The Sabbath

Chapter 120: Pezer


"The entire Star City is a prison. It is divided into ninety-nine floors above the ground and nine hundred and ninety-nine floors below the ground. The top floor is the staff's office, and all other places are prisoners' rooms." Emerald green Looking straight at the huge black tower-like building in front of him, Allen said in a calm tone.

It seems to be told to Ronggui, and it seems to repeat an objective fact.

"Ninety-nine plus nine hundred and ninety-nine... God!" Ronggui gasped.

He tried to do the math, but... he also tried for about three seconds: this addition is obviously not something he can calculate at once!

" can there be such a big prison..." He could only be amazed: "How many rooms are there on each floor? If there are prisoners in each cell, how many prisoners must there be..."

"It won't be full. According to the current crime rate in the entire tower, there shouldn't be so many prisoners in Star City." It was Xiaomei who answered him.

Where there are people, there are lawbreakers, and in order to punish or "reform" these lawbreakers, there must be prisons.

There were originally many prisons in the tower, and they were sent to prison based on the principle of proximity.

Until the 203rd year of the Chaos Calendar, about a hundred years ago, a department conducted a comprehensive assessment of the prisons in the tower and believed that many prisons in the tower were idle. This idleness was a huge waste of resources, and It is relatively easy for prisoners who were detained before to escape, and the security of the prison is not high. For the residents living around the prison, this is also a considerable security risk...

The half-person-high demonstration materials were handed in, and after nearly ten years of small-scale pilot experiments, finally, in the 213th year of the Chaos Calendar, the tower was completely closed and the original small and medium-sized prisons were rebuilt, leaving only the original large-scale prisons. The prison, followed by the construction of nine new planets, is the later nine star prisons.

The original large-scale prisons were managed by the star wardens of the nine star prisons, and the person who managed the star wardens of the nine star prisons was called the warden.

The existence itself is the supreme law of the nine star prisons, so it is called the warden.


There shouldn't be a warden now.

The man who unifies the nine star prisons and whose purpose is higher than the other star wardens has yet to appear.

He's still just a kid.

Xiaomei thought of the child in the dark.

He should be still in Sky City now. According to Sky City's child protection law, he should have entered a public school and started studying. He is busy with various studies and exams every day, and he can't even touch the lowest level of authority...

And the current nine star prisons are still in the hands of the nine star wardens, and the star warden of Star City...

Someone who happens to be one of the future nine star wardens.

Xiaomei recalled a photo from her memory.

The star warden's uniform is white and straight, the same white wings are folded, the silver-white hair is neatly combed behind the head, and there is a pair of exquisite round glasses on the bridge of the nose. The face is thin and the cheekbones are high, which should be mean. However, because of the smile that always evokes on her thin lips, she looks a lot more friendly.

Pei Ze - this man's name, in Sky City, this name means blue sky, is a very popular name, there was a time when three out of ten newborns were given this name, so "Peze" was became a very popular name.

He has a popular name and a popular appearance, and his grades in school are also not very noticeable. If he has to say something special about him... It is probably because he has a good grasp of the code, and he likes to read law books since he was a child. During his studies, he memorized all the codes backwards, which is why he successfully entered the relevant departments after graduation.

It just didn't occur to him that he would stay in the Star Prison Department in the end, step by step, and finally became one of the nine Star Wardens at a not very prominent, but not too old age.

Of course, the star prison in charge of Pei Ze is not the largest of the nine star prisons, but it is not the smallest either.

Still mediocre and unremarkable.

Basically, in every ending, he successfully retired from the position of Star Warden, promoted several promising young people to the top, and then engaged in code research after retirement, and published several books related to gardening. .

There are nine star wardens + one warden, and six are single. Compared with his coworkers who are full of evil spirits, Pei Ze got married very early. His spouse is the child of the mentor's family, and he gave birth to a daughter after marriage. , On the day his only daughter got married, many people received invitations from Pei Ze.

Of course, he didn't receive the invitation, and Pei Ze was still very self-aware, but a secretary in the secretarial department received the invitation, and at that time, he also publicized the warm scene of the wedding and his colleagues.

An ordinary but happy life—this was the only remark he could give each other.

A person's life passed quickly in Xiaomei's mind. The above description seemed to be long, but it only lasted for a second in his mind. Soon, Xiaomei focused her attention again, he said. Not long after that, Allen spoke again:

"Of course, there are not so many prisoners."

"The underground prison has nine hundred and ninety-nine floors. It sounds scary, but not every floor has many rooms. There are several floors with only one room, which houses the most vicious criminals according to rumors."

Hearing this sentence, Ronggui was stunned again: Under the ground, there is a whole floor, there is only one room, and only one prisoner

However, Allen spoke again soon, interrupting his thoughts of continuing to think.

"There are actually not that many prisoners here, but many prisoners get married in prison, and their children are born in the prison, and some come to Xingcheng for medical treatment, but they give birth to unhealthy children and throw them here..."

"Over time, Star City has become what it is now."

"All kinds of mermaids and dragons live in this city, and it's almost full."

"Although it looks like a building from the outside, it's very big inside and has complete facilities. It's already a big city." After Alan finished saying this, he lowered the window and said something outside.

Only then did Ronggui realize that they were about to enter the building.

Unlike ordinary buildings, the entrance to the building here is so wide that people don't even have to get off the car when they come in!

Allen handed out two more packs of worm meat, and the jailer let them pass.

Ronggui noticed that the other party handed Alan a round card while taking the meat.

Noticing Ronggui's curious eyes, Allen handed the round card to Ronggui: "This is the elevator card, it will be changed every day and every hour, every time I come here, I must pick up the card of the day here, and at the designated time Come back inside, or you won't be able to get out."

While listening to Allen's words, Ronggui looked curiously at the elevator card with a round button in his hand. He not only looked at it himself, but also asked Xiaomei to look at it together.


Well, since he is now sharing a down jacket close to Xiaomei's back~ In fact, when he looks at it, Xiaomei has to look too.

Alan smiled and looked at the two little robots, one behind the other, Ronggui's current posture was like holding Xiaomei in his arms.

From the perspective of bystanders, the postures of these two people are strange and abnormal, but as the parties, Xiaomei and Ronggui are the same as nothing else.

Ronggui carefully looked at the elevator card in his hand. This button-shaped elevator card is really old. The original color of the outer casing has been completely worn away, and there are still many scratches on it. Ronggui looked at it a little bit. I'm worried, it's so old, what if it breaks down

Also, for some reason, he always felt that this keychain was a little familiar.

In a low voice, he unknowingly poured out what was in his mind to Xiaomei.

"It's not broken, there should be an alarm in the elevator for help, it's familiar..." Xiaomei paused for a moment, then suddenly took Rong Gui's hand and touched her chest. The next second, he quickly opened the zipper on the front of the down jacket, and unfastened four times in a row. Layers of buckles and ties (← Ronggui wore too much for him =-=), finally touched his chest, pressed it lightly, the storage compartment immediately popped out, and Xiaomei picked out a key from it.

Closing the storage compartment, buttoning the button, re-tying the lace, and finally pulling the zipper to her chin, Xiaomei did all this well, then picked up the key again, and handed it to Ronggui.

"It's the key given by Mrs. Zora." Ronggui recognized the source of the key at a glance.

The two of them currently have a total of three keys, one is the door lock key of the hut belonging to Messertal and Xiaomei. This rusted key is called "the key of Xiaomeizu's house" by Ronggui, and the other two are It was the key that Mrs. Zora gave them.

Although she owns a lot of keys, Mrs. Zola obviously did not neglect the maintenance of the keys. Every key was polished to a bright spot, and some keys had key chains on them, such as the one that Xiaomei just handed to him.

Like the key, the keychain is also set with gems, the same topaz as the key, just like a button, with rounded facets, it looks low-key but beautiful, like a button...

and many more!

Ronggui suddenly held the keychain in front of the two of them, looked at it carefully for a long time, and compared it with the round elevator card. Then he was surprised: "This is not a keychain! This is an elevator card!"

Xiaomei nodded.

Allen has been watching the loving interaction between the two little robots. At first, he just smiled, but after seeing them take out such a set of keys, he was a little surprised: "You guys, there are elevator cards here. and the key?"

Turning her head to him, Xiaomei nodded again.

Ronggui quickly explained: "We both didn't know it was an elevator card at first, we thought it was a key, and the one below was a decorative keychain."

"This is the key that Mrs. Zora gave us. Knowing that we were going out to see the doctor, she happened to have a house in Paroscen and Star City, so she lent us the key to the house."

Allen nodded and smiled slightly: "This is really amazing."

"The house here is very difficult to get. If you are not serving a prison sentence and want to get a house here, you don't have special rights, you have to be very rich. I haven't been to Parosson, but the city's The points are high and it should cost more money to go there and buy a house.”

Ronggui laughed twice: Allen is right, Mrs. Zola is indeed very rich, isn't her old man really a local tyrant

I disliked that the original elevator card in Star City was too shabby and old-fashioned, so I tossed out a topaz and put it on to make a keychain. Mrs. Zorah is really a tasteful rich man~

Thinking of Mrs. Zora, Ronggui's heart was warm again.

"It would be better if you have a place to stay here. I originally wanted you two to squeeze in the room of the prisoner I know. After all, if there is no place to rest here, it is still very dangerous." Ai Ren nodded again.

"If it's already a property in my name, the elevator card should work forever, so you don't have to rush there. I'll take you there when the goods are delivered, but before that—" Allen said, pointing forward: "You guys Will you accompany me to the delivery first?"

Looking ahead along his fingers, Ronggui saw a metal wall, and when he looked closely, he saw that there was a gap in the wall. As they approached, the gap gradually expanded, and then he realized that there was a huge elevator door.

Da Huang slowly drove into the elevator. After Allen swiped the elevator card, the elevator door gradually closed.

The elevator descended very smoothly, and Ronggui didn't feel at all. Unlike other elevators, the elevator here did not show the floor at all. In a closed space, a completely unfamiliar prison city, Ronggui suddenly became more and more nervous.

Staring closely at the elevator door in front, he realized that when the door opened again, he would really see what Star City looked like.