The car was quiet and Ronggui didn't speak. Xiaomei first did some manual work, but after doing it for a while, she found that Ronggui was still quiet and didn't say anything. He thought about it, and finally turned on Xiaohei's switch. .


Remember Little Black? It was the radio they brought out of the city of Oni, the one that accompanied them through the long dark time.

Since they were still on the border of Cicero, they turned on the radio and played various advertisements.

"Breast enhancement pills ~ whitening pills ~ weight loss pills ~ everything, you are welcome to come to Sam's shop to buy! Address... "

"Our store is mainly engaged in the wholesale business of nutrient solution, and we are looking for distributors..."

Cisiro City's advertisements are as affordable and vulgar as always, but it is this "as always" that makes people feel that things have really been resolved, and everyone's life is back on its original track.


Xiaomei glanced to the left secretly, and found that Ronggui was still silent, he paused for a moment, and then raised Xiaohei's voice a little bit.

Then a familiar voice resounded in Rhubarb's cabin:

"Welcome to Hanarens's pharmacy! The store specializes in Hana brand insecticide, which is a new type of insecticide, targeting the black thorns and white caterpillars that are easy to grow in the herbal field... All effective, fast volatilization, No residue, can eliminate mosquitoes and flies, has a light fragrance, can be used instead of perfume if necessary… ”

It is completely different from the previous commercials. The sound is brisk and magnetic, with a hint of metallic sound. The tone and pause are very well grasped, just like the summer breeze and the winter sparks... People who listen to the commercials suddenly become impatient. All the attention attracted the past, this is the voice of Ronggui!

Xiaomei's face suddenly turned to Ronggui!

Then, looking at Rong Gui who rubbed his eyes and looked like he had just woken up, Xiaomei fell silent.

The deep, motionless appearance before co-authoring this guy is actually... dozing off

It's really inconvenient not to have eyelids - for the first time, Xiaomei regrets her previous simplified design.

In his view, the eyes of robots are for seeing objects. The reason why human eyes have eyelids is that the imaging system of the human body cannot be exposed to dry air for a long time and needs eyelids to be lubricated. Since the robot does not need this, then the installation Eyelids are a useless move.

Now it seems that the eyelids of robots are also necessary.

With that in mind, he secretly turned his head back.

"Yeah? This commercial has already been broadcast?" He obviously has no eyelids, but Ronggui habitually rubs his eyes every time he wakes up. In Ronggui's words, this is called "life needs a sense of ritual", in Xiaomei's words : "You have too many rituals".


"When was it recorded?" Xiaomei thought about it for a long time and couldn't remember it.

"Hey hey~" Ronggui turned his head to Xiaomei at once, with a slightly evil smile on his face, he said to Xiaomei ambiguous: "That's when you secretly researched drugs fortified with ground bean ingredients in the studio~"

Xiaomei, who is indeed suspected of being a little "sneaky": ...

"Just like Xiaomei wants to leave something for Hana, I also think, I won't know anything else, but it's okay to run an advertisement, right?"

"Is my voice very good? I really want people to listen to it again and again?" The solemn and solemn tone can never last longer than a second, and Ronggui quickly began to proudly puff out his chest again, looking ready to be praised at any time. appearance.

Xiaomei... Xiaomei lowered her head silently, and started to work again.

This time, he is no longer alone in the dark doing handicrafts. The sound of Ronggui quack quack fills the whole car, accompanied by various advertisements broadcast by Xiao Hei. Although there are only two people, their The carriage is very lively~

Most of the time on the night road, there is only one car, Da Huang. Occasionally, a few cars will come from the opposite side in a hurry, rushing away in the direction they came from.

Ah~ that's the person who went to Cicero to buy medicine~

After the lockdown was lifted, guests began to come from other places one after another.

People who have placed orders before and have not received medicines also came to collect medicines.

Thinking in his heart, Ronggui didn't look back and looked straight ahead. He used the air analyzer in his body to measure the surrounding air.

When the air humidity dropped to half of the original, Xiao Hei finally stopped the endless advertising broadcast.

They had left the area covered by Cicero.

"Where are we going?" Ronggui finally remembered this question.

He was not in a hurry, because he knew that Xiaomei would definitely prepare everything in advance.


"Parosen." Xiaomei replied without raising her head.

"Parosun implements a consultation system. There is only one hospital in the entire Parosen. All doctors work together. People from Sky City will come down to give guidance on a regular basis. The management of Parosen's hospital is stricter, and medical treatment is relatively simple and clear."

Ronggui nodded: "It sounds very reliable~"

"What about Star City?" Knowing what Parosen was like, Ronggui wanted to know about the other city.

Xiaomei's expression was a bit complicated, her fingers deftly installed another part, and Xiaomei said again:

"Xingcheng is actually a gathering place for underground black doctors."


"There was originally a prison for several criminal doctors. After several years of evolution, it finally became the current situation where the fish and dragons are mixed. When people from various illegal organizations were injured and could not go to other places for medical treatment, they went to Star City, and gradually, Xingcheng has become the first choice for these people." Xiaomei said the matter of Xingcheng in a plain tone.

"Ah..." Ronggui shuddered: "It's very dangerous!"

"Well, the doctor there is said to be carrying weapons." Xiaomei also shared another piece of information she had found.

"Let's go to Parosen! We are both friendly, and we don't easily fight with others. It's better for us to have a standard place like Parosen!" Ronggui said quickly.

"Then you have to turn right at the fork in front of you. Parosen and Xingcheng are completely located in two star layers, and the distance is very far..." Xiaomei tapped the screen on Da Huang to call up the map, and explained to Rong You know.

I saw it, but I didn't understand it. Although Ronggui couldn't understand this three-dimensional map, he somehow remembered the key words, which were "the next intersection" and "turn right".

Who knows that people are not as good as heaven. Just when they were about to reach the intersection pointed by Xiaomei on the map, Da Huang, who had been silent all the way, suddenly "speaked".

"Warning. The road ahead is icy, and the road conditions are not good. I'm about to slow down."

Almost as soon as the warning was played, Rhubarb slowed down.

Rhubarb's body is very warm. Today's Xiaomei has money and materials. Ronggui asked him to install an air-conditioning system on Rhubarb's body. Even if the temperature in the city is maintained well, it can't stand the humidity in Ciciro City~ Air conditioning It can dehumidify anyway.

Xiaomei did as she did, and then an additional automatic air-conditioning system was added to Rhubarb. The control was completely handed over to Rhubarb. Rhubarb could adjust the temperature at any time according to the air parameters, and they kept the windows closed. In this way, Ronggui actually Haven't noticed that it's getting colder outside.

Ronggui still didn't feel it, but when he stretched out a finger, a layer of ice mist formed on his hand, and then the ice mist quickly condensed into a layer on his finger. Thin ice film.

Ronggui was taken aback: "Oh my God! Why is it so cold outside?"

"The area we're driving in is called Siberia. It's a very cold area. The temperature is around minus 30 degrees all year round, and the coldest time can reach minus 50 degrees. That's why I made the air conditioner." Xiaomei said, and turned it off. In the window, he saw Ronggui's fingers covered in ice, and he also raised the temperature in the car by another three degrees.

Ronggui: 囧!

So, Xiaomei made the air-conditioning system because she checked the temperature. I said why it was so easy this time, and he agreed as soon as I asked him~

He thought about it in a panic at first, and then he was suddenly attracted by a certain word in Xiaomei's words just now.

"Wait—Siberia? Is there a place called Siberia over my hometown?" The hometown here refers specifically to the earth, and everyone has come to this kind of place. Naturally, Ronggui thinks that he must have a bigger picture and look farther and wider. .

"But this is definitely not that Siberia." After observing that the ice layer on Rong Gui's hand disappeared, Xiaomei adjusted the temperature back to the original temperature.

During the whole process, Ronggui didn't realize what he did at all.

He's still thinking about the word, but—

He lowered his shoulders and sighed, "I don't think so either."

However, because of the name, Ronggui suddenly became interested in this place.

He had never been to Siberia before~ Now in this world, he actually came to a place called Siberia. Ronggui's interest was raised at that time, and he looked out of the car window excitedly, thinking to see if he could find it. Take a group photo with Xiaomei Dahuang in a snow-white place.

However, a layer of fog gradually formed outside, and the vision became hazy.

Just at this time-

"Warning! There is a serial car accident ahead! There is a serial car accident ahead! It is about to stop by the roadside, stop driving!" Da Huang "opened" again.

Surprised in his heart, Rong Guizheng was a little flustered, Da Huang has found a safe place very reliably and stopped himself.

However, the matter was not over yet, and soon, Ronggui heard Rhubarb's voice again.

"Emergency Requisition Order! Due to a series of car accidents ahead, a total of 52 injured people need to be sent to the hospital, and all nearby vehicles will be called in as emergency ambulances. Next, please wait patiently for the owner of the vehicle who heard this requisition order. assigned tasks."

Da Huang's voice stopped abruptly.

Ah... here it is again - the mouth has a big mouth, but Ronggui's body moves quickly.

Together with Xiaomei, they arranged the luggage in the rear compartment as neatly as possible, and moved those that could be moved to the roof of the car as much as possible. They were ready to receive the wounded.

Then, it didn't take long for them to wait for the wounded assigned to them: a young man with a severe fracture.

His car was completely destroyed in the car accident. Although there was no fear of his life, he had two broken ribs before being transferred to another car.

Ronggui and the others received the task of escorting the young man to the designated hospital.

Although the best hospitals in the dungeon are concentrated in Parosen and Star City, there are hospitals in other places, and the medical level may not be as good as those in Parosen and Star City, but the minor problems like fractures can be cured.

Fortunately, in this emergency requisition order, this task was assigned to them;

Unfortunately, the young man's home is in the opposite direction of Paros...

"Maybe this is God's instructions for us to go to Star City..." he whispered with a sad face, looking at the unconscious young man behind him, Rong Gui pulled out a blanket and gently covered him.