The Sabbath

Chapter 113: Uncle Wang's family


"There is no cat in the zodiac, so your zodiac should be a tiger, right?" Rong Gui said to the old man sitting next to him with a black line on his face.

"Tiger? What is a tiger?" The old man smiled and asked a question that made Ronggui even more speechless.

Although I had already guessed that there might be a problem with cultural inheritance, I didn’t expect that there would be so many problems!

Starting from which animals are in the twelve zodiac signs, Ronggui and the old man chatted smoothly.

Although from the beginning, I felt that the model of this place looked strange, familiar and unfamiliar, but after chatting, when I learned that the ancestors of the old man lived in Chinatown, Ronggui felt that he probably knew the problem.

The grandfather of the old man of the famous King Tom... The grandfather lived in a certain Chinatown, cook. When the world entered the eternal light belt, he and his family escaped by coincidence, were connected to the tower, and lived in the tower ever since.

There were several families who escaped together. Just like the Chinese from other places who like to live together, they have always lived together and intermarryed each other, and they have been reproduced from generation to generation.

Then, it finally propagated to the generation of Mr. Tom Wang, and Mr. Tom Wang was left alone.


"Then I found my eldest son." The uncle pointed to the side, a blond foreigner with a serious face stood up, bowed cautiously to Ronggui, and introduced himself:

"Hello, my name is Wang Ailun."

Honorable Mention: …

"That's the second son, Charlie." The old man pointed again, this time referring to an acquaintance, the one who recommended scrambled eggs with tomatoes for Ronggui before.

Honor: =-=

The old man pointed a few more times, and there must always be a dozen or so people standing up, and Ronggui's eyes were dazzled.

But he also knew: these people who dare to love are not the biological children of the old man, they are all picked up!

"There are too many children in the family, and the original house can't be lived in. At that time, there was such an emergency order. As long as they live in, they will send the materials for building a house for free. No, I will bring my family here? "

Uncle Wang smiled, and then he stopped talking. The junior next to him handed him a pair of chopsticks, and another junior brought a bowl full of vegetables. The old man took them one by one, and then happily began to chew. Swallow slowly.

While eating, he also introduced Ronggui what the dishes he ate were. Fortunately, they were all home-cooked dishes, otherwise Ronggui might not really know each other.

In this way, Uncle Wang chatted with Ronggui happily while eating.

However, Ronggui noticed that, except for the vegetarian dishes on the uncle's side, almost everyone else had meat in front of them, as well as red things like fried blood clots.

After the meal, without the uncle's instructions, the fourth generation headed by Ma Fan took the initiative to stand up and clean up the dishes, while Uncle Wang took Ronggui and Xiaomei to the back room.

There is actually a very sophisticated tea room! Even in the previous world, Ronggui had never seen such an exquisite tea room!

Not long after they sat down, Wang Ailun, the eldest son who was introduced by the uncle, came over with a tea tray, and handed a cup of hot tea to the coffee table by the uncle's hand, and the other two...

It was placed by Ronggui and Xiaomei's hand to let them smell it.


This Uncle Allen... No, this is the uncle's son, and Ma Fan, who is about the same age as them, has to call him Grandpa Zeng.

That said, this Uncle Alan... should also be a grandfather~

Uncle Allen should be quite old, but he is personable, with a strong and perfect body, and his skin is delicate and without wrinkles. To be honest, he is really a super handsome guy that is rare to see! The kind of peculiar smell! Still aristocratic!

When seeing him, Ronggui always felt that he saw the classic European aristocrats in the old movies.


The super handsome guy at the European aristocratic level is now serving them tea and water.

After confirming that there was tea and refreshments in front of everyone, he carefully placed a well-folded handkerchief by Uncle Wang's hand before leaving.

Before leaving, Mr. Allen nodded slightly to them to show his goodbye, with that low-brow demeanor... Ronggui was dumbfounded again.

It wasn't until Xiaomei coughed lightly that Ronggui turned around.

"Xiaomei, is your sound system broken?" He coughed occasionally. Ronggui called it a way to "crank the machine", but Xiaomei didn't have this habit.

Xiaomei glanced at him and said nothing.

"That child is also a vampire." Xiaomei didn't speak, but then, it was Uncle Wang who continued Ronggui's words.

As if he knew what Ronggui would ask next, the uncle continued: "These children are basically vampires, and one is a werewolf."

Ronggui's mouth opened, he was not surprised.

Or, after seeing Ma Fan, after seeing the appearance of other people, when seeing the food placed in front of them... He already had a hunch in his heart.

He was just a little strange, why did the uncle Wang adopt all... these children

Looking at Ronggui's ignorant face, the uncle smiled gently again, took a sip of tea in a hurry, and squinted his eyes in enjoyment, and then he said: "I used to live in Parosen, where it is the same as Star City. A planet known for its medical system."

"The where the most people are born and die."

"There are a lot of healthy, lovely and highly anticipated children born there, and naturally a lot of unexpected children are born."

"They are children who are not expected because of a genetic defect they are born with."

"These babies tend to be born stronger than other babies, and parents rejoice until the moment they're breastfeeding."

"They were sucking... the mother's blood."

"But their vitality is so tenacious that they can survive for a long time even if they are abandoned in the dirtiest and darkest places."

"At that time, Ellen was crying so loudly..."

The old man said, squinting his small eyes, as if caught in the memory of the past.

"Then... did you pick them up?" Ronggui said in a low voice after searching for the old man's memory.

"Well, I thought, don't vampires and werewolves happen to be species that have appeared on Earth before? It was mentioned in the bedtime history stories my mother told me when I was a child."

"Maybe it's a fellow!"

"Thinking of this, I happily took them back."

The old man said heartily, Ronggui... Ronggui was speechless again.

What can he say

Does the mother of Uncle Wang tell the story not at all, but a fairy tale

I knew that the inheritance of the earth was very severe, but I didn't expect it to be so... uh... outrageous

But looking at Uncle Tom Wang, who began to reminisce about Ellen and the others when they were young, and seeing his folds that became deeper due to his smile, Ronggui suddenly thought of nothing.

Even if the legacy mistakes left behind are outrageous, so what

Uncle Wang has done a good job. He has continued the culture about the earth, and has found a large number of inheritors. He loves those children, and those children love him even more. He can eat here... No, smell so Isn't the taste of authentic hometown dishes the credit of Uncle Wang

As long as the culture continues and the memory continues, the existence of a place will never be obliterated.

Thinking of this, Ronggui was happy again.

"Okay, I've said a lot about myself, kid, tell me what you know, okay?" After telling his story, Uncle Wang smiled wisely and began to ask Ronggui questions.

God knows that Ronggui has been waiting for him to ask this question!

The typos I discovered along the way will be forgotten if I don't say it again. After finally waiting for this opportunity, Ronggui quickly said everything he knew!

The two were chatting in full swing. Uncle Wang's water was quickly drained. Uncle Wang Ailun came in and gave him another water. He probably found that they didn't talk about any private things. On the contrary, they were talking about what something should really be. In this way, Uncle Allen didn't leave after pouring the water. He sat down and listened carefully to the enthusiastic chat between Uncle Wang and Rong Gui. From time to time, he looked at Xiaomei who was mute and showed a faint but friendly smile. .

He just listened quietly by the side, and waited until eleven o'clock in the evening, and then interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Dad, it's time for you to go to bed." After gently speaking to Uncle Wang, he turned to look at Ronggui and Xiaomei: "I have prepared the two rooms, it's in Ma Fan's house, you are the same age, Being friends again, it will be more comfortable to get along with each other.”

Uncle Allen is really handsome. When he talks to you, even though his tone and expression are very gentle, he can't help but nod his head at all.

Chi Chi nodded his head, and when Rong Gui came back to his senses, he was already walking on a wooden bridge full of red lanterns.

Probably for the sake of pest control, the entire street in Uncle Wang's Chinatown was built overhead on a wooden bridge.

The two-meter-high pillars frame the wooden buildings on the street very well, and they are connected by wooden bridges, and red paper lanterns are hung above them. The feeling of the whole building area has to be said to be very retro! A strong classical Chinese style!

Walking under the flickering red lanterns, Ronggui was insane again for a while.

Fortunately, there is Xiaomei, walking in front holding Ronggui's hand, Xiaomei's speed is not fast, just so that Ronggui can walk slowly while enjoying the night view.

And Ma Fan held a windbreaker and stood in front of a door waiting for them.

Smiling and saying good night to Alan who brought them here, Ma Fan smiled and led Ronggui Xiaomei to the room specially prepared for them.

Big red satin quilt, buckwheat husk stuffed pillows... This room is so nostalgic!

"I don't know if you need to sleep or not, but my dad still prepared a quilt." Putting the windbreaker on the cabinet at the entrance, Ma Fan told them.

"Need and need! Xiaomei and I go to bed on time every night!" Ronggui replied immediately, fondly touching the brand-new quilt, Ronggui whispered to Xiaomei next to him, "I slept on this kind of quilt when I was a child, but it wasn't red. , we only use such red quilts when the newlyweds get married."

"As long as you like it, eat at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, in the same room where you have dinner today." Ma Fan said.

"Thank you so much! Good night!" Chao Ronggui and Xiaomei bowed gratefully, and Ma Fan closed the door with a smile and left.

Leaving Rong Gui staring blankly at the door panel for a while:

"What a kind man."

After the emotion was over, Ronggui immediately threw himself on the soft quilt.

He didn't lie down with his clothes on. On the contrary, Ronggui was very particular about this aspect, not to mention the new quilt they gave him, he took off his coat and rushed over.

Having been a model for a long time, Ronggui undresses very fast~

It didn't take long for a sleek, silver-white little robot to lie across the red satin quilt.

Because of the candlelight used in the room, under the candlelight, the skin of the little robot on the quilt almost didn't look like metal.

Ronggui happily rolled on the quilt three times. When he finally had enough, he lay on the bed with his head on one hand, patted the open space on the other side of the quilt, and greeted Xiaomei warmly:

"Xiaomei, the new quilt is comfortable~ Come on~"

Xiaomei stood by the bed and looked at him. Under the light, the little robot's sky blue eyes seemed to have light.

"Come on, come on~" Ronggui patted the quilt again after finding that Xiaomei didn't move for a long time.

So, she took off her coat slowly and folded it. By the way, she folded the clothes that Ronggui took off, and put it on the small stool beside her. Xiaomei also lay down slowly and lay beside Ronggui.

The quilt is really soft, like a cloud. After lying down, the part under them collapsed, while the part next to them still maintained the original fluffy degree.

Xiaomei felt like she was sleeping on a red cloud with Ronggui next to her.

Turning her head to the side, Xiaomei and Ronggui next door looked at each other.

Bending the corners of his mouth, Ronggui looked at Xiaomei with bright eyes.

"Although it is very different from what I imagined, in my bones, I think they are indeed my fellow villagers."

In a low voice, he and Xiaomei bit their ears.

"What a warm bunch of people, aren't they?"

Seeing Ronggui who was obviously very happy, Xiaomei nodded unconsciously.

Next, Ronggui rambled on about his hometown, until it was time for him to automatically shut down, and with a tilt of his head, the little robot fell asleep in a deadly posture.

Only then did Xiaomei climb out of the soft quilt, find the position of the socket, connect the two people in series, charge the battery, and then crawled back to Ronggui's side again, with her eyes open, in the same posture of restlessness, Xiaomei also slept. on.