The Sabbath

Chapter 115: Hometown



It's actually not that good!

The ideal is plump, while the reality is still skinny.

Ronggui thought that going to the vegetable garden was really just to pick vegetables, but why did he forget that the vegetable garden is a place where many insects are abundant

When his little hand touched the first vegetable leaf, a worm also shyly and timidly touched his little hand from under the vegetable leaf...

As a result, Ronggui was tragic again as a matter of course.


What saved him was the khaki little chicken that ran out from behind him. When Ronggui was so frightened that he screamed "Ow Ow", the little guy rushed out from behind him with a small mouth and went under the vegetable leaves that Ronggui threw away. With one peck, he accurately picked up the thin little bug below and ate it.

For chicken, this vegetable worm is a very good breakfast~

"Oh~ I didn't expect Ronggui to be afraid of such small bugs! It's so small! It's so small~" At the dining table, Ma Fan vividly talked about Ronggui's experience just now.

"I'm just afraid of bugs! What's more, bugs are even scarier because they are small~ Think about it, a small thing may crawl into your ears and eyes before you can see it... How scary! ← There is no doubt that Ronggui has read too many horror comics.

"Huh?" Crawling from his ears into his head... It sounds a bit scary indeed. Ma Fan imagined the scene and shivered. Then, the young man's eyes rolled, and his mind ran to another direction for some unknown reason:

"Afraid of little bugs, so, Agui, aren't you afraid of big bugs?" With the chopsticks in his mouth, Ma Fan turned his head to look at Ronggui.

Ronggui was stunned twice by him at that time, he thought about it seriously, and hesitated for a while:

"This... should be... okay?"

Then Ma Fan bit his chopsticks and showed a big smile.

As if offering a treasure, he grabbed the tray from a werewolf who had just come over with the tray.

"Xiaofan, what are you doing..." The werewolf just frowned.

"Oh~ Uncle Yorkshire, let me serve you~ You don't need to thank me!" He smiled heartily at the other side, and Ma Fan quickly placed the plate in front of Ronggui under the helpless gaze of the werewolf.

To keep warm, the plate is also covered with a large lid.

Before removing the lid, Ma Fan smiled at Ronggui again.

"Introduction, this dish is called braised lion head."

"Hey... I know the braised lion head..." Not only did he know, he liked it, but—

Looking at Ma Fan's expression, Ronggui always had a bad premonition.

The next second, sure enough—

"Braised lion's head, as the name suggests, is to braise the lion's head, but now the lion has become extinct, although there are similar ones~ but they are very expensive, we looked for insect meat as a substitute, after several years of research, A similar effect has been achieved…”

Ma Fan said, and before Ronggui could react, he quickly opened the lid.

Then, a terrifying insect head dish with an angry mouth and glaring eyes at outsiders appeared in front of Ronggui!

Just when Ronggui was about to faint, Xiaomei suddenly spoke in his ear.

"It's not worm meat, I made it with vegetables."

"Hey?" Ronggui's attention was indeed drawn by Xiaomei.

In the next second, Xiaomei actually pulled the whole plate of terrifying dishes over!

It was terrifying to look directly at this dish at such a close distance, Rong Gui shrank a little, and stretched out his hand to cover his eyes.

Xiaomei didn't do anything to discourage Ronggui's behavior like an ostrich, she just continued:

"The part of the carapace, in order to be realistic, I poured it with syrup. In order to make the darkness closer to the original ingredients, I added black berry juice to the syrup raw material."

Huh? Sounds... yummy

At that time, Ronggui quietly raised a finger.

"The eyes are made from two local fruits, and to give them a body shape, I put two creams on the fruit as a highlighter."

Cream... It seems very sweet... Another finger is raised, and Rong Gui's eyes fall on the terrifying plate of "braised lion head", however—

Dean~ It still looks so scary! Those eyeballs are as realistic as they are about to pop out, "highlights" or something... That's called "eyes revealing fierce light"!

Xiaomei, what level of fidelity are you looking for when you cook a dish

Detail perfectionism really hurts!

Ronggui complained wildly in his heart, but he didn't say a word of what Xiaomei said next:

What "the teeth are cut from a kind of nut"~ What "the blood in the mouth is poured out of red berry juice"~

Although Xiaomei's narration is very simple and not aesthetic, but these ingredients sound delicious!

Slowly, Ronggui put his hand on his knee again, listening to Xiaomei's introduction and watching the dishes in admiration, he was no longer afraid.

Along with him, he was amazed by the family of Uncle Wang.

Xiaomei's production ability is too strong, even far more than Ma Fan's father who taught him to cook.

"This... I didn't plan to ask the guests to help me at all~ Isn't this what Agui said that he wanted to learn to cook?"

"As a result, he was afraid that the bugs would run away~ Xiaomei was left to take over his work and learn how to cook with me."

"I've never seen someone with such talent in cooking! You can scramble eggs with tomatoes, scramble pork, and so on! The first time you fry it, you can serve it directly on the table!"

"I'm not happy when I see the material? I couldn't hold back, I just wanted to try to see where the limit of this child is. As a result, I taught the housekeeping skills of braised lion's head."

"The kid said he wanted to do it in a different way, and I watched him make it with vegan ingredients. I didn't expect... I really didn't expect it..."

"He's doing better than I thought."

Marfan's father was full of admiration.

Xiaomei was still expressionless. If you look closely, you will find that his eyes are always on Ronggui's face.

Seeing that the last trace of fear disappeared from Ronggui's eyes, Ronggui really began to observe the model he made with interest... um... The lion's head was braised, Xiaomei then looked away and sat on the seat again with a straight face .

Because Xiaomei's learning ability is so strong that today's breakfast is actually made by him.

After eating the breakfast made by the guests, the Wang family began to restless.

"It turns out that the braised lion head can still be done in this way. There are indeed customers outside who don't eat insect meat. Maybe we can do this in the future. In this way, customers who like sweets will also like our restaurant's dishes..." I don't know Who started, after breakfast and tea, everyone began to discuss.

The honor of holding tea to warm hands: =-=

He couldn't bear it any longer, and he finally said, "Well, who told you that the braised lion's head is the braised lion's head?"

The eyes of everyone in the room immediately focused on the center of the round table—the face of Uncle Wang.

"Hehe, braised lion head, isn't it braised lion's head?" Holding the hot tea, the old man smiled and looked at Rong Gui: "There is only one fragment of a recipe left at home, and there is only one dish name on it, in order to restore this dish , I have been studying for decades, and I managed to decipher the name of the dish, and then I started to study the method..."

Ronggui: It seems a little cruel to overturn such a hard research result, but if you don't overturn it, it seems a little cruel to Chinese food...

"It's okay, just talk." Seeing Ronggui's hesitation, the old man encouraged him.

So, Rong Gui gritted his teeth and said directly: "The braised lion head is not made of lions at all, this dish is actually braised meat balls!"



There was a series of gasping sounds from the room.

Biting the bullet, Ronggui continued:

"I don't know exactly how to do it, but I know that I need to mix the stuffing first, then boil it into big balls... Finally, sprinkle with coriander when it's out of the pot."

"It's delicious!" At the end, Ronggui licked his lips aftertaste.

"Ah? It turned out to be big meatballs?" The old man was stunned as he forgot to drink the water in the teacup.

He also wanted to have an in-depth discussion with Ronggui, but unfortunately, Ronggui only knew the name of the dish. If he asked more deeply, he could probably recall the taste of the dish, but he didn't know anything else.

These have become the problems that the old man needs to overcome in the future.

Uncle Wang is a very humble person. It is very comfortable to talk to him. When he realizes that the old man is not disgusted by others pointing out his mistakes, he welcomes him. Ronggui's courage has become a little fatter. Some typos that I saw have been spoken out.

The old man nodded and wrote it down.

"It turns out that those are really words. Although my grandmother said it, I have always regarded them as pictures..." Thinking of the "brush paintings" he drew, Uncle Wang was a little ashamed.

"That's not painting, but writing. We used to call painters who are good at painting, and calligraphers who are good at writing. I think your calligraphy is good, Mr. Wang, but you are called a calligrapher." Not letting the old man lose his mind, Ronggui hurriedly said.

"Hehe, a calligrapher?" The old man smiled.

"It's true, if you practice hard, you can be called a calligraphy master!" Rong Gui gave a little flattery.

The old man smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't matter if you are calligraphers or calligraphers. Right now, I just want to build this Chinatown. If I can reproduce the half-spirit of the place where my ancestors lived, it will be worth it. ."

"When I was a kid, when my great-grandfather was alive, he told me a little about Chinatown."

"That place is so lively~"

"Although it is in a foreign country, many people from the same place will live together. They open various shops with unique hometown characteristics, as if they are still living in their hometown."

"They're a bunch of strangers."

"However, gradually, the streets where they live became more and more famous, and then more and more foreigners came over, and they gradually integrated into the world of foreigners."

"Grandpa Zeng said that at that time, every foreign country had a Chinatown."

"Though the names are different, they all do the same thing."

Probably recalling what happened when he was a child, the old man closed his eyes slightly. When he finished recalling and opened his eyes again, Ronggui was stunned by the wisdom and gentleness in those eyes.

"I haven't lived on this street, but I want to live on such a street."

"Now, there are more and more children of mine, and I hope more and more that they can live on such a street, live a good life, and live a serious life. People outside may just come to buy things in the first place. , but if the food is delicious, they will come again, slowly, over time, these children can reintegrate into this society, maybe... "

"This is my greatest wish."

Softly, the old man said.

His voice was so small that only Rong Gui and Xiao Mei who were sitting beside him could hear him.

Immediately afterwards, Uncle Wang looked at Xiaomei again: "Please don't blame Ma Fan."

"That kid scared Agui this morning. I'm sorry for him."

Hearing this sentence at first, Ronggui didn't react at all, and looked at Xiaomei habitually. Xiaomei was still dead with that expressionless face.

However, looking at this expressionless face, Rong Gui suddenly realized, uh... Was Xiaomei unhappy in the morning

Because Marfan scare himself unhappy

This... seems a little stingy...


But how could he be so happy

Confused, Ronggui forcibly suppressed the corners of his mouth that he wanted to lift up, forcing himself to continue listening to the old man's words:

"In the whole family, he is the youngest, surrounded by his elders, he is actually very lonely, although we have tried to make him not care too much about his vampire status, but this child cares a lot and looks cheerful , but in his bones he is very suspicious and vigilant."

"After so many years, Agui is the first person to let him put his guard down and even make jokes."

"Even if you didn't save him, I have to thank you for that alone."

"Except for me, all of them are children whose blood is flawed in the eyes of outsiders."

"Now that I am here, there is still a connection between them and the so-called normal people outside. I am really worried that if one day I am gone, they have no one else but each other. Is this society crazy?"

"Children are filial. I have a lot of free time, so I often think so."

"Until I meet you."

The old man's wise eyes looked at Ronggui again, and then Xiaomei.

"thank you all."

The old man sincerely thanked the two little people.

Being thanked by such a virtuous old man, Rong Gui first scratched his head at a loss, and then smiled:

"Don't thank us, we... we are fellow villagers~"

Then, the old man also smiled: "Yes, we are fellows."