The Sabbath

Chapter 29: The first pot of gold


Two hundred miles later, a row of small houses appeared on the left side of the road. They were very ordinary slate houses. They did not have the high-tech appearance of the future world that Ronggui imagined, and even had a quaint meaning.

But there are lights inside.

It's not the faint fluorescence of mushroom lamps, but the bright masterpieces that only electric lamps have!

Ronggui suddenly became nervous.

"This, this is about to meet someone..." He clenched his fists, and he quickly took out the small mirror that was placed under the seat at any time, looked carefully at the front, and then looked at the back, making sure that he looked like he was now. It was a bit shabby, but after it was fairly clean, he tidyed up Xiaomei again, adjusted the green hat clasped on Xiaomei's head, and then he didn't say a word.

The reason why a talker can suddenly stop talking is probably nervousness.

When Xiaomei stopped the car, Ronggui was very loyal and walked in first. There was no one in the management office, only the front counter...

Uh... tall counter.

For a small robot with insufficient height in order to save materials, the counter is too high, and Ronggui can't see the back at all.


But before he could find a suitable footstool, a person suddenly came over from behind the counter, but that person... was really strange! He came over not just one, but several heads. Ronggui was almost scared to the ground at first, but the focal length of the imager quickly re-aligned, and he realized that the so-called heads were not heads at all, but It was an eagle-like creature, and those birds were black and huge, all standing on the man's shoulders, almost submerging the man's head.

When the man came over, all the birds aimed their yellow-orange eyes at Ronggui's face, motionless, and looked very strange.

"Why are you here?" the man said, the tone of his voice was a little different from what Xiaomei had instilled in him, but fortunately the difference was not big.

After carefully listening to the first sentence of the first big living person he saw here, Ronggui was about to reply.

When talking to people who are dealing with them for the first time, they must have a loud voice and an accent, but they must not be timid—this is what the dean often told them when they were young.

Adhering to this principle, Rong Gui said loudly:

"Hello! We're here to get pictures!"

"Huh?" The man with a bird on his back was stunned.

Ronggui is still satisfied with his neat and tidy on-the-spot reaction. Xiaomei behind him has already carried him back.

Instead, standing in front of Ronggui, Xiaomei raised her head and said to the condescending man, "We are here to pay the ticket."

Ronggui: 囧! Omg! The first sentence is wrong!

Fortunately, there is Xiaomei~

Hearing Xiaomei's answer, the man behind the counter took a few steps back, and after a sound similar to machine printing, he handed out a piece of paper from the counter.

"Your speed violation will require you to pay a fine of 60 napi."

"Speeding? How is that possible? Our rhubarb is going too slowly!" With his hands on Xiaomei's shoulders, Ronggui leaned his toes and stuck his head out from behind Xiaomei, loudly complaining to Da Huang.

The bird on the man's head then turned his attention to Ronggui again, and a cold voice came from the black Toba:

"Who said that speed violations mean speeding? On the road outside, any behavior with a speed lower than 80 per hour is illegal. Besides, your speed has been maintained at a constant speed of 20, which is a serious violation."

Does this work too? Ronggui was dumbfounded.

Seeing the other party stretch out his hand and stare at the big and powerful palm, Ronggui suddenly noticed a very serious problem.

"Xiaomei, are we rich?" He (thinking) whispered to Xiaomei.

"No." Xiaomei said coldly, and—

It's too late to make counterfeit coins, not to mention that he has never seen the so-called "Nabi" here.

"Then what should we do?" Rong Gui's dumbfounded situation became more serious.

However, their conversation has already reached the ears of the man behind the counter. I don't know if he is angry or not. I saw the big black birds on his shoulders suddenly all flew up, the black birds were hovering near the roof, and that The man also showed his true face.

The moment he saw the man, Ronggui was stunned again.

"What are you looking at me for?" A majestic and low voice came from the man's mouth. The man's voice was already thin with anger, which was the unpleasant feeling of being looked at by others.


" look so good~" Ronggui's voice sounded weakly.

It was obviously the voice of a robot, but the rigid voice seemed to hide the little red hearts, and the breath in the room jumped up immediately.

"This hairstyle matches your face shape very well, and the line of your neck is also very beautiful~ Have you trained muscles? This line is deliberately trained at first glance. And the color of your clothes and your tie are very coordinated, you can He's really someone who knows how to dress up~" A series of compliments came out of Rong Gui's mouth, and the man was stunned for a moment.

After a soft cough, the man stretched out his fingers to adjust his yellow tie, and said in a low voice, "Do you also think this tie is in harmony with the color of the shirt?"

"Yes, yes!" Rong Gui nodded again and again: "To be honest, the color of this shirt is really dirty! I don't even want to give it to me, but it's strange to say that with this tie, it instantly looks taller~ "

The corner of the man's mouth immediately raised slightly, with a reserved attitude, the man's next speech speed suddenly accelerated a lot: "Isn't it? This shirt is so rustic in both color and style, I don't want to send it to me. Ah~ this is a uniform, you can't wear it if you don't wear it! Fortunately, the tie doesn't have to be a standard tie, but this uniform is really not ordinary and ugly, and any tie is still ugly to death, until I suddenly found a tie in Yotte City The store saw this tie."

"Finally, I can go to work in such an ugly uniform with peace of mind." The man sighed in relief.

The same people who love beauty, the two looked at each other, and immediately saw the tacit understanding of the same person in each other's eyes/(mechanical eyes).

In the following time, the two had a friendly and heated discussion on the color and style of the tie, until someone called the man's name, he answered, and then reluctantly stopped He Ronggui conversation.

"Although I still want to continue chatting with you, my colleague is calling me." The man said.

"Don't worry about me, business is important, you can hurry up!" Rong Gui said sympathetically.

"It's not business, I'm here to play poker. There aren't many people here, and it's boring to die every day, so we get together to prepare to play poker, but there aren't enough poker friends..." After speaking, the man suddenly said to Rong Gui: " We are just short of three, do you want to come and play cards together? If you win, you can just pay the fine."

Ronggui's mechanical eyes flashed immediately.

"But I don't know how to play cards..." Ronggui felt a pity that he couldn't take advantage of such a good opportunity, but he suddenly thought of Xiaomei.

Who is Xiaomei? In his heart, there is nothing that Xiaomei can't.

So just hearing a "squeak", Ronggui immediately turned his head and looked straight at Xiaomei. Ronggui asked him, "Xiaomei, do you know how to play cards?"

Xiaomei looked at him blankly, and said after a while, "Yes."

Don't ask what cards to play, because he can play anything.

"Then don't you have to~ Xiaomei, go play cards, go and win back the fine, win others, don't win this big brother, this big brother is my good friend! You two cooperate well~" Although he doesn't know how to play cards , but Ronggui obviously knows some doorways. He just pushed Xiaomei over, and the "good friend of Ronggui" in the counter immediately opened the door next to the counter.

The next moment, Xiaomei, who had come to pay the fine, was standing in the office area where only staff could come in.

"You also come here." Probably because he found a poker friend and was very satisfied, the man at the counter became more gentle, and I saw him also beckoning to Ronggui: "There was no one on duty here when we were playing cards, so you were there. If there are people who come to pay the fine, you can collect the money for me, and I will win the money and give you the salary."

"Really? That's great!" Rong Gui was overjoyed, nodded, and he immediately took over the job.

"You guys play cards well!" Rong Gui said to the man in uniform and Xiao Mei.

"You work hard too!" The man said to Rong Gui who came to pay the fine.

What's wrong with this conversation


what about him~

After taking off the man's uniform matching hat and clasping it on his little red hood, Ronggui went to work with a serious face.

Not long after he put on the hat, the group of black birds all landed on his shoulders with a hula, his head was completely blocked, and no one could see his appearance.

Ronggui is really stupid, and he can't do a lot of technical work well, but his acting skills are good!

As if he was born to be an actor, as long as he had a conversation with someone for a while, he would be able to imitate that person's studies immediately.

It was an unconscious act, and he didn't even notice it.

Just instinct.

So, Ronggui, who didn't know what to do, instinctively imitated the man who just sat at the counter.

Whether it's the other party's cold expression, tone of voice, and attitude.

So, when the first guest who paid the fine came in, what he saw was a black-faced staff member of the Traffic Management Bureau.

Although the procedure is completely unclear, Ronggui, with his superb acting skills, perfectly responded to the past with the words "Ah." "Huh?" "Huh."

When Xiaomei finished playing cards and the man came out, there was already a small pile of money on the table inside the counter.

Ronggui is counting money anxiously.

The robot obviously has no expression, but he is the only one, and his movements can make people feel that he is very flustered.

"What's the matter? Did you charge the wrong money? It doesn't matter how much you missed, I won the most money today, so help you make up for it!" The man was obviously in a good mood, and he wasn't at all worried that Ronggui would cause trouble for him. comfort him.

"Thank you, but..." Turning his head, Rong Gui first expressed his gratitude to the man, then looked down at the money in his hand, wondering, "But I didn't charge less, no matter how I counted... I was charged more than I should have charged. 200 yuan! I'm sorry, I only know that I'm not good at math, but I didn't expect it to be this bad!"

Xiaomei: …

staff member:…

So, on this day, Xiaomei and Ronggui are finally no longer two poor robots. After paying a fine for one violation, their total assets reached 350 yuan. Excluding the fines paid, Ronggui’s money accounted for It's the bulk of the family's total wealth~