The Sabbath

Chapter 123: Exploding Whispering Grass and Trailing


Ellen didn't sit on the couch for long.

Even though this room was completely different from the one he imagined at the bottom of hell, he still clearly remembered that it was a prison.

Raising the elevator card in Yang's hand, Allen said, "It's getting late, I should leave too."

Ronggui quickly got up, and together with Xiaomei, they sent Allen back to the elevator door. Ronggui originally wanted to send Allen up, but Allen refused.

"This is Star City. I am more familiar with it than you are. You should rectify it here."

Allen paused,

"My next delivery is seven days later, and it's still today. It's also at the bar I went to today on the 99th floor. If you have other things you need to inquire about, you can also consult with the bar manager."

"Is that the lady in a black dress with a good figure and a very beautiful figure?" Rong Gui asked him to confirm it once.

Allen paused for another moment, then smiled for a while: "That's right, it's her, her name is Gigi."

Ronggui nodded, memorized the name carefully, and then reluctantly watched Allen walk into the elevator, swiped the elevator card, and after the elevator door was quickly closed, what remained in place was the platinum metal frame all up, down, left and right. Two little robots in a cast cage.

"It's a bit bare~" Rong Gui commented after looking around.

Xiaomei nodded slightly.

He Ronggui came all the way. The place where the two lived had never been so bare. Even if it was dilapidated at the beginning, under the command of Ronggui, the place would definitely be full of things and it would be very lively.

"Let's go back and pack up?" Ronggui suggested.

Xiaomei nodded, and the two walked back to the direction of the black carved door, side by side, uh, there, they saw the pitiful rhubarb blocking the door.

Compared to the gate, he was still a bit big, and Da Huang couldn't get in.

Ronggui patted Da Huang's butt: "Da Huang, you are too big~ Mrs. Zola's door is not that big, so I can only aggrieve you outside."

"But I won't be wronged for a long time. Xiaomei and I immediately start cleaning up. After cleaning up, the outside will be very beautiful~"

The tone at the end also had a suspicious little vibrato. Xiaomei squinted at him and patted the trunk behind Big Yellow's butt. Xiaomei didn't speak, but started to carry luggage from inside.

He didn't ask Allen how to leave Star City without a car, because he knew that Allen must have a way, just as Allen only left the date and contact information for the next time he came, but didn't tell them how to get past nine The same as the nineteenth floor, because Alan believes they will find a way on their own.

It's a bit strange to say that, although people who have known each other for a while, have such a certainty between each other, it is also... a novel experience.

Xiaomei thought while removing the flowerpot with the ground beans and purple flowers.

He was a little surprised that he had a strange sense of certainty with a stranger in his heart, and his eyes moved to Ronggui, who was also moving flower pots, he thought, but Ronggui seemed to have this sense of certainty from the beginning.

Unlike himself, he has a more natural sense of trust in others, and he has no worries in his heart. He has no panic about being at the bottom of hell, just focusing on the things in his hands.

Worry and fear are meaningless. Instead of wasting precious time on such useless emotions, it is better to do the things in front of you. Xiaomei suddenly thought of a sentence that can describe what Ronggui is doing right now.


"Oh! Xiaomei, how is Mr. Allen going to get back? I just thought that he came here in our family's rhubarb. Now that rhubarb is here, how is he going to get out?" Carrying the big flowerpot full of purple flowers, Rong said. Gui suddenly looked worried.

Xiaomei: =-=

So, it's not that I have a consonance and believe in it, but I haven't had time to think of it at all


Yes, such honor is honor.

"Don't worry about him, if he can go out from here once, he will definitely be able to go out the second time." Put the flower pot in his hand under the metal wall on the left side, and fiddle with the metal hand between the flowers, so that the flowers that were originally entangled due to the crowded The flowers, branches and leaves together spread out again, and Xiaomei said to Rong Gui with her body on her back.

"Huh? Twice? Did Grandpa Allen escape from here before?" The flowerpot in Ronggui's hand almost fell, so he was standing beside Xiaomei. When she fell, Xiaomei hurriedly took the flower pot and put it on the opposite side of the flower pot she just placed...

These two pots are purple flowers and should be placed symmetrically - over time, under the training of Ronggui, Xiaomei also has her own placement aesthetics, and his current aesthetics must be symmetrical.


"The fugitives under the red lamppost, the food placed there at a fixed time, the vaguely complex emotions, the familiarity with the path along the way, no strangeness to the Astral Prison, but there is a vague sense of resistance... Eighty-nine percent of Possibly, he escaped from Star Prison, and there is a 92% chance that he was rescued by Mr. Tom Wang during the escape."

Said expressionlessly, Xiaomei looked left and right at the two pots of purple flowers placed symmetrically on both sides of the corridor. These two pots of flowers were originally trimmed into perfectly symmetrical branches by him. They have been putting them in the back of the car for this period of time, and there is no time to adjust them every day. The reason is that the growing environment is a little different, and they have become different again. She took out the small scissors that she carried with her, and with a "click", Xiaomei shortened the overly long branches of the potted flower on the right.

Ronggui is thoughtful.

"However, in this way, there are still logical contradictions in the time. According to Mr. Allen's ranking at home, he should meet Mr. Wang Tom at the earliest. If so, he should not be rescued by Mr. Wang Tom outside the star prison. There should be other things happening in the middle, the conditions are insufficient, and there is no way to speculate." After slightly adjusting the two pots, after confirming that the two pots looked symmetrical again, Xiaomei finally began to put other flower pots.

Although I am a little speechless about Xiaomei's current aesthetic mood, it is a personal hobby after all, and it is a good thing for Xiaomei to have a little preference, so Ronggui did not stop him. .

However, when Xiaomei pruned the flower branches too much in pursuit of balance, he would still jump out to stop it.

After listening to Xiaomei's words, Ronggui nodded: "I just said that Grandpa Allen felt weird at the time, so that's what happened..."

"Uncle Wang is really a good man." He sighed again.

"But ranking is nothing. Uncle Wang can pick up other sons first, and then pick up Grandpa Allen in the end~" Ronggui shrugged.

Xiaomei squinted at him: "How come? This is illogical."

"There's nothing illogical~ They are all picked up children, and everyone doesn't know their date of birth. In this case, either rank according to the chronological order they were picked up, or fight, we That's what they do over there~"

Rong Gui took the orphanage he grew up in as an example: "It's like I'm the second child, but I'm actually the fourth child in that group to be thrown at the door."

"But I don't like to be the younger brother, I like to be the boss, so when we grow up, we decide to rank by fighting."

"Then… "

"I went from the fourth to the second."

"I can't beat Rongfu."

Honor: =-=,,

"It's so sad, it's better to be the fourth child, the fourth child sounds better than the second child and the third child..."

"By the way, do you know what the second child and the third child meant at our time?"

"The second child is here!" Rong Gui shyly pointed to the position under the cloak and the bottom of the trousers, and then a look of melancholy appeared on his face: "Of course, now this body, even the second child is gone..."

"Then what about Xiaosan... It refers to the third party, the third party who destroys the world of two, mistress, lover, it's not a good word anyway!"

Rumbling, Ronggui is forcing the common sense of his own era to Xiaomei again.

Xiaomei: …

Xiaomei had nothing to say and could only bow her head to work.

Move the things out of the car one by one, the flower pots are placed on both sides of the corridor, the stone tables and wooden chairs are placed in the corners, and the ground is covered with carpets! There are rugs that he wove, like a dog gnawed, there are handmade rugs with intricate patterns woven by dwarves such as Mary, a rug that looks like a machine made by Xiaomei, and a warm rug woven by Mrs. Zora with a very rustic style. …

Various styles of rugs were placed together one after another, covering the bare ground, and the originally cold platinum-gold metal space immediately became warm.

Docked at the end of this flowery carpet, Rhubarb doesn't look so lonely anymore.

Take out all the belongings that have been accumulated along the way, put what can fit outside, move into the house if you can't, and finally lift the bodies of the two people in, the two little robots are very busy!

Ronggui didn't think much about Alan's past, because he felt that he only needed to know him now.

He also didn't think about how to meet Alan on the 99th floor, because he knew that as long as he was with Xiaomei, the two of them would definitely be able to think of a way.

After packing up his belongings, he began to pull Xiaomei to clean the room again.

A lot of dust has accumulated in the room. Although the robot is not afraid of dust, the home should be clean.

The old dean always said so.

Born in an orphanage, Ronggui cares more about the feeling of "home" than anyone else.

Even if he can only live for a short period of time, he still hopes that the place where he lives during the time he has stayed will be his "home" during that time.

Use a vacuum cleaner (made by ← Xiaomei) to clean all the dust in the house. Ronggui did not throw away the dust in the vacuum tank.

He took a closer look at the dust: with a metallic sheen of platinum gold, the dust was very beautiful.

Ronggui carefully dumped the soil into an empty flowerpot, and then, holding the flowerpot, he found Xiaomei who was changing the sofa cover on the sofa, and handed the flowerpot to Xiaomei: "Xiaomei Xiaomei, use this to grow flowers! "

"Where did you get the soil?" Putting down the half-covered sofa cover in his hand, Xiaomei took the flower pot and looked up when he saw the strangely colored dust inside.

"The vacuum cleaner sucked it!" Rong Gui said of course.

Xiaomei: …

"Don't plant anything, I need to test the ingredients inside."

"No problem! It's Xiaomei who did the flower testing anyway!" With a natural smile again, Ronggui patted Xiaomei on the shoulder affectionately, and then left in a hurry.

Xiaomei: =-=

Putting the pots aside, he decided to come one by one.

It's his job anyway.


Ronggui ran into the bathroom, sucked the carpet, and then went to scrub the bathroom.

Although the two robots do not use the bathroom, Ronggui still hopes that every corner of the "home" is clean.

Wipe the floor first, and then wipe the bathtub, through cleaning very carefully.

When he was cleaning the drain of the bathtub, he suddenly felt that there was something in it.

It's not long hair, is it

Also, Mrs. Zora has long hair.

Leaning down, Ronggui stretched his rubber-gloved hand towards the drain.

The scupper was so small that he could only put three fingers in it at most.

Ronggui was mentally prepared to catch a bunch of terrifying long hair, so when he saw what he had caught, he couldn't help but startled.

"My God!" Rong Gui really jumped up.

Carefully holding what he grabbed in his palm, he called Xiaomei's name and rushed back to Xiaomei again.

It is normal for Ronggui to come out like this from time to time, Xiaomei calmly raised her head from the composition analyzer.

Then, he saw Xiaomei, the palm of Rong Gui...

A cyan... looks a little undernourished... seedling

"It's the seedling of Whispering Grass! I found it in the drain of the bathroom, let's plant it!" Ronggui said loudly.

Xiaomei... Just look at him, after watching for a long time, he turned his eyes to the young crops: "Grow it, the soil you just brought has just been tested, and the ingredients are safe and ready to use."

While the two little robots were busy planting Whispering Grass, Alan had successfully returned to the ground.

The elevator card in his hand can be used twice within the specified time. The first time it can be used to go to the designated floor, and the second time it can be used to return to the first floor. If it exceeds the time, he will be trapped in the same place and cannot be anywhere. Go to.

Returning the elevator card to the jailer at the door, he left quickly.

No one asked him where the car was. People here often come in in one way and leave in a completely different way. After seeing a lot of situations, the jailers have long been accustomed to not asking much.

It's snowing again outside.

Wrapping his white down jacket tightly, he jumped into the heavy snow, and Allen quickly merged with the snowflake.

Completely different from the speed that Rong Gui usually sees, Alan's movements are so fast.

As vampires, they are far faster than normal people.

Provided they can reach adulthood.

When he was young, he walked for a long time and could not walk, but now he has finished it very quickly.

He didn't feel cold, and the down jacket on him was very warm.

Putting his hand in the pocket of his down jacket, Alan walked between the wind and the snow. He quickly passed the lake where Ronggui was catching the starfish, passed several other lamp posts, and then returned to the red lamp post. under.

Under the red lamp post, he paused for a moment, went to the base of the lamp post to have a look, and when he found that the child was no longer there, he smiled, and then continued to move forward quickly.

After walking like this for a while, he suddenly stopped.

Ahead, a short figure in a down jacket was struggling to move forward in the snow.

The snow was so heavy and his body was so thin, he looked like he was going to be blown away at any moment.

But even so, he continued to move forward.

Glancing at the boy quietly, Allen slowed down.

From a distance, keeping a distance that would not be noticed, he followed behind the boy.