The Sabbath

Chapter 121: 99 & 999


Ronggui stared at the door nervously. As the door gradually opened, Ronggui's head moved forward more and more, and finally it was completely on the left side of Xiaomei's neck, parallel to Xiaomei's head.

Xiaomei didn't say anything about him. On the contrary, her big blue eyes were also staring at the tattered elevator door ahead, and he was also waiting for the moment the door opened.

Head to head, the two little robots looked very seriously.

Seeing Ronggui and Xiaomei like this, Alan's mouth overflowed with a smile again, and he put his left hand into a fist and smiled vaguely. When the elevator door opened, he said cheerfully to the two little robots: "Welcome The ninety-ninth floor of hell."

"Hey? Hell?" Rong Gui just wanted to say something, but halfway through the words, he couldn't care about anything, his big black eyes reflected all kinds of neon lights flashing outside the door, and his mouth opened, he was stunned:

It was completely different from the interior of the Star Prison that he had imagined in his mind. In front of him was a very lively neighborhood!

There are stalls everywhere on both sides of the road, most of them are ordinary street stalls, but there are also high-end stalls with carts. Everyone decorates their stalls with various colors. In order to make the stalls look more eye-catching, they also use different The small light bulbs of various colors put together a strange pattern. Although many of the exaggerated patterns are not known to Ronggui, Ronggui thinks that they are very creative! Simply full of art!

Look at the small vendors who set up their stalls...

Oh my god! cooler —

There were a total of two vendors at the stall closest to the elevator door. Both were tall and thin, with long hair and full of small braids! And it’s not an ordinary weave, only a lot of colored silk threads are mixed in the middle. The faces of the two are very thin, the facial features are very deep, the eye sockets are also painted with heavy smoky makeup, there are a lot of nose rings and lip rings, and one of the two is shirtless. Wearing a black leather vest to reveal the large and fine tattoos on the chest, one wears a tight black racer vest with unusually prominent abdominal muscles, coupled with heavy-textured trousers and large scalp boots...

wow! Simply dark punk! It's good to see the kind that can go to the street at any time!

"He's so handsome—" The previous question had been completely forgotten, Rong Gui stared at the two street vendors closely, and his eyes almost showed caution!

Xiaomei glanced at the small vendor that Ronggui was staring at... She glanced at the goods on the stall and said slowly, "Do you want to buy vegetables?"

At first, he didn't realize why Xiaomei asked this, but when he looked down along Xiaomei's line of sight, he saw the things on the booth of two cool punks—

Three long strips of melons, a handful of mushroom-like vegetables, and a few small tomato-like things next to them…


It turned out that these two were selling vegetables.

It really doesn't match their outfits!

However, in this way, the visual impact caused by the appearance of so many "fashionable people" to Ronggui is invisibly much smaller.

The dark punk style seems to be the mainstream dress here. Everyone is basically dressed in black. All kinds of rivet elements are skillfully used on their clothes. They also wear a lot of rings on their bodies.

Then, with such a very accented look... sell vegetables.


Looking closely, Ronggui realized that hidden under the colorful neon lights, almost covered by the flickering lights, were the serious goods on the stall - all kinds of dishes.

There are not many varieties, they are basically a little stunted, and some are still black, although they are also very punk and rock, but looking at the color, it always makes people doubt whether it can be eaten...

"The people here... love food so much..." Ronggui couldn't help muttering after sitting on Rhubarb and visiting several stalls.

Allen laughed again: "I don't like to eat vegetables, I only eat vegetables. Here, everyone can grow vegetables with land and lights, but there is no way to raise meat-producing livestock, so they can only sell vegetables."

"Huh? Then..." Isn't the goods you brought here very popular, Ellen

Rong Gui thought, and he watched Allen lowered the car window on his own side.

The outside suddenly boiled on a small scale.

"Alan! This is your new car? Are you here for delivery?" At that time, a bearded punk who was haggling with customers rushed over from the next door and stood in front of the car window on Alan's side. he asked aloud.

"Well, yes." Allen smiled and said to him.

"Oh oh oh! It's great! Come and buy my food, all of which are 20% off! I'm going to eat meat tonight!" The bearded man jumped up immediately.

When he jumped up, the metal chain with the skull pattern on his body vividly remembered, and the tattoo on his body seemed to be alive.

Ronggui was stunned.

Alan is clearly familiar with the hawkers around here.

When they were sitting in the car and watching the people outside through the window, Ronggui only felt that the vendors outside were extremely cold. They couldn't see anything on the curtains and film glass, but they would still be a little frightened by those eyes.

However, when Ellen showed up, everything changed.

Ronggui just watched Alan and waved to the outside again, and then rolled up the window again.

The streets that had been lively for a short period of time also returned to calm again, the vendors continued to do business, and they continued to move forward.

"When people outside mention this place, they usually use the star prison as a unified name. However, for the people who actually live here, the star prison refers to the part on the ground, and the part underground..."

Alan smiled,

"It's called hell."

A light from outside flashed in Ronggui's black eyes, first a red light, then a blue one.

He pursed his lips lightly, and said after a while, "Those people just now... seem to have a good time... In short, it's not the same as I imagined."

Allen nodded again: "Well, they are a group of people who can enjoy themselves, but you still have to be careful, people who can set up stalls over there are actually not easy."

Seeing Ronggui nod, he continued: "My family's worm meat generally supplies four stores, all of which are in hell, the lowest one is on the 123rd floor underground, and the highest one is on the 32nd floor underground, but The one I came here today is on the ninety-ninth floor."

"It's a bar."

Allen pointed the way while talking, Rong Gui was too late to listen to him, and he didn't even bother to look out for a while, but Xiaomei—

His eyes kept falling outside, on both sides of the "street":

At first glance, it is the same as the commercial streets in other cities outside, and there is no difference.

But if you look a little closer, you will find that there is a "roof" here, not in an open space, but in a large room with a roof.

If you look more closely, you can find that all the stalls have dense iron fences behind them, and there are numbers in almost the same positions.

There should be a prison cell.

Under the punk-style dress that Ronggui thought was "cool", Xiaomei saw the number code representing the prisoner's number under the tattoo, and...

No matter how unique the decoration is, it still can't hide the fact that it is a "punk bracelet" that is actually a handcuff.

Just wireless handcuffs.

And all kinds of black dresses... In fact, it's just because the color of prisoners' uniforms must be black.

These details are concealed by colorful decorations.

And they are driving a little deeper now, and there are fewer vendors along the way, but the cells on both sides of the "road" look even less conspicuous: people graffiti with various colors of paint on it, and exaggerated patterns make the cells better modified up.

These performances deceived honor and honor, but they couldn't scare Xiaomei.

All these decorations have been removed from her mind, and Xiaomei's eyes have a picture of Rhubarb driving in the corridor of an all-metal prison.

Yes, the corridor, the place where they are driving now is not a "street", but the corridor of the prison.

Xiaomei thought quietly.

Then he heard Allen suddenly interrupt the chat with Ronggui, and pointed to a red door on the right, Allen said, "It's here."

Ronggui hurriedly ordered Da Huang to stop. After the car stopped, Allen unfastened his seat belt, opened the door, and jumped out of the car nimbly.

He knocked on the door, and there seemed to be someone inside. Alan seemed to have said a few words to the people inside. When he came back, he had an extra key in his hand.

Alan didn't get in the car, but pointed to a place in front of him on the same side as the red door, and motioned for Ronggui to drive over, and he walked in that direction in advance. Ronggui looked at the key in his hand there Open a door.

Seeing that three cars had been parked inside, Ronggui realized: oh oh oh! There's actually a parking lot here!

Rhubarb parked steadily in the parking lot.

Signaling Xiaomei to open the trunk of Rhubarb, Allen began to unload the cargo.

Ronggui quickly pulled Xiaomei to help him.

Uncle Wang's family had arranged the goods very neatly and was very easy to move. It didn't take long for three people to unload all the goods.

At this time, someone happened to come in through the door in the garage. After saying hello to Alan, he glanced at Ronggui and Xiaomei.

Xiaomei was still wearing that unusually large down jacket, which was the same style as Alan's at first glance. The two were taller and lower, and they looked a bit like parent-child outfits, while Ronggui was wearing the original ethnic cloak.

The temperature here is not very low, so Ronggui "unloaded" himself from Xiaomei's back.

"Your son?" Rong Gui and Xiaomei's robot appearance is very obvious, this person is obviously a little joking when he asks this.

However, Allen did not refute, with a smile on his face, he said: "It's not a son, it's a grandson, a great grandson."

The person who was joking at first looked frightened.

"Really?" The pen in the man's hand was frightened.

Ellen didn't answer, just smiled ambiguous.

Ronggui noticed the subtle changes in his smile: Unlike the hearty smile in front of himself and his family, Alan's smile in front of outsiders was obviously a little more... a bit indescribable.

When he was in the garage, he couldn't find the right adjective, but after they entered the bar, Ronggui immediately understood what the extra thing in Aaron's smile was.

"As usual, I'm here waiting for someone to move the goods. You can go to the manager to settle the bill. You can have a drink by the way and put it on the manager's account." After counting the goods, the man said to Alan.

Nodding, Alan then took Ronggui and Xiaomei in through the side door and walked through a corridor filled with messy goods. Their ears were quickly filled with deafening music.

It was dark, all kinds of laser lights on the roof were flickering, and countless men and women were twisting their bodies, or dancing, or drinking, a scene of a group of demons dancing wildly.

Not as tall as the waist height of everyone in the room, Rong Gui and Xiaomei were quickly drowned in the crowd.

Just when he was a little frightened and wanted to grab Xiaomei, his body lightened, and the next second, he found himself being picked up by Allen.

Ronggui was carried and sat on the high chair in front of the bar, and not long after, Xiaomei was picked up and sat beside him.

Xiaomei was picked up with no expression on her face. Looking at Xiaomei's "=-=" appearance, Ronggui suddenly felt a little funny, and looked at Xiaomei with a smile, he suddenly felt not as cramped as before.

Alan then sat on the other side of him.

"Give me a glass of white wine, give these two..." Allen thought for a while: "Give each of them a socket, they need to be recharged."

The bartender smiled, and immediately brought the wine and the socket that Allen wanted, handed the socket to Ronggui, and Allen took a sip of wine.

Obviously, Aaron is also a figure that many people know here, and it didn't take long for many people to come over to say hello to him.

Surrounded by men and women in the center, Allen's face once again showed the kind of smile that Ronggui could not describe before.

But with the scene at this moment, he finally knew how to describe the current Alan:

What a wind, flow, wave, son~

So you are such a grandpa Allen!

As if there was a feeling of suddenly breaking the other side of the serious parent, Rong Gui's mouth was rounded.

But Allen is Allen. Even though so many people rushed to chat with him, he still did not forget Ronggui and Xiaomei on the side.

While carefully blocking the surrounding people so as not to crush the two inconspicuous little robots, he plugged them in himself.

In the next time, Ronggui watched how Allen responded to the people around him, watched him chat with the people around him one by one, and sent them away with a smile on his face, and finally met a graceful person. The graceful black widow-shaped beauty negotiated the price of the shipment just now.

Only then did Ronggui realize that this "Black Widow" should be the manager of this bar.

"This is the great-grandson." To each other, Alan still introduced Ronggui and Xiaomei like this.

Ronggui heard that Alan quickly negotiated the delivery date of the next batch of goods with the other party. Under the reluctant eyes of the beautiful woman, Alan drank the last sip of wine, waved his hand, and brought Ronggui and Xiaomei went out through the back door.

"Scared?" Sitting back on Rhubarb again, watching the black-eyed little robot suddenly blinking at him, Alan laughed again.

This time, the smile on his face was no longer a prodigal smile, but a paternal gentle smile.

"The world of adults is more complicated. You will know when you grow up." Touching the smooth bald head of the little robot, Alan quickly fastened his seat belt: "Come on, before the validity period of the elevator card expires, I will hurry up. Take you both to your place."

Having completely memorized all the paths he had traveled before, Rhubarb quickly returned to the elevator where they came.

"Swipe the elevator card here, yes, it's here." After entering the elevator, Allen began to instruct Ronggui how to swipe the elevator card: "The elevator here does not display the floor, and the floor will not appear on the elevator card. , If you want to know which floor you went to, you probably only know when you get out of the elevator door, and usually there will be a mark next to the elevator door."

"The floor we went out just now also has it, but it was painted with paint by the people on that floor, and it doesn't look very obvious." Allen added.

"Come on, let's see which floor the generous lady provided you with." Seeing Ronggui finish swiping his card with a smile on his lips, Alan said, "That lady looks very With economic strength, it might be a room on the Star Prison."

Star Prison—specifically refers to the room above the ground of Star City Prison. After Allen's explanation, Ronggui already knew this.

"I haven't been to the floor of Star Prison yet~" Allen said.

Listening to Allen's words, Ronggui also had some expectations in his heart.

After all, it is about his future residence, and he is also curious about where he and Xiaomei will live in the future.

Although... they all live in prisons, how could the prisons on the ground be better? At least there are windows!

Full of expectations, Ronggui stared at the elevator door.

The performance of the elevator is very good. When you sit in the elevator, you can't feel the up and down movement direction of the elevator at all.

There is no floor number prompt.

Therefore, Ronggui really does not know whether he is in the sky or in the ground.

He only knew that a long time had passed, and after a long time, the elevator door suddenly cracked a small gap.

Only then did Ronggui realize that the elevator had stopped, and they finally reached the floor of Mrs. Zora's house.

Completely different from the ninety-ninth floor where we stopped before, outside the elevator...

total darkness.

Ronggui remembered the fearful feeling of being deeply shocked by the dark haunted house when he first saw Mrs. Zora before.

Uh... Mrs. Zola... was born to love this bite

Trembling, Ronggui grabbed Xiaomei's arm.

And Xiaomei...

A flashlight emerges from under his wrist.

With a bang, Xiaomei turned on the flashlight.

Aim the light of the flashlight at the location where the floor will be marked as Ellen said earlier.


A line of figures that made the scalp tingle when they saw it appeared in front of the three of them!

Oh my god! Mrs. Zola's mansion is not only not in the star prison, but on the contrary, is it at the bottom of the hell

Ronggui's mouth suddenly opened wide.