The Sabbath

Chapter 118: Starfish


Even if it is frozen into a popsicle, it is still a human-shaped popsicle. If you look closely, there is still a large piece of meat in the popsicle man's mouth: worm meat similar to the meat that Allen just put in.

Maintaining the posture of biting insect flesh, the poor guy was frozen like this.

Now comes the question, ask: Did this person choke when he was eating, and was suddenly frozen? Still, this person was frozen, bit by bit, and by the time he found out, the contents in his mouth could no longer be spit out or swallowed...

Ronggui: Wait! Now is not the time to think about it!

The person who can answer this question is about to die, so Ronggui quickly gestured towards Alan for the position of rhubarb. He originally wanted to help lift the person, but Alan didn't look very strong but was very strong, so he took it with one hand. The poor guy picked it up, there wasn't enough space in the car, and Alan stayed outside, where Ronggui kept wiping the man's face and body with a towel to promote thawing.

As the thawed area became larger and larger, the person's true appearance finally showed in front of Ronggui: it was a teenager.

The head is big and the body is small, with slender limbs, and it looks like a malnourished.

He had frostbite all over his body, and he didn't know how long he had walked in the ice and snow.

Just as Ronggui was observing each other carefully, below, a pair of dark eyes slowly opened, first confusion, then surprise, the surprise was fleeting, and quickly turned into vigilance.

The first thing he woke up: The boy's mouth squirmed a few times and swallowed the worm stuck in his throat.

Ronggui looked at him vigilantly eating meat, thinking that he really couldn't make a sound with his throat blocked, but after eating, should he say something next

However, after the boy finished eating, his throat returned to calm, and he didn't say a word.

The next second, the car door was opened from the outside, and the cold air blew into the car again, and the boy immediately shrank up.

Alan's body immediately appeared between the gap between the door and the body.

"Next, we're going to Star City." Allen said, pointing to the direction of Star City.

The boy's eyes immediately showed a hint of strong resistance. The next second, he struggled to sit up and jumped out of the car.

The warmth in the car didn't appeal to him at all, but when he heard that the car was heading towards Star City, he immediately got out of the car decisively.

Ronggui was taken aback.

Before he could think more, Allen got back into the car.

Closing the door, he no longer looked out of the car window.

"Huh?" Ronggui looked outside the window at the boy who had been turned into a snowman again by falling snow, and then looked at Alan.

"What? Ah... That's right, I forgot to wear my seat belt." With a smile towards Rong Gui, who had been staring at him, Allen began to rummage for the seat belt.

That's not what I'm talking about - Ronggui was a little crazy, and desperately pointed to the young man outside the window, Ronggui asked, "What about him? Just don't care?"

Allen smiled at him again: "You and Dad are really a bit like, they are both very kind people, no wonder he can talk to you."

Ronggui: = mouth =! ! !

After getting along for a long time, I felt that "Grandpa Allen" was an illusion. Allen was obviously a stalker who knew what people were asking, but turned his back on him!

"It should be someone who escaped from Star City." In the end, Xiaomei pulled the question back, and he directly stated his guess, which was also one of the questions that Ronggui wanted to know the most.

Sure enough, Xiaomei is the best - Rong Gui's bright eyes suddenly moved to Xiaomei's face again.

"It's not supposed to, it's for sure." Quietly glanced at the calm little robot next door, and Allen finally stopped changing the subject.

"He escaped from prison. He ran straight out of the prison without handcuffs or cuffs. He should have been born in a prison and grew up there. Although he was not a criminal, he was about to start serving his sentence at birth." As Lun said that, he adjusted the seat belt on his body again.

He was a wild person who didn't wear a seat belt at first, or Ronggui thought he didn't wear it, and suggested that he wear it according to the law. Then he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he did as the locals did, and put on the seat belt with lace and lace on Rhubarb's body.

"Born in prison..." Rong Gui was stunned.

"Well, although they are not prisoners, they have to do what prisoners should do from birth. Star City is very chaotic. If they have a skill, it's fine. If they don't, they will always live the lowest life. Traffickers sold."

Allen paused: "Star City is very chaotic. Not only can you trade organs, but you can also trade complete bodies."

"No one knows when they are born, and children who can't even get a passport are the best things to sell."

"Is there no one in Sky City who cares about this kind of thing?" Xiaomei suddenly said.

Then Allen showed a sarcastic smile: "Sky City? The richest buyers of these organs and bodies are basically from Sky City."

Xiaomei pursed her lips and never spoke again.

Ronggui couldn't fully understand the deep meaning of these words they said. Although his people were in the car, his attention was completely attracted by the teenagers outside the car. On the road, he was anxious, ready to get off at any time.

Seeing him like this, Allen said to him again: "These children have escaped from prison, and he will definitely not get on a car like us going to Star City."

"What's more, the child who grew up in Star City, for better or for worse, we don't know anything about his character, and we can't take him rashly."

"There have been a lot of news about people who rescued Xingcheng and escaped, but ended up being robbed."

"It's okay to be robbed, and there are examples of being killed."

Alan spoke slowly, Ronggui's mouth opened and opened, but he didn't speak.

"It's enough to have food. He can run here without food. The temperature behind him will be better. With food, his condition is much better than before." Allen said, his eyes fixed on Rong Gui, he speaks with Rong Gui in a negotiated tone. His voice is gentle and has a kind of charming power. People who hear him can't help but think that what he said is very reasonable. Agreed...

However, this person does not include honor.

After thinking for a while calmly, he felt that what Allen said was indeed right, however—

The manipulator was placed on the door handle, and Ronggui pushed open the car door. His movements were too fast. Before Xiaomei could react, he had already got out of the car. He had been a model, and Ronggui undressed very quickly. He took off the down jacket outside, not only the down jacket, but also the things under the jacket, leaving a pair of big pants!

Stuffing all the clothes into the arms of the boy in the snow, and putting the down jacket over his head, Ronggui finally gave the other party a firm look, and then stepped on the big snowflakes and returned to the car.

"Rhubarb, let's drive."

After receiving the master's order, the rhubarb that had been prepared for a long time started steadily.

Looking at the naked little robot with only a pair of big pants, Allen couldn't help but be stunned. After a long time, he asked: "It's really cold outside, even if you have mechanical bodies, if you don't have down jackets, you will frozen."

"It doesn't matter." Rong Gui said sternly.

This is... Would you rather freeze yourself to save someone? Allen couldn't help but be in awe.


In the next second, he saw the black-eyed little robot who had just been righteous and awe-inspiring, quickly pulled Xiaomei's down jacket.

The front chest was attached to the opponent's back, and the two arms were attached to the opponent's two arms respectively, and were stuffed into the same sleeve tube as the opponent's arm... It didn't take long for Alan to find that the little robot next to him had changed a lot:

The two little robots were so close together that they almost became one, and the empty sleeves were stuffed full. The robot next to him looked fat at first glance, but if you looked closely, you would be startled—the other person looked like one. A monster with two heads!

Ronggui put his chin on Xiaomei's shoulder with a happy face, and said, "Ellen, your down jacket is too big, we both wear it, and I thought that one of us is enough. Now that I do it, I find that it is indeed the right idea.”

"It's just right for the two of us to be stuffed in a down jacket~ Does it look a little stronger?"

Rong Gui said, and suddenly flashed his big eyes at Alan.

And Xiaomei... being "possessed" didn't surprise him at all. The blue-eyed little robot was still expressionless.

His eyes slid back and forth on the faces of the two little robots, and Alan couldn't hold back in the end, and laughed with a "poof".

"You two are a perfect match..."

A sincere smile is the easiest to drive people.

Driven by Allen's laughter, Ronggui also smirked for a while, but soon, his face became straight: "Oops! I went to send clothes, and I forgot that the clothes sent out were not only our clothes, but also Ai's clothes. Lun, the clothes you lent us to wear..."

Baba raised his head, and Ronggui looked at Alan pitifully: "Sorry, I sent your down jackets out, this...that...I'll go back and ask Xiaomei to make a new one for you."

Allen waved his hand: "No, it's just extra down jackets. The children in the family love to eat chicken. There are more down jackets for each person, so don't worry."

Ronggui tilted his head, and the chick under the seat didn't dare to move at all, perfectly representing the word "quiet like a chicken"~

Alan is a really good guide.

Not only did he know where to put food under the red lamp post, but he also knew that there was a broken wire under the green lamp post, and he could get electricity from it by simply connecting it with a tool—the kind that was completely free.

Along the way, due to the cold climate, not only rhubarb, but even the two small robots consume more power than usual. Xiaomei has prepared two large-capacity power storage boards in advance, but the power storage boards will be used so early. A little beyond Xiaomei's expectations.

At this time, Alan jumped out to stop them: took them around a little path to find a green lamp post, and after fiddling with it for a while, he pressed a socket up, and then handed the socket to Xiaomei.

Then Xiaomei and Ronggui have free energy usage.

Although I am still a little confused about whether the current behavior is considered "stealing electricity", but... After emptying her mind and feeling the heavy weight of Ronggui on her body, Xiaomei continued to charge her energy quietly.

At Ronggui's request, Allen also took a photo of them as a souvenir.

It was too dark, and Ronggui asked Allen to shine a flashlight on him and Xiaomei.

So, the final effect on the photo is: in the dark world, a villain with slender feet. At first glance, there seems to be no problem, but if you look closely, the villain... has, two, one, and one head!

Double headed monster!

This effect is already a bit terrifying. If you observe more carefully, you will find that the man above is riding on the back of the man below, firmly riding on it, with a scary (?) smile, while the rider looked blankly at the screen...

Mama~ Resentful spirit~

It's really terrifying!

Laughing and crying, Alan handed the photo to Ronggui.

With a beautiful smile on the corners of his mouth, Ronggui showed Xiaomei the photo, and then put the new group photo away like a treasure.

All the tools were charged - Ronggui even charged his camera and they were on their way again.

Ellen knew more than they thought. Not only did he know that the red lamp post was a road sign and the green lamp post could be charged, he also knew a lake that looked like snow but could actually be knocked open.

Originally it should be his secret, but now he has shared this secret with Ronggui Xiaomei.

Tell them where the weak point in this lake can break the ice, he demonstrated it, and without tools, he stretched out his hand, and the neat nails instantly grew into murder weapons, and he used his nails to quickly pierce a string of fish from below. .

"This is a fish that only exists here. I call it a star fish. It's delicious, beautiful, and not squeamish. After being frozen, it immediately fell into the stage of suspended animation. Throw it into the water and it will come alive again."

"The children at home, especially Ma Fan, like this kind of fish very much." Allen said and smiled. When he mentioned "children", especially Ma Fan, Rong Gui realized that this was the case in front of him. The vampire who looks like a young man is actually a grandfather.

"Let's play with each of you, too." After speaking, he also handed two fish to Xiaomei.

In a daze, Xiaomei took the fish: it is really a very beautiful fish, with a transparent body, scattered with star-like light spots, the body of the small fish, which is only the size of a palm, seems to contain the universe.

"Does it look good?" Bowing his head, Allen looked at Ronggui and Xiaomei who were curiously watching the fish.

"... wow... it's so beautiful." After looking carefully for a long time, Rong Gui exclaimed in admiration, raised his head, and saw Alan who was lovingly looking at them. "Thank you, Grandpa Allen."

Then the smile on Ellen's face became even happier: "Just like it."

It seems that suddenly another level has been crossed, and the journey of the next three people is even more enjoyable.