The Sabbath

Chapter 107: trouble


"Rhubarb, drive more smoothly, this wounded number doesn't look very good~" Leaving the biggest place for the wounded number to lie down, Ronggui huddled pitifully beside him, holding a small piece of paper in his hand. Handkerchief to wipe his sweat from time to time.

It was fine at first, but after half an hour, the wounded man suddenly shivered, and at the same time began to sweat profusely, Ronggui had to find a handkerchief and began to wipe his sweat constantly.

While wiping away sweat, he took a deep look at the young man's appearance:

This is a blond young man, his hair really looks like gold! In addition, his facial features are also very deep, and his eyebrows are high, which makes the heaven extraordinarily full, and the nose below is even more tall and straight, with extremely pale skin... Ronggui feels that compared to Xiaomei, This little brother looks more like a foreigner!

Ronggui, who has not seen many foreigners, is a little curious. When he wipes the sweat of the other party, he also touches the other party's forehead and bridge of the nose with his hands from time to time. What he does is actually quite covert, until he finally remembers to lift his head and relax. The screw on the neck… looked up and saw Xiaomei staring here.

"Ha... This... Doesn't this make me feel foreign when I see the appearance of foreigners~" Rong Gui explained with a guilty conscience.

He thought that Xiaomei would say that he should not play with the wounded and sick, but never thought—

"The other party is a stranger, and the current situation is obviously wrong. Don't touch him at will, there may be unknown germs in the other party's body." Xiaomei was really worried, but the object of worry was not the other party but herself.

Ronggui was a little touched for a moment, but he immediately said: "Don't worry! I'm a robot now! I can't spread any germs!"

The robot's body is not always very good - Xiaomei paused for a moment, and then said: "But you always have to touch your own body afterwards. If the incubation period of the germs is long, the result of indirect infection may be terrible."

When it came to his body, Ronggui immediately didn't dare to be careless, washed his hands quickly, and then took out two pairs of gloves from the two's luggage, handed one pair to Xiaomei, and put on the other one himself.

In the next time, even Ronggui felt that something was wrong. The other party was too sweaty. A small handkerchief could not contain the other party's sweat at all, and he was trembling so badly that Ronggui had to pull it out again. The quilt covered him, but the ordinary cover method seemed to be unable to improve his condition. Rong Gui thought about it and called Xiaomei over. The two little robots worked together to tie the quilt on the young man's body to him with ropes. on the body.

"He has a fever. The dean said that if he has a fever, he will sweat more, and the sweat will come out." Ronggui said to Xiaomei with experience.


"He seems to be sweating a lot, Xiaomei, would you like to make him a fever-reducing medicine or something?" Worried, Ronggui asked Xiaomei for help again.

"It's best not to use drugs indiscriminately before arriving at the hospital. You can give him some hot water to rehydrate." Xiaomei said.

"Uh... Then burn some ginger soup? That seems to help sweating and reduce fever..." Rong Gui said, and rummaged in his luggage again. This place also has something like ginger, which is in Mrs. Zola's herb garden. When he found this fellow, he was excited for a long time, and Mrs. Zola dug up several stones for him on the spot.

When he was looking for ginger, Ronggui also found a few pieces of garlic. He remembered that when he was a child with a fever, the director would smash garlic to apply it to the soles of his feet. During the mud time, Xiaomei also boiled ginger soup. Together, the two of them smeared the garlic paste into the soles of the man's feet, and then poured him a whole pot of hot ginger soup. No more trembling and sweating.

"Ah~ he fell asleep." Rong Gui said happily.

Xiaomei: …

"His home is at No. 38, 3rd Street, Yote Town. It's 20 kilometers away from our current location... um..." Sitting back in the passenger seat, Rong Gui began to study the route map on the screen.

It stands to reason that this distance is not very far, but the weather outside is very bad, not only cold, but also starting to snow.

If it was normal, Ronggui, who saw the snow, would have screamed, and happily dragged Xiaomei out to play in the snow, but when there was a wounded number in the car waiting to be rescued, he had no interest at all, just worried How to travel in this weather.

In fact, when the snow reached a certain level, they had to stop.

Although it was very warm inside the car, Ronggui was really worried that they would be trapped by the heavy snow looking at the heavy snow outside.

Fortunately, the snow did not fall for a long time, but the snow fell on the ground and quickly froze, and the situation seemed to be worse.

Just when Ronggui was worried about how to go next, Xiaomei unhurriedly pressed a few times on Rhubarb's console.

Da Huang suddenly vibrated, as if it suddenly became a little higher, and then moved forward steadily. Ronggui opened the car door curiously and looked down: I saw that there was a layer of stuff on the outside of the normal tires of Rhubarb. It was...

"Anti-skid chains, equipment specially designed for vehicles to travel in ice and snow weather." Xiaomei explained lightly.

Ronggui breathed a sigh of relief: let's just say~ With Xiaomei, everything is not a problem!

The heavy snow came and went, and when they had to, they could only stop and go, and the 20-kilometer road actually took two hours to reach the destination indicated on the route map.

Unlike the big city I went to before, this place is actually a place that looks like a small village.

Ronggui suddenly remembered Messertal, the hometown of Xiaomei.

In the silent heavy snow, small houses covered with thick snow cover, like snow packs...

Each house is separated by a considerable distance, which makes the whole village seem more distant and lonely.

There are lights in the village, but the snow is so heavy that the originally weak lights are mostly covered by the heavy snow falling, and the whole village looks extraordinarily dark.

Da Huang took the initiative to turn on the headlights. The quality of the headlights produced by Xiaomei was very good, and the road ahead was clearly illuminated at once.

Also includes the house number.

At first, Ronggui was worried that the house number was covered by heavy snow and it would be difficult to find it, but how could there be no corresponding solution for such a place where it often snows

Sure enough, at the moment when the headlights were turned on, Ronggui saw a small metal plate outside the house closest to them. There was no snow on the small metal plate, and the words "38 Third Street" were clearly written.

Ah... is this fate? They just stopped, and the nearest house around was the one they were looking for.

Probably because of this heavy snow, in the village covered by snowflakes, Ronggui's romantic heart was suddenly filled with a sense of fate.

Unable to help, he told Xiaomei what he thought of, and then—

"This is because the information provided to us by the emergency call order also includes a map of the destination of Yotte Town. Rhubarb is completely following the navigation. You didn't notice that the end point of our navigation was the third street in Yote Town at the beginning. No. 38? Now that Rhubarb has stopped and the brakes have automatically dropped, it naturally means that we have reached our destination." Xiaomei said with a blank face, mercilessly dispelling the almost sacred sense of mission in Ronggui's heart that day.

Honor: =-=,

Well, as expected of Xiaomei, you can find an explanation that has nothing to do with metaphysics at any time...

Touching his nose, Ronggui was about to open the door and get off Rhubarb, but just before he went out, Xiaomei suddenly grabbed him and shoved something into him.

Looking down, Ronggui realized that it was a lamp.

The deja vu appearance is exactly what Xiaomei has done along the way.

Xiaomei made two lamps, handed one to Ronggui, and held the other in her hand, "Get out of the car," he said to Ronggui.

The two little robots jumped off Rhubarb together.

The feeling of stepping on the snow is trembling, and the soles of their feet are completely covered by the snow. Ronggui feels that his balance ability may not be very good, otherwise why does he always feel that he may fall down at any time

Fortunately, Xiaomei walked in front of him at some point, stepping on Xiaomei's footprints, holding the cloak behind Xiaomei tightly with her hand without a lantern, Rong Gui followed Xiaomei with one foot and one foot, and reached the house with difficulty. .

Finding the location of the door, Xiaomei knocked on the door.

After a while, rustling footsteps were heard across the door.

Strange to say, Ronggui suddenly became nervous for some reason.

He didn't speak, he just grabbed Xiaomei's cloak a little tighter and leaned closer to Xiaomei.

So, when the door opened with a "squeak", the hostess, who also held a lamp and wore a heavy cloak, saw two little robots that only reached her waist.

Next to each other, a small robot stood in front with a light expressionless face, while the other was holding on to the little friend in front of him with a nervous expression, only sticking out a small head from behind the other side.

In the dark night, if all she saw was the robot in front of her, she would probably be startled, but with the cautious big head in the back, the strange atmosphere disappeared all of a sudden.

Pulling the corner of her mouth, the woman asked, "Borrowing fire? Accommodation? Snow removal from the car? Or refuel?"

A question mark appeared in Ronggui's head immediately.

Fortunately, Xiaomei's reaction was much faster than him: in a small village like this located between two cities, they tend to do some small businesses that are convenient for passers-by, and the woman in front of her probably regarded them as guests who needed help.

Xiaomei shook her head: "We are here to send people off. Your son was involved in a series of car accidents on the third section of Highway 3408. We received an emergency order to send him home."

In a succinct manner, Xiaomei explained the purpose of the two.

Ronggui made a lot of preparations for knowing how his son's family might behave after a car accident. He even asked Xiaomei for a heart medicine. He thought about what the families of the wounded would look like, but he didn't expect it. This is what happened in front of him so far:

"Son? My son died a long time ago, what are you kidding?" Most of her face was covered under a heavy cloak, and Ronggui could only see her frowning the only exposed brow.

"But... but that person's passport says so." Unexpectedly, Ronggui couldn't help leaning out from behind Xiaomei.

"Is it the guys from Xingcheng? People there can't get the pass of ordinary people, so they often steal other people's identity information. It's better to fabricate the information of our countrymen. Some time ago, someone came to arrest a villager who was in the village. No one." The woman said sophisticatedly.

After hearing her words, Ronggui was completely dumbfounded, his mouth opened and opened, and he said in a daze: "Then... Where shall we send him?"

"Throw it to Xingcheng. If you encounter this kind of fake identity person nearby, they are probably from Xingcheng."

"Just throw it on the road, anyway, many people over there are not good people." The woman also gave them a piece of advice.

"But... If we don't send him home and obtain the signature of the witness, our emergency requisition order will not be over..." Ronggui was dumbfounded.

"Then throw him to Star City." The woman closed the door tightly after saying that.

The snow on the door rustled, covering Xiaomei and Ronggui's faces.

The two little robots glanced at each other, and their eyes moved to the wound number on Da Huang... at the same time.

They originally thought that what they received was an ordinary escort mission, and thought it was the simplest mission, but they didn't expect...

What they received was a guy with a fake identity.

Such a guy who can't even confirm his identity, where would they find a family member to sign for him

The woman just now obviously wouldn't sign on his behalf, so wouldn't they have to carry this task all the time, and then...

Then what to do

For a while, the two little robots didn't speak.

At this moment, Xiaomei and Ronggui had a rare heart-to-heart connection, and they thought of the exact same thing, that is:

They are in trouble.