The Sabbath

Chapter 25: Everywhere


"…your eyes are so beautiful~like the most brilliant diamonds in the galaxy!!!"

Ronggui's loud "singing" came from the empty stone beach.

After getting used to working regularly to maximize productivity, he was able to "sing" while working again.

Xiaomei has become accustomed to it.

What a horrible habit!

After "Braredo" went through several terrifying windy days, their bodies were damaged to varying degrees. In a serious case, Xiaomei's left hand was blown away, and the new mechanical hand was not made so quickly. According to their current Even if Xiaomei spends all her rest time every day making fingers, he can only make at most one finger a day, not to mention that he has to clean the crawler during the rest time. Seriously, he had to spend more time on repairing the tracks. Even though Ronggui had tried very hard to help, the amount of help he could have... To be honest, it was very limited.


Xiaomei has become accustomed to it.

The result is that his left hand has never been replaced with a new one, so he made a simple "hand" and installed it temporarily. It was a "hand" without even fingers, and it was made to block the interface of the wrist. To prevent being blown into the sand, the second is for the convenience of work. After all, many times, he still needs to have a lift.

But now that simple "hand" is not installed on him, but on Ronggui's left arm.

While singing, Ronggui tapped his thigh lightly with his left hand like a wrench. He looked the same as usual and was still extremely happy.

When Xiaomei was installing the temporary hand, Ronggui immediately discovered it, and couldn't help but say, he grabbed the hand, then unscrewed his left hand and stuffed it to Xiaomei.

"You use my hand first, I'll use this!" He said as he quickly installed the temporary hand.

As for the current body, he is not very good at other dismantling, except for the dismantling hand, which is relatively fast, probably because he takes advantage of the rest and grinds a little every day to smooth the original rust on the two manipulators. why

Due to the material problem, Xiaomei's hands soon exploded. Although it did not affect the use, the rusty appearance was unbearable. I secretly asked Xiaomei for a small piece of sandpaper, which he grinded every day. , After a period of careful maintenance, his two hands have actually become more like new than when they were just made before~

Today, one of the brand-new, glossy metallic hands is on Xiaomei's wrist.

"Don't refuse! Anyway, I don't have to do any delicate work, and I don't have to operate the reverse disc. This hand is more useful on you than on me." For fear that Xiaomei would refuse, Ronggui said so at the time.

Actually... Xiaomei didn't plan to refuse.

Because what Ronggui said was right.

This hand is indeed more useful on oneself than on Ronggui.


He obviously felt that way at the time, but after using it for a few days, he began to pay attention to this hand from time to time.

The smooth left hand contrasts sharply with the rough, rusted right hand, and on the Ronggui side, the smooth right hand contrasts with the left hand like a simple toy.

Although he took the initiative to give his hand to Xiaomei, Ronggui did not lose the maintenance of his palm because of this. While doing daily maintenance for himself, he was stunned to pull Xiaomei on, and Xiaomei, who had never participated in this activity, this time Nor did it refuse.

Probably because the left hand he is using now was originally that guy, right

The rough areas were smoothed with sandpaper, and then coated with coarse cloth dipped in oil. Ronggui carefully maintained the hands of the two of them. When there was a rare opportunity, he also dealt with Xiaomei's original right hand.

It's rare that Xiaomei doesn't resist~

"Men's hands are very important. Many female opponents like good-looking men very much. My hands are very good-looking, so I can't be sloppy when I become a robot." While doing hand care to Xiaomei, Ronggui road.

Xiaomei didn't say a word.

But the right hand with the rust marks removed does seem to be a little easier to use.

He didn't tell Ronggui about this.

"When I have enough time, I will make a new left hand for you." Finally, he said.

"Really? Hey, can I make a style color? The color before is too ugly. I want white hands, just like wearing white gloves. Can you think? Also, can the fingers be thinner? Ah? The original fingers are really too, thick, rough, la~~~~"

Xiaomei only said one sentence, and Ronggui replied a lot, and added a lot of demands!


Xiaomei has become accustomed to it.

Yet he did not refuse.

When the stones on the road gradually changed from bulky rocks to fine crushed stones, the frequency of encountering strong winds became less and less, and there was no need to worry about being blown away at night. Fewer, but fortunately they have enough energy reserves now.

The charging cards Xiaomei had prepared before were all fully stored, and there was still extra energy for Ronggui to "sing" all day long~

"Xiaomei, do you think we are about to leave Braredo?" Although he lacked common sense in general, Ronggui was surprisingly sharp in some aspects.

"Yes." Xiaomei didn't deny it. "According to the detection results, it will probably leave the gravel area today."

"Oh~" Ronggui extended his voice and responded twice.

Then he stopped singing.

I saw him staring at the ground seriously, staring at it all the time, spending a long time in eerie silence, and finally, at the place where the gravel was about to disappear and the ground was revealed again, Ronggui suddenly shouted.



Xiaomei stopped the car.

Inexplicably turned to Ronggui, but Ronggui jumped off immediately after unbuckling his seat belt.

I saw him walking on the ground outside for a while, and then came back holding a stone.

" a souvenir from Braredo?" I have to say, after a few days of training, Xiaomei now quite understands the idea of honor.

He thought so.

What Ronggui was going to do this time again exceeded his expectations.

"Hey hey, no." Ronggui shook his head: "Sand is enough for souvenirs."

"?" Xiaomei tilted her head slightly, looking at the stone in Rong Gui's hand.

"Dangdang! This is a souvenir we left to Braredo!" Ronggui quickly announced the answer, not too much to sell.

"I'm going to put our name on the stone, and the stone will stay here, that's proof we've been here!"

He had thought about what was written on it, and the dye was ready-made. He also pulled a small piece of cloth to use as a writing brush.

Then, he handed all the materials and the stones in his hand to Xiaomei.

"Why?" Being stared at by Ronggui's dark mechanical eyes, Xiaomei took a step back slightly.

"Of course you wrote it! I'm left-handed!" Ronggui said of course.

Can robots be left-handed too

In his heart, Xiaomei still took the things that Ronggui handed over. According to what Ronggui said, he left the words "Agui and Xiaomei a certain year and a certain month" on the stone.

He took a good look at the stone and took Xiaomei and the stone together to take a photo. Ronggui then put the stone back to its original position. In order to make the stone inlaid more firmly, he also collected some sand around him. Surrounded by stones, surrounded by a small sand bag, and then got on the car again.

Xiaomei started the car and they moved forward again.

"Xiaomei, every time we go to a place in the future, when we are about to leave, will we leave a stone like this there?"

"Leave one for every place you go, you say, what will people who see these stones think in the future?"

"Do they think that Xiaomei and Agui are people who have been to many places?"

"Hahahahaha~ I'm looking forward to it! I'm looking forward to seeing them in a few years, I really don't know what they will think~ Thinking about the future, Ronggui laughed.

No, they don't think it's two people who have traveled a lot. They just think, ah... these two people are so strange, why are they dying everywhere

Listening to Ronggui's laughter, Xiaomei didn't say a word, but answered his question silently in her heart.

The stone that Ronggui put there before was like a tombstone, and the sand that surrounded the stone to fix the stone was like the soil of the tomb, not to mention the name of the person written on the "tombstone", so—

Tombs, cemeteries and epitaphs are not unique to the era of honor.

Here is no exception.