The Sabbath

Chapter 18: ready to leave


"The electricity here is running out." The next day, when the two little robots were giving Ronggui's body a routine massage, Xiaomei suddenly said.

"Ah, so that's the reason, I said why you suddenly want to leave~" Ronggui gently combed his not-so-long hair with a comb, but he quickly thought: " Hey? I just thought of a question, Xiaomei, your clan has left, why is there still electricity here?"

Didn't figure this out until now

Looking at her yellow-headed robot, Xiaomei paused for a moment, and then said: "The general energy transmitted in the charger is purchased from the energy supplier, originally this month, the energy fee for the next year should be paid for the whole year. , but everyone else has left, no one has paid the bills, and the previously purchased electricity has been used up, so there is no new energy to use.”

"Oh, it turns out that the electricity bill is in arrears." Nodding, Ronggui understood in seconds.

Xiaomei: …

"Then how long will the remaining power be used now?" Ronggui suddenly became worried: "Our freezer needs to be charged every day. What if the power is cut off? My skin is easy to plump up a bit. Won't you turn into a mummy again?"

Xiaomei glanced at him: "Compared to the body in the freezer, shouldn't you be more worried about the body you are using now? After all, your current body is truly powered by energy."

Hearing what Xiaomei said, Ronggui's head lifted up at that time. If he could have an expression on the face of the robot now, it must be a very frightened expression.

How to do? I never thought about this question! This problem is so serious - needless to say, Xiaomei feels that she can already interpret the thoughts of his inner world now.

Sure enough, the next second—

"What should I do? I've never thought about this problem! It's a serious problem!" Rong Gui read out all the lines Xiaomei interpreted except for a string of auxiliary words.

Xiaomei continued to pinch with a clear understanding.

Compared with Ronggui, who is just starting to get crazy now, he is extremely calm.

"Wait - so the way we came here a while ago was always dangerous? Maybe I'll run out of electricity on the way! I still carried the freezer and stopped suddenly!"

"Wait a minute—it's not the scariest thing yet, my God! Xiaomei, I just thought: What if we both lose power at the same time? God, God, God!"

Ronggui's entire robot jumped up excitedly.

Until he began to feel a little dizzy: "What's the matter? I suddenly feel a little dizzy, Xiaomei, am I out of power? Strange, it was clearly enough for eight hours yesterday..."

"Xiaomei, I can't do it anymore, put me in the socket... ah... remember to put me in a better pose..."

Seeing that Ronggui was about to shut down automatically, Xiaomei raised her head:

"Don't worry, first of all, you have two energy storage areas in your body. After the first energy storage area runs out of electricity, if it is not charged for a certain period of time, the second energy storage area will automatically start supplying energy.

Secondly, now that you have electricity, your body has the function of automatically displaying the remaining battery power, have you not noticed it? as well as-"

"You feel dizzy, probably because you were thinking about too many things at the same time. With multi-threading, your brain capacity can't handle it."

"Hey? Is that so?" He quickly stopped the action of shutting down the machine, and Ronggui tried to empty his mind for a while. Sure enough, he was no longer dizzy. He found the place that indicated various physical indicators and looked for a while, and it was easy to see the "remaining energy". : 79%", he finally felt relieved.

When looking for a place to display the remaining energy data, he also accidentally saw the current value of the main brain temperature. It shows that his current temperature in the main brain area is 50 degrees, and the highest temperature in history is 70 degrees. Looking at the time, it is obvious that he felt dizzy just now. At that time.

This thing is really useful~ I thought it was too troublesome to not look at it before!

Rong Gui thought to himself, and planned to look at the other data together. Unexpectedly, he just looked at it for two minutes, and the words on it that were clearly recognizable when viewed separately but not when combined together made his head big. , He couldn't understand the various data indicators, and he felt dizzy again when he looked at it. He hurriedly returned to the place where the temperature value of the main brain area was displayed, and the large numbers of 67 degrees above frightened him. Jump!

Ronggui quickly gave up his research and exploration.

My own brain capacity is limited, and it really is not suitable for complex thinking.

"Xiaomei, study how to do it, and call me when you need help!" Ronggui patted Xiaomei on the shoulder very loyally, and Ronggui continued to pick up the small comb to comb his hair.

While combing his hair, his mind began to think again. There are skin care methods, acupoint distribution for head massage, and things that need to be packed away at home…

Huh? Strange, he has a lot of things on his mind at the same time, how come there is no "overheating of the main brain area"

Sure enough, there is a specialization in the art industry

Without thinking too much, Ronggui continued to do his own thing.

However, starting that night, he took the initiative to reduce the charging time by two hours. During this time, he began to organize various items in the house. Although the time was not long, he realized that he had added a lot of things! What to bring and how to bring it are all questions that Ronggui needs to think about.

Because Xiaomei obviously has no time to think about these issues.

Taking Ronggui to dig out a large section of metal pipes from the ground, plus various other metals collected during this period, Xiaomei put everything on the ground and started a big project.