The Sabbath

Chapter 108: cough


Recognizing this, they knocked on the woman's door again. Facing the woman's vigilant gaze, Ronggui resolutely asked for a bucket of oil, and recharged the electricity of rhubarb from her, and supplemented himself and Xiaomei by the way. A bit of energy.

The charging plug here is really not very easy to use, you must watch it, and it will not be able to charge if it is in poor contact.

Ronggui had to squat and watch all the time. He was in charge of watching the charging plug, and Xiaomei was in charge of holding the umbrella. Fortunately, it often rained in Ciciro City, so they made a big umbrella over there and took it with them when they left. , Now that it's a heavy snow day, it won't be covered all over the face by the heavy snow.

The two little robots were close to each other, looking after each other and cooperating very warmly. Seeing this scene, the vigilance in the woman's eyes receded a little.

However, she still didn't let her guard down completely, she just kept standing in front of the door wrapped in a big cloak and looked at them, the light of the small light bulb above the door hit her head, and the rest of the expression was invisible.

However, the door was opened once in the middle, and a head emerged from it, also covered with a heavy cloak, and Ronggui couldn't see the other's wool at all. However, from the dialogue between the two Ronggui, it was inferred that the other party should be a woman, a young lady to be exact.

"Mom, do you need help?" Unlike Hana, who always talks loudly, the girl in the door speaks in a soft voice. If it wasn't for a robot now, Ronggui felt that he probably couldn't hear the other party's voice.

After the little girl said a word, she coughed, and her cough was a little louder than her voice.

"No, go back to the house quickly, you have a cold, drink more hot water and less cold air." Although he spoke to them bluntly and indifferently, when facing the little girl, the woman's voice had a touch of warmth.

While holding the charging plug, Ronggui listened to the voice in front.

Because the equipment was old and difficult to use, it took them three times as long to charge the battery. Xiaomei took out the pass to pay, and the woman also took out the card to collect the money without saying a word. He stopped talking, obviously planning to return to their respective chassis, but Ronggui shouted and asked the woman to wait.

Then he hurriedly crawled back to Rhubarb, took out some of the ginger and garlic that had been used to make soup for the sick patient, and handed it to the woman.

"This thing is good for colds and colds. I just heard you and... Is that your daughter? That... I heard your conversation, so I thought of giving this to you. Drinking water will make you sweat and catch colds with colds. It's very useful..." After stuttering to finish the sentence, at the end Ronggui felt that his behavior was suspected of eavesdropping on other people's words.

But no way!

The sound recording system Xiaomei installed for him is really easy to use! Even if he didn't want to hear it, the sound was still pouring into his ears!

scratching his head, Rong Gui handed the ginger and garlic in his hand to the woman.

Probably because the robot in front of her is really petite and looks harmless like a child. The woman finally accepted what Ronggui handed over.

Without speaking, she just watched the two little robots get into the car, started the car, and walked away.

Once again, there were only two little robots left in the car.

Uh... no, there is one more "trouble".

Unlike Xiaomei who was nervous and scared when she didn't speak at the beginning, Ronggui is now very used to Xiaomei's silent and quiet way of doing things. It doesn't matter if he is the only one who speaks, because he knows that Xiaomei will listen to him carefully. The evidence Even if he randomly inserts a question into the conversation, Xiaomei can always answer it, and occasionally encounters things afterwards, Xiaomei can often block Ronggui with Ronggui's own words.

People with good memory are really enviable and jealous~

So now Ronggui is enjoying the quiet time between the two of them.

He's a straight guy, and... a little bit of common sense indeed. As a straightforward person without common sense, he usually doesn't ask questions. Of course, it was no problem to do so when he was in the orphanage. However, after he left his hometown, the reactions of those who heard his questions were mixed.

"You don't know such a simple thing?"

"It's too ignorant, isn't it?"

There are always a lot of people who don't rush to answer the question after hearing his question, but feel sorry for his lack of common sense for a long time. Ronggui's character is simple and clear, but he is not a fool. Over time, he doesn't ask anything he doesn't understand. Now, with a calm expression like a chicken, as if he knew everything, in fact, he didn't understand more and more things in his heart.

But Mei is not like that.

Although she looks aloof and cold on the outside, her personality is actually very cold, but Xiaomei will listen carefully to every question he asks, and she will also explain to him to know what his level is, and Xiaomei will follow his understanding. The degree is explained in a simpler and clearer way. After being with Xiaomei for a long time, Ronggui feels that he is a lot smarter!

At any time, any question will be answered. Over time, Ronggui's original simple and straightforward side has gradually returned. Of course, he will still get used to pretending in front of others. However, in front of Xiaomei, Ronggui has almost become "more straightforward than before" ”.

No, after glancing at the passengers who were still asleep in the carriage, Rong Gui asked again:

"It's a little strange~ I just saw that many other guests were sent to the hospital. How can it be our turn that the destination has become the home of the wounded?"

"There are two reasons." Sure enough, Xiaomei, who seemed to have been concentrating on crafting, answered him immediately after Ronggui's voice fell.

“In the event of such a large-scale incident, the ambulance team will definitely call all nearby hospitals within the coverage area, and like us, those hospitals are also recipients of emergency call orders. Hospitals will provide the number of patients they can accept according to their capacity. , and the ambulance team will also arrange the wounded to stay on the basis of this. After all, the emergency requisition order still has to ensure that most of the wounded can be well treated. Mandatory tasks are placed.”

Rong Gui nodded. Unlike ordinary people, when Xiaomei explained the question, he often didn't just answer the question he asked. In order to facilitate his understanding, he would explain a series of related background incidentally, and then answer. In this way, Rong Gui Often only one question is asked, but more than that question is comprehended.

A passage of Xiaomei is better than reading ten years of books~

In the era he lived in before, Xiaomei was a proper grade school tyrant, no problem!

And he's a scumbag...

Not knowing that Rong Gui was making up his mind again, Xiaomei paused for a moment to confirm that Rong Gui heard what she just said, and then continued:

"So, the task we received was to send him home instead of sending him to the hospital. First, his injuries were relatively minor, and he could not be sent to the hospital; second, the hospital's resources were tight and could not accept this level of injury. patient."

"Oh my God! This is called a minor injury!" Looking back at Mr. Trouble, who was sweating, Ronggui's tongue froze.

"Compared to other people in the car accident, his injury should be considered minor." Xiaomei said.

"I see, no wonder you don't seem worried at all, Xiaomei..." Nodding, Ronggui fully understood.

This era is completely different from his own era. People can continue to survive using mechanical methods, and the definition of the severity of injuries has to be redefined. He needs to look at the problems of this era with a new standard.

Ronggui said that he had been taught.

It's just that he was taught, and when he thought about the current situation of the two, he was still quite dejected: "Can't we report this problem to the emergency investigation team?"

"Do you want to send him back?" Xiaomei asked.

Ronggui was stunned: "Send him... back?"

"Well, generally when encountering a wounded with a questionable identity, they will ask us to send the wounded back to the original route, and then eliminate our original mission. If there are other missions, they will be assigned another one." Xiaomei's voice was still very Calm, he also ordered Da Huang to stop, with a meaning of "as long as Ronggui decides to do so, they will return immediately".

"Then... what will happen to him?" At this time, such a question suddenly appeared in Rong Gui's mind.

"If, as the lady just said, this person is really from Xingcheng, he should be thoroughly investigated and then imprisoned." Xiaomei said lightly.

"The case?! Detention!" Xiaomei's words were light, but it was a bit serious for Ronggui, a small town citizen!

As an ordinary young man, he, he has never been exposed to crime! At most, the school asks the parents to call the parents or the police for fights, but it has never happened before!

If he read it right, the troublesome gentleman in the back is about the same age as him!

"Let's send him back?" Seeing Ronggui, who was silent as if frightened, Xiaomei guessed his decision.

In fact, it should really be the wisest choice to send this person back. If the designated recipient cannot receive it, their task will never be erased, which is not a good thing for the rating of the personal credit mechanism...

Xiaomei thought calmly.

However, at this time!

It happened so fast that Ronggui didn't have time to notice it. He only felt a gust of wind blowing past him. The next second, he was horrified to find that Xiaomei had been hugged by her head and bit her neck.

Without thinking about it, Ronggui immediately rushed over and bit the opponent's neck!

"Ah~~~~~~~~~" With a long scream, the other party hugged his neck and slammed down again onto the floor paved before Ronggui in the rear compartment.

and many more-


Ronggui tilted his head with his mouth open, revealing a mouth of small teeth comparable to shark teeth.

Only then did he realize that the floor was originally empty, and the person who attacked Xiaomei before was attacked by himself... How swollen and familiar

"It's our mission." She calmly took out a handkerchief and wiped her neck, Xiaomei explained in a timely manner.

"Oh my God!" Ronggui shouted with a sharp tooth!

Looking at the wounded number and the code name Mr. Trouble, who was screaming and spitting blood on the ground, Ronggui remembered Xiaomei's evaluation of the teeth of the two: the front teeth are designed with the same flat plate design as ordinary people, and the rest of the teeth are designed as The miniature serrated dagger has an instant bite force of about 400 kilograms. It can be used five times after one charge. There are two tiger teeth on the upper and lower sides.

Converted into a simple and clear metaphor, it is "about one bite can bite off Jack's head".

Oh my god!

He just bit the other party's neck, so it's not him... he he he he murdered!

Ronggui was shocked!

Fortunately, the other party struggled very vigorously. Seeing the other party rolling around on the ground, blood spurting like a watering can, Rong Gui felt frightened and a little relieved:

This... that... struggles so vividly... looks... still alive!

"You sit here." At this moment, Xiaomei spoke again.

Ordering Ronggui to sit still, Xiaomei walked over to deal with the still rolling wounds.

However, Xiaomei seems to have overestimated her own strength and underestimated the strength of the wounded number.

Not only did he not suppress the wounded number, but during the action, the wounded number bitten again reluctantly.

Xiaomei let him bite with a calm expression, aiming at the opponent's effort to hold onto her arm. Xiaomei pulled out a needle from somewhere, and inhaled a medicine into the test tube with one hand. The next second, Xiaomei was quick and accurate. The potion was injected into the opponent's neck!

It hurts to look at—Ronggui covered his neck.

Picking up the empty medicine bottle and looking at it, seeing the word "sedative", Ronggui knew that Xiaomei was now giving the other party a tranquilizer.

However, after the injection of a full needle, the wounded number did not respond. Instead, it seemed that Xiaomei was bitten harder until the end—

"My tooth... It hurts..." The tranquilizer didn't knock him down, but it was Xiaomei's firm skin that finally knocked him down.

Honor: =-=

When she ran out of handkerchiefs, Xiaomei took out a new handkerchief from Ronggui's cloak and continued to wipe it calmly.

I have to say that although Xiaomei is usually lazy, she is still very particular when she has the conditions.

Seeing Xiaomei carefully wiping her arm clean, Ronggui reflexively handed over a bottle of ointment, Xiaomei took the ointment, and then continued to calmly start oiling her arm...

Ronggui... Ronggui doesn't know what to say anymore.

In the end, he could only find a rope, and together with Xiaomei, tie up the former Mr. Huohao and the current Mr. Villain.

The other party's blood coagulated very quickly. When Rong Gui was terrified after tying up the other party and was about to help him bandage the wound, Rong Gui was surprised to find that the skin on the other party's neck was intact, and there was no wound at all.

The other party's gorgeous blond hair was soaked in sweat and blood, his pale face had distinct facial features, and the light cast a beautiful shadow on his face. The other party looked like a medieval European nobleman when he didn't speak, but as soon as he spoke, he—

"Don't send me back, be careful I absorb all your blood!"

Vicious, rascal!


"We are robots! There is no blood..." Ronggui reminded him weakly.

The other party's green eyes suddenly widened.

"I said why it's so hard! Oh my god! I just wanted to pretend to be injured and get away in a car, so why did I get into a car driven by a robot?"

"God, god, god—"

The other's screams stopped abruptly.

The reason is that Xiaomei put all the garlic paste that Ronggui had smashed in his mouth.

The guy who couldn't calm down after a burst of powerful sedatives was dealt with by a garlic, and the car returned to the usual calm again.

Xiaomei wiped the garlic paste on her hands with a handkerchief, looking at Rong Gui who was in shock, he calmly said:

"Vampires, afraid of garlic."

Ronggui: 囧!