The Sabbath

Chapter 110: There is a group in the far east


With an exciting purpose, the next journey immediately becomes less boring~

Rong Gui eagerly urged the other party to tell more.

Sitting next to Ronggui, Xiaomei still didn't go back. Although the expression on Xiao's face was still serious, he had actually returned to calmness in his heart. However, it was not enough to be completely calm, because Ronggui's performance was really looking forward to it. , even he was brought out a little curiosity.

After all, the place they were going to was a place he had only seen on the dossier before, whether there were even image data, only a broken sign was carefully transcribed on the scroll.

Ronggui glanced at Xiaomei like this, and then secretly laughed: Although Xiaomei is still expressionless, but who is Ronggui~ Ronggui is a master of acting skills~ He is good at observing other people's subtle movements in his own performance next time He showed it skillfully in the middle, and he could see the subtle changes in Xiaomei's movements at a glance.

Xiaomei was also interested ← he understood immediately.

However, Xiaomei is thin-skinned. If you make fun of him by shouting out what you observed at this time, Xiaomei will not refute, but he will not show any strangeness in front of you in the future.

Carefully looking back, Ronggui didn't talk to Xiaomei, but continued to talk about what Ma Fan had told him, asking him for more things.

Having been with Xiaomei for a long time, Ronggui has a very good understanding of Xiaomei's behavior pattern.

Prefer complex tomes to comics;

Prefer objective narratives to describe facts than narratives to express feelings;

I prefer to start with the big picture than to describe the details at once…

After thinking about it, Rong Gui began to ask Ma Fan some things that Xiaomei would be interested in:

"Ma Fan, how big is your house? What do you guys do for a living?" How do people make a living... Ronggui chose such an entry point.

After speaking, he looked at Xiaomei without a trace: Xiaomei's head really lifted a little bit again.

"The place in my house is big and big, and it's small." The blond young man scratched his head: "Our place is actually a small planet~ It's bigger than a star city! But the environment is really bad, and it is currently being opened up for supply. The place where humans live is not big, only the size of a district in Star City."

"As for what to do for a living... Open restaurants, buy clothes, cut hair... Just like an ordinary town, our life there is actually very ordinary... " For Ronggui, his hometown may be mysterious and full of people. Yearning, but for Ma Fan, who grew up there since he was a child: My home is my home~ It's quite ordinary.

"Probably this is "people who have lived in scenic spots since childhood don't think there is anything beautiful about scenic spots"? "Ronggui found a suitable description for his feeling.

"Uh... What kind of scenic spot is my hometown... There are basically no people there. If there are many people in the past, I don't have to take the risk to go out to deliver food..." Ma Fan muttered.

"Hey? Few people go there? Why is this?" According to Xiaomei's explanation, the manufacture of each star has been evaluated by multiple parties, either for human habitation, for breeding minerals, or as an experimental base... Each star has its meaning.

The world cannot afford any waste.

Rong Gui asked, and Xiaomei listened silently beside her.

Then Ma Fan shrugged: "Because the environment is not good."

"It is said that our star was originally planned to be made as a habitable planet. As a result, during the process of star-making, I don't know which process was not well grasped, and many big bugs emerged from the created planet!"

"Black beetle! Red beetle! Centipede! Hard beetle, soft white big bug... There are all kinds of bugs!"

"It's bigger than a normal worm!"

"Although the vast majority of insects are not very dangerous, they don't look good. After the planet was built, all the people who originally planned to live here protested and asked to live in other places. It didn't take long for the newly built planet to be It's empty~"

"Then it is said that the Star Creation Bureau issued a requisition order at that time, saying that anyone who wants to move there can be exempted from taxes for 100 years and will be given building materials."

"It is said that when the expropriation order was just issued, our ancestors were tempted. Our clansmen are relatively weak~ The place where everyone lives is quite awkward, and they have long wanted to move."

"What are bugs afraid of? We eat everything, and many people dig for bugs to eat them~ It is said that the bugs on Nova do not need to be digged, they are everywhere, catch a lot of them!"

"What's more, the house is given free of tax!"

"As soon as everyone discussed it, they submitted the application."

Ma Fan said it lightly, but Ronggui's face was getting worse and worse.

Unlike Xiaomei, Ronggui is a little robot with an unusually rich expression. His expression changed so obviously that even a careless person like Ma Fan noticed:

"That... Agui, shouldn't you... be afraid of bugs?" Stopping the desire to continue to introduce his hometown's specialty bug, Ma Fan looked at Ronggui with concern.

Ronggui shivered and grabbed Xiaomei's hand, and the index finger and thumb of the other free hand were slightly pinched in the air: "A little... a little..."

Uh... But you don't look like you are afraid of "a little bit" because you are afraid of bugs - looking at Ronggui who is about to faint, the thoughts in Ma Fan's mind are written on his face.

"Why don't you go?" As early as when Ma Fan was talking about bugs, Xiaomei looked at Ronggui.

He knows how much Ronggui is afraid of bugs. When he was living in Cicero, Ronggui even begged him to make a bottle of powerful insect repellant for him to carry with him~

Xiaomei looked at Ronggui expressionlessly.

He said so and thought so.

If Ronggui is afraid that they won't go, it doesn't matter if Star City doesn't go, they can go back to Parosen now.

Hearing Xiaomei's words, Ma Fan's heart suddenly swayed again!

Xiaomei's tone is serious! If Ronggui was afraid of insects and said not to go, he, he really didn't plan to go!

But what does he do? There are very few cars on this road. Basically, they go directly to Star City. There are four traveling stars going to Star City. There are almost no cars willing to go to Star City from his hometown!

Ma Fan immediately looked at Ronggui nervously. He instinctively knew that the key to his fate was Ronggui.

Ronggui leaned on Xiaomei's shoulders with a weak face, and he knew just by looking at it: this guy is already too scared to die.


"No, let's go."

Oh yeah! Agui, you are such a good person, and I was afraid of bugs and sent me home—Ma Fan immediately gave a cheering gesture in his heart.

Xiaomei looked at Ronggui with disapproval.

Until he heard Rong Gui say to him in a weak voice: "I have to go."

"I have a hunch..."

"The people there... Maybe it's bad..."

"It's my real hometown."

A question mark immediately appeared on top of Xiaomei's head.

As a native of this era, Xiaomei is not ignorant of what happened in the era of Ronggui, but it specifically refers to some major events that happened on the main planet that are enough to be recorded in history, such as the earth, which happened on a remote country planet The matter, Xiaomei is indeed completely unclear.

He doesn't understand Chinese, and he doesn't know that there are 224 countries and regions on such a small planet, and each country has its own flag, culture and even language.

Therefore, he naturally did not know that there was such a mysterious race on that distant mysterious planet: they created the most splendid civilization on earth, and they invented beautiful and complex writing. They have a long and long history, they—

They eat everything.


From the birds in the sky to the beasts on the earth, from the plants growing on the mountains to the seaweeds that are abundant in the sea... There is nothing they don't eat.

Faced with a monster, the first thought of people in other countries may be: God! How to destroy it

And their thoughts are: Oh my God! How to eat this meat? How to eat delicious food

Such a magical group of people, their names are: Hua-Xia-Ren-

Ronggui has always believed that even if all food on earth disappears, only cockroaches will disappear. My fellow villagers can still live tenaciously on cockroaches. When they have researched a hundred ways to eat cockroaches and make them delicious, the doomsday of cockroaches, a tenacious creature called "Xiaoqiang", will also happen. almost there.

The earth will be completely left with only the citizens of the big foodie empire.

In comparison, what are mere worms? The folks have long discovered the delicious way to eat all kinds of bugs~

When he was a child, Ronggui was often forced to watch Rongfu and the others dig and eat bugs.

From Ma Fan's name, you can already see a little sign. Hearing him say this, a certain idea in Ronggui's mind is getting stronger and stronger: That's right, these guys who heard the bugs immediately formed a group to eat them. , must be his fellow did not run away!

After all, even he himself was seeing the flood of oysters on the beaches of Denmark. When the locals were suffering the news, he longed for the idea of forming a group to eat oysters and helping foreign friends by the way~

Nervous, excited and scared, Ronggui whispered his speculation to Xiaomei.

Xiaomei: =-=

The main body eats everything, and likes to eat oysters (a hard-shelled marine creature) - silently, Xiaomei added another item to the label column of Ronggui.