The Sabbath

Chapter 114: Misunderstood Ronggui and Xiaomei


Readers from Another World tweeted that if Ma Fan was a hardworking man who woke up early, what he would see when he pushed open the door early in the morning would be: two bald and naked corpses staring straight at him on a red bed.

Hmm, Ma Fan is indeed a diligent person who gets up early, but he is also considerate. He gets up early to wash up. He walks to the door of Ronggui and the two of them, coughs, and knocks on the door. .

Ronggui was still sleeping on his back, but Xiaomei was awakened by him.

Even when she shuts down to clear the memory and charge, she still does not give up her vigilance. Xiaomei installed a program for herself that "will automatically turn on when a certain sound is received".

The knock on the door is also one of the "specific sounds".

"Understood, we'll get up." If it was when she first met Ronggui, Xiaomei probably wouldn't pay attention to other people's knocks on the door, let alone respond to them. Of course, if it was Xiaomei at that time, she probably wouldn't. There will be a "shutdown to sleep" behavior that happens.

"Okay~ I'll wait for you at the door~ I'll take you to the cafeteria to eat... Smell!" Ma Fan's brisk and energetic voice came from the door.

Hearing the footsteps of the other party gradually moving away, Xiaomei sat up straight from the big red bed.

Habitually looked at the time, the current time: five in the morning.

Xiaomei: =-= What are you doing up so early

Xiaomei didn't realize that his life had become very regular under the influence of Ronggui.

The two little robots get up at six o'clock every day on average, and start the machine a little earlier. In Xiaomei's mind, it is considered "unreasonable".

Not in a hurry to wake up Ronggui, Xiaomei first got up and put on her own clothes. After getting dressed, she pulled the red quilt off the bed from the two of them. He left, and Ronggui was still covered with the quilt. It is equivalent to tearing the quilt off Ronggui.

If it's a human body, uh... it's probably a little cold, but the two of them are robots, and it doesn't feel like they are covered with a quilt. It was Ronggui who insisted on sleeping as if he were sleeping, and the two of them carried bedding wherever they went.

Of course, this bedding was purchased by them in the two cities of Yedhan City and Sisiro City, but now they have not taken these beddings from Rhubarb.

Xiaomei folded the quilt and started putting on her shoes.

When putting on shoes, he inevitably squatted down. He was squatting by the bed to put on shoes. Xiaomei was small, so his eyesight was lower than that of ordinary people. When he put on his shoes, he reflexively looked under the bed. At that time, the sky-like eyes of the little robot met a pair of trembling small eyes inside.

It's that chicken.

Yesterday, Ronggui had been holding it in his hand. When he entered the house, Ronggui threw it on the ground. In a blink of an eye, the little thing disappeared. Ronggui said that he should not worry about it and let it adapt to itself. The environment is good, Xiaomei... Well, Xiaomei actually didn't plan to care about it in the first place.

However, it seems that this little guy shrunk under the bed all night, "adapting to the environment".

The little eyes looked at Xiaomei with wet eyes. The chick's body was still trembling slightly. Looking down, Xiaomei was under the bed, and under the chick's body, she saw...

A little puddle of chicken shit.

Xiaomei: =-=

Without speaking, Xiaomei waved her hand expressionlessly.

The little thing immediately fluttered its wings and jumped off the chicken poop.

Only then did Xiaomei put on the mask that she carried with her, got under the bed, and began to carefully...

Clean up the shit.


He cleaned it very carefully, first sprayed the poop with softening spray (← carried with you), and then shoveled the softened poop down with a small shovel (← carried with you), and used a small brush and a small dustpan (← the same Carry it with you) Sweep the poo into the dustpan, and finally, wipe the floor with a rag (← still carry it with you).

After doing all of this, Xiaomei's eyes looked around for a week to make sure that there was no other chicken shit under the bed, and then he crawled out from under the bed again with a blank face, and then—

As soon as he came out, he felt two slender, long, thin legs hanging down on either side of his head.

Before he could react, the next second, he felt that his head and neck were tightly clamped by those two thin legs!

With difficulty, he turned his head 180 degrees upward from the opponent's shackles, and the expressionless face of the little robot with sky blue eyes met the panicked little face of the little robot with black big eyes.

Ronggui: 囧! ! !

Xiaomei: =-=

Then Ronggui immediately let go of his legs, and he hurriedly explained: "As soon as I got up, I saw a big head crawling out from between my legs, scaring me to death! How could it be you!"

"Oh my god! Xiaomei, what are you doing when you don't sleep in bed in the morning, crawling under the bed?"

Xiaomei: …

Xiaomei really didn't want to say that she was going in to clean up bird droppings, so he didn't speak.

Maintaining the posture of kneeling between Ronggui's legs, the two little robots froze.

Just at this time-

"Xiaomei, Agui, how are you two preparing? I've been waiting for you at the door for a long time—" Along with Ma Fan's loud voice came from the door, "click", the door was pushed open from the outside .

Across the middle (faceless) Xiaomei, Ronggui and Ma Fan looked at each other from a distance.

Ronggui saw that Ma Fan's expression was relaxed at first, then quickly turned into surprise, and finally a large red flooded the face of the young vampire.

"Ah! I'm sorry! Excuse me!" With a loud voice, he closed the door vigorously, and Ma Fan ran away with a blushing face.

Honor: =mouth=

His reaction was not fast. At first, he didn't realize what the other party was saying, until he instinctively wanted to ask Xiaomei, lowered his head, and squatted between his legs. When Xiaomei's blue eyes... .

Honor: = mouth = ∣∣∣

Oh my god! Was misunderstood!

Holding the bald head, Rong Gui wanted to shout to vent, but later his eyes met Xiaomei again.

Xiaomei still looked at him blankly. Looking closely, Ronggui felt that he could almost see the little question marks dotted next to Xiaomei's head~

The silver-white manipulator was still gripping the big bald head, but the cry could not come out. The expression on his face changed several times, and finally turned into a slightly weak smile.

"Xiaomei, good morning..." As always, Ronggui asked Xiaomei early.

"Good morning." Xiaomei replied as always, expressionlessly.

After replying, Xiaomei got up from her original position. When she got up, she just saw Ronggui's shoes in hand, and he picked up the shoes and handed them to Ronggui.

After doing this, he went straight to the trash can - dumping chicken shit.

Ronggui began to shake off the clothes that Xiaomei had folded the night before and put them on. When he was putting on the clothes, Xiaomei had already cleaned up the brushes and dustpans that had been used. When he saw that Ronggui had gotten off the bed, he straightened up. Come here and continue making the bed.

Xiaomei is really capable~

While tying the buttons, Ronggui looked at Xiaomei in admiration.

But I don't care much about clothes.

Noticing a few indentations on Xiaomei's clothes, Ronggui immediately took out the spray he was carrying with him from his pocket, pulled Xiaomei and sprayed a few times, and then gently pulled, Xiaomei's clothes were flat.

After checking Xiaomei, Ronggui turned around again to let Xiaomei see if there was anything wrong with her.

After the two of them were confirmed, Ronggui took Xiaomei out.

Ronggui took the lead to go out, and Xiaomei was responsible for closing the door.

When closing the door, Xiaomei suddenly heard a weak "chirp" sound behind the crack of the door, and the door panel that was about to be closed was immediately fixed in place by him.

Looking down at the crack of the door, not long after, with a weak "chirp" sound, a small head protruded from the crack of the door.

Wet little eyes looked at Xiaomei.

Xiaomei didn't move.

The little body quickly got out from behind the door, and then the furry little guy ran towards Ronggui's back with his small fleshy wings.

Xiaomei: …

He then slowly closed the door.

Ma Fan at the door was talking to Ronggui shyly and timidly. When he saw Xiaomei coming out, Ma Fan was a little embarrassed, but he still greeted Xiaomei, and then took the two along the wooden bridge to the restaurant they visited yesterday. .

"It's Uncle Grandpa—that's Grandpa Allen's store~ His store is the largest. Grandpa Zeng usually lives with him, and we eat three meals a day there." While walking, Ma Fan explained .

"But the people who cook are different. Grandpa Allen makes another schedule, and different people cook every day."

"You may not be used to it, right? The way so many people eat together every day... Uh, it's also prescribed by Grandpa Allen."

"Grandpa Zeng is old, and he likes to be lively."

Ellen's voice is not loud, although he looks like a standard foreigner with blonde hair and blue eyes, but what he said... Don't say it, it's really his own folks~

"We used to eat together as a family. There were too many people and we needed to grab the food, but now that I think about it, it's the most delicious time to eat."

"Hey?" Ma Fan was stunned, looking at the little robot Ronggui who was chatting and laughing with him. He originally wanted to say that you are not a robot, can't robots be able to eat

However, he quickly reacted: robots have also changed from normal people, and Ronggui must have used his body to eat in the past.

For this simple half-aged young man, the mechanical body was the only choice he had made because of his original body. After all, how wonderful it is to be able to breathe and eat delicious food

So he thoughtfully didn't ask any more questions.

Chatting all the way forward, time will pass quickly, and it will not take long for them to arrive at the hotel they visited yesterday.

"We're here!" Before entering the door, Marfan shouted happily, and then—

He was hit hard on the head with a rice spoon.

"You idiot! I asked you to come before 5:45 to prepare breakfast for the guests! Why did you bring the guests here?!" The man who knocked on his head was Ma Fan's father, who was also blond and blue-eyed. man.

"Hey? I thought you wanted me to bring guests over for dinner..." Ma Fan whispered, hugging his head aggrieved.

"It's okay! If you can, I'd like to see how you cook~" Ronggui hurriedly came over to smooth things out: "I haven't eaten the food in my hometown for a long time, but I don't know how to cook it either. It's best if you can make it yourself and eat it..."

Marfan's father readily agreed.

Ronggui immediately followed the other party into the back kitchen happily, and then—

Not long after, he ran out of it with a pale face.


The ideal is plump, the reality is skinny, how could he forget that the main ingredient here is insects

The moment he saw those big white bugs squirming, Ronggui immediately ran out.

Xiaomei didn't run away and took over from Ronggui. He stayed and learned to cook with Ma Fan's father.

On the other hand, Ma Fan came out with Ronggui, and when he saw Ronggui looking like he wanted to vomit, he reflexively went over and smoothed the other side's back, but only after Shunwan realized: Huh? It's a robot...

With Ronggui, it's really easy to ignore the shape of his robot.

How strange.

With this in mind, Ma Fan suggested to Ronggui: "Cooking not only requires insects, but we also need vegetables. Otherwise, would you go pick vegetables with me?"

Ronggui readily agreed.

So, Xiaomei stayed in the kitchen to learn to cook, while Ronggui started a beautiful day in the vegetable garden full of hometown flavor.