The Sabbath

Chapter 33: Abandonment and return


It was Xiaomei who carried his head out from under the chair.

"Xiaomei, put my head on that person's seat just now. You take the seat next door, uh... don't waste another seat. Put my body on it." Directed Xiaomei to do things everywhere.

Very high-profile, two little robots took up all the seats of the three men just now.

The people next to him seemed to be startled by the bravery that Ronggui just showed. From time to time, there were glances that looked at him. Xiaomei naturally turned a blind eye to these sights. He was used to being watched, and Ronggui's performance was even more attractive than him!

It's obviously just a robot, even a robot with its head separated, but Ronggui's head is placed on the seat, giving people the feeling of being extremely domineering~

They finally found their seats, and no one pushed them away for the rest of the time, so Ronggui and the others successfully learned some common sense about the city that night.

how to say…

Erni, this mineral resource city that only requires initial points to enter, is a veritable free city.

Free... Coolie City~

There is no educational requirement, no point limit, anyone can come to work here, and there is only one job offered here: that of a miner.

The minerals here belong to different people, and all the minerals they dug must be turned over, but the miners are not unrewarded, they can get points or money, of course, the amount is not very large.

When the accumulated points reach a certain level, they can go to other cities to find opportunities.

Everyone needs a pass, and the points in the pass represent different permissions. They can use the permissions of various public resources, and the roads leading to various cities are also included.

For countrymen like Ronggui and Xiaomei who have only a poor initial score of 1, Eni is their only choice.

However, points are not easy to earn. Ordinary people often have to mine for five years before they can earn enough points to go to the next city. Even those miners who are qualified to collect more valuable minerals have to spend about three years. .

People who can come to Dora Tavern and get a place to listen to the news are generally eligible to become such a three-year miner.

Xiaomei finally left the tavern with Ronggui's body and Ronggui's head on her back.

Ronggui held two pieces of paper with only one hand: it was the miner application form they had just received in the tavern.

His left hand and both feet were missing, he used it as a weapon or swung or threw it during the fight, and they all fell apart.

"Anyway, great, we know how to earn points." Even so, he remains optimistic.

Being held in Xiaomei's arms, Ronggui's voice sounded as happy as ever.

There was no one else around, just the two of them, and there was only the sound of Xiaomei's footsteps on the narrow road.

Just at this time-

"Why?" Xiaomei's voice suddenly came from above, it was Xiaomei who was talking to him.

Ronggui's spirit was shocked: I don't know if I was scared stupid, since the beginning of his fight, Xiaomei didn't say a word! He has been worried that this child is stupid!

Knowing to ask questions is a good thing!

He immediately rolled his two "eyes" up.

"Why did you fight? When you were almost bumped into before, didn't you say you didn't want to cause trouble?" This idiot wouldn't understand without explaining the whole question, so Xiaomei said a long list of rare words.

Sure enough, Ronggui understood in seconds.

"At one point or another, he said it didn't matter to me, and I was indeed in the wrong position at that time, but he couldn't say anything about you."

"I can't see others bullying my friends!"

Ronggui candidly admits that he has double standards.

"And—" After the conversation turned, Rong Gui continued to analyze: "In front of so many people, if we endure it, then all the people after the scene may bully us. This is how people are, this kind of inferiority... I I can't believe it can be changed now!"

"Although I was robbed of money because of a quarrel, but because I was too tenacious at the time, very few people dared to bully me later, including in the crew. Although I was just a trick, very few people dared to bully me. Bullying me, so you can't bear it when you shouldn't, and just now it's a situation that you can't bear." Ronggui pointed at Xiaomei enthusiastically.


"Don't be afraid, the one just now wasn't the real me, the real me can understand politeness~" Talking about his former self endlessly, Ronggui continued: "I was very imposing just now, right? That is There's a reason."

"I'm good at acting~"

"Before when I was a mass actor, I played the villain's younger brother several times. It was the kind who would fight and die. Because I played it so well, when I had this kind of role, many people thought of me. …”

"To tell you the truth, in fact, the secret of my often winning fights is this: when I was a child, because I was afraid of bullying, I watched a lot of underworld movies, trying to figure out the acting skills of the little gangsters that others feared the most. When the opponent's aura is imitated, they often run away without hitting the opponent!" The more he talked, the more proud he became, and Ronggui became happier.

"Although I am most proud of my singing skills, I have to say that my acting skills are also very good~"

It was very pleasant to chat alone, and once again only Ronggui was left alone on the road.

Xiaomei has not spoken.


he thought quietly.

It doesn't matter if you are being bullied, but can't you watch your friends being bullied

He has been silent.

Until Ronggui's voice gradually weakened, and when Ronggui did not speak, the surrounding air instantly quieted down.

No, it wasn't the quietness without a single sound—the city had always had the rhythm of the low-frequency whirring of machines, and the perpetual thumping.

In this miner city, in order to earn meager points or money, there are always miners working day and night.

Well, there was originally no day and night here.

"I'm sorry." After a brief silence, Ronggui spoke again.

It was an apology.

"I'm sorry, I broke the body you made me, and many parts fell apart? It's hard to repair... The material is not enough..." Ronggui's voice was rarely low, full of frustration: "We need points, this is When you are planting, you are desperate to break yourself down, and there is no way to work. Xiaomei, you can help me to save up a body, as long as you can mine, I want to go to other cities, I want points..."

"I want to go to a real city, I don't want to be a miner all my life."

In the last sentence, Ronggui's pressure is very low.

However, even so, in his words there was only his apology for ruining Xiaomei's work, without any remorse.

Ronggui didn't have the slightest remorse for going to fight with others for Xiaomei.

After he finished speaking, there was another silence in the air, and then, slowly, he heard Xiaomei's voice.

"It doesn't matter, I will earn the points. It doesn't matter if the body can't be restored to its original state for the time being. When I find the right material, I can make a better body for you." Xiaomei, who said this, was still expressionless. , but Ronggui inexplicably felt that Xiaomei's expression at this time was called firmness.

"Have abs, the kind with long legs?" He immediately pushed his nose on his face.

"..." Xiaomei was speechless again.

"Don't ask for 1.8 meters, at least 1.78 meters!" Obviously it was a mechanical sound, but Rong Gui was stunned to be able to make a request.

After begging, he quickly changed the channel, his voice was suddenly lowered, and he asked in a low voice: "Xiaomei, the Meta people that those people said... are your clan? They said that your clan is not too high, is it true? I think The houses in your hometown are quite short, and the furniture size is also very small. At that time, I guessed it was because the owner was not tall, but your body is quite tall... "

Say whatever comes to mind, and Ronggui expresses his doubts in such a big way.

Xiaomei was silent for a while, just when Ronggui finally realized that she might have asked a question that she shouldn't ask, Xiaomei said:

"Well, they are very short, their skin is green, they are very ordinary, and they live at the bottom of the ground. They are a race that others look down on."

Uh... that... isn't a goblin

Following Xiaomei's description, Ronggui's mind clearly outlined the appearance of a group of goblins.

But Xiaomei is not a goblin at all

He was confused again.

And still very confused to ask this sentence out.

"Well, I was picked up. At that time, I was very small. Although I was very small, I was almost as tall as their adults. They thought I was an albino clan and picked me up."

"Then..." Ronggui continued to ask uncertainly.

"Then I grew taller and taller." After saying this, Xiaomei didn't answer any of Ronggui's words on this question.

Probably this is the reason why Xiaomei was abandoned.


Thinking of the body Xiaomei made for the two of them, and thinking of the bastard before, it is obvious that this body is the size of a goblin!

Make this kind of body casually, and don't want to return to her body at all, is Xiaomei trying to be a goblin


The original intention is good, but this aesthetic can be cured!

After thinking about it, Ronggui, who thought he had understood everything, quickly changed the subject:

"I saw someone using a metal arm today, and someone's metal arm looks real! Xiaomei Xiaomei, can we find that kind of material? You don't need to get to know me too much, but you must be beautiful Point ah ~ ah ~ your aesthetic is very worrying, then you have to let me help you design your body... "

So next is the honorable special time.

They were still resting in Da Huang's carriage that night. Before turning off the machine, Rong Gui said softly:

"We were all abandoned by our biological parents and then adopted. I was actually adopted by two families, but it didn't take long for them to send me back for various reasons."

"In the beginning, I resented them a little bit."

"But that resentment quickly turned into gratitude."

"It is because they sent me back that I have the biggest family!"

"willing to spend a lot of money and time looking after me so long after I die..."

"There can be no better family than them."

"I'm grateful to those two families for returning me."


"Although I don't know if it's good to say this, Xiaomei, sooner or later, you will find your family that truly belongs to you."

"They left, probably just to give you back to the family that really belongs to you."

"You'll thank them later."

The lights outside the parking lot were still very bright, and part of the icy white light entered the car, casting a shadow on Ronggui's face in the car.

Xiaomei was stunned by his words.

Then, the "culprit" who said the words just now fell into hibernation.

Xiaomei was left alone for a long time.