The Sabbath

Chapter 41: his decision


The head is still the same head, the hand also maintains the original left hand, and even the body is the same, but—

The body was disassembled in half, tilted at an angle, turned into a small trailer sideways, and the legs were replaced by crawlers. Ronggui has now completely turned into a trailer, but it has more heads than the trailer, uh... well, still multiple hands.

Because the adjustment was too big, he was forced to shut down the whole process and cut off the power. Ronggui, who only saw what he looked like after everything was a foregone conclusion, was about to cry.

Xiaomei's aesthetics is sick, she needs to be cured~

"I don't want to see anyone anymore!" Rong Guisheng covered his face with one hand reluctantly.

Xiaomei just looked at him, and after a while she pulled the gas mask off her face and handed it to him.

"?" Rong Gui looked at him through his fingers.

Xiaomei didn't say anything, just handed the mask to him again.

Is it—

Don't meet people → put on a mask → put on a mask = don't see people? ? ! !


Ronggui instantly understood Xiaomei's brain circuit.

"Hello, Xiaomei... You are so kind." Originally wanted to say, "Xiaomei, you are so weird", but after Xiaomei took off her mask, Ronggui saw Xiaomei's round face, half of which was black from the original material, and the other half was black. … But because it was flattened before, the materials purchased yesterday were used in the restoration process, and it looked white and mottled.

His heart softened, and Ronggui changed his mouth.

After all, he did not accept Xiaomei's gas mask.

"I'll just wear a headscarf, I can wrap seventeen kinds of headscarves~" As he said, he drove his body to the side of the bed, pulled the sheets off, and Ronggui quickly wrapped it around his head. Got a nice shape.

However the hooded trailer looks a lot more hilarious...

Ronggui's head finally drooped down.

"Forget it, just say I'm a tow truck."

"?" Xiaomei tilted her head to look at him.

"I'd rather be treated as a trailer than be known that I've become a trailer!!!"

Does this make a difference? —by Xiaomei.

"You're so weird." Xiaomei finally said to Rong Gui.

Ronggui was stunned: I was soft-hearted just now and didn't say you blamed it, but you actually said I was blamed? This, this, this-

"You're the only one! Your whole family is to blame!" Rong Gui chased after shouting loudly.

It was time to go to work, and a new day began. Although he was forced to change into a body that was completely incompatible with aesthetics, Ronggui still sat on Da Huang and Xiaomei's left.

After Xiaomei made such a fuss, Ronggui finally forgot about the fact that he was wearing a turban on his head.

The little trailer robot stared at his tracks, immersed in his own grief, for a rare moment of silence.

And in the rare tranquility, he didn't notice Xiaomei's slanted line of sight from the right side from time to time.

It's like a "fasai blue flower" - he felt that way when Ronggui first put on a turban, and now he hangs his head, it's more like it.

The headscarves are stacked like thick petals, and the two bows that are pulled out at the end are like slender leaves.

Xiaomei suddenly thought of a wonderful flower she had seen in a certain memory a long time ago, the kind that only grows on the edge of the purest stream.

Their flowers are always drooping and open, always facing the direction of the stream. The world knows that this is the flower that loves them the most in the world. They only have themselves in their eyes, the self in the water mirror.

They will never cast their eyes on the second person, even if you cast your eyes on it again, and always on it...

So, the words of this flower are "narcissism" and "hopeless love".

It is the cruelest flower in the world.

Very beautiful - looking at Ronggui with his head down, Xiaomei thought quietly.

So, in a place that Ronggui didn't know, he was secretly praised by Xiaomei for the first time.

However, even if he knew it, he was probably not happy but like an enemy, right

After all, in Ronggui's heart now, Xiaomei's aesthetics have been completely broken.

What kind of monster can Xiaomei call beautiful? - Almost at the same moment when Xiaomei was praised, Ronggui secretly complained.

Xiaomei, who knew her way, parked Rhubarb in the parking lot of the No. 7 mine, and there were already many cars around.

"Remember, I'm a trailer now, no matter what others say, I'm a trailer now!" Before getting out of the car, Rong Gui told Xiaomei sternly.

Xiaomei nodded, indicating that she knew.

Ronggui closed his mouth, shrunk his head down into the deck, stretched his hand upwards and pulled Xiaomei's hand, he began to pretend to be dead... No, he was pretending to be a trailer.

He was very nervous, for fear of being recognized as a person, but—

"Bring an extra trailer today. Okay, the registration is complete." The gatekeeper put Xiaomei in without asking.

Are you all nearsighted? This, this is obviously a person! A robot! Ronggui, who was pretending to be dead, shouted in his heart.

However, he has professional ethics after all, and he has to have the consciousness to act what he wants to do. From the moment he decided to play the trailer, he decided not to speak in front of others, so, let the melt in his heart roll, Rong Gui forcibly endured Living.

It must be because of his acting skills! - He found a strong reason for the other party's "blindness", and instantly felt much more comfortable in his heart.

On the contrary, the miners who went down to the mine with them recognized Ronggui.

"Isn't this the head of the robot... that has been following him a few days ago? Even if it is turned into a trailer, it is still a person, right? Is this considered illegal work?" A miner immediately pointed this out.

I'm worried if I can't be recognized, I'm even more worried if I'm recognized!

Ronggui immediately became nervous.

On the other hand, Xiaomei was as calm as ever. No matter what others said, he only killed one sentence:

"It's not a robot, it's a trailer."

Well done Xiaomei - Ronggui praised Xiaomei in his heart.

In the end, it was the administrator who stood up: "He said it was a trailer, so that's a trailer. Anyway, the robot can choose the shape of its own body, and it can also choose its own way of life. The two of them are family accounts, and the points earned by one person. It is also divided between two people, and two people are divided into two people.”

Speaking of which, there are still miners who want to argue, and then—

"Besides, this little trailer doesn't look very capable."

After this sentence, there is no one who wants to continue to find fault.

Hey - do you all think so

So, the crisis was clearly resolved, but Ronggui felt that he couldn't be happy no matter what.

Based on his professional ethics, he continued to play a small trailer silently in front of people. Then, after entering the mine, Ronggui's head was immediately stretched out again, his hand was also taken out of Xiaomei's hand, and the helmet was buckled on his head. , Ronggui said loudly:

"Today's goal is seven ore! Xiaomei! Let them see—"

"I'm a pretty capable little trailer!"

After that, Ronggui's small trailer screeched into the depths of the mine.

"..." She glanced at him speechlessly, Xiaomei put the back basket as usual, then the small table, the radio...

After thinking about it, he finally put the radio on the table, plugged in the mushrooms, and unscrewed the radio.

Without the company of the big head, the radio can only sing to the mushroom next to it today.

Today's song is still very strong~

On this day, they really brought back seven pieces of ore, and they absolutely did not want Xiaomei to help. Ronggui specially asked Xiaomei to put all the ore on him, and then dragged it back.

Is this to prove itself as a "very capable little trailer"

Guessing Ronggui's thoughts, Xiaomei was speechless.

But from this day onwards, their work efficiency did improve.

What Ronggui guessed right before, Xiaomei’s daily mining volume is indeed limited by his strength: his strength is too small to drag more ores, and now with Ronggui, his mining volume has doubled immediately .

In order to be able to drag more things, Ronggui also asked Xiaomei to help him strengthen the chassis, and even asked Xiaomei to help him make a small stone hammer, so that he could secretly help Xiaomei smash ore.

Of course, it was claimed that Xiaomei had smashed all the ores, he just wanted to be able to carry a few more pieces of ores, it seemed "more capable".

Could it be that this is the legendary "sense of honor as a trailer"

As for Ronggui's thoughts, Xiaomei is trying to figure out more and more, but the more she understands, the more difficult he finds Ronggui to understand.

However, it is undeniable that after Ronggui joined, the points on their joint account began to increase like a fly.

During the period, they encountered two collapse incidents, one was slightly lighter, but it was a little more troublesome to clean up the dirt and stones in the trailer of Ronggui. However, although it was troublesome, they found a piece of germanium ore with a relatively high purity in the trailer. , which became the ore with the highest score since they entered the mine;

The second time was more serious. The entire first floor of the mine where they were located collapsed. Fortunately, Xiaomei responded quickly and notified Ronggui in time that the collapse was coming, and then Ronggui immediately reached out and dragged Xiaomei over, and then quickly pulled His head was screwed off, and one person hid under the body of Ronggui's trailer.

They were dug up four days later.

Xiaomei is okay, Ronggui's body is even more tattered.

However, Ronggui didn't care too much and asked Xiaomei to repair herself, and he continued to work very hard.

After the accident, however, there was good news: Xiaomei got a salary increase and became the leader of the new miner team, and he also began to lead people.

Their points are growing faster.

Some of the points are used to pay the rent, some are used to buy materials to repair the body (Note: In Erni City, some of the points are allowed to be exchanged for currency through official channels), and the rest are all saved. The minimum score to enter the next city is 50,000, and Ronggui remembers this number firmly.

When their points reached 50,000, Ronggui was overjoyed. He couldn't wait for a second. He couldn't wait to pack his bags. He planned to leave here the next day.

However, Xiaomei didn't do anything. When Ronggui calmed down a little from the excitement, he stopped Ronggui:

"We still need to save 30,000 points."

Rong Gui was taken aback: "Is the price of points going to the next city going up?"

This was his first reaction.

His body is so worn out now that just the act of "startling" dropped one of the screws on his body.

Without answering him immediately, Xiaomei jumped out of bed, picked up the screw that fell off, and screwed it back on for him familiarly.

"There was no price increase, but the destination changed."

Ronggui looked at him in confusion.

"Instead of going to Rodham City with 50,000 points, let's go to Yedehan City with 80,000 points."

Ronggui is even more puzzled.

He didn't know anything about the two cities. He just instinctively felt that no matter which city was better, it would definitely be better than being a miner in this mining city.

He has basically completely fallen apart, and Xiaomei is also fast.

The materials that can be bought here are terrible, and every time they change parts it's like tearing down a wall.

"Yedhan City is also called Dwarf City. It is also the only Dwarf City open to the outside world. The Dwarves are all experts in forging, and the best materials in the underground world are all there."

He did not go on.

However, Ronggui has fully understood what he meant.

Surprises piled up, if it was a human body at this time, Ronggui must have been in tears: "Xiaomei, you are really a good person, are you going to buy the best materials to make the most beautiful body for me?"

I didn't say that! Just thinking about finding some materials over there - Xiaomei was about to refute, but Ronggui didn't give him a chance to refute at all, the tattered trailer robot rushed over, and then -


Completely disintegrated.

"Hurry up and make money to go to Ye Dehan City." Lying in a pile of junk, Ronggui's only intact head looked up at Xiaomei above.

Xiaomei, who was rummaging through the parts for her own, gave a soft "um".

At this moment, this man who was once called "Your Majesty Messertal" but is now just "Xiaomei Robot" probably hasn't realized that he has already given up any choice and decided to re-slip into the orbit of destiny. Don't think about the future, but now you have plans and goals again.

Not for himself, but for the person named "Ronggui" next to him.