The Sabbath

Chapter 30: There are pregnant women inside


"This is a photo of the two of you, do you need me to get you a packaging bag?" Enlarged and printed out the photo taken on the surveillance camera, the man bent down and handed the photo to Ronggui.

"Is that okay? Thank you~" Ronggui agreed with a smile, not knowing what politeness was.

"You're welcome, here it is." The man then gave him another paper bag from the side, a little bigger, just enough to fit the printed "photos".

"However, our printing technology here is limited, and we use environmentally friendly printers. Although the printed colors are good, if they are not stored properly, they will gradually become distorted in about half a year. I suggest you buy a photo frame as soon as possible in the future. With the outer layer Protective film, photos can really be preserved for a long time." He also gave Ronggui advice.

"Well, okay, but you don't need to buy it. Xiaomei can do everything. The flowerpots and footstools on our car are all made by Xiaomei, and even the car itself is made by Xiaomei." Ronggui said, and poked He poked Xiaomei next to him: "Hey! Right? Xiaomei, can you make photo frames?"

Xiaomei: "… Yes."

"Hahaha, with such a person at home, life is a lot easier!" The man laughed.

Isn't it? - Obviously it should be a robot without any expressions, but Rong Gui can express all the things he wants to express.

The two robots got back into the car.

Before getting into the car, the man stopped them and handed a sign to Ronggui.

"Your car can't speed up until you find materials to modify it, and you will have to be fined sooner or later. In this way, if you hang this sign in front of your car, the cameras on the road can automatically recognize this brand. The system can drive at low speed by default.”

"Ah... I didn't even think about this if you didn't say it! Thank you so much!" Rong Gui took the sign in surprise, glanced at the sign with a strange pattern, and immediately put the sign in front of the car window.

"Goodbye~" The man took two steps back and waved goodbye to them.

"Goodbye! Goodbye!" Leaning out of the car window, Rong Gui also bid farewell to the other party, while Xiao Mei took the direction sign seriously and started the car steadily.

The quaint traffic management office building slowly disappeared in the rear mirror.

They hit the road again.

Probably because the sign the man gave them really worked, and they never received a ticket after that, but Rhubarb never spoke again.

This made Ronggui, who still wanted to listen to Rhubarb, a little disappointed.

However, his attention quickly turned to the sign in front of the car: it was a small metal card, about the size of a business card in his previous world, with a strange pattern on it, which looked like beautified text , Ronggui carefully identified it for a long time, but finally did not recognize it.

No way, his current language system is completely infused by Xiaomei, which is "the limit of external knowledge that his brain capacity can instill" ← Xiaomei's original words, look at the officially written text, it's okay, just deform it a little, then beyond his knowledge.

"Is the pattern on this sign a text? I don't recognize it, but I guess there is a disabled person or something? Hahaha, is my left hand disabled now?" Immediately asked Xiaomei.

"…" Is disability also something worth talking about with a smile? Xiaomei thought blankly, and then replied to his question.

"There is a pregnant woman inside." Xiaomei's answer was still concise.

"Ah?" Ronggui didn't understand at first.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this sign is actually written like this? Oh my god! We are both men~~~~~~" When he finally understood that Xiaomei was talking about the meaning of the pattern on the sign At that time, a long scream came from the car.

"Be quiet! Why are there pregnant women screaming so loudly in the car? Watch out for slippery tires!" It was the car in the next driveway who interrupted Ronggui's screams, honking loudly. From the car window, he waved his arms and protested to Ronggui.

"Huh?" Dumbly, Ronggui watched a fancy car whizz past them.

Then another green car sped past them on their right.

One... Two... Three...

It was only then that Ronggui realized that before he knew it, they were no longer the only car on the road.

This is a different feeling than when I met someone when I just collected money at the traffic control station.

At that time, only someone came in, and he was very nervous just to collect the money. In addition, the sitting position was too high, and he hardly saw the appearance of the person who came to pay the fine. Now...

He was sitting in the car, Xiaomei was in charge of driving, and one car after another drove beside them, and they had become part of the traffic flow.

There has never been a moment when Ronggui felt so real: they were about to enter the city!

Join the crowd that just got in the car, they're about to meet a lot of people!

Covering his chest and closing the imager, Ronggui quietly felt his mood at the moment.

Long, long ago, when he was sitting on the train to the big city, he vaguely felt this way.

Excited, urgent, and a little bit scared, a little flustered...

This is a wonderful mood.

He wants to let himself remember the mood at the moment.

Then, Ronggui turned on the imager again, clenched his fists tightly, and shouted energetically: "Don't be sad, Dahuang! When Xiaomei and I make money in the city, we will make you the fastest sports car. The kind that can be ticketed for speeding!"

"But before that, let's drive slowly~" The mechanical foot stepped on the pedal, and Rong Gui stepped on it hard.

One after another car passed by the yellow car in the middle at high speed. Due to the high speed, their figures almost became phantoms with a little color, and only the rhubarb in the middle was constant.

Under the pedaling of the two masters, it was firmly moving forward at a speed of 20.

Then, the speed of other surrounding cars gradually became slower and slower.

With the increase in the number of vehicles, the cars could no longer let go of their speed at will, and there was even a little traffic jam, crowded among various other cars. Finally, the speed of Rhubarb was not abrupt at all.

Obviously it should be a traffic jam section that many people will hate, but Ronggui's mood has become better than ever.

"in the world"

There has never been a moment when he felt so real and real.

He is a layman.

People who actually live in the world.

I don't like being alone, I don't like reading, I don't like being quiet.

He likes lively places, even if there are people arguing and arguing, and then there is freshness everywhere!

what! Although he has changed a shell, he is still alive. Look, he is still alive!

Thank you, Rongfu, thank you, everyone, for finally letting me feel the world that I didn’t have time to feel before, although it may be completely different from the previous life, although you don’t exist anymore, but I will remember The previous thoughts, together with everyone's share, live well in this brand new world!

Clenching his fists, Ronggui said to himself in his heart.

In the second volume of paradise