The Sabbath

Chapter 31: Welcome to Eni City


There are still no street lights on the street, and there are no lights at all around the cars ← Everyone is poor and can't afford light bulbs - Rong Gui thought to himself.

Then, a light suddenly appeared in front of him.

The white light is like the sun at night. When they suddenly appeared in front of Ronggui, he suddenly couldn't see anything for a while.

But before he panicked, Xiaomei's voice suddenly came from the next door: "It's not a malfunction, because the light source suddenly appeared, it takes a certain amount of time to switch the visual mode."

Although I don't understand it a bit, Ronggui resolutely understands that this is a normal phenomenon.

Sure enough, after about another thirty seconds, he suddenly "sees" things again!

There are some subtle differences in the texture and texture of the scene that he "saw" before. It is not as clear as before, but the darkness and light are distinct. This... This is almost what he could see before!

Ronggui was a little excited.

Looking at the scene in front of him almost greedily, his eyes finally fell to the front - where the light source started.

Those lights came from the top of the buildings in front of them. It was five tall and thin buildings that looked a bit like chimneys. These "chimneys" stood in the middle of the convoy ahead. Very similar, Ronggui guessed that the functions of the two are similar, and they should both be public units.

Like a toll booth

Soon, he thought he had guessed right.

Although the team was moving slowly, they kept moving forward in an orderly manner, and it was their turn soon.

Driving the rhubarb, Xiaomei drove the car to a chimney, the window of the chimney just opened on the left side, and Ronggui was sitting on the left side of the car, so Ronggui happened to face the clerk there.

The woman inside was wearing an ugly uniform in the same color and style as the previous DMV man, with an equally ugly tie, but the hat on her head was different—the hat on her head was much smaller and more chic.

I don't know if it's because of different types of jobs or different genders.

But it is precisely because of the small and unique hat of this hat that Ronggui saw the cat ears on the other side's head at a glance.

uh... is it a decoration

Ronggui was stunned.

At this moment, the other party spoke to him:

"I need to check the pass, please show it."

The other party's accent was still a bit different from the language that Ronggui was pouring into by Xiaomei, but it was easy to understand.

But! They don't have a passport! ! !

Won't get caught? Ronggui immediately became nervous.

"We don't have a pass, where do we need to go?" Just when Ronggui didn't know what to do, Xiaomei said.

Ahh~ Is this really good

Ronggui is a little crazy.

But he didn't know there was a better way, so he could only add a few words weakly beside him: "That... We just came out of our hometown in the countryside, and we don't know what a pass is, and we don't know how to apply for a pass... "

Xiaomei is okay to say that she is a native born and raised, but he is not! He is a black man! Not dead for so long... Sounds like a lot of research, won't he be caught and sliced

After watching a lot of Frankenstein movies, Ronggui suddenly diverged his thoughts into bad places.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't, just do it here, and a pass is 10 nabi."

The staff said, stretched out his hand from the window, Ronggui looked at Xiaomei, Xiaomei took out two coins from the pocket under the seat, Ronggui took the coins and handed them out, the other party accepted the coins, and soon, the other party came from Inside were handed two round objects.

"This is the pass?" Ronggui was still a little confused when he received the pass: Is the pass so easy to get? You don't even need to fill in your name or place of origin? Don't even need to collect fingerprint blood

Uh... well, the two of them are robots now, and they don't want to collect fingerprints or blood.

"Yes, but since you are only holding the most basic pass, the initial score is 1, so you can't go to other places, you can only go to Erni City."

"Hey? Does this lead to many cities?" Ronggui immediately heard the hidden meaning in the other party's words.

"Yes, different points correspond to the grades of cities you can go to. There are a total of three cities here, but it is limited to your points. You can only go to the one with the lowest requirements for points."

"Ah! It sounds like a very free city!" Although he was told that he had only one choice, this did not hinder Ronggui's imagination and yearning for the other party.

For a time, the little robot showed a dreamy feeling.

Erni... "City"!

Ronggui crossed his hands in front of his chest.

"Hehe, that's right, very free... Mining City." Amused by Ronggui's appearance, the other party added another sentence.

"Uh..." He seemed to have heard the word mineral

"Okay, please follow the road signs ahead to go to Ani." After a long delay, the other party issued an order to evict the guest.

At the same time, the road sign ahead lit up, and Rong Gui took a close look at the words on the road sign, which was exactly the line of Pladen.

There are two other roads next to them, and other words are written on the signs above. Unfortunately, the road signs are not lit at this moment, and Ronggui cannot see them.

And just after they drove into the road to Erni, several cars drove on the two roads that Ronggui couldn't see the name of before. Turning around and clinging to the seat back, he tried to look at the road signs a few times, but still unable to see clearly, Rong Gui finally sat back in his seat and continued to step on the pedals step by step.

"It's great! Xiaomei, we're going to the city soon~" Although he was a little worried about the other party's comments about Ani's comments, Ronggui still cheered up and comforted Xiaomei: "The staff just now seemed to say that Ani What kind of mining city is it, it seems that the place is rich in resources~”

"Our rhubarb is so pitiful, Xiaomei, when you get there, you need to find some good materials to exchange some good energy for him~"

"Of course, I'll help you find it too."

"It's really strange, why is everyone not surprised by the way we are now?"

"However, I don't know if you have seen Xiaomei, the staff member just wore cat ears, these staff are very fancy~ They are changing ties and wearing animal ear decorations... I feel that everyone is very fashionable! "

"Should we buy a cat ear to wear when we go to the city, it's worth it to be fashionable?"

It doesn't matter if no one pays any attention. Rong Gui is holding up a car of dialogue by himself. He is chatting to himself, while Xiaomei has been steering the steering wheel steadily, driving for another two hours. After that, the two little robots sitting on Rhubarb finally stopped in front of a city.

Pushing open the car door, Ronggui got out of the car behind Xiaomei, and walked to Xiaomei's side, looking at the city ahead, Ronggui didn't say a word for a long time.

This is a bright city, and there are countless light sources in the sky that illuminate the entire city as if it were daytime, almost like daytime.

However, for Ronggui who has really seen the daytime, this is a very "fake" daytime.

Those light and white are abnormal, and the city hidden under the light is a metallic cold black.

Ronggui heard the sound of a huge mechanical engine coming from the city ahead along with various percussion sounds.

At the same time, he heard another voice—

"Reminder, the index of metal pollutants in the air exceeds the standard, and the various indexes are played below..."

It was Da Huang's voice. For some reason, Da Huang's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Ronggui was taken aback, but he soon realized that it was probably Xiaomei who did it.

Since he still couldn't get used to the robot's body, he often missed some important physical changes. Rongguiyang Xiaomei helped him think of a way, and Xiaomei made an extra reminder, but it has not been used since it was completed. Today, it seems that this The small modification is quite successful, but Xiaomei is very lazy, and the sound source of the same version of rhubarb is actually used for the prompt sound. .

Ronggui's first reaction was to look for a mask, but soon, he saw his manipulator. Although he was still a little unaccustomed to it, he was suddenly relieved at this moment.

The body of the robot should not be afraid of air pollution, right

Metal, machinery, bright light without a trace of temperature - just a few things, people will not feel that this is a friendly city anyway.

"But... this city is very manly, right?" Even in this situation, Ronggui helped Ani find a good-sounding adjective.

"The redneck in front! Don't get in the way!" At this moment, a whistle suddenly sounded behind him, and when he turned to look, Ronggui realized that a car was parked behind him.

Unlike Xiaomei, who was standing in a relatively remote area, because he wanted to take a closer look at the city in front of him in all directions, the place where he stood was a bit in the way. Although it was true that there was something wrong with him, the other party's attitude was indeed very bad. After speaking, the other party drove forward and dashed forward.

This is for honor!

At present, it is just a robot with simple materials. Ronggui's reaction is not fast at all. He is so frightened that he sits on the ground.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to just want to scare him, and stopped before hitting him.

There was a rude laugh in the car.

I was still a little angry in my heart, but Ronggui held it back.

Standing up slowly, Rong Gui gave way, for fear that Xiaomei would do something inappropriate, he kept holding Xiaomei, and then said to Xiaomei earnestly: "This is the first time we have been to a strange place, and we are not familiar with the place in life. Yes, it is better not to cause trouble or not to cause trouble.”

"I wasn't very calm when I first entered the city before I slept. People said I had a fight with them, but at night I was beaten up by the helpers brought by the other side and robbed all my money. , In the end, there is no way, as soon as others fool me, I just find a job." He introduced his experience.

"But—" Rong Gui said again, "I'm still very upset. I remember what their car looked like. When I look back, I'm going to secretly blow his car out."

Very boring way of revenge - glanced at Ronggui holding her hand, Xiaomei pulled out her hand, got back into the car, he restarted the car.