The Sabbath

Chapter 22: Siping Town


"There are people outside people, there are mountains outside the mountains, don't be afraid of the ordinary!"

His Majesty Messertal's other thread was soon drowned in the honorable "singing".

Wearing a red baseball cap, the little robot "sings" hard while stepping on the footrest.

Her attention was pulled from her inexplicable emotions, and Xiaomei's eyes fell on the dark road ahead.

There is no difference between day and night in the underground of Eternal Night, but Ronggui still uses time to divide day and night.

"We set off at eight in the morning, it is twelve o'clock now, it is time to eat." Rong Gui looked at his watch (in his body) and said to Xiaomei.

"It stands to reason that we should be hungry and tired." Having said this, Rong Gui sighed heavily: "But I am not hungry or tired at all."

"This is the advantage of a mechanical body." Xiaomei said flatly as she stepped on the car at a constant speed.

"It's also a shortcoming, isn't it? Didn't I suddenly fall apart when I was working yesterday?" Ronggui immediately said with righteous indignation.

"It was just a loose screw."

"If the screw is loose, I'm tired, because I don't feel it, so I don't know if it falls apart! Speaking of which, Xiaomei, I think my screw may be loose again, you can show me quickly, by the way, you also have a look Own."

Xiaomei: …

He wanted to refute.

The advanced mechanical body has an internal early warning system. Whenever there may be a problem with the hardware and software, it will give an early warning in the body. Therefore, what Rong Gui said does not constitute a disadvantage of the mechanical body, but their current mechanical body is limited due to materials. It is very low-level, so it is inevitable that it will strike after a long time.

However, he checked every day, so yesterday's situation was purely the result of Ronggui's useless efforts and triple consumption.

After all, Xiaomei didn't say anything, took out the tools, and he checked the bodies of the two.

Ronggui's body is very good, all the hardware is not loose, but his own body really has loose screws, and the looseness is still very strong.

After a pause, Xiaomei turned slightly to the side, and re-tightened the screws calmly.

"How is it? Are the screws loose?" Ronggui asked eagerly.

"No, everything is fine." Xiaomei... Xiaomei lied.

Just don't give the other party a chance to make more nagging noises, he said to himself.

"That's good, I didn't even think about it, hey hey, I can rest assured that Xiaomei is doing her work. In fact, I know that the screw loosened yesterday was just because I was too busy. Xiaomei, you carefully check our bodies every day. It's alright." scratching his head, Ronggui laughed.

Faced with such a strong sense of trust from Ronggui, Xiaomei… Her Majesty Xiaomei felt a little guilty.

However, considering that they are exercising more every day than before, he really does check their bodies every five hours.

In the words of Ronggui, it is to rest.

Ronggui's rest is really a rest, he will jump out of the car, and then he will take out a big bag from the back compartment, look carefully... That bag is not the blanket before their house

That's right, it's the piece that Xiaomei took apart to make up a green hat~

The two hats didn’t use much material, and Xiaomei threw the rest on the ground. Ronggui picked it up and made a big bag that could be used as a bag. Inside were some small things, such as Combs, towels, foot basins...

Spreading the burden, Ronggui quickly spread the irregularly-shaped blanket on the flat ground by the roadside, and placed the combs, towels, etc., and finally placed a green mushroom lamp on the stall. He waved to Xiaomei who was still sitting in the car:

"Xiaomei, come and rest~"

Xiaomei: …

He eventually got out of the car with his toolbox in hand.

In the dark world, the light of the mushroom lamp is the only light in the wide world nearby. In the strange atmosphere, two little robots are sitting on a booth like a picnic. ,atmosphere…

Even weirder.

"The last time I went to the city, I went by myself, I didn't have enough money, and I escaped the ticket twice on the way... So there was no chance to enjoy the scenery on the way. When I chatted with my colleagues once, I didn't know the way. Where have you passed by, what delicious food is there?" Sitting on the stall, he also put on a handsome posture, Rong Gui and Xiaomei chatted.

"I'm going into the city with Xiaomei this time~ I'm driving by myself... I'm riding a bicycle, and I have my own camera in my body, so I thought I must take a good look on the road." After speaking his thoughts, Ronggui watched with anticipation. Xiang Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, where are we now?"

Xiaomei, who was repairing her arm... After a pause, a flat voice came out: "I don't know."

He has trekked out of this dark land countless times, alone, his goal is on the other side of the darkness, he has no interest in the roadside scenery, and naturally he has no interest in the name of this land.

And... does this place have a view

Raising her head, Xiaomei finally glanced around at the scene: Sure enough, there was no scenery at all.

"Ah... That's right~ Xiaomei is entering the city for the first time!" Ronggui interpreted Xiaomei's words by himself, unaware of His Majesty's psychology.

Looking around, Ronggui said again: "The surrounding is so desolate, there is no one, and it doesn't look like someone lives."

"Why don't we give this place a name?" Rong Gui had another whim.

Ignoring him, Xiaomei went about her job by herself.

He has long been accustomed to Xiaomei's ignoring attitude towards him, and Ronggui doesn't need Xiaomei to pay attention to him all the time, so he continued on his own: "This place is very close to Xiaomei's hometown..."

"How about called Siping Town?"

"My hometown is Siping Town! I thought that this place is so close to Xiaomei's hometown. When Xiaomei returns to her hometown in the future, I can come back together. We can come to my hometown first, and then go to Xiaomei's hometown. Xiao, Xiaomei, what do you think of this name?"

After Rong Gui finished speaking, he paused for a moment, and then glanced at Xiao Mei secretly.

At this moment, he was a little nervous—a nervousness that Xiaomei could feel.

Continuing the work in hand, Xiaomei did not make a sound.

Then Ronggui heaved a sigh of relief.

"Since you don't object to Xiaomei, then this place is called Siping Town!"

"From now on, this is my hometown~"

"It's near Xiaomei's hometown, we are the town next door~"

The tattered little robot looked very happy.

I took a photo in my hometown as a souvenir, because I was worried that my brain capacity was not enough, Rong Gui begged Xiaomei to save the photo with him.

Then, after a short rest, the two got into the car again and left.

Ronggui's "singing" also sounded again:

"The world is rolling, and the world is turning over and over again, and the world is at peace with every situation, but the intercession is also deep, and the end of the world is always with you~"

Obviously there is no tune, but after listening to it for a long time, Xiaomei thinks this song should be good.

Probably because the lyrics are well written, he thought.

He remembered the lyrics after all.