The Sabbath

Chapter 35: Poetry of Destiny


The pale light, the muffled roar hidden under the ground, the dull sound from the friction of machinery and machinery... Ronggui felt all this quietly.

Xiaomei is the shortest.

So someone deliberately lined up and stuck in front of him. The man was already standing in front of him, and after a while, he turned around arrogantly, lowered his head, and said to Xiaomei contemptuously, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you! —”

Ronggui's first reaction was to catch Xiaomei, and he reflexively worried that Xiaomei would make a revolt because of this. After all, he only had one head left, but he didn't have the capital to help Xiaomei.

But he quickly reacted, and now he has no hand to hold Xiaomei.


Xiaomei did not respond to this.

He didn't even look up at the other party, he just stood there blankly, without any reaction.

It was as if the man in front of him did not exist.

No response is more effective than any response to a certain extent. The man looked at Xiaomei's unresponsiveness. At first, he may have wanted to make further provocations, but soon, he remembered that this was where he was waiting for work. If he picks things up, he won't eat well, so he clenched his fist, and the man turned around again.

On the contrary, the people standing behind Xiaomei snickered one by one after finding that Xiaomei was so "suffering", and all of them went in front of Xiaomei.

So they queued up for a long time, and managed to get a little ahead of the queue, and they fell back to the bottom of the queue again.

Xiaomei's expression was as calm as ever, but Ronggui suddenly felt that Xiaomei in front of her had become terrifying.

Obviously it's just a tattered and short robot, obviously a partner who lives with him every day, and obviously he is hanging on his chest, but at this moment, Ronggui suddenly feels that Xiaomei is very far away from him.

Xiaomei's body is short, but his soul is in the clouds. It is a place higher than a mountain and farther than a cloud. It is a position that he can't look up to at all. There is neither sadness nor joy in his eyes. Indifferent, everything in the world has nothing to do with him, just like... like a god in the sky!

Ronggui finally thought of the most appropriate word.

Obviously standing in the crowd, there are so many voices around, but the figure Xiaomei left him is extremely lonely, as if he has experienced a hundred or even thousand years of loneliness.

Such Xiaomei made Ronggui feel strange and terrifying.


Xiaomei is Xiaomei! He even saw Xiaomei without panties~

Ronggui was soon "not afraid".

He decided to chat with Xiaomei.

The reason why he didn't speak before was because he was afraid of attracting attention: the robot with a head looks strange, doesn't it? It would be bad if he was bullied because of strangeness, but now it seems that he can't escape the fate of being "bullied" even if he doesn't speak, so what else is he doing

"Xiaomei, you can endure better than me... Although I should praise you for enduring, after all, we can't beat each other now, but... I'm still a little angry..." Rong Gui first praised Xiaomei's handling method, but he was a straight line after all The person with the article, without saying a few words of praise, began to express his emotions.

"Why are you angry?" Xiaomei's voice sounded from above.

"They are too bullying. They have been bullied since yesterday. This place is not good, it's not good..." Obviously, he wanted to comfort Xiaomei, but Ronggui was talking about some dark thoughts in his heart. revealed.

Maybe Xiaomei's performance was so calm that Ronggui couldn't help but indulge a little.

After listening to Ronggui's nagging, Xiaomei was silent for a moment, and then suddenly read a long sentence.

Ronggui didn't understand at all!

Didn't understand a word!

But who is Ronggui? He often doesn't understand~ So he is a humble person.

Then he humbly asked Xiaomei for advice: "Xiaomei, what did you just say? I don't understand."

"It is the language of the Laisha people in the west. The language of Laisha is known as the most beautiful language in the world. We are proud of our own language. That race has produced many poets and world-famous poems. I just It's just one sentence of one of the poems." Xiaomei rarely said a long paragraph.

"Oh... I can't see that Xiaomei, you are still a scholar." With a sigh, Rong Gui continued to ask: "It's really nice, so... what does that poem say?"

In fact, Ronggui has no interest in poetry at all. He just wants to talk to Xiaomei. After all, Xiaomei who talks seems to be much more normal~

"..." Xiaomei paused for a moment, and then slowly said: "Everyone's fate is already arranged by the gods."

"Don't worry about someone rushing ahead of you, because the position behind him is yours."

"There are ravines ahead, there are holes in the ground, and there is death in front, and you are the only one in the safest place."

Xiaomei has tried her best to explain in terms that Ronggui can understand, but—

"?" Ronggui still had a question mark on his face.

"..." Xiaomei was silent, and then said: "Simply put, don't care about the gains and losses, don't care about the immediate priority, everyone's destiny is predetermined, there may be disasters ahead, and terrible disasters may appear ahead, and The person who took your place will take your place because death is his destiny."

Ronggui was stunned.

"This... This poem is so vicious! It's a curse! I thought poems were very high-level and very educational!" Rong Gui's memory of poems still remained in elementary school textbooks. On the ancient poems that the flowers of the motherland study seriously.

"Poetry was originally a way to express one's heart, and it was originally an expression of emotion..." Xiaomei said lightly, but—

So far, their conversation has also been listened to by the person who was inserted in front of them. That person was just listening to the two "weak chickens" chatting, and he didn't care too much when he heard Xiaomei's "curse poem", but It was probably boring, and he wanted to publicize it to let others know.

"This dwarf curses us! He said that there will be a terrible disaster ahead, and the person who takes his position will be damned—" Fearing that what he said was not conspicuous enough, he deliberately took it out of context.

"Hey? That's not the case -" Rong Gui hurriedly tried to interrupt the other party's words, but before he could finish his words, not even the man who had just finished speaking, suddenly there was a terrible tremor from the ground under their feet!

Many people reflexively squatted on the ground, covered their heads, and squatted down. This is the instinctive reaction of people when they discover unknown changes.

Only Xiaomei didn't make any movement, he just stretched out a palm and put it lightly on Ronggui's face, covering Ronggui's "eyes".

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Ronggui, who couldn't see anything, cried anxiously.

Time seemed to have passed for a long, long time, and Xiaomei finally took her hand away from his face.

She hurriedly asked Xiaomei to adjust her position, and Ronggui finally saw everything around her.

All the tall men who were in front of them were gone.

No, they didn't leave or disappear, but...

Rong Gui looked curiously at the gray-faced and gray-faced people who were squatting on the ground with their heads in their arms.

There was a lot of ashes on their heads. Looking closely, Xiaomei's face was also covered with ashes. Only then did he understand why Xiaomei put her hand on his face just now: um~ Help yourself to stop the ashes? Xiaomei is so considerate!

However, this was the thought that flashed in his mind when he saw the people around him. After a while, when he saw the faces of all the people who raised their heads on the ground, they were wearing gas masks, separated by a thick Ronggui can feel each other's strong emotions.





Yes, it is fear!

Those people were squatting on the ground, holding their heads and looking at him with fear!

and many more-

They don't see him, they see...


Ronggui first looked up at Xiaomei, and then...

"Pit No. 4 has collapsed!!!! Someone just entered it!" A scream suddenly broke the silence. Following the direction of the sound, Rong Gui looked in the direction ahead.

This time, there was no one blocking the front, and his line of sight crossed the layers of the crowd without hindrance, and the scenery in front of him was unobstructed.

This was also the first time Ronggui saw clearly this place where he had queued for a long time.

In front of it is a funnel-shaped land. The black land is very deep. At least Ronggui can't see the deepest part at a glance, and there are layers of lines on the wall of the "funnel", which look like lines from a distance. , which is actually a road, a road for miners and mining trucks to enter and exit.

All kinds of dull sounds under the ground came from the deepest part of the "funnel".

There is the mine where he and Xiaomei are about to work.

At this moment, the sound of a siren was coming from the bottom of the mine. It was the siren on the emergency rescue vehicle that only appeared when there was an accident.

The hole in the ground just suddenly came down because of there, there... collapsed.

"Heavenly Father is on top! The pit that the person who just jumped in to take his place is the No. 4 mine!"

"Oh my God!!! His words come true!!!"

The man closest to them, the man who jumped up and said that Xiaomei cursed the others, suddenly screamed in horror. This time, in any case, he didn't dare to use the title "Short" again.

Under the guidance of his voice, everyone remembered what happened before the earthquake. Although what the man said was taken out of context, there were not a few people who heard a few words. After all, the conversation between Xiaomei and Ronggui did not cover up. cover up.

I don't know who was the first to jump up and run away. With the first person, there was a second one soon, and not long after, the people who had been inserted in front of them all disappeared.

All that was left was the dull thumping and the sound of sirens.

All the miners who applied for the job ran away, leaving only the two of them.

Hmm... one and a half

The small episode on the applicant's side also attracted the attention of the original staff of the mine.

The vehicle transporting the injured whizzed past them, and it didn't take long before a short, hunched man walked over from the front with his hands behind his back.

The gas mask on his face looked particularly thick, and Ronggui couldn't see the other person's appearance at all.

"It's not so much a curse, it's a prophecy. Could it be that you had a premonition of this disaster?" Standing beside Xiaomei, the man spoke.

The voice is very vicissitudes, it should be a middle-aged man who is not young.

He was really not tall, and standing in front of Xiaomei was only a head taller than Xiaomei.

Raising her head slightly, Xiaomei looked up at him: "How is that possible?"

"Hehe..." A low voice came from under the mask the other party was wearing. Not answering Xiaomei's words, the man continued to ask, "Then guess what, are the young people who just entered, are they dead?"

"..." Xiaomei quietly supported Ronggui and said after a while, "Not dead."

"Hehe, you're right again, they didn't die, it was the big man who went in first and grabbed someone else's place and was hit by a stone. He suffered the most serious injuries, but it was nothing more than two broken bones. ."

The word the man used was interesting, he used the word "again".

Xiaomei didn't answer.

The man walked to a small metal table next to him: "Do you still want to work here? Everyone else has left, and you are now at the front of the queue."

Seeing that Xiaomei didn't move, the man said again: "Don't worry, you won't be assigned to the No. 4 mine where the accident just happened. If this happened, although the people who went in were fine, the miners would definitely be afraid. There will be fewer people, and we will raise wages! Will you come?"

Xiaomei finally walked over slowly.

He filled out the form in his hand and gave it to the other party, and received a small card from the other party. He was assigned to the No. 7 mine. With three times the usual salary, Xiaomei became a miner.