The Sabbath

Chapter 116: After a short stay


Later, Ronggui and Xiaomei were fortunate enough to watch the hunting scene of Uncle Wang's family.

Yes, hunting.

The place where Ronggui and the others live is only a small part of this huge city. To be precise, the population of Uncle Wang's family is not large enough, so they can only clean up this place.

Chinatown on the wooden bridge is as precious as an oasis in the desert, and beyond the "oasis", it is a paradise for bugs. The fleshy worms that Ronggui is afraid of are nothing at all insignificant here.

Ronggui saw a one-meter-long bug!

The burrs on the body are about 30 to 40 centimeters, and there is still a mouth in the mouth. When I saw this kind of bug for the first time, Ronggui was dumbfounded! In the next second, Marfan jumped over and caught the bug with a clip.

The long worm body curled and tried to go to the steering wheel of the clip, and the action was like slow motion, completely exposing the large worm's blue-white abdomen with countless tiny feet in front of Ronggui.

Ronggui's mouth is getting bigger and bigger...

"We call this kind of worm the cabbage worm. The little cabbage worm in the vegetable field that surprised you today is its larva. This guy is a big man when he grows up, but the meat is rich and easy to catch. It can only solve the dinner for two people." Uncle Wang's gentle voice slowly flowed into Ronggui's ears, he also accompanied Ronggui and the others over, sitting together on a high-chassis off-road vehicle, Uncle Wang The eldest son, Alan, was in charge of the driver, and the three of them were very safe.

"After we came here, the first food was it," said the uncle.

Looking at the terrifying appearance of the giant cabbage caterpillar in front of him, Ronggui couldn't help but have deep admiration for Uncle Wang's family.

"It is also the main food of other worms on this planet." The uncle continued, and then—

"Then they were almost eaten to extinction."

Honor: =mouth=

"Now we have to raise them. We raise the bugs you see in the vegetable garden. We try to ensure that they can live in a relatively natural and pollution-free environment, and have sufficient exercise and food every day. Cabbage worms are clean and tasty.

Ronggui: 囧!

Looking at Uncle Wang's smiling face, Ronggui was dumbfounded: Do you think this is raising pigs and chickens? The method of raising chickens is still used...

This is the man at the top of the food chain!

For Uncle Wang, Ronggui was intimidated this time.

However, he soon learned that this cabbage caterpillar was the easiest ingredient in Uncle Wang's recipes. Then, they saw scorpions, the kind that were as big as fists, and were coiled in groups on rocks!

And centipedes! One at least one meter five! The waist is thicker than Ronggui!

And then there are the Iron Beetles! That look... it's just hot eyes! Ronggui refused to describe.

Led by Alan, the bugs were all knocked down and put into a convertible trailer hanging from the back of their car.

Full harvest.

When they returned with a full load, they passed the crops again. The crops were still planted by Uncle Wang and his family. Wheat, barley... Basically everything was planted. There were also red lanterns on both sides of the crops, although it was dark around. , but does not look lonely and deserted.

"Sooner or later, I will make these red lanterns all over the planet." Uncle Wang said with a smile.

"I'm going to open Chinatown to every place in the tower!" The old man laughed and set great ambitions again.

"At that time, Agui, you will be able to eat the food of your hometown in various places!"

"Really? Can I get a discount~" Ronggui looked at the old man admiringly with big eyes.

"What discount? It's all free! Come on, I'll sign a card for you..."

At that time, the old and the young began to grind ink and write big characters on the car. Allen drove the car in front of him and did not stop it. Instead, he drove the car a little slower.

Xiaomei didn't say anything.

Looking in the rear mirror, he met Alan's line of sight in front of him.

Allen smiled at him kindly, Xiaomei…

Xiaomei nodded slightly, then continued to look forward, looking very dumb.

He was thinking about his past life.

It was really hard to define the previous memory, until one day Ronggui told Hana a story about a past life and this life. I felt that this statement was good, and Xiaomei simply defined several memories in her mind as "the previous life".

"In the past life", he also met Alan.

But what Allen gave him at the time was not a kind smile.

Near the guillotine, there were obviously many people around. People restrained their excitement about witnessing a torture. The white color of their wings and feathers covered the color of the entire execution platform.

In that world, only the vampire king in the center is black.

The man kept his head down, and suddenly raised his head just before the guillotine was about to fall.

Across so many people, his eyes were precisely on him.


Malicious smile.

That person is Allen.

"Xiao...Xiaomei, right? If you feel bored at the back, you can sit in the passenger seat next to me, and I will explain to you the varieties of crops on the roadside?"

Xiaomei looked up in the direction of the rear mirror again, this time, he didn't look away, neither did the other party.

He and Alan looked at each other for a little longer.

The other party looks shrewd and calm, and it must be difficult to deal with from a distance, but at this moment, the other party's eyes are friendly, like looking at a junior.

Jumping out of the back seat, Xiao Mei neatly crawled towards the passenger seat.

So, for the rest of the time, the group in front was quiet, and occasionally Allen introduced the varieties of crops along the way, maintenance tips, and what insects were abundant (?). harmonious;

The group at the back was lively and lively. Ronggui asked Uncle Wang to draw a VIP card for himself, and he also asked the other party to ask for a pair of characters. One old and one young, the two chatted in full swing.

The convoy returned to the Wang Family Courtyard on the wooden bridge with a full harvest.

When all kinds of bugs piled up on the central platform, the scene was spectacular!

It was only then that Ronggui found out how many prey they had caught. Although he probably wouldn't settle the account, the amount of prey in front of him was so large that he didn't even need to count to know that he couldn't finish it in a while.

But now Ma Fan and the others are shelling the worms, trying to peel the worm meat out...

" it a bit large?" Ronggui asked him cautiously, squatting beside Ma Fan.

"Not much. For delivery, so much is not enough. In the afternoon, Grandpa Allen and the others will go to the vegetable field to pick a batch of vegetables to make up some more." Ma Fan replied without raising his head.

Moving quickly, he quickly dismembered the bugs under his hands.

His movements seem to be gentle, but if you try it yourself, you will find how hard the worm's feet are that are easily broken in his hands, not far beyond the strength of ordinary people, these carapaces are absolutely unbreakable!

"Is this amount too much? I don't think there is anyone in your family who can eat it..." Rong Gui said it was true. Understand.

Ma Fan shook his head and carefully peeled off the last piece of worm meat in his hand. He raised his head and smiled at Rong Gui: "It's for delivery to Star City."

"Agui, aren't you and Xiaomei going to Xingcheng to seek medical treatment? It is not easy to enter Xingcheng. If you enter through normal channels, you will have to pay a large amount of admission fee. You two are so young, you must not be well-off, right? Grandpa Allen just Said to use the opportunity of delivery to bring you two in."

"Huh?" Rong Gui was stunned.

Looking at Ronggui, who looked stupid, for a few seconds, Ma Fan suddenly laughed:

"It's also your good people who have good rewards. Ordinary people can't easily enter Star City. They can only go through the underground passage. That passage is precious and pure slaughter!"

"But our family is different. Grandpa Allen has signed a delivery agreement with several stores in the city. One or two deliveries are fixed every month. Not only do we not have to pay tolls, but we can also make money from Star City."

"Grandpa Allen plans to deliver the goods in advance this month, and send you in by the way."

I see.

What else can Ronggui say

He couldn't say anything, he could only stare at Ma Fan with bright eyes.

His emotions were too warm and frank, Ma Fan originally planned to show off a few words, but seeing him like this, he couldn't say more, so he scratched his head embarrassedly, and Ma Fan continued to work.

A group of people worked hard all day, and in the evening, they finally prepared all the goods that needed to be transported.

All the goods were loaded on Rhubarb's body. Because there were too many things to carry, Xiaomei also temporarily made a small trailer and hung it behind Rhubarb's ass.

The smell of fresh flesh filled the entire carriage. Allen sat in the front row of the car with them. Marfan wanted to follow, but Allen refused on the grounds of "not enough space".

Ronggui and Xiaomei's "escort" task has not yet been completed, but Ma Fan said that he will often go to the woman's house next to see if the other party can be ground by him to agree to accept.

Ronggui felt a little overwhelmed.

In this way, after two short days in the "Chinatown" of another world, Rong Gui and Xiaomei hit the road again.

This time, their target is directly at Star City.