The Sabbath

Chapter 2: wake up



When dizzy, Ronggui saw a line of words.

It is not entirely correct to say that it is seen, but it cannot be said to be heard, it is more like a dream.

"What did you say?" He opened his mouth, uh... He wanted to open his mouth, but before he could find a place to speak, his "voice" came out.

Well, it wasn't quite right to say "voice", he couldn't hear his own voice at all.

He became more and more certain that he was dreaming.

But before he could figure it out, the next question came again. This time, he understood the other party's question:

"Question: 1+1=?"

"2." Ronggui replied angrily.

"Question: 11+11+11+11+11=?"

"55!" Is this a dream of class? It's still elementary school!

But it is better to dream that taking elementary school courses is better than college. God knows that he never graduated from college. When he was in high school, many courses began to fail...

Ronggui thought.

But before he was lucky for a little longer, another question came:

"Question: 1+11+111+1111+11111+…=?"

Has it become an Olympian? Omg!

Ronggui didn't say a word.

Then the problem became more complicated: one after another complex graphs appeared in front of him, he... He didn't know any of them, the other party "speaking" obviously was Chinese, but he didn't understand a single word.

In the dead silence, the daunting math class finally came to an end, followed by the language class.

All kinds of strange language symbols slid in front of his "eyes", the reason why he could still know whether it was a language symbol or because he saw a few English letters, but some English letters had some other symbols on them, it seemed It's a bit like pinyin, and it's like other languages, he's not sure.

"Question: Is it possible to make the legendary Manchu-Han Banquet?" The other party changed direction again.


"Question: Is it possible to make the legendary Manchu-Han dinner?" Since Ronggui did not give an answer, the other party "asked" again.

"No." I'm not a cook!

"Question: Is it possible to make scrambled eggs with tomato, an entry-level dish?"


While answering, Ronggui thought: This question is getting more and more strange, right

Next, there are various questions. It is a pity that the other party's question Ronggui basically could not give a positive answer. In the end, the other party asked the last question:

"Question: What do you think you have mastered? Or, what do you think your only strength is?"

Ronggui didn't hesitate this time, very hearty, he gave the answer: "Hahaha! Of course my biggest advantage is that I look good!"

"Good figure, good face, good-looking from any angle!"

As soon as the answer came out, the voice never sounded again.

Then he was put into a cram school.

It's weird to say it's a cram school, because he can't see anything, yet he can feel a lot of stuff being forced into his brain.

Those things are in his "brain", and he "sees" them, but they don't use them at all.

In the end, his head was so big that his eyes were black, and he was completely dizzy.

When he woke up again, this time, he was surprised to find that he could see something!

It's no longer the weird perspective from before, this time he can really see it with his eyes.

But it's not entirely correct to say "using the eyes". I always feel that... what he sees is different from usual... I always feel that what he sees is not an entity, but an image, and... The surrounding seems to be dark, how can he be in the Seeing things in such a dark place! He usually has poor night vision, okay

wait... usually

He grunted and got up.

Then, "see" sitting on a tattered chair in front of him... is that... a toy? robot

A robot about the same size as him is not the kind of human-like robot seen in movies that looks very advanced at first glance, but an ordinary robot that is more like an enlarged version of a child's toy.

Ronggui was stunned.

"Hello, I'm glad you were activated in time when the energy was exhausted, but there is bad news, the machine has stopped, before you have received all the knowledge." The robot even spoke!

Ronggui was stunned, and soon, he remembered the situation where he was taken in a strange class before.

"No... This should be good news for me..." He doesn't like classes, least of all...

It was only at this moment that Ronggui realized that what he said was a language he was completely unfamiliar with! Worse than this is-

What about his voice? It's not his voice at all! It's a very strange metallic sound!

The robot "talked" again: "Your original language system is too outdated, I made you the latest language system."

"It's normal," he said.

"It's not normal at all, okay?" Despite his inner roar, when Rong Gui said it, it was that strange metallic sound again, with a flat tone, unable to express any emotion.

"That's right, it's really a little abnormal." The robot nodded: "The chip is so small that it can only be poured into one language system. You are the only one I've ever seen."

Honorable Mention: …

He understood this sentence, which means that his mind is not good.

This robot mouth is really poisonous.

He wanted to curl his lips, but he didn't. Looking down, Ronggui found that his arms were replaced by a pair of simple metal arms.

He was stunned for a while, then looked at his stomach, feet... He didn't need to look any more, he didn't need to look in the mirror, he knew what he looked like now: exactly the same as the robot on the opposite side!

"I... Where's my six-pack?" In the end, Rong Gui let out a scream in a metallic voice.

"Your six pack abs should be here." God knows Ronggui never thought of getting an answer, but the robot opposite actually jumped off the chair and pointed to the front, he said.

Looking in the direction of his fingers, Ronggui "sees" that there is actually a wall in front of him, and the wall is densely packed with grids, each grid is locked, standing up, Ronggui blankly followed the robot towards " I walked over in the direction of the "Wall" and watched the robot press on one of the grids, and then the grid slowly pushed out!

coffin! ! !

Still translucent!

But it was precisely because the "coffin" was translucent that Ronggui was able to see what was inside. The moment he saw it clearly, Ronggui was startled.

"Unfortunately, your six pack abs seem to be missing." He heard the robot say lightly.

"Mummy! This is me!" Without time to pay attention to the other party, Ronggui threw himself on the "coffin" containing his body!