The Sabbath

Chapter 36: Agui is very durable


Xiaomei was assigned a sturdy back basket with a lock; a shovel ← a bit old, it seems that it has been used by many miners before; a pair of gloves ← this is new; a very sturdy miner's hat, There is also a searchlight in front of the hat; a work uniform ← this is new, even the smallest size is still a bit large for Xiaomei's current stature.

In addition, there is a small pocket, which contains some necessities, including food with high energy content. Although Xiaomei can't use it, he is still divided.

"Is there anything else to say?" the masked recruiter raised his head and asked.

Xiaomei looked at Ronggui in her arms.

"I need another miner's hat."

The man seemed to laugh: "According to the rules, this is not allowed, but today there are few people, so I'll make an excuse."

As he spoke, he took out a hat from the box under his feet.

So Ronggui... also has a miner's hat on his head~

Ronggui was carrying Ronggui on his chest, a small backpack for miners hung on his back, and a small multi-purpose pocket was hung on his waist. Except for being a little shorter, Xiaomei, who was wearing a full set of miners' equipment, looked no different from other miners.

He was brought to work at the time.

The leader is still the man in the mask.

"Get in the car." He beckoned to Xiaomei, he led the person to the side of the mine truck, and when Xiaomei climbed up, he started the car slowly: "You are lucky, there is no one today, otherwise The miners have to sit in the back."

He pointed to the back of the carriage—the trailer that used to transport the ore.

Holding Ronggui's head, Xiaomei ignored him.

The man wasn't angry either and drove by himself.

The pit seems to be very far away. The car arrived at the destination after forty-five minutes. The situation is different from the previous mine. When entering here, the car stopped once, and the man was allowed to show what documents. Enter.

Different from the No. 4 mine where anyone could apply for jobs in the past, this should be a higher-level mine that requires a pass.

Of course, it was Xiaomei who noticed this. Although Ronggui saw it, he didn't think about it.

︿( ̄o ̄)︿

"Yo? There are still new people coming? Didn't something happen to the No. 4 mine? Those guys should have all run away." In the corresponding position where the masked man in the No. 4 mine sat before, a masked man also sat, and the two The style of the gas mask is the same, but the man here is much taller. Noticing Xiaomei's height, he was still stunned for a while, before smiling for a while, "Isn't this your relative? It's actually shorter than you..."

"What's wrong with being short? I can do better than the big guys!" The little man immediately retorted and patted Xiaomei on the shoulder: "Not even good miners are tall, little guy, do it well. Look at him."

The latter half of the sentence is for Xiaomei.

Of course, Xiaomei naturally ignored him, but Ronggui replied energetically: "It is necessary!!!"

Suddenly a loud voice came out of someone else's chest, and the tall man was startled: "This, what is this? Is it a radio?"

On the contrary, the short man who brought them here should have seen Ronggui long ago. Not only was he not surprised, but he also smiled: "That's the momentum, work hard."

"When miners have to work deep below the ground, it is the loneliest place. With the current safety technology factor, there is no need to worry about safety issues when working below, but psychological problems. Miners who have been underground for a long time Psychological problems often occur, either light or heavy, so it is recommended to find a few good friends to go down with and chat with someone, which is a good way to relieve psychological pressure." Probably because it was really leisurely today, the short man said a few more words. : "But don't be nervous even if you have a psychological problem. There is a psychiatrist at the mine."

"Hmm, um." Rong Gui listened very seriously, and while listening, he responded, but he couldn't move, so he used his voice to say that he had memorized everything.

Very satisfied with Ronggui's attitude, the short man explained a few more words, patted Xiaomei on the shoulder, and then another miner appeared in the back room, and he led Xiaomei and Ronggui and walked straight back.

This seems to be the miners' lounge. When they entered, there were already eight miners in it, either sitting or standing. When they saw a newcomer coming in, only two of them seemed to raise their heads and glance at them, then turned around indifferently. gone.

This made Rong Gui, who had planned to introduce himself and Xiaomei well, and integrate into the miners' team well, so as not to suffer from depression, was dumbfounded.

However, Xiaomei quickly integrated into this small group.

By, as always, has a cold attitude of ignoring anyone.


Including the miner who led them here, there are now ten people in the room (plus a head).

No one spoke, and the room was silent.

After another two minutes or so, a soft sound of music suddenly sounded in the room. Without anyone talking, the room suddenly began to fall!

Ronggui was a little scared at the time, but looking at Xiaomei's calm appearance, he gradually became less afraid.

It went down like that for about twenty minutes.

The music finally stopped.

"Construction started." The miner who was in charge of leading the way suddenly said, and then the door suddenly opened.

The scenery outside the door is no longer the same as before, but darkness.

Without saying a word, he was standing at the door, and the miner went out after speaking. The other miners who were still in the house quickly followed him, and soon Xiaomei was left alone in the house.

After checking the front backpack carrying Ronggui again, Xiaomei also went out.

The door closed quickly, and then Ronggui heard the sound of the gear chain, and with the sound of the wind, the room behind them immediately moved upwards.

Uh... Was the previous room a big elevator? Arranged like a lounge, should it be said to be a humanized design? Or save

Ronggui pretended to think for a while.

However, Xiaomei obviously did not have this reverie. Following behind the other miners, he began to walk forward.

"This is the depth of 400 meters in the No. 7 mine. The main minerals are: germanium, black field stone and sand Ni. These are the primary stones of the three minerals. Observe carefully." The leading miner took out three stones and asked Xiaomei After taking a look, without asking Xiaomei if she understood, she quickly put away the samples.

His movements were so fast that Ronggui only had time to see that it was vaguely two stones and a lump of mud, and he didn't even have time to write down the color, so the other party put the things away!

Ronggui could only pray that Xiaomei's eyes were better than his, because he didn't understand anything!

"You are in that direction." The man pointed in another direction: "Assemble here in eight hours."

After saying this, he left.

He left in a direction on the right. The other miners also seemed to have their own designated mining areas. After a small sound of footsteps, there was no one else around them.

Only the clanging sound of mining was left in the darkness.

"Xiaomei..." Ronggui said timidly.

The mechanical hand belonging to Xiaomei touched his face and moved up along the cheek. Xiaomei's hand fell on Ronggui's hat. After a "click", the searchlight on Ronggui's hat came on.

A bright white light illuminated the road ahead of them.

"Let's go." Following Xiaomei's calm voice, they walked in the direction designated by the previous miner.

There's actually a big hole there.

Black, a hole embedded in a huge rock wall.

There is no ladder outside, only the steel nails embedded on it can be used as pedals. Xiaomei must use these steel nails to climb in. After climbing in, they enter a darker place.

In the past, Ronggui only knew that the night was black, but now he knows that even the darkness is deep and shallow.

The darkness here is clearly a deeper darkness.

Fortunately, it is quite spacious inside, not as narrow as Ronggui imagined.

"You are here." Putting the basket on the ground, Xiaomei immediately placed Ronggui on the basket.

Then he started to work.

"Xiaomei Xiaomei~" Ronggui also began to "work".

For Ronggui, now that he has no hands, the only "work" he can do is to chat with Xiaomei.

He took this task very seriously.

"Xiaomei, have you seen the appearance of those ores? Can you dig them?" He started from a professional perspective.

"No, I can't dig it." Xiaomei's answer was still concise.

"Huh?" This is surprising. Although Ronggui asked this question, he took the opportunity for Xiaomei to give him an affirmative answer, and then he took advantage of the situation to humbly ask how to distinguish minerals, and Xiaomei explained to him patiently, so that Xiaomei could talk a lot, right?

Of course, he probably still won't learn how to identify minerals.

"Then what should I do? He just collected it too fast, I didn't see the ore's appearance at all..." Ronggui was very worried for a while, and then he began to recall desperately: "The first ore... It was a little blue. ? The second piece... black? Green? Aaah~ it seems like a lot of colors! And then the third piece of mud is..."

Even though he could not remember the color of the last piece of mud, Ronggui finally stopped thinking. He continued to chat with Xiaomei: "But there are rare things that Xiaomei has never seen before."

Although Xiaomei is just an ordinary country robot, his usual performance is too knowledgeable, as if there is nothing he doesn't know, so Ronggui guessed that Xiaomei must have read a lot of books before.

It's not that I haven't seen it, it's just that I haven't seen such a low-level primary ore - she didn't speak, Xiaomei thought to herself.

These ores that grow in the deepest underground are actually useless here. Even if they are refined to a very high precision, they cannot exert their true value. The place where they can really exert their value is the "sky", especially the Kuroda stone. The Kuroda stone that has been purified to the highest purity will turn white, and it is quite light in weight. It is an indispensable material for the construction of Sky City. Of course, it was no longer called "Kuroda Stone" at that time...

I only know what these minerals look like after they have been purified to a certain extent. Xiaomei has never seen their original appearance.

But that didn't stop him from mining.

As a newcomer, the old miners must have given him the worst pits, but it doesn't matter, there are bad benefits.

The first is the space - this hole is very wide, obviously it has been collected and excavated for a long time, and the ore that can be dug inside must have been dug away. This is the second benefit.

The miners only took the ore, and basically left the rest of the place untouched, which is just for future generations to study what kind of ore may be produced. Although the type of ore cannot be determined, when he digs into a similar environment in the future, he can know what to expect. Ore will appear.

Overall, this is a good place.

It is far better than a virgin mine that has never been mined at all and has no ore.

After a little inner evaluation, Xiaomei began to study the four walls of the mine.

Before that, he took out the contents of his pocket as a must-have for other miners. There were some food, medicine, and even a radio and two batteries in the pocket.

Xiaomei only took away the battery. For him, only this is useful, and the others are useless.

On the other hand, when he saw the food, his eyes lit up, and when he saw the radio, it lit up even more!

"Xiaomei Xiaomei! Turn on the radio, I want to listen to music!"

So Xiaomei put all the "garbage" that she planned to throw away to Ronggui's head.

At Ronggui's request, he even set up a special music station for Ronggui!

Now Ronggui is satisfied ← Is it more lively in the small hole? Xiaomei is not lonely anymore!

Xiaomei was also satisfied. With the radio, Ronggui's voice was finally a little smaller in comparison, and she finally stopped clinging to talking to herself.

So Ronggui started talking to the radio.

Xiaomei started to work.

The two tossed like this for eight hours.

Eight hours later, the radio was dead, and all that was left in the mine was the singing of Ronggui, who had just learned a lot of new songs.

Seeing Xiaomei returning from hard work, Ronggui proudly stated his conclusion: "I'm more durable than it~"