The Sabbath

Chapter 19: rhubarb


Standing next to the flowerpot with the freshly dried color, Ronggui kept dodging to prevent him from touching Xiaomei's things, but he didn't feel that he was in the way. Following Xiaomei, he curiously looked at Xiaomei one by one. take things.

Xiaomei's strength is not great. Whenever she sees that Xiaomei is struggling to carry things, without waiting for the other party to say hello, Ronggui takes the initiative to put the flowerpot down and runs over to help.

Xiaomei did not refuse his help.

"What is this going to do? It looks like a big deal~" Ronggui stood aside and looked generously.

"The car."

"What!!!!!! A car? It's a car! Xiaomei, you want to build a car? Oh my god! I mean... You can actually build a car!!" Rong Gui was taken aback.

Xiaomei raised her head: "If we don't take the car, are we going to walk out of here?"

Ronggui was stunned.

Well... he always thought that the two of them were going to leave here by walking...

"Didn't you make the back basket... I thought... I thought the two of us were going to walk out of here with the back basket on our backs..." Fortunately, he also made up for the difficult scene of the two little basket-carrying robots walking on the long road. , He was still thinking about building a tent or something. He and Xiaomei's current mechanical bodies are fine in the wind and rain. If they are rusted, they can be polished with sandpaper, but their bodies in the freezer are not good!

But... It's underground, so it shouldn't rain, but what about the lack of protection

"What's the conflict between making a basket and riding a car?" Xiaomei looked at him blankly, he couldn't guess the image of the association in Ronggui's mind anyway.

"No, there is no conflict at all." Waving his hand, Ronggui was happy again.

Thankfully, he still thought so much yesterday. He imagined a lot of things to worry about on long journeys. He didn't expect that it would not be a problem here at Xiaomei. , this kind of progress... I'm a little excited just thinking about it~

For the next time, Ronggui kept spinning around Xiaomei.

"Why are you here? You can't help." After Rong Gui had been staying for a long time, Xiaomei suddenly raised her head and asked him, "If you have time, you can go and sit on the charger."

If someone said that at the beginning, Ronggui would probably be angry, but what kind of friendship does he have with Xiaomei now? ! It is a friendship that can sleep in a freezer together! It is a friendship that can share a charging slot!

So, Ronggui directly filtered out the first half of the sentence and only listened to the second half: Xiaomei wanted me to rest and save electricity~

However, Ronggui does not intend to charge.

"I'm here to accompany you, how lonely is it to work alone?" Fixing himself in a place where it wouldn't get in the way, Ronggui continued to watch Xiaomei work.

However, I'm not lonely, I prefer to be quiet - after a while, Xiaomei didn't say this sentence after all.

It was useless to say, he knew.

"Ah! Xiaomei, what kind of car are you going to build? Sports car? Truck? RV? Ah, you don't know what I'm talking about, do you? Could it be that you want to build a spaceship? Wow!!!! I've never been in a car in my life. Where's the spaceship! Thinking about it makes me so excited!" Even if he squatted beside him, his mouth was not idle, and Ronggui began to scatter his thoughts happily.

Taking Ronggui's voice completely as the background sound, Xiaomei sat silently at work.

Use metal softener to fold the hard metal into a suitable shape, then cut it, and take out a musket from time to time to smelt it. Ronggui is like watching a trick, watching Xiaomei slowly turn the "rags" on the ground into a Another neat shape.

At first he couldn't understand what it was, but with Xiaomei's flexible assembly, a car gradually took shape. First the roof, then the body, and finally the chassis.

When installing the chassis, Ronggui was stunned to find that Xiaomei had installed two... pedals under the only two seats in the car

"This... how does the spaceship now look a bit like the bicycles we used to..." Rong Gui said this in a low voice, for fear that he might offend Xiaomei's masterpiece.

But Xiaomei could still hear it.

After debugging the pedals in her hand, Xiaomei even sat on it and stepped on it for a lap. Then he turned around and said to Rong Gui: "It's a bicycle, as a means of transportation that uses human energy as energy to achieve the purpose of traveling, this is the most basic and easy to obtain. Vehicles."

"I reserved a socket on the seat. When the time comes, I can remove the charger in the house and install it. By constantly stepping on the pedals, energy is generated, and this energy is converted into energy suitable for our current body."

Ronggui was stunned when he heard it.

"Anyway... Xiaomei, you built a very high-end bicycle..." Nodding, Rong Gui said that he basically understood.

Although the spaceship has become a bicycle, this is not an ordinary bicycle~ Not only does it have a roof, but also a door, and there is a place in the back row for the freezer and other luggage~

In this way, there is no need to be afraid of wind and rain, whether it is their freezer or their current mechanical body!

Carefully wandering around the car that Xiaomei had just built, Ronggui loved it more and more, and finally touched the car body.

Without Xiaomei's objection, he used the remaining dye to paint the car a layer of yellow.

"From now on, the name of this car will be Rhubarb!" Ronggui announced happily, carrying the dye bucket.