The Sabbath

Chapter 39: Miners' families


When she went to mine the next day, Xiaomei came out with a piece of ore.

The ore was finally identified as a B-grade Kuroda stone rough.

"Oh, it turns out that there are still omissions in that mine. I think why is there any ore left~" While appraising, the administrator Rhode said.

Hearing what he said, the miners couldn't help but look in the direction of the little leader, and the little leader continued to stare ahead, as if he was an image that was not in the sight of others at all.

Rhodes finally gave Xiaomei a total of 50 points.

Everyone's harvest today is generally not very good, and Xiaomei's income from this stone can actually be ranked fifth.

They can harvest the next day after entering the mine, and they are the first.

Of course, this is what Xiaomei and Ronggui don't know.

So the next day, when they took the elevator down to the mine again, the little leader suddenly stopped Xiaomei before he left.

"Starting today, you go there." He pointed to a certain mine in the other direction, without any explanation, just said this, and then he left.

Then Xiaomei also left.

The new mine was obviously much smaller and narrower, and it was just opened up. There were not many traces of excavation on the four walls. When he noticed this, Ronggui couldn't help but light up.

This is a good mine! It has not been excavated, which means that the ore here has not been dug away!

Following Xiaomei's immersion in the past few days, Rong Gui has also learned a little bit of fur.

Well, he will only have this little bit of fur.

He also glanced around inside the mine, and Ronggui could only see that the mine had not been excavated, but he had already located several locations, and there was a high probability that there would be the location of Kuroda Ishihara ore.

Even if she found the ore, she was not in a hurry. Xiaomei still took off the basket, clasped it and put it away, and then pressed Ronggui's head... No, she put it on.

"Taizi table!" Ronggui hurriedly reminded Xiaomei when he realized that he had been put up so naked again.

Xiaomei just remembered it, and slowly took out a white table from Fang Ronggui's front backpack.

This is the rough stone they picked up that day that others didn't want. After two days of carving, Xiaomei finally polished it into a small white table according to Ronggui's request. Expensive brain melon~

"Mushroom!" Meimei lay down, and Ronggui immediately reminded Xiaomei again.

Xiaomei took out another ground bean from her backpack, buried the ground bean in another small hole on the table, poured some soil into it, and sprayed two drops of water. It didn't take long for the little shrunken mushroom to slowly disappear. Stand up, and after a while, it will light up.

Very good, there is a light bulb - unable to move, Ronggui caressed the little mushroom next to his head with his eyes.

Then, he called Xiaomei again:


This time, Xiaomei's hand paused for a moment, and Ronggui shouted again, extremely reluctantly, and then he slowly took out the previous radio from his backpack - it was fully charged.

Turn on the radio and place it on the left side of Ronggui's head and another inlaid deck on the table. Now, all the reserved decks on the table are finally full and live.

Left mushroom and right radio, Ronggui in the center was very satisfied.

"Come on Xiaomei! Pay attention to safety, always wear miners' uniforms, and don't take off masks. Even if we are not afraid of air pollution, it will be troublesome to clean up too much soil in our bodies~"

As always, Ronggui cheered Xiaomei on before he set off, and finally:

"I'm here waiting for you to come back, the radio will always be on, don't be afraid if the radio runs out, I'll continue to sing to you~~"

Really no, need, need.

Saying word by word in her heart, Xiaomei turned around fiercely, and then resolutely walked towards the place she had been optimistic about in advance.

And behind him, he has already made a great piece of music, and the radio station is playing an unusually cheerful tune. As the first cheering song for the start of work, it is really—

It couldn't be more appropriate (Ronggui ^_^) / Noisy (Xiaomei =-=)

I like this lively song the most, Ronggui enjoyed it very much.

The drums are heavy and regular. If he has legs now, he will definitely shake his legs. This kind of tune is most suitable for listening to regular labor. Listening to this kind of tune, Xiaomei will beat the stone more slowly. So boring

You see, even the little mushrooms on the stage are shaking with the music regularly (←shocked by the loud music).

Ronggui thought with satisfaction.

I was thinking with satisfaction.

Soon, the next song became a very lyrical song, and Rong Gui was suddenly dissatisfied: listening to this kind of song at this time is easy to get sleepy~

Fortunately, the song is not very long, usually only three minutes, so he decided to endure it.

The long and dozing three minutes finally passed, and Ronggui ushered in a song...

A very sad song.

It was so sad that tears almost fell.

No, something has to be done!

So, Ronggui raised his voice and sang a particularly cheerful song to suppress the song.

That's him. The powerful and complete radio is like the first part of a chorus. There are so many people and loud voices. To sing well with your second voice, you must resist the powerful images of the surrounding voices.

It was difficult, but Ronggui did it.

However, after singing a song, he felt that he was about to be schizophrenic.

Then the radio played the next song, a more somber song…

Ronggui just wanted to turn the table!

But he couldn't turn the table without his hands! ! !

Can I just stare at this radio helplessly like this

Or risk schizophrenia and go on to a second song

As if standing at a fork in life, Ronggui stared at the radio in front of him with a solemn expression.


"Huh?" He suddenly found a line of inconspicuous small characters in the corner of the radio, followed by a line of numbers.

"Free on-demand hotline: 09284..." Rong Gui read out the contents of the small print, and after reading it, the small light bulb in his head lit up again.

"It turned out to be an on-demand station!" Ronggui suddenly realized.

He is familiar with this!

When he was a child, he listened to the on-demand station the most! If there is no money to buy CDs, he can only listen to on-demand stations~ He will listen to whatever others order. At that time, his greatest wish was to spend a lot of money on the radio station when he became rich, and let them play whatever he liked. This day, it's all the songs you like to listen to!

As a result, when he was in junior high school, the on-demand station disappeared and seemed to have closed down.


At that time, Ronggui felt very regretful. I didn't expect that today, in this place, he has found another on-demand station, or is it free

and many more-


Rong Gui was shocked, and he suddenly remembered that Xiaomei had told him that they had a telephone function in their bodies. Although there were regional restrictions, they could indeed make calls.

He didn't care at the time.

But now he is no longer who he was then.

He needs the phone function especially now!

In the sorrowful singing, Ronggui couldn't hear anything, and he was so absorbed that he went to his body to search for his own instructions. When he finally found the phone function, Ronggui let out a cheer, and then—

He excitedly started calling.

Unexpectedly, the first call I made in another world was a call for songs on demand~

good, romantic, romantic~

Thought of honor and beauty.

However, no one answered the other end of the phone.

It was played three times in a row and still no one answered. As the sadness level of the song continued to increase, Ronggui's inner dissatisfaction became more and more, so when the call was finally answered—

"Complaint! I want to complain! Why did your phone take so long to be picked up!!!"

The on-demand call instantly turned into a complaint call.


"Ah... I'm sorry, I just fell asleep, hehehe~" On the other end of the phone was a young man with a nice voice. As a person with a little voice control, Ronggui's anger disappeared more than half the moment he heard his voice.

But there is still something to be said.

"You must be working while listening to your own songs, right?" Rong Gui asked the other party.

"Yes, yes!" The other party repeatedly said yes.

"That's the reason. The song you played is so soothing, and it's also sad. Even a person as energetic as me is a little sleepy, let alone others?" With the support of examples, Rong Gui spoke earnestly.

"Is this radio station specially prepared for miners to go to the mine? It's obviously a problem for you to play this kind of music. You should sleep in the on-demand room at most if you are sleepy, but what about the miners? Their original work is hard enough, and they also Very monotonous, are they working underground? Do you know what the underground is like?"

"It's dark and quiet here. Many miners work alone. They're alone in a mine. The only sound around is this radio. The only sound that can be heard is the voice sent to them by this on-demand station. It’s okay to play some cheerful tunes to cheer them up, but it’s okay to play some soothing tunes, it’s okay to be soothing, the tunes you’re playing right now are going to make people depressed!!!”

Bula Bula Bula, Rong Gui said all his protests in a righteous manner.

Probably because he was in the dark and silent mine at this moment, what he said was actually very moving.

Since he was using the phone function at this moment, he did not notice that the voices of himself and the VOD staff were ringing on the radio next to his head.

That is, their conversation was overheard by everyone who was using the radio.

Many miners who were listening to the radio stopped.

"Ah... I'm sorry, what you said is very reasonable, because no one has used the on-demand function, so I just play songs at will, and there are always a few songs that are more... more soothing..." The young radio DJ hurriedly apologized .

"It's not impossible to relax, but it depends on the time. For example, the (miner) in our family has just gone to work for less than an hour now. It's the time of the spirit. You play a soothing song here, and his spirit has just risen. My head may wilt all of a sudden, I work slowly, and I might get sleepy again after a while."

"This is still strong willpower, what if it is weaker willpower? If you can't do it if you hear the following songs, you won't be able to continue! If the miners frequently leave and quit, I think 80% It's all because of your radio station!" Rong Gui said, and casually took a cauldron and went over.

"No way? Our small radio station is so important?" The young DJ was taken aback by him.

"Of course it's important! Even the manager of the mine can only take care of the miners in his own pit. Your radio station can broadcast your voice to all the miners in the mine. Your work is so important!" Gui did not forget to buckle a top hat.

"What should I do? I'm so moved all of a sudden!" After slapped, he gave another red date, holding a small red date, the young DJ was so moved: "No one has ever called, and the superior also said that our radio station Maybe it will be abolished. Maybe next week I will be a miner. You are the first person to call since I went to work. Obviously my superiors think it is not important, but you tell me that I am important. what to do... what to do... my tears are coming down..."

"Why are you crying?! A few hi songs haven't been played yet? Me and the other miners are still waiting to hear it!" Ronggui said sternly.

"Hey, okay, what do you want to call me?" Sure enough, the sound of blowing your nose came from the other end of the phone.

After thinking carefully for two seconds, Rong Gui said: "Please call me the miners' family members, what I said today must be what all the miners' families want to say, but their eyes are not as good as mine, and they haven't seen the free radio on the radio. On-demand calls."

"Haha, is that so? The miners' families... sir."

"Of course! In fact, I don't blame you. The on-demand hotline on the radio is too small and not obvious. If I were you, I would say a few words to everyone on the radio from time to time, and read the phone number once in a while."

"Oh! I'll learn it now, but speaking of it... Mr. Miner's Family, your radio... is it on your side?"

"Well, of course, the (miner) in my family was afraid that I would be bored, so he thoughtfully left the radio to me. I learned to sing and then sang it to him. I sang better than the radio!"

"Haha! Your relationship is so good! I really look forward to your singing!" He was crying just now, but now he is laughing. People who like music are really emotional people - Rong Gui said with emotion.

"This is not in a hurry, you hurry up and play a few fast songs, I like fast songs!"

"Okay! This is it. Next, at the request of the miners' families, we will play a very cheerful tune—" The voice of the young DJ entered the ears of all listeners through the air, and then, The explosive prelude of a tune immediately detonated everyone's eardrums!

Ronggui pressed the phone, listened to the explosive music on the radio next to him, and glanced in the direction of Xiaomei, he finally felt relieved.

Since this day, the songs played on the radio are very happy every day.

The radio DJ will also chat with the miners every day, and from time to time miners will order songs.

There are too many people on-demand, and Ronggui's phone can't be inserted, but he is not in a hurry. Anyway, he is quite satisfied with the songs that are being played now.

"Family of miners"—a word that can refer to both a group and an individual. Since then, it has often appeared on the radio, and almost everyone on demand likes to report this name.

Maybe it's because it's a name that changes everything

It is also the name that can bring miners the most comfort.