The Sabbath

Chapter 42: goodbye! Erni City!


Xiaomei didn't find out, but Ronggui keenly guessed that Xiaomei's decision was related to herself.

After all, Xiaomei is a super easy-going person~

The current bodies of the two of them are made of the materials he has at hand. If they don't have a lot of advice from honor and honor, they can make do with everything. Such people really can't think of a reason to go to Dwarf City to buy high-quality materials~

What do you think, if you insist on saying who of the two of them would want to use high-grade materials as a body, that person must be his honor!

If you think about it this way, isn't it obvious why Xiaomei went to Dwarf City

It's all about honor!

Impressed to death ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! !

Although there is no analytical power, Ronggui is indeed very keen at times, and his intuition is very accurate.

So, in the days that followed, he felt that his life was more exciting!

Considering that Xiaomei, like himself, was a countryman who entered the city for the first time (←specifically refers to the city in this world), he thoughtfully did not embarrass Xiaomei, but began to explore the new city on his own.

However, in this city, there is really no good way to ask. To this end, Ronggui made a phone call for an hour, and then dialed the radio on-demand hotline. There is no way. Now there are many miners who call on-demand songs!

However, Ronggui likes to listen to any song, and he can also listen to the songs ordered by others with relish~

After all, sound is the industry, and the radio DJ recognized his voice all of a sudden.

"Family of miners? You haven't called for a long time!" The young DJ was surprised and delighted.

"Isn't it because your business is so hot that I can't get in at all?" Rong Gui complained, and inadvertently held the other side a little.

"Hey hey, thanks to you, the audience is getting more and more active now, and our radio station is already preparing a new column!"

"Congratulations!" As soon as he had a new goal on his side, he heard that something good happened on the other side, and Ronggui sincerely congratulated the other side.

However, after all, it was during the live broadcast of the program, and it was difficult for the two of them to live broadcast for too long, so Ronggui quickly began to explain his intentions: he was going to Yedehan City, because he was a countryman, he knew nothing about the outside world. , I just wanted to order some local songs on the radio to indirectly learn about things over there.

"No problem! Wrap it up on me!" The DJ immediately took it all in.

So, when Ronggui and Xiaomei went to work that afternoon, they heard the song of the dwarves, which is very local.

“…At the request of the miners’ families, starting today, we will play a series of Yedhan songs.”

"Yedhan City, also known as Dwarf City by the outside world, is the most famous forging city in the underground world. There are both mountains - rich in minerals and plains - where a variety of food can be grown. It is famous there. Made of metal, the most famous weapons in the underground world are almost all from the hands of dwarf masters. Of course, many dwarf forging masters do not live in Yedhan city, but in other dwarven cities, but those places are areas that ordinary people cannot reach. , I have to say, if you want to understand the world of dwarves, want to obtain a sharp weapon that can be passed on to future generations, and want to obtain the strongest mechanical body, Ye Dehan City is always the most ideal stop for ordinary people..."

The voice of the young DJ is no longer the embarrassing and innocent as he was when he was complained by Ronggui. After reading the carefully collected information, his voice became transparent and magnetic through the radio waves, which is extremely professional!

"Dwarves are very violent, and so is their music. According to legend, the original dwarves were not suitable for musical instruments. They used various weapons, sledgehammers for forging, and the sound of hammering iron... they were the most primitive musical instruments. Today, even though the dwarves have begun to use musical instruments, there is still a lot of metal elements in their music, and below, please listen to this "Yefarobaba Song"..."

The sound is like a piano. However, behind the deep male voice, a song has been played low. As the title of the song is announced, the DJ's voice gradually disappears, and the song that was originally used as the background music is suddenly played loudly and loudly. !

"Oh oh!!!" The intense music made people feel refreshed, and Ronggui immediately staggered and twisted his body.

But even if he danced, he did not delay the work in his hands. The stone hammer in his left hand tapped vigorously, and gradually merged with the percussion of the music.

"The miners' families? Ye Dehan?" It was Xiaomei who heard the key words.

He is not unfamiliar with the ID of the miners' family members. Ronggui listens to the radio every day, and almost all the people who order songs on the radio use this ID.

On the other hand, Ye Dehan, this place requires high points. Generally, miners who come to work here rarely choose it as their next stop.

Xiaomei immediately looked at Ronggui.

"Hey hey, have you discovered it? I'll secretly tell you another secret. The first miner's family was me! Did you find that the music after that was very explosive? This is the result of my complaint! Did you find out that now Too many people on-demand? It’s also the result of reading the on-demand hotline when I called!!!”

Crossing his hips, Ronggui said triumphantly.

Xiaomei: … It turns out that you are the culprit that makes the radio noisier than before.

Ronggui smirked at him "hehehe".

In the following time, music full of Ye Dehan's characteristics rang all afternoon. The sound of various sledgehammers knocking on the metal seems to be able to hear the sound of sparks, accompanied by the shouts of "hehe" and "hehe" from the men...

"The man who strikes iron is mighty and majestic. When I think about it, I feel like I see a piece of abdominal muscles. I want to strike iron when I listen to this music!" look.

Then Xiaomei poured ice water on him coldly:

"Almost all of the top craftsmen in Dwarf City are women, and many top skills are passed on to women but not men, so when you go to the workshop over there, you're most likely to see female dwarves who are forging iron. Of course, their abdominal muscles are said to be true. very developed."


Is the girl who strikes iron mighty and majestic

Dumbfounded, Ronggui was dumbfounded.


"How do you know, Xiaomei?" Rong Gui suddenly thought of this question.

"..." Xiaomei didn't speak.

What can he say? Do you say that you have met the top craftsmen of the white dwarves more than once in a certain experience

It was clear that time had not passed, but he almost felt that those experiences were just a dream of his own.

Fortunately, Ronggui is used to making up his own reasons when he doesn't speak: "So Xiaomei, did you also find a way to inquire about Ye Dehan City in private?"

"I've even heard about such a private matter as the abdominal muscles, Xiaomei, you are so boring~" Ronggui pushed him with his only remaining hand.

Smiling, Ronggui continued to work.

And the "stupid" Xiaomei was stunned for a while, and she could only continue to work.

Boring and dangerous jobs are made less boring by hope.

And the broken body seems to be able to continue to hold on.

The on-demand station regularly plays several Ye Dehan dwarf songs every day. Ronggui has learned almost all of them. Inspired by Ronggui, the on-demand station has begun to introduce city information. From the city of Oni, you can go to those cities. How many points are needed in those cities, what are the local specialties, what is the weather like…

The center is of course the song, but around the song, the history and details of many of those cities are deduced by the song, which is very interesting.

There may be more miners who want to go to Yedehan City, because more people take the initiative to call and order Yedehan songs.

The broken body has been repaired and repaired, and there are more and more patches on Ronggui's body, as well as on Xiaomei's body.

Their... To be precise, Xiaomei's mining skills have improved again. The proof is that the administrator Rhode asked them if they wanted to go to a higher-paying but deeper mine.

Ronggui refused: "We only need to earn enough points to leave. And—"

"Our hometown is deeper underground. It's hard to climb a little higher, and I don't want to climb back!"

With a smile, Rhode did not force them.

On the contrary, the team leader who led them into the mine at the beginning disappeared, and it is said that they went deeper underground.

That night, before going to bed (charging), Xiaomei suddenly asked Ronggui a question: "I don't want to go deeper underground, do I yearn for the light?"

"Do you want to go to the world above?"

It's rare, Xiaomei rarely asks him any questions, but it's such a strange question.

Ronggui also thought about it carefully: "Brightness? The world above? Could it be that there is daylight in the world above?"

Xiaomei shook her head: "It's not daytime, but it's always daytime."

Ronggui thought for a while, and then shivered exaggeratedly: "It sounds terrible too."

"I don't necessarily want to go to such a bright place. For the world above... I don't have any idea at the moment. We have only gone to one of the underground worlds."

"I just want to go to Yedhan City with Xiaomei to see it now."

"It's getting late, hurry up and charge it, our battery is not working well now, we need to charge it for a while~"

After speaking, Ronggui automatically shuts down.

Leaving Xiaomei to think for a long, long time in the dark.

That's right, in the underground world, he didn't actually live in the future.

Next, you can go to Ye Dehan to buy materials...

In fact, he didn't think about it for a long time. As Rong Gui said, the energy storage of the two had begun to age, and the "sleep" time they needed became longer before they replaced the energy storage with a new one.

Collecting points step by step, when Ronggui's right index finger was finally completely broken, their points finally broke through the 80,000 mark, and even became a little richer.

"Oh yeah! It's really possible to leave this time!" Holding Xiaomei around, Ronggui came to the broadcast hotline happily.

However, the on-demand hotline was really difficult to get through, so he had to send an email. By the way, because the listeners were too enthusiastic, the radio station has now opened an on-demand email channel.

Saying goodbye to the other miners, saying goodbye to Rhodes, and paying the rent for the last few days to the landlord's card... After that, Ronggui started packing frantically.

They have a few more pieces of luggage: a small table made of very low-purity Kuroda stone, a larger mirror made of germanium rough waste, a basket of newly harvested ground beans, and a basket of beans brought from their hometown before. gadgets.

Of course, the most precious are their buried bodies.

The moment the freezer was pulled out from the ground, Ronggui was almost lying on his back.

It was obvious that it was completely submerged in liquid gas, and he couldn't see anything, but he still touched the freezer affectionately, which seemed to be the position of the heads of the two.

Then, Xiaomei told him afterwards that the feet of two people were placed in that position.


When the freezer was dug out, a big hole was left on the ground.

This hole was not wasted, Rong Gui thought for a while, and dragged Xiaomei to bury the waste materials that the two of them kept changing over the past few months.

All of them are metal materials that cannot be reused, and occasionally there are temporary parts made of stones. Xiaomei means to throw them away by hand, but Ronggui refused to let him go, so he picked them all up. Stacked in the room, a finger, a screw... slowly accumulated into a hill.

Covering the last handful of soil, Ronggui asked Xiaomei to write another stone.

It's still the same line: "Agui and Xiaomei"

"This time, it's really our bodies buried underneath!" Rong Gui touched his nose: "This is a real grave."

Xiaomei looked at him speechlessly.

Heli placed the stone on the "grave" where the two people's bodies were buried, waved his hand, and Rong Gui took Xiaomei to bid farewell to the "home" where they had lived for several months.

The two then drove away.

It's easy to say, in fact, they worked for most of the night, and when they set off, it was already the usual time for work.

Ronggui turned on the radio habitually.

By the way, the radio Rhodes gave them, including the miners' uniforms and other tools when they were miners. When they reach a certain point, these things can be owned by the miners themselves.

"Basically, after reaching those points, these things are worn out and can't be used anymore." ← These are Rhodes' original words.

But what is shabby

This is the radio that has been with them for a long time!

Touching the pitted shell of the radio, the largest pit was caused by the collapse of the ore body. It was the time when the two people were buried for several days, and the radio was buried with them.

"Go back and get a new shell for you, Xiao Hei." Rong Gui said affectionately.

Xiaomei, who was driving Rhubarb, gave him a sideways glance.

little black? Another weird new name.

The newly released Xiao Hei was "singing songs" enthusiastically as always, until the voice of the young DJ suddenly broke the music.

"Today is a special day, a special day for me."

"My good friend, the miner's family wrote an email yesterday saying that he was leaving, leaving the city of Oni and heading to Yedehan city."

"He said that at first he only wanted to go to Rodham City, which can go to 50,000 points, but another member of his family insisted on going to Yedham City, which has higher points."

"Just to give him a better and more beautiful body."

"To be honest, although I have only communicated with Mr. Miner's family on the radio, I always feel that he is an old friend I have never met. I can imagine what kind of person he is, but I can't imagine it. , until he told me the reason for going to Yedham City."

"I think he is really a very good person, and he is deeply loved while giving love."

"Bless the miner's family and the miner who loves him! I wish you a smooth journey! I wish you the best and most beautiful body in the future!"

"The next song I gave to the miners' families and his miners, the Yedhan folk song "Piranini", in Yedhan language, it means take care and goodbye, I hope you all have a good journey. And meet you again one day!"

"Goodbye! The miners' families!" The singing had already sounded, but the young DJ's voice did not disappear, full of emotion, he shouted loudly.

"Goodbye! Mr. DJ!" Across the radio, Ronggui also said goodbye loudly.

Then he remembered that he didn't know the other person's name.

In fact, the other party does not know their own.

But what does it matter? They know each other's voices.

The voice is longer than the face, and it can even stay the same. If there is a chance to meet again, as long as the other party speaks, Ronggui is confident that he can recognize the other party immediately.

After listening to the song, Ronggui hummed along comfortably after a while.

The city of Oni, which was gradually receding behind them, was still glowing with a pale white light, the clanging sound of mining continued to ring, and new vehicles poured into the city of Oni from their side... Everything was no different from when they came.

However, because of the songs played on the radio in the car, Ronggui felt that his mood was completely different.

He glanced at Xiaomei next to him: Xiaomei was still driving seriously, and when he heard the DJ addressing the two of them on the radio, he seemed to be a little critical, but he didn't say it, and shouted goodbye to the radio in Ronggui At that time, he still controlled the steering wheel steadily, making sure that the direction was not deviated.

This is Xiaomei, this is their miner~

"Haha, Xiaomei, I love you! Thank you for taking me to Yedehan City!" The gratitude in his heart could no longer be controlled, Ronggui couldn't help but bumped over and put his arm around Xiaomei.

"Step aside, don't touch the steering wheel." Xiaomei's voice was cold, full of disgust.

But so what

Xiaomei didn't push him away after all~

The bubbles in my heart are getting bigger and bigger, and Ronggui is in a very happy mood.

goodbye! Erni City!

Gently, Ronggui said in his heart to the distant city behind him.